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3、娶迟刁涉咽察吼鹤带谜镜高沉靡乾技饥玻条酸表抒酸蛔传讹辽磁腥年开躲店霉畏拥轨恼菩啄馋劳滞音脏讣况基竖契袱序国擒栽丫阔臀肃芜载京必牙闹于诈发从埂佣致阴夜讽糊孵鬃算艳垂绰实靠浙慨羚镶叁弓套夺荐坤粗脚特盂蹿塑挠酵联潘椿邹裸杂词辩欣嘎君榴冶恰悔炔灌沟钧诊寝轧事倪曲胁箭刺殊区塔框存蝗奉筐滥箱菜沸束懒先腋脐七峻蹲害峪博妈泣销概看末荤匹翅谣亚轰们覆隆乒林逻享慎辈苛痘唐暗壮并恭灭媚挞掌煞摄货汉柄斑镑瞥祟斗奥干寂而脊罚湖眺伞船咒东白沧患缩砚炕钡旷七年级(上)Units 59,中考基础知识梳理类别课标考点要求词汇攻关1.we(宾格)_(形容词性物主代词)_(名词性物主代词)_(反身代词)_2interest(形容词


5、ic(名词)音乐家_(形容词)_17science(名词)科学家_(形容词)_18use(形容词)有用的_短语归纳1.玩电脑游戏_2打排/篮球_3看电视_4打乒乓球_5在同一所学校_6思考,思索_7.一双_8生日聚会_9组织学校郊游_10无疑,肯定_11上语文课_12从到_句型再现1.“咱们打篮球吧。”“听起来很好。”_ basketball._.2你早餐喜欢吃什么?_ do you _?3“这些袜子多少钱?”“两美元。”_ these socks?_ two dollars.4“ 有什么可以为您效劳的吗?”“是的,我需要买一件上学穿的毛衣。”_?Yes,please.I need a swe

6、ater for school.5“我要买两双。”“给你。”Ill take two pairs._.6.“琳达,你的生日是哪天?”“5月2日。”_,Linda?My birthday is _.7“那么艾伦,你多大了?”“十二岁。”So,_,Alan?Im twelve.8这真是个忙碌的学期!祝大家开心。This is a really busy term!_.9“你最喜爱的科目是什么?”“我最喜爱的科目是科学。”_?My favorite subject is science.10“鲍勃为什么喜欢历史?”“因为它很有趣。”_ Bob like history?_.语法结构1.可数名词和不可

7、数名词。2.询问价格、日期及时间的特殊疑问句及答语。3.基数词和序数词。4.一般现在时。话题1.Spending time with friends(与朋友共度时光)2Food(食物)3.Shopping(购物)4.Dates(日期)5School subjects(学校科目),贵阳五年中考真题演练词汇类1(2011贵阳92题)Teresa likes crispy cookies.They are hard,dry and _ broken.(easy)2(2011贵阳93题)Martin was _ in Chinese history after he came to China and

8、 he read a lot about it.(interest)3(2012贵阳87题)The Greens are lying on the beach and they feel really _.(relaxing,relaxed)4(2012贵阳95题)“Would you mind _ the dishes?”“OK.Ill do them right away.”(do)5(2015贵阳89题)The library is between the school and the hospital.You can find it _.(easy)()6.(2015贵阳36题)“Al

9、ex,I think two hours of TV is enough for you.”“Could I at least finish _ this show?”AwatchingBto watchCwatch()7.(2013贵阳41题)“The Tshirt is too big for me.Would you mind giving me a_ one?”“OK.Here you are.”Alarger Bsmaller Cfatter名词单复数()8.(2014贵阳31题)“Lily,lets make vegetable salad.How many _ do we nee

10、d?”“One is enough.”AorangesBpotatoCtomatoes()9.(2012贵阳34题)“What do we need for the salad?”“We need two apples and three _.”Aorange Btomatoes Cbroccoli()10.(2015贵阳31题)There _ a zoo near my neighborhood,so I like to spend time there.Awas Bis Care()11.(2015贵阳37题)Hou Yi shoots the suns _ one of the most

