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1、小学五年级上学期阅读理解专项英语质量培优试卷测试题(附答案)一、阅读理解阅读短文,选择正确的答案。A man likes old things very much. He is looking for things of old times. One Saturday morning, he comes to a small village (村庄) and finds a blue ceramic bowl (瓷碗) there. It looks nice and old. It is on the ground and a cat is eating breakfast from it.

2、 An old woman, the owner (主人) of the cat,is sitting near the bowl. The man wants to get the bowl, but he doesnt want to spend much money on it. So he asks the woman, “The cat is very cute!I want to buy it. Can you sell it to me?”“How much money can you give me?” the woman asks. The man says, “Twenty

3、-five yuan. Is it OK?” The woman says, “OK.”Then the man gives the money to her and runs away. After ten minutes (分钟) the man goes back, “My cat wants a bowl to drink. Can you give this bowl to me?” But the woman answers, “Im sorry I cant give it to you. Thanks to the bowl, it helps me sell (卖出) man

4、y cats a day.”犇1、Where does the story happen (发生)? ()_AIn a big village.BIn a small city (城市).CIn a small village.犇2、Where is the bowl? ()_AOn the cat.BBeside the man.CNear the old woman.犇3、What does the man really want? ()_AThe cat.BThe bowl.CSome food.犇4、How much is the cat? ()_A20yuan.B30 yuan.C2

5、5yuan.犇5、From the story, we can know that the woman _. ()Ahas many bowlsBdoesnt like catsCis very smart (聪明的)二、阅读理解Welcome to the Peoples Zoo, come and see the zebras from Shanghai. The beautiful birds from Nanjing will sing songs for you, and the monkeys from Chengdu will talk to you, and the giraf

6、fes from Beijing are waiting to look down on you. There are many other animals waiting for you.Keep the zoo clean! Do not touch (触摸), give food or go near the animals!Tickets (票)TimeTickets (票)Adult (成人): $ 6June (6月) 1-June 2Adult (成人): $ 6Children: Free (免费)9:00 a. m-7:00 p. mChildren: Free (免费)犇1

7、、How many kinds (种类)of animals are talked about in the poster (海报)? ()A4B5C6犇2、From the poster, we can know the animal “giraffe” is _. ()AshortBfatCtall犇3、Visitors can do the following things EXCEPT (除了) _. ()Agive some food to the tigersBwatch the zebrasClisten to the birds singing犇4、Mr. and Mrs. B

8、rown will take their 6-year-old son to the zoo. How much will the tickets be together(总共) ? ()A$ 6B$ 12C$ 18犇5、The poster may be made (制作) just _. ()Aafter Childrens Day (儿童节)Bbefore Childrens DayCon Christmas Day (圣诞节)三、阅读理解Sam is good at school, but he is very dirty. His face and hands are often d

9、irty. He washes them with water only. He does not use soap.Sam has an uncle. One day his uncle goes to see him. He looks at him and says, “Sam, I know what you ate for breakfast this morning.”“What?” Sam looks at his uncle and says.“Eggs” says his uncle, Your face and mouth tell me that.“You are wro

10、ng, uncle!” says Sam, “Not today or yesterday, but the day before yesterday!”犇11、Who is Sam? ()AHe is a teacher.BHe is not at school.CHe is a student.犇12、What does “dirty” mean? ()A脏的B干净的C坏的犇13、Whats on Sams face and mouth? ()AEggs.BSoap.CWater.犇14、Which of these is not wrong? ()ASam doesnt wash his

11、 face and hands every day.BThe uncle thinks the boy ate eggs last morning.CSam doesnt like eggs at all.犇15、What do you think of Sam? ()AHe is a good boy.BHe is a clever boy.CHe is not clean.四、阅读理解 Mrs Browns old grandfather lives with her. Every morning, he goes out for a walk in the garden and come

12、s home at 12:30 for lunch.But one morning a police car stops outside Mrs Browns house at twelve, and two policemen help the old man to get out. One of them says to Mrs Brown, “The old man loses his way (迷路) home in the garden and calls us for help, so we drive the car to bring him home.” Mrs Brown i

13、s very surprised but she thanks the policemen and then they leave.“But Grandfather,” she asks, “You go to that garden every day for twenty years. How can you lose your way home?” The old man smiles and says, “I cant lose my way but Im just tired and dont want to go home on foot.”犇11、Who takes a walk

