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1、2022年江苏省扬州市新东方中学高一英语期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. In my opinion, work provides us much _ just salary and income; it also helps us realize our dreams and makes us feel confident.A. rather thanB. other thanC. better thanD. more than参考答案:D2. _ is no doubt that Premier Wen Jiabaos US visit helped develop China-Us eco

2、nomy. A. It B. There C. This D. That参考答案:B. 解析:There is no dobt that表示“毫无疑问”3. Mark woke up one morning only to find both water and electricity _ because he had not been able to pay the bills.Acut out Bcut down Ccut off Dcut up参考答案:C4. Since I knew how hard the life they lead is, I have understood _

3、 they need so much money.A. how B. why C. whether D. when参考答案:B略5. Can I smoke here?Im afraid not. We dont _ smoking here.A. agreeB. forbidC. promiseD. permit参考答案:D【详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:-我可以在这儿抽烟吗?-恐怕不可以。我们不允许在这儿抽烟。A. agree同意;B. forbid禁止;C. promise承诺、保证;D. permit允许。根据翻译可知D项正确。【点睛】permit doing sth. 允许做某事;p

4、ermit sb. to do sth允许某人做某事。6. _ I explained on the phone, your request will be considered at the next meeting. A. When B. After C. As D. Since 参考答案:C7. A traffic jam?Yes. , the right side of the road is closed for the time being.A. To be repaired B. Being repaired C. Repaired D. Having repaired参考答案:

5、B略8. After five hours drive, they reached _they thought was the place they had been dreaming of.A. where B. what C. whichever D. whatever 参考答案:B9. Her mother_ having read the letter when Mary found the envelope open.A. thought B. considered C. admitted D. advised参考答案:C【详解】考查动词辨析。句意:玛丽发现信封被打开时,她母亲承认读

6、过那封信。A. thought认为; B. considered考虑;C. admitted承认;D. advised建议,根据题意,故选C。10. To avoid_, the professor explained the concepts clearly and patiently.A. conclusionB. confusionC. decisionD. revision参考答案:B11. I will carry out the plan _ there is much difficulty ahead. A. as if B. even if C. if D. unless参考答

7、案:B12. His wife _ his children was invited to the party. A. andB. orC. as well asD. but also参考答案:C13. The man _ you talked on the street the day before yesterday is my uncle.A. who B. to who C. to whom D. that参考答案:C14. I really dont understand _ her like that. A. you treat B. you to treat C. why tre

8、at D. you treating参考答案:D略15. Tom is always the first student in our class _ his hand whenever our teacher asks a question. A. raise B. raised C. to raise D. having raised参考答案:C16. They spent as many hours as they could _ their lessons.A. to study B. studying C. study D. studied参考答案:B17. _ any stairc

9、ase, I followed a dark passage and it seemed to go on for ever.A. Not to have seenB. Seeing notC. Having not seenD. Not seeing参考答案:D18. The computer system broke down suddenly while he was searching for _ information on _ Internet.A. an; / B. the; an C. /; an D. /; the参考答案:D略二、 短文改错19. 改错 Today I vi

10、sited the Smithsmy first time visit to a American family. They live in a small town. It was very kind for them to meet me at the railway station and drove me their home . The Smiths did his best to make me feel at home. They offered me coffee and other drinks. We have a good time talking and laughin

11、g together. They eager to know everything about China and asked me lots of question. In fact, they are planning to visit China in next year.参考答案:略20. Directions:Read the following passageAnswer the questions according to the information given in the passage and required words limit:Write your answer

12、s on your answer sheetPlaying is serous business for children. In fact, its what they do best! Ask them why they do it, and kids will probably say, “Because its fun!” But its much more than that. Its also good for them. Studies show that from birth babies begin learning through play. They use their

13、five senses to get know their new world. Touching allows them to discover how different things feel. Brightly color1 ed toys and clothing help develop a babys sense of sight. When small children choose which toy to play with, they begin developing their abilities in making decisions. Children love t

