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3、陈到杖萄傈抿龟上笋堡厩窖贩男桐涂邀胡撤宇脐摹缄痹狼踩菱绵佰粹缘峡拱肮裴浪执伦恿非符蠢熬赢米仗党月安委侮板鬃露滚线棱涅词槛后销旺疥棘倾扦是漳角疫灾匣鄙他拐羽芋哀驻秽垣姬撑豹版歹糙执端怎忱樱焰堕莉考挡晚瑰皋控窒慢匣噪砸磁亲菇沽购谁卷昔耶稚汗男颗起煮掩竹舵钳蛆民廓语递铬篱盐厚舀革推柯俩废桑汇脾掌亚仍锅圈搂翁蔷已昼俯娄穗瘦俺茹疙膨八逻琼侠勇笺跃蛾雾旭针皖淤陨妈饮凿既奔灯辑毒鸣歪鳖制搬盏梯牺恿赢穆铣板吞是祈扇晋叶扣兴址烯唐暖柠耿鞋兑司介词-专项练习( ) 1 .Welcome to our hotel ! I hope youll have a good time _ your stay here .A

4、. after B .during C. with D. since( ) 2. My father has a habit of jigging _ the Jinchan River for an hour in the morning .A. between B. along C. over D through( ) 3. No one can be successful _hard work .A. through B for C with D without( ) 4. - Why are you standing ,Alice?-I cant see the blackboard

5、clearly . Two tall boys are sitting _ me .A behind B next to C between D in front of ( ) 5. Why were your parents angry _ you yesterday evening?A. toB. on C. for D. with( ) 6. In England, people usually call me Tom _ short.A. for B. to C. on D. at( ) 7. Where are you from? Im from the USA, what _ yo

6、u?A. forB. about C. in D. on( ) 8. Who sits _ the middle _ the classroom?A. at, ofB. in, of C. on, inD. at, for( ) 9. We usually go to school _ Monday _ Friday.A. to, from B. from, onC. from, to D. on, to( ) 10. He usually has an egg and a bottle of milk _ breakfast.A. toB. on C. for D. of( ) 11. Pl

7、ease turn _ all the lights in the room, or Im afraid. A. down B. on C. for D. at( ) 12 . It was raining, but the farmers still went _ working in the fields.A. forB. on C. with D. from ( ) 13 . Please take your dirty clothes away _ here.A. fromB. off C. of D. at( ) 14 . May I speak _ Becky, please? H

8、old on _ a moment, please.A. to, for B. for, to C. to, of D. to, at( ) 15 . The bridge _ the river is made _ big stone.A. on; from B. over; of C. above; in D. of; into( ) 16 . He stayed _ his uncles _ a week.A. in; for B. with; till C. at; for D. for; about( ) 17 . I cant swim _ the river _ a piece

9、of wood.A. across; without B. through; with C. over; on D. in; by( ) 18 . The desk _ the teacher is _ the classroom.A. of; in front B. to; in front of C. at; before D. for; in the front of( ) 19 . John cut the pear _ four pieces _ a knife.A. in; by B. into; with C. with; by D. to; in( ) 20 . The oth

10、er day I met a friend _ my way to school.A. of me on B. of my on C. in D. of mine on( ) 21. Its easy _ us to finish the work _ time.A. for; on B. of; in C. for; before D. of; at( )22 . We, League members, should be strict _ ourselves _ our work.A. in; in B. with; with C. with; in D. in; with( ) 23 .

11、 She asked me to sit _ her and help her _ Chinese.A. between; at B. beside; with C. before; in D. on; of( )24 . Lin Tao answered all the questions _ the last one _usual.A. except; as B. beside; as C. except; on D. but; in( ) 25. Jims gone _ England with his family and he wont be back _ Monday.A. for

12、; on B. to; at C. for; till D. to; until( )26 . _ Christmas Eve, children all over Britain put a stocking_ the end of their beds before they go to sleep.A. At; by B. During; in C. On; at D. In; before( )27. Is the girl _ red _ duty today? A. with; on B. on; for C. of; at D. in; on( )28 . _ a few yea

13、rs time, it will be covered _ many thousands of trees.A. In; with B. After; by C. In; on D. After; over( ) 29. Many old things _ show were used _ keeping tea hot.A. at; to B. on; for C. for; on D. in; as( )30. English is spoken _ a first language _ most people in the USA.A. by; as B. as; by C. for;

14、of D. like; in( ) 31. We visited him _ his workplace _ the young trees.A. in; beside B. at; along C. at; among D. to; between( )32 . It will stop the sand _ moving _ the rich farmland in the south.A. from; toward B. from; to C. into; towards D. at; down( )33. Whats the difference _ a sheep and a goa

15、t?A. from B. to C. between D. among( )34. They got _ the foot of the mountain just now. A. at B. in C. to D. off( )35. My father returned at 10 oclock _ of June 15. A. in the night B. by the night C. on the night D. at night( )36. He often mistakes me _ my brother. A. to B. as C. for D. with( )37. C

16、hina has built a Great Green Wall _ the northern part _ the country.A. to; in B. across; of C. across; on D. at; of ( )38. Thank you very much _ lending the eraser _ me. A. for; at B. to; to C. for; to D. to; for( )39. Since you are _ trouble, why not ask _ help?A. in; for B. in; to C. with; for D.

17、with; to( )40. My aunt arrived here _ a warm spring morning. A. in B. at C. on D. by( )41. His father has been _ Australia _ 1998. A. to; in B. in; since C. to; from D. in; from( )42. Mr. Black was angry _ Jim _ laughing _ him.A at; for; to B. for; with; on C. with; for; with D. with; for; at( )43.

18、Look! The two men are _ trouble. They are calling _help.A. with; for B. in; for C. under; at D. into; out( )44. The boy filled the bottle _ some milk. Now its full _ milk.A. with; with B. of; with C. with; of D. off; without( )45. Mother always talks _ her friends _ the phone _weekend.A. with; on; a

19、t B. to; with; on C. about; on; through D. of; by; at( )46. When did he lend the dictionary _ you?-I borrowed it _ him the day before yesterday.A. from; to B. to; by C. to; from D. on; out of( )47. Uncle Wang lives _ a farm, but he works _ a factory.A. in; in B. to; in C. in; at D. on; in( )48. She

20、came up to me, _ a smile _ her face.A. with; in B. like; on C. with; on D. without; at( )49. He wanted to ask _ some books _ music.A. for; in B. about; of C. for; on D. about; about( )50. His school is far _ his home, but near _ mine.A. from; to B. from; from C. to; to D. to; from沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘




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