14、 in the garden every day? ()AMr Brown.BMrs Brown.CMrs Browns grandfather.犇12、When does Mrs Browns grandfather come home for lunch every day? ()AAt twelve oclock.BAt twelve thirty.CAt eleven thirty.犇13、Who helps Mrs Browns grandfather come back home? ()AMrs Brown.BTwo policemen.CMrs Browns grandfathe

15、r.犇14、Does Mrs Brown say thanks to the policemen? ()AYes, she does.BNo, she doesnt.CYes, she doesnt.犇15、Why doesnt Mrs Browns grandfather walk home? ()AHe lose his way home.BHe is caught by policemen.CHe is tired and doesnt want to go home on foot.五、阅读理解Daniel comes from Sydney. He is now staying in

16、 Beijing with his family. He usually gets up at about 6:30 am and has breakfast at 7:00 am. Then he leaves home at 7:15 am.He gets to school at 7:45 am. His first class begins at 8:00 am. There are four lessons in the morning. Morning classes are over at 11:50 am, and he has lunch 10 minutes later.A

17、fternoon classes begin at 1:30 pm. There are two lessons in the afternoon. They are over at 3:10 pm. Daniel usually stays at school for another hour to play soccer, and then goes home.犇21、Where is Daniel living now? ()ASydney.BBeijing.CNew York.DShenzhen.犇22、When does Daniels first class begin? ()AA

18、t 7:15 am.BAt 7:45 am.CAt 8:00 am.DAt 8:15 am.犇23、What time does Daniel have lunch? ()AAt 11:50 am.BAt 12 oclock.CAt 12:10 pm.DAt 12:20 pm.犇24、How many classes do they have a day? ()AFour.BTwo.CSix.DEight.犇25、After school, Daniel usually stays at school for one hour to _. ()Aplay soccerBplay basketb

19、allCdo his homeworkDplay music六、阅读理解What can you do with your food? In Australia, there is a mother. She can make food into cartoon characters. She makes this food for her son. Her son is picky about food. But he likes the food his mother makes. So the mother always tries her best to make her son en

20、joy eating. She can make cartoon characters like Micky Mouse, Elsa, Superman and so on. Her food is fun. It is also very green and healthy.犇26、What can the Australian mother do with food? ()AShe can eat a lot of food.BShe can make food with toys.CShe can make cartoon characters with food.犇27、Who doe

21、s she make food for? ()AHer husband.BHer son.CHer daughter.犇28、What does the underlined word “picky” mean? ()A挑剔的B讨厌的C热衷的犇29、Does the boy like the food that his mother makes? ()AWe dont know.BYes, he does.CNo, he doesnt.犇30、How is the food that the mother makes? ()AIts nice but oil.BIts beautiful bu

22、t not yummy.CIts green and healthy.【参考答案】一、阅读理解解析:犇1、C犇2、C犇3、B犇4、C犇5、C【分析】短文大意: 一个人在一个小村庄里买猫地故事犇1、句意:这个故事发生在哪里?根据One Saturday morning, he comes to a small village (村庄) and finds a blue ceramic bowl (瓷碗) there.可知这个故事发生在一个小村庄里,故选C。犇2、句意:碗在哪里?根据An old woman, the owner (主人) of the cat,is sitting near th

23、e bowl. 可知碗在老人的旁边,故选C。犇3、句意:那个男的真地想要什么?根据The man wants to get the bowl, but he doesnt want to spend much money on it.可知他想要那个碗,故选B。犇4、句意:那只猫多少钱?根据Twenty-five yuan可知是二十五元,故选C。犇5、句意:通过这个故事,我们知道那个妇女_。But the woman answers, “Im sorry I cant give it to you. Thanks to the bowl, it helps me sell (卖出) many c

24、ats a day.”妇女因为这个碗,而一天能卖出去许多猫。可知她很聪明,故选C。【点睛】二、阅读理解解析:犇1、A犇2、C犇3、A犇4、B犇5、B【导语】本文是一张六一儿童节宣传动物园的海报。主要内容:人们动物园有斑马、鸟、猴子、长颈鹿和许多其它动物。并且介绍入院的门票价格,开放时间和游客注意事项。犇1、句意:在这张海报里谈论到多少种动物?根据全文内容可知文中提到了 zebras from Shanghai, birds from Nanjing,monkeys from Chengdu和 giraffes from Beijing 。共