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1、手机议论文范文 手机已经成为越来越受欢迎,现如今,越来越多的中学生开始使用手机。我认为,学生在学校应该使用手机。众所周知,21世纪是一个信息化时代,各种各样的信息满天飞,手机是一种时尚和有用的发明,所以我们应当使用它。在中国这些天。无论你去哪里,你可以看到人们使用手机。许多大学生,甚高中学生,甚至初中生乃至于小学生都有手机。 手机是一种对于我们有利有弊的东西,它不仅可以让我们了解更多的事情与外面的新闻丰富我们的知识比电脑还要方便还要快捷,手机作为高科技产物,确实可以给我们带来许多生活上的方便,学生可以通过手机及时与家长联系,也可以向老师汇报学习等。与以前同学多交流,可以保持原有的友谊;与现在同

2、学多交流,可以增进友谊,遇到疑难问题时,可以用手机进行讨论。 一些手机的拍摄功能,可以随时拍下一些有意义有价值的东西。 里面的闹钟装置,可以随时使用. 通话记录功能,手机不像家里的电话一样不在家的时候别人打电话来不知道,在手机里是有记录的。方便查阅。 手机的本身小儿玲珑,占很小的面积可以随身携带。 当学生外出游玩或在其他地方遇到危险时可以及时向家长,老师或警察求助。但最重要的是,他们是方便的。手机成为人们的互相联系的重要方式.特别是有非常重要的事的时候,为人们不必亲自长途跋涉赶回家省下了许多时间和金钱.其次,我们只需要花上一毛或几毛钱就能够通过手机发送短信到对方的手机上,如今科技的飞速发展让我

3、们能用手机做更多的事。如果他们想要得到一些信息互联网,他们可以很容易地实现他们的梦想通过手机太多。此外,如果有人有心脏病或交通事故的,打电话给医院或紧急报警可以迅速把他的帮助。 但万事万物都怕一个“但”字,手机可以玩游戏,额外增加父母负担。在学校进行的抽样调查显示,学生购买手机的资金全部直接或间接于父母,另外,还有每月几十元到上百元不等的话费也需要家长掏腰包。以一年计算,家长花在孩子手机上的费用至少要500元。影响校园治安。手机是贵重物品,若有不良行为的学生会发生偷盗现象。据反映,我校有个别班级出现钱、钱包被盗,手机若不随身携带,也会被盗。在一些发达国家,学校的管理者比我们更早地遇到了这一问题

4、,手机所带来的恶劣影响也更为突出,已经引发了中学生的犯罪,有手机的中学生也成为一些 _欺骗和抢劫的对象。对于经济条件并不宽裕的家庭来说,给孩子买手机等于是给家长增添了新的负担。上网聊天还可能结交不良之友,并在网络上查阅到一些不健康的东西,最严重的是电波辐射被认为是对用户的大脑,考试中用来作弊,互相攀比,浪费金钱,荒废学业,伤害身体以至于走上违法犯罪的道路上来。另一个问题是,当人们正在开会或上课或音乐会等,环手机可能会打断别人。所以我认为人们应尽量少用手机,将其关闭时,参加重要会议或上课。总而言之手机利大于弊,我们不能否定手机给我们带来的好处与便利,让我们摆脱了电脑的固定束缚,但我们中的一些人会

5、不好好利用它以至于让好的事务成为了不好的事务,走上不归路,让人通断肝肠追悔莫及,引人深思。 那学生们是如何得到手机的呢?一是亲人赠送,二是自己零用钱买。亲人赠送手机的目的一是有的同学家长经商,有时会长期不在家,孩子有手机方便联系,且可以了解孩子目前的情况;二是有的家长买手机作为孩子生日礼物,鼓励孩子好好读书。有的家长则应孩子要求,成绩进步后买手机作奖励;三是去接补习的孩子走岔路。有些老师的家地方偏僻,家长有时会找不到路,为了及时接孩子回家,家长愿意给孩子买手机。自己买手机的目的一是与同学联系,增进友谊,把烦恼和同学讲,减轻压力;学习上交流,共同进步;二是与家长联系,有时家长在外,学生遇到困难,

