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1、学校 班级 姓名 装 订 线2017-2018学年第一学期期中检测 五年级英语试题一、 写出下列字母的左邻右舍。(5分) 1.F H 2.O Q 3.V X 4.e 5. h j l 6. o q 7.x z二、选出不同类的一项。(10分)( )1、 A 、cake B、sandwich C、banana ( )2、 A 、eat B、chips C、drink ( )3、 A、yesterday B、breakfast C、dinner ( )4、 A、broken B、shoe C、shirt ( )5、 A、big B、light C、pencil三、单项选择。(15分)12345678

2、9101112131415() 1.Therewerent_booksonthedesk.A. manyB. someC. any() 2. Thankyoufor_tome. A. talkB. talking C. talked() 3. Anoldlady_herlifemanyyearsago. A. talkedto B. talkaboutC. talkedabout() 4. Shedidnt_enoughfoodtenyearsago.A. has B. had C. have()5.Sam Chinese foodverymuch. AlikeB likedClikes()

3、6.Thefoodisenoughfor_.A. us B. ourC. we() 7. Mumisgoingto_Chinesefood.A. cooked B. cooking C. cook()8.Shecouldntread_ write.AorBandCto()9.Lets tothelibrary. AgoBgoesCwent()10.Hereisacard you.AtoBforCof()11.Itllbeeasy you. AforBtoCabout( ) 12. - Did you _ English two years ago? - No, but I am _ Engli

4、sh now. A. learnt; learnt B. learnt; learning; C. learn; learning( ) 13. The bag _ got four wheels.A. has B. have C. had( ) 14. _ are the books about science?A. WhatB. WhereC. How( ) 15. The T-shirt has got a panda _ it. A. on B. in C. about四、选择正确的词填空。(只填序号)(10分) A. aboutB. toC. at D. inE. for 1.You

5、canttakethisoldbag_China.2.ThatredT-shirtistoobig_you.3.Itsaprogramme_animals.4.Youmustbringbackthebooks_twoweekstime.5.Sorry.Imnotgood_it.五、选择正确的选项(10分) 1.你打算买走某个东西,你会说 A. Ill take it. B. Here you are. 2.如果你想问售货员有没有白色的包,你会说 A.I want to buy a white bag. B. Have you got a white bag? 3.如果你想建议别人试穿某件衣服,

6、你会说 A. Try this one, please. B. Why not this one? 4.如果你是售货员,见到顾客时,你应该说 A. Can I help you? B. How do you do? 5.当别人说谢谢你时,你应该说 A. Dont thank me. B. Thats all right 六、给下列问句选择正确的答语(10分)( ) 1.What did she do yesterday? A. She made a cake. ( )2.Whos this? B.I want to buy a pen. ( ) 3.Is it new? C. Shes my

7、mother. ( ) 4.Can I have your library card, please? D. Yes, it is. ( ) 5.Can I help you? E. Yes. Here you are七、连词成句,注意句子大小写和标点。(10分)1. lived/ room / a / we / in /small (.) 2. was/ Mr. Li / teacher / a (.)3. too / its / for /heavy/you . 4.for / what / you / did / have / lunch (?)5. information/ we /

8、find / from / can / books and CDs (.) 八、补全对话(10分)A. I worked in the fields.B. Did you have a telephone?C. I lived in a small village.D. Were there any buses then ?E. We cooked on a fire.Li Ming is visiting an old lady.Li: Where did you live many years ago?The Lady: 1 Li: What did you do then?The Lad

9、y: I was a farmer. 2 Li: What about cooking?The Lady: 3 Li: 4 The Lady: No, we didnt. We always wrote letters to each other. Li: 5 The Lady: No. We rode a bike or walked to work.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 九、阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。(20分)( 一 )I am Lucy. I like bags very much. I have two bags now. One is big and heavy.

10、The bag is black. My father bought it ten years ago. And it has got no wheels and no pockets. And the other bag is yellow. Its big but light. I bought it last year when I went to Beijing. It has got two wheels and three pockets. And it also has got a cute bear on it.( ) 1.Lucy has two bags. ( ) 2.He

11、r father bought a yellow bag for her. ( ) 3.The black bag is big and heavy. ( ) 4.The yellow bag has got two wheels. ( ) 5.Lucy bought the yellow bag last year. ( 二 )Tom lived in a big house. Last night he watched a television programme about China. Five years ago he lived in China with his father.

12、He liked Chinese food. He learnt Chinese at Chinese school. He was a good student. He went to school by bike. Last year he came back to U.S. Because he missed his grandparents. ( )6.Tom lived in a small house.( ) 7. Tom liked Chinese food. ( )8 .Tom learnt English at Chinese school. ( )9. Tom went to school by bike. ( )10. Tom is in China now. 五年级英语 第3页 共3页

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