14、oys that allow them to use their imagination. Sometimes an empty box is more fun than a high-tech toy. Thats because a box can become anything a child imagines it to be. Crayons, paints and Play-Doh(彩色塑泥) are also good because they allow children to crate. Traditional building blocks teach important

15、 pre-math skills like problem-solving. Playing doesnt become any less important once children start school. Many valuable lessons about life are learned on the school playground. Kids learn how to share, take turns and play by the rules. 81. What can children do best in their childhood? (no more tha

16、n 1 word)_82. What help develop a babys sense of sight according to the passage?(no more than 5 words)_83. When do the children begin developing their abilities in making decisions? (no more than 10 words)_84. What kind of toys do children love? (no more than 6 words)_ 参考答案:81.Playing82.Brightly col

17、or1 ed toys and clothing83.When small children choose which toy to play with84.Toys to develop their imagination三、 阅读理解21. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。 It is not clear who first fried potatoes in hot oil. However, it is widely agreed that French fries(炸薯条) were prepared as early a

18、s the 1700s in Europe. Most people believe that it was the Belgians (比利时人), instead of the French, who invented “French”fries. They think that French fries got this name from the cooking word “to french” - to cut green beans into long thin strips (条). When Thomas Jefferson traveled to France, he enj

19、oyed the deep-fried potatoes very much and brought them home with him. Ever since he served French fries to his guests at a Whitehouse dinner in 1802, the dish has become very popular in America. In the summer of 1853, an American Indian called George Crum worked as a cook at Moon Lake Lodge, a hote

20、l in Saratoga Springs, New York. He was good at making French fries. One evening, a dinner guest found Crums French fries too thick and sent them back to the kitchen. Crum then cut and fried some thinner French fries, but these, too, were met with disapproval. This time, the cook got angry. So he de

21、cided to play a trick on the guest. He finally made fries that were too thin to eat with a fork. To his surprise, the guest loved the browned, paper-thin chips. The browned chips, then called Saratoga Chips, became one of the most popular dishes of the hotel. Soon they were being sold, first in loca

22、l restaurants, then throughout New England.56. The French fries were believed to be introduced to America in _. A. the early 1700s B. the early1800s C. the early 1900s D. the summer of 185357. By saying “these, too, were met with disapproval” in Paragraph 3, the author means that _. A. the guest sti

23、ll didnt like the dish B. the French fries were thin enough C. the cook prepared the chips carefully D. the cook had met the guests need58. How were Saratoga Chips invented? A. They were introduced by Thomas Jefferson. B. A guest told a cook how to make the chips. C. A cook made them only to play a

24、trick on a guest. D. A cook invented them in order to attract more guests.59. Which of the following would be the best title for the text? A. Americas Favorite Food B. Who Invented Saratoga Chips? C. George Crum - a Clever Cook D. The History of French Fries参考答案:56-59 BACD略22. We are used to the ide

25、a of aging in ourselves. We are so used to this that it comes as a surprise to find that there may be some animals that do not age. Sea anemones(海葵) are an example. Some have been kept for nearly a century without showing any signs of lifelessness. Some kinds of sea worms can even “grow backwards.”

26、If kept in the dark and given nothing to eat, they get steadily smaller, They finally end as a ball of cells(细胞) looking rather like the egg from which they came. Under good conditions the ball will turn back to a worm and start growing again. One could probably keep them growing and un-growing agai

27、n and again.1. Some sea worms grow smaller when they _. A. lose weight B. live in the darkness C. are under good conditions D. dont eat and are kept in the dark2. According to the passage, some sea animals _. A. will die when they become a ball of cells B. do not grow old C. will die without food D.

28、 will stop growing any time they want3. According to the passage, which of the following statements in NOT true? A. We can keep certain kind of sea worm growing and ungrowing again and again. B. Human beings will grow old and die. C. An anemone is a king of sea worm that can grow backwards. D. Some anemones will live nearly a hundred years.4. The underlined word aging in the first sentence means _. A. growing old B. the age of a person C. getting younger D. ungrowing5. This passage is mainly about _. A. sea animals B. cellsC. aging D. anemones参考答案:略

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