6、可及时向家人反映,寻求帮助;三是向老师汇报学习情况,疑难问题也可及时找老师请教,在学校遇到困难也可跟老师反映。 方案一:凡是学生自己带手机的,都请家长签个名,交给老师,说明确是为了家长与孩子间联系及沟通。 方案二:如果带手机只是为了及时联系,那就建议家长买不能发短信的小灵通,学生在上课只能关机,来电话也不敢接。 方案三:引导学生正确使用手机,手机并非拿来招摇过市,用来炫耀。告诉学生应以怎样的方式使用手机。 方法四:借鉴其他地区的做法 我国一部分地区的做法 杭州一中:不准带手机进校 龙岩一中:带手机进考场,无论是否用于作弊,该科成绩一律以0分论处。 浙江台州一中:学生用手机需先与学校签合同 宁波

7、:禁止学生带手机违者扣分 国外的做法: 芬兰:禁止向青少年推销手机 芬兰市场法院近日决定,禁止芬兰无线通讯公司直接向青少年推销手机入网等移动通信服务。如果违反这一禁令,将被处以10万欧元的罚款。 美国:为校园手机立法 大约在10年前,美国各州的学区纷纷制定规则(有些是州议会或地方政府立法),完全 取缔在校学生使用传呼机和手机。 德国:欲禁止手机在学校使用 德国已开始就禁止在学校使用手机问题展开了公开讨论。 我认为:手机作为科技进步带给人类的新工具,是新事物,是符合社会发展规律和人民根本利益的。本身并无利弊对错。进入校园后出现的负面影响,进一步暴露了学生规则意识缺乏等学校德育的“老问题”。学校一

8、纸禁令其实只能在表面上掩盖问题。对中学生有手机应该一分为二地看。如今,身处信息时代的中学生们已不再是“两耳不闻窗外事,一心只读圣贤书”的书呆子。所以,拥有作为现代社会主要沟通工具之一的手机,是社会发展进步的必然。随着生活水平的提高,为学生配一部手机对许多家长来说已不是太大负担,有了手机后,家长能够更好地监管孩子。当然,也不能忽视手机进校园带来的新问题,要达到“利大”,最根本的是要整体提升学校德育水平,让学生具备自律意识,以健康的心态使用手机。 Mobile phone has bee more and more popular, and now, more and more students

9、begin to use mobile phone.I think, students in the school should use mobile phone.As everyone knows, twenty-first Century is an information age, information of all kinds exist everywhere, the mobile phone is a stylish and useful invention, so we ought to use it.In China these days.No matter where yo

10、u go, you can see people using mobile phone.Many college students, even high school students, and junior middle school students and pupils have mobile phone. mobile phone is a for us there are both advantages and disadvantages. things, it can not only make us learn more things from the outside news

11、enrich our knowledge is also convenient and fast puter, mobile phone as a high-tech products, it can bring us many conveniences, the student can pass a mobile phone to contact with parents, can also be reported to the teacher learning.more than the previous exchange students, can maintain their frie

12、ndship; and now more than the exchange of students, can enhance friendship, problems encountered, can be discussed using a mobile phone.some mobile phone photographing function, can always take some meaningful value.alarm clock inside the device, can be used at any time. call recording function, mob

13、ile phone like home telephone was not at home when someone calls do not know, in the mobile phone is recorded.easy aess.mobile phone itself pediatric linglong, oupies a very small area can carry.when the students go out to play or at risk in other places can be a timely manner to parents, teachers o

14、r the police for help.but most importantly, they are easily.mobile phone has bee one of the important way to contact each other. in particular, have very important things, people dont need to travel long distances to rush home to save a lot of time and money. secondly, we only need to take a hair or

15、 a few cents can pass through the mobile phone to send text messages to each other on the mobile phone, today science and technology development so that we can use mobile phone to do more.if they want to get some information from the inter, they can easily realize their dreams through mobile phone t

16、oo much.in addition, if there are people who have heart disease or aident, call the hospital or emergency alarm can be quickly put his help._手机。 But all things are afraid of a but word, mobile phone can play the game, the additional burden of parents.In the school sample survey, students to buy a mo

17、bile phone of all funds directly or indirectly from the parents, in addition, there are monthly dozens to hundreds of Yuan Yuan calls also need parents pocket.In a year, parents spend on children mobile phone costs at least 500 yuan.Influence of campus security.Mobile phone is a valuable, if bad beh

