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1、五年级上册阅读理解专项英语质量培优试题测试题(及答案)一、阅读理解One day, Mike and his grandpa are out for a walk. Its hot, so they stop for a rest near a playground. There are some children playing football in the playground. And Mike wants to play too. So he asks his grandpa, “How are your teeth, Grandpa?”His grandpa answers, “T

2、hey are too bad.”Mike is very happy. He gives some sweets to his grandpa, “Please look after the sweets for me. I will go to play football for a while.”犇1、Mike and his grandpa are _ one day. ()Aout for a walkBwatching TVClistening to musicDout for shopping犇2、They stop for a rest near a _. ()AschoolB

3、homeCplaygroundDgarden犇3、Mike asks his grandpa to look after his _ for him. ()AappleBteethCsweetsDfootball犇4、Mike wants to play _. ()AbasketballBfootballCvolleyballDtable tennis犇5、Mike gives the sweets to his grandpa because his grandpa _. ()Adoesnt like sweetsBdoesnt want sweetsCcant eat the sweets

4、 with his bad teethDloves him二、阅读理解Today is the sixteenth of August. And its Mikes twelfth birthday. So there are many friends at his house. They are having a birthday party for him. Mike has got many presents. There is a beautiful pencil case, a funny picture book, a nice T-shirt, a VCD of Chinese

5、cartoons and some beautiful flowers. Mike likes them very much. Look! There is a big birthday cake with a lot of grapes on the table. His friends put some candles on it. Now Mike is blowing out the candles, and his friends are singing the song Happy Birthday to You to him. They are having a good tim

6、e.犇1、Mikes birthday is on _. ()Athe sixth of AugustBthe sixteenth of AugustCthe sixth of May犇2、There are many _ at Mikes house. ()AfriendsBclassmatesCfriends and classmates犇3、Mike has got a VCD of _ cartoons. ()AEnglishBJapaneseCChinese犇4、Mike likes _ very much. ()Athe birthday cakeBthe birthday pre

7、sentsCthe candles犇5、The children are _. ()Ahaving a birthday cakeBblowing out the candlesCsinging a song三、阅读理解阅读短文,并根据短文内容选择正确答案。Mr and Mrs Brown come from Canada. They are in Shanghai now. Mr Brown is a teacher in a school. He teaches English. He likes reading and running, but he doesnt like cookin

8、g. His son, Jimmy, is a student. He likes playing basketball very much. He is a good basketball player. He likes the school too. He does his homework every day. Mrs Brown is a teacher too. She can speak a little Chinese. She likes Chinese food. She doesnt like doing housework, but she likes cooking.

9、 They all like China a lot.犇1、Mr Brown is a(n) _.()AChinese teacherBEnglish teacherCPE teacher犇2、Mr Brown likes _, but he doesnt like _.Acooking; runningBreading; runningCreading; cooking犇3、_ can speak a little Chinese.ATomBMrs BrownCMr Brown犇4、Mrs Brown doesnt like _.AChinese foodBdoing houseworkCc

10、ooking犇5、They all like _ very much.AChinaBplayingCChinese food四、阅读理解Old John goes to see a doctor. The doctor checks and says, Medicine cant help you. You must have a good rest. Go to a quiet place for a month, go to bed early, drink some milk and walk a lot. Thank you very much, says Old John, I wi

11、ll do everything you say. A month later, Old John comes to the doctor again. Well, says the doctor, Im glad to see you. You look much younger. Oh, Doctor, says Old John, I feel quite well now. I have a good rest, I go to bed early, I drink a lot of milk, and I walk a lot. You help me. Thank you. 犇11

12、、The doctor _. ()Aasks Old John to take some medicineBdoesnt ask Old John to take any medicineCsay many words about medicine犇12、Old John _ after a month. ()Adoesnt get wellBgets wellCis young犇13、Which one is TRUE? ()AOld John go to bed early after seeing doctor.BOld John doesnt walk a lot.COld John

13、is sad after a months rest.犇14、When Old John is ill, he looks _. ()AoldBhappyCyounger犇15、The best title (题目) for this passage should he _ . ()AOld JohnBOld John is illCThe doctors advice五、阅读理解根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。Sandy is only four years old. He likes to touch everything.One day, Sandy and I took a walk in