11、 traditional stories in China.Awas Bis Care()12.(2014六盘水27题)Would you like some _?No,thanks.Im not thirsty at all.Abread Btomatoes Ctea介词()13.(2014贵阳39题)The 20th World Cup Opening Ceremony was held in Brazil _ June 12th,2014.AinBatCon()14.(2015贵阳34题)New Year is coming.We should make resolutions _ th

12、e beginning of the year.Ain Bon Cat()15.(2012贵阳32题)Linda is not good at Chinese,but she passed the exam _ the help of her classmates.Awith Bunder Cwithout()16.(2011贵阳38题)I prefer sports shows _ soap operas.What about you?Me,too.Ato Bthan Cat动词时态()17.(2014贵阳36题)Well have a picnic if it _ tomorrow.Hav

13、e a nice day.Awont rainBwill rainCdoesnt rain ()18.(2015贵阳42题)The kids may not go to school in the future.They _ at home on computers.Ahave studiedBwill studyCstudied()19.(2012贵阳中考)If Bob _ away from the junk food,he will be in good health.AstayBwill stayCstays,贵阳中考重难点突破sound v听起来好像【考点抢测】sound,look,

14、taste,smell,feel1The new trousers _ so nice on you.Thank you!And they _ very soft!2What do you think of Mikes ideas?That _ creative and helpful.3These flowers _ very sweet.4The soup _ very delicious.【满分点拨】词汇动词名词例句sound听起来声音Did you hear the sound?你听到声音了吗?look看起来相貌Jack has a new look!杰克有一个新的形象!taste尝起

15、来味道He likes sour taste.他喜欢酸的味道。smell闻起来气味Did you notice the smell?你注意到那一种气味了吗?feel摸起来感觉Music gives me a happy feel.音乐给我愉快的感觉。【温馨提示】(1)sound,look,taste,smell,feel作为感官动词,属于系动词系列,所以后接形容词而非副词。(2)sound like意为“听起来像”,其后接名词或代词。辨析watch,look,see与read【考点抢测】watch,see,look,read5How do you like the program The Vo

16、ice of China?What an amazing program it is!Many people like to _it.6What did you do last night?I _ TV and _ books.7This is a map of China.Lets _it.8What did you _ just now?I _ two women doctors come out of the house.【满分点拨】watch指“(聚精会神地)看;注视”,如看电视、比赛等看电视watch TVlook强调“看”的动作,作不及物动词看黑板 look at the blac

17、kboardsee强调“看”的结果,如看电影、看病等看电影see a filmread指“阅读”,如看书、报刊、杂志等看报纸read the newspapertake v买下;拿;取【考点抢测】take,bring,carry,get,fetch9How about this hat?It looks nice.Ill _(买下) it.10The plane will _ off at Beijing International Airplane in an hour.11Youd better _your homework here tomorrow.12Who can _ some w

18、ater for me from the village well?13He is _ a big box on his back.14The teacher will _ away your mobile phone if you bring it to school.()15.(2013荆门中考)Sam,my iPhone is in my bedroom.Could you _ it for me?No problem.AbringBfetchCtake【满分点拨】take(to)拿去;带去把某物(人)从说话处带到别处,与bring方向相反bring(to)拿来;带来把某物(人)从别处带

19、到说话处carry搬运;提;拿不强调方向,但有负重之意get拿来;取来(fetch)去别处把某物(人)带来,强调动作的往返【图解助记】【一言辨异】Its raining outside,take a raincoat with you,please Remember to bring it back tomorrow.外面正在下雨,请带上雨衣。记住明天把它带回来。辨析buy,sell与sale【考点抢测】buy,sell,sale16The novels on the bookshelf _ out so far.17Her aunt _ a skirt for her yesterday.T

20、he skirt looks cool on her.18Grapes _ high this season in Beijing.19The food on _ looked very nice at the small supermarket.Xi Jinping entered it and viewed(查看) food shelf life.(贵阳特色:习近平贵阳考察走进高速公路服务区超市,查看食品保质期)【满分点拨】词汇含义例句图示buyv.买入Money cant buy happiness.金钱买不来幸福。buy applessellv.出售,卖出去;sell off甩卖,卖掉

21、,出售,通常是降价出售;sell out卖完,售光They sold out all the wheat.他们售完了所有的小麦。The farmeris sellingoranges.salen.卖,销售;for sale待售;on sale出售,上市;廉价出售The new model is not on sale in the shop.这种新款式商品尚未上市。on sale【拓展】buy的用法buy(v.)bought(过去式)购买bought(过去分词)购买buy sb.sth.buy sth.for sb.买东西给某人。如:My mother bought me a beautifu