18、avior of students steal phenomenon ourred.Aording to reflect, my school classes there money stolen wallet, mobile phone, if not carry, also be stolen.In some developed countries, school administrators earlier than we have encountered this problem, mobile phone the adverse effects brought about by mo

19、re prominent, has triggered a secondary crime, a mobile phone for middle school students has bee a criminal fraud and robbery objects.The economic conditions are not well-off family, children can buy a mobile phone is is up to parents to add new burden.Chatting online may also make bad friends, and

20、in the work aess to some of the unhealthy things, the most serious is the wave radiation are considered for the users brain, the exam to cheating, vie each other, a waste of money, abandoned their studies, physical injury to embark on the path of crime.Another problem is that, when people are having

21、 a meeting or in class or in concert, loop mobile phone may interrupt others.So I think people should minimize the use of mobile phone, turn it off, to attend an important meeting or class.To make a long story short mobile phone outweigh the costs, we can not deny the mobile phone brings us benefits

22、 and convenience, let us get rid of the puter fixed bondage, but some of us will not make good use of it so that the good things bee bad affairs, reached the point of no return, let a person on-off enterohepatic too late to regret, fetching ponder. The students is how to get the mobile phone?A famil

23、y gift, two is their pocket money to buy.Family gift mobile phone one purpose some students parents in business, sometimes not at home, children have a mobile phone convenient connection, and can understand the current situation of children; two are some parents buy mobile phone as kids birthday gif

24、t, encourage the child to study hard.Some parents should be asked to buy mobile phone, progress as a reward; three is the pick with children on the road.Some teachers local remote, parents sometimes cant find the way, in order to pick up the kids, parents are willing to give their children to buy mo

25、bile phone.The objective is to buy their own mobile phone with classmates, friendship, her troubles and students speaking, reduce stress; learning exchanges, mon progress; two contact with parents, sometimes parents, students meet with difficulties, can timely reflect to the family, to seek help; th

26、ree is to teacher report learning situation, problems the problem can also be looking for the teacher for advice in trouble at school, but also with the teacher reflection. Plan a: all students take their mobile phone, all parents sign a name, to the teachers, that is to contact and munication betwe

27、en parent and child.Scheme two: if the band mobile phone just to contact a timely manner, it is suggested that parents buy not texting PHS, student in the class can only be shut down, called also dare not answer.Scheme three: guide the students to correctly use the mobile phone, mobile phone is not

28、used for showing off swagger through the streets.Tell the students whats the way to use mobile phone.Method four: reference to other areas of practice part of our areas of practice in Hangzhou: are not allowed to bring mobile phone to school one in Longyan: with mobile phone into the exam room, whet

29、her used for cheating, the subjects are to 0 points.Zhejiang Taizhou: students use mobile phone to contract with the school of Ningbo: prohibit students with mobile phone on points foreign practices: Finland: forbidden to sell mobile phone market in Finland juvenile court decided recently, banned th

30、e Finland wireless munications pany directly to adolescents to promote hand machine work and other mobile munications services.If the violation of the ban, will be punishable by a fine of 100000 euros.The United States of America: campus mobile phone legislation about 10 years ago, the United States

31、 state school districts have set rules (some state parliament or local government legislation), pletely banned students using the pager and mobile phone.Germany: to prohibit the mobile phone use in school has been banned in Germany use the mobile phone in the school issues a public discussion. I thi

32、nk: mobile phone as the progress of science and technology brings the new tools, new things, is consistent with the law of development of society and peoples fundamental interests.Advantages and disadvantages of itself is not wrong.After entering the negative influence on campus, further exposing th

33、e students lack of consciousness of rules of school moral education old.The school is a ban on the surface covered in fact only.On the middle school students have mobile phone should look one divides into two.Nowadays, in the information age of the students is no longer two ears do not hear out of t

34、he window, wholeheartedly read-only sage book nerd.Therefore, a major munication tool of modern societys mobile phone, is social progress inevitable.With the improvement of living standards, provide students with a mobile phone for many parents have not too much to bear, a mobile phone, parents can