14、 the park. Suddenly, Sandy saw some bees on the flowers. He was very happy. He walked on the grass and caught them. Then a park keeper came up to us. He pointed at a sign on the grass and said, “Cant you see the sign?” Sandy said, “What does it mean?” “It means you shouldnt walk on the grass. Fine t

15、en yuan.” “Oh, sorry, sir. I dont know the sign. I just have five yuan. I put only one foot on the grass.” The park keeper laughed and said, “OK, I wont fine you. Remember dont do it again.”犇21、How old is Sandy? ()ASix.BFive.CFour.DThree.犇22、Where did they take a walk? ()AIn the school.BIn the park.

16、CIn the zoo.DOn the grass.犇23、Were there any bees on the flowers? ()AYes, there were.BNo, there werent.CYes, there was.DNo, there wasnt.犇24、What does the sign on the grass mean? ()ADont touch.BNo climbing.CKeep off the grass.DNo parking.犇25、Which is TRUE? ()AThe park keeper fined Sandy ten yuan.BThe

17、 park keeper fined Sandy five yuan.CThe park keeper gave Sandy five yuan.DThe park keeper didnt fine Sandy.六、阅读理解Hello, Im Jack. Please look at the picture of my classroom. On the front wall, there is a blackboard. Its very big. In front of the blackboard, there is a yellow desk. Its for our teacher

18、s. There is a computer on it. On the right wall there is a map of China. On the back(后面的) wall of our classroom is a blackboard. We can write and draw on it. There are forty students in my class. Everyone has a desk and a chair.In my classroom, my desk is next to Li Fangs desk. She is on my left. An

19、d Tim is on my right. In front of me is John. Who is behind me? Its a girl, Amy. They are my good friends.犇26、This is a picture of Jacks _. ()AfamilyBclassroomCfriendsDschool犇27、How many blackboards are there in the classroom? ()AOne.BTwo.CThree.DFour.犇28、Whats on the right wall? ()AA clock.BA map o

20、f China.CA map of the world.DA picture.犇29、There are _ desks in Jacks classroom. ()A20B21C40D41犇30、Where is Jack in the classroom? ()AHe is on Li Fangs left.BHe is in front of John.CHe is behind Amy.DHe is between Tim and Li Fang.【参考答案】一、阅读理解解析:犇1、A犇2、C犇3、C犇4、B犇5、C【导语】本文主要讲述了迈克让牙齿不好的爷爷帮自己看糖果,自己去踢足球。

21、犇1、句意:一天迈克和他的爷爷_。A出去散步,B看电视,C听音乐,D出去购物。根据文中句子“One day, Mike and his grandpa are out for a walk.”可知迈克和爷爷出去散步,故选A。犇2、句意:他们在一个_附近停下来休息。A学校,B家,C操场,D花园。根据文中句子“Its hot, so they stop for a rest near a playground.”可知他们在操场附近停下来休息,故选C。犇3、句意:迈克请他的爷爷为他照看他的_。A苹果,B牙齿,C糖果,D足球。根据文中句子“Please look after the sweets fo

22、r me.”可知迈克请爷爷为他照看糖果,故选C。犇4、句意:迈克想去玩_。A篮球,B足球,C排球,D乒乓球。根据文中句子“There are some children playing football in the playground. And Mike wants to play too.”可知迈克想去踢足球,故选B。犇5、句意:迈克把糖果给他的爷爷,因为他的爷爷_。A不喜欢糖果,B不想要糖果,C他的牙齿不好,不能吃糖,D爱他。根据文中句子“How are your teeth, Grandpa? They are too bad.”可知爷爷的牙齿不好,不能吃糖,故选C。二、阅读理解解析

23、:犇1、B犇2、A犇3、C犇4、B犇5、C【解析】犇1、句意为Mike 的生日是什么时候,根据Today is the sixteenth of August,可知Mike 的生日是8月16日,故选B。犇2、句意为Mike 家里有很多什么,根据So there are many friends at his house,可知Mike 家里有很多朋友,故选A。犇3、句意为麦克有一张什么卡通片的光盘,根据There is a beautiful pencil case, a funny picture book, a nice T-shirt, a VCD of Chinese cartoons