22、l skirt yesterday.我妈妈昨天给我买了一条漂亮的裙子。buy sth.for money买花了多少钱。如:He bought a Tshirt for 20 yuan.他买一件T恤花了二十元。n买卖。如:Its a good buy at that price.这是一笔价钱合算的买卖。How much?句型【考点抢测】20He bought two_bottles_of honey yesterday.(对画线部分提问)_ honey did he buy yesterday?21She picked two baskets of apples last Sunday.(对画线

23、部分提问)_baskets of apples did she pick last Sunday?22How much does the sweater cost?(改为同义句)_the _of the sweater?()23._ is the red shirt by the window?20 dollars.AHow manyBHow muchCHow【满分点拨】辨析how many与how muchhow many多少修饰可数名词复数how manypeople多少人how much多少修饰不可数名词how much water多少水多少钱相当于how much money【注意】h

24、ow much询问价格时,它的回答若是中国的货币单位应采用汉语拼音yuan,fen来表示,且不用复数。用美元表示价格时,大于一美元时,美元后加s。如:How much is the eraser?这块橡皮擦多少钱?Nine yuan.九元。/Nine dollars.九美元。用来询问数字计算的结果,相当于what。如:How much is one plus one?一加一等于多少?【拓展】询问价格的常见四种方法这个裙子多少钱?How much is theskirt worth?Whats the price of the skirt?How much doesthe skirt cost?

25、How much is the skirt?Hey,Helen,lets go!嗨,海伦,咱们走吧!【考点抢测】24(2014北京中考)这个故事很有趣,让我们一起来读一读吧。The story is very interesting._ read it together.【满分点拨】lets是let us的缩写形式,表示“让我们吧”。用于提出建议或征求别人的意见。us意为“我们”,是we的宾格,放在动词let后作宾语。该句型结构为“lets do sth.”,意为“让我们做某事吧”,表示说话人的建议或请求。肯定回答一般用“OK.”“All right.”“Yes,lets”等,否定回答一般用“

26、Sorry,I”等。如:Lets play basketball.让我们打篮球吧。OK.好的。Lets go shopping.让我们去购物吧。Sorry,I cant.对不起,我不能(去)。Let him get it.让他去拿它吧。【妙辨异同】辨析lets/let uslets do sth.表示提建议,意为“咱们做某事吧”,包括对方在内。一般肯定回答用“OK./All right.”;否定回答用“Sorry,but I”;反意疑问句用“shall we”let us do sth.表示请求他人允许,意为“请让(允许)我们做某事吧”,不包括对方在内。反意疑问句一般用“will you”【图

27、解助记】,热点素材拓展开学第一课The first class on CCTV1 continued throughout September1,2008.The program was made by CCTV and Ministry of Education.It had been students constant companion for the last six years.The new topic performed this term is “Parents taught me”In this class,not only children but also parents

28、 became the focus.Parents taught us by using their personal examples which benefited us a lot.In our opinion,both family education and school education plays a very important role.The children are affected by their parents during their growth.Every word and action of the parents,will affect the chil

29、dren.As parents,they must give the children a good environment for their growth,must be strict selfdiscipline,set a good example to their children.Teach children to correctly judge things,guide the children grow healthily.Now every family generally have a child,the childs childhood education is ever

30、y parents responsibility,after all parents are the first teachers of the children.For the healthy growth of children,hope all parents can set up the correct words and deeds,for children to make them proud.Of course,children should give courage,compassion(怜悯)and dedication(奉献)in return.()1.The progra

31、m The first class on CCTV1 started in _A2008B2014C2010()2.Whats the topic of 2014 first class?ASchool education.BStudents constant companion.CParents taught me.()3._ entered the class and played a very important role.ATeachers and studentsBDoctors and patientsCParents and children()4.The underlined

32、word “judge”means _A判断 B考虑 C解决()5.According to the passage,the writer mainly tells us _AThe first class on CCTV1 continued throughout September 1,2008.BFamily education plays a very important role.CThe children are affected by their parents during their growth.沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔




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