35、better regulation of children.Of course, also can not ignore the mobile phone into the campus brings new problems, to achieve benefit, the most essential is to enhance the overall level of school moral education, make students possess self-discipline consciousness, with a healthy attitude using mobi

36、le phone. 要点 上课不能玩手机 To facilitate munication with parents 手机游戏能带来一些乐趣 Mobile games can bring some fun 上课时玩手机干扰教学_手机议论文。 Play phone interference teaching in class 手机会分散注意力,导致听课效率下降,影响学习成绩 The phone will be distracted, resulting in decreased efficiency lectures, affecting academic performance 手机聊天发短信

37、费时费钱 Phone chat texting costly and time consuming 便于和父母沟通 class can not play phone_手机议论文。 范文 最近我们班有大约中学生是否去学校带手机了热烈的讨论,我们的意见如下 Recently ourclass had a heated discussion about wether middle school students go to school with mobile phones,Our opinions are as follows: 我认为带手机便于与父母沟通,而且在课余时手机游戏能带来一些乐趣。 I

38、 think with a cell phone to facilitate munication with their parents, and in their spare time to bring some fun mobile games. 但是我不认为上课玩手机会对我们有益,因为上课玩手机会干扰教学,降低听课效率,影响学习成绩导致下降。 从经济上说,用手机聊天发短信费时费钱,不利于我们的成长。 But I do not think that would be good for us to play phone in class, because the class play pho

39、ne can interfere with teaching and reduce the efficiency of lectures, lead to a decline affect academic performance. Economically, said by phone chat texting costly and time consuming, is not conducive to our growth. 所以我认为去学校不应该带手机 So I think it should not bring cell phones to school _作者李顺镒 xx.15 爱像

40、一朵朵埋在海上的浪花,时不时拱出一个、嘣出二朵,轻轻地触摸在海上玩耍的人的脸,柔柔地将躺在沙滩上的人包围。然后,每人手中、怀里、篮里,拿出、揣着、装着爱的结晶,快乐地往回跑去,于是他们也闪起了可爱的光环。而我呢 我是个背井离乡的孩子,和父亲一起来到了他乡。我求学,他创业,而母亲却还在家乡工作,“耕耘”她的岁月。父亲虽然关心我,但根本不能和我沟通,母亲远在别处,每几星期来探望我和父亲,然后离去。这么淡情薄爱怎能让我的心喷发“爱泉”? 有一天,父亲欣喜地给我买了部手机,原以为我会兴奋,然而只是默然一笑和一句淡谢。因为我对物质已经非常满足,所以只是把它撂在了最不起眼的抽屉角落。一天又一天,我为学业而


42、也不想动,因为我在沐浴比一切更美好的东西,我很感动,但我不哭!为维护母爱的纯洁,我不哭。 动人的话语伴着我平静的呼吸,嘴角浮动,拨开窗外的雨帘,我看到真心;拨开蓝天上的白云,我看见了母亲的笑靥;拨开长江的绿水,我看到了生活真谛。原来爱的女神从来不曾苛刻,原来海的领袖也给了我爱的晶石,只不过它藏在我的扭扣里、衣袖里、鞋缝上,我找不到寻不见,而当我找到了他们,他们友好地向我飞来,不顾千山万水,不管叠湖重洋,只为亲昵一声:“女儿!” 现如今,手机成为现代生活必不可少的一个重要工具,有的人用它办公,有的人用它聊天,有的人则用它劈劈啪啪地发短信 我们现在的手机确实也很有用,很方便,不论天涯海角,都可以联

43、系上,比以前的书信可方便多了。可谓“咫尺天涯”,我们生活的世界就在手机信号的包围之下。它的功能之强大,根本就不是一个工具所能及的了 不过手机给我们带来的,不一定都是好处,有时也有坏处。手机改变了很多人的观念,它也可以说是制约了人们, 想像一下,诗人陶渊明在“采菊东篱下”的时候,会有手机铃声响起吗?在感叹“低头思故乡”的时候,会有人打电话让他会家看看吗?一定没有吧!而他们却有许许多多的经典诗作,我们现在却生活在韩寒和郭敬明的时代,再也没有人去欣赏那些名人雅客的优秀诗作了。 有的人有了手机,就再也没去过邮局了,你想想,现在还会有“鸿雁传书”的情景吗?打个电话,不就OK了吗?在月圆的时候,还会有人字