24、and some beautiful flowers,可知麦克有一张中国卡通片的光盘,故选C。犇4、句意为Mike 非常喜欢什么,根据There is a beautiful pencil case, a funny picture book, a nice T-shirt, a VCD of Chinese cartoons and some beautiful flowers. Mike likes them very much,可知Mike 非常喜欢这些生日礼物,故选B。犇5、句意为孩子们在干什么,根据and his friends are singing the song Happy

25、Birthday to You to him,可知孩子们正在唱生日歌,故选C。三、阅读理解解析:犇1、B犇2、C犇3、B犇4、B犇5、A四、阅读理解解析:犇11、B犇12、B犇13、A犇14、A犇15、C【导语】本文主要讲述了老人约翰去看医生。医生告诉他药物治不了他,养成良好的作息和饮食习惯才能使他健康。最后约翰按照医生建议去做,看起来更年轻了。犇11、句意:医生_。A让老约翰吃药。B不让老约翰吃药。C说了许多关于药的话。根据文中The doctor checks and says, Medicine cant help you. 可知医生不让约翰吃药。故选B。犇12、句意:老约翰 _ 一个月

26、后。A没有好转;B变好了;C年轻了。根据文中A month later, Old John comes to the doctor again. Well, says the doctor, Im glad to see you. You look much younger. 可知一个月后约翰好转了。故选B。犇13、句意:哪个是正确的?A老约翰看过医生后早睡觉。B老约翰没有走很多路。C休息一个月后老约翰很难过。根据文中Oh, Doctor, says Old John, I feel quite well now. I have a good rest, I go to bed early,

27、I drink a lot of milk, and I walk a lot. 可知约翰看完医生后早睡觉,多走路。故选A。犇14、句意:当老约翰生病的时候,他看起来_。A老;B开心;C更年轻。根据文章大意可知他生病时候看起来老。病好了之后看起来年轻。故选A。犇15、句意:这篇文章的最好的标题是_。A老约翰;B老约翰生病了;C医生的建议。通过文章大意可知本文主要讲述老约翰生病后他看医生,医生给他提了许多建议,后他按照医生的建议做之后病好了。围绕医生的建议展开的。故选C。五、阅读理解21、C犇22、B犇23、A犇24、C犇25、D解析:犇21、C犇22、B犇23、A犇24、C犇25、D六、阅读理

28、解26、B犇27、B犇28、B犇29、D犇30、D【导语】本文杰克通过一张照片介绍了他的教室。犇26、句意:这是一张杰克的_的照片。A家庭,B教解析:犇26、B犇27、B犇28、B犇29、D犇30、D【导语】本文杰克通过一张照片介绍了他的教室。犇26、句意:这是一张杰克的_的照片。A家庭,B教室,C朋友,D学校。根据“Please look at the picture of my classroom. 请看我的教室的照片。”可知B选项符合题意,故选B。犇27、句意:教室里有多少个黑板?A一个,B两个,C三个,D四个。根据“On the front wall, there is a black

29、board. 在前面的墙上有一个黑板。On the back wall of our classroom is a blackboard. 在我们教室后面的墙上是一个黑板。”可知教室里有两个黑板。B选项符合题意,故选B。犇28、句意:右边的墙上有什么?A一个时钟,B一张中国地图,C一张世界地图,D一张照片。根据“On the right wall there is a map of China. 右边墙上有一张中国地图。”可知B选项符合题意,故选B。犇29、句意:杰克的教室里有_桌子。根据“In front of the blackboard, there is a yellow desk.

30、Its for our teachers. 在黑板前面,有一张黄色的桌子。它是我们的老师的桌子。There are forty students in my class. Everyone has a desk and a chair. 在我的班级有四十个同学。每个人有一张桌子和一张椅子。”可知教室里有四十一张桌子。D选项符合题意,故选D。犇30、句意:杰克在教室哪里?A他在李芳的左边。B他在约翰的前面。C他在艾米后边。D他在蒂姆和李芳中间。根据“In my classroom, my desk is next to Li Fangs desk. She is on my left. And Tim is on my right. In front of me is John 在我的教室里,我的桌子在李芳的桌子旁边。她在我的左边。蒂姆在我的右边。我的前面是约翰。”可知D选项符合题意,故选D。

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