44、字斟酌,想着怎么写家信吗?发个短信,不就good了吗?过年的时候,发一条短信就算拜年了,如果你端端正正地写上你的祝福,贴上邮票,经过邮递员的手,到达你的朋友那里,还饱含着体温呢!每个字都很温暖,让人快乐,你的朋友一定会很高兴的。而你发去的短信呢?每个字都冷冰冰的,没有感情。收到的人,也就是随便地看一眼,回一个,就删除了。我的朋友就曾给我写过信,我收到的时候,都喜得合不拢嘴,就去买了邮票、信纸和信封,坐在椅子上,拿起笔准备写回信,那滋味,可真不一般呢! 我的爸爸是一名律师,每天都忙的很,像一个永远也不停下的陀螺,吃饭时打电话,看电视时打电话,看书时打电话,就连睡觉时被人吵醒打电话,要是有人找他,

45、他最经常说的一句话就是:“我的手机全天开机,有事打我电话。”真忙啊!我想他一天不碰电手机都不可能。想到我长大后可能跟爸爸一样每天守在手机前面,一步都不离开,可真恐怖呀! 我的表姐,一个高中生,手里也攥着一个手机,天天都要过电话瘾,打电话一聊就是一个小时,能丛东边的明星讲到西边的歌手,滔滔不绝,有如“黄河之水天上来”的气概!为此,她的爸爸妈妈也不给她用手机了,“没收了”他们说,“高中生每天逮着手机聊可不行,影响学习!” 我对此感到很奇怪,为什么有那么多的人喜欢玩手机,用手机呢?手机固然是现代化高科技产品,它怎么就那么吸引人呢?我到现在也没有弄明白。 看来手机有利也有弊,我们要恰当地利用手机才对呢

46、,可不能沉迷在手机的世界里了。 这是我一生中都不能忘记的,因为它凝聚了家人对我的希望和关爱。这部手机虽然不是很贵的但是却有着浓浓的亲情。 因为那时的我们家不是很富裕家里的人除了父亲有一部手机外就都没有手机了!今年家人为了鼓励我学习上的进步也为了我下学期有更好的表现于是决定给我凑钱买一部手机,价格就定在1600左右,虽然在现在看起来很便宜但在当时也算比较贵的了,至少我这么认为,而当时奶奶刚好要补交养老保险一共是26000千元。但是奶奶为了遵守诺言还是给我凑了700元而剩下的钱就由父母支付,不巧的是父母也要交养老保险。但是他们也没有食言。这让我十分感动。但在今天看来那时的我确实有些自私了。如果把1

47、600分成三份那么我们三个就都可以有一个了,不过当时的我的我还不是很懂事便也不太在意,就在手机买回来的哪天我记得我还高兴了几天呢!虽然现在的我已经有过很多的搜集了,但是我始终认为我的第一部手机是最好的手机,因为它不光是一部普通的手机还凝结这家人对我的期望、父母的苦心、奶奶的慈爱。 现在那部手机我还一直保留着没舍得扔掉。因为每当我看到它时仿佛又感受到了那世间最伟大的爱。 “主人,来电话了,快接电话呀!”小明的手机又在课堂上“发言”了。只见小明不慌不忙地掏出电话号码,把他挂掉。老师瞪了他一眼,继续着“逝者如斯乎” 两分钟后。 “你是我最爱的人啊”小江的小灵通又不安分了。全班同学齐刷刷地瞪向他。他也只好把手机直接关机。老师狠狠地瞪了他一眼,又说道:“我们继续” 两分钟又过去了 老师在讲台上绘声绘色地上着课,讲台下一片安静。“嘟嘟、嘟嘟”小张有短信了。他一面警惕地向讲台上张望,一面摸索着在键盘上“七上八下”一阵子。“发松成功!”小张暗自得意。同时,班上游戏迷那里传来“已攻破81关,还要继续请按ok键”的提示。 又是两分钟过去后 “网络杀手”小陈的 _叫个不停。突然屏幕上显示了“电量过低、自动关机”。小陈在那里气得两眼都绿了。这时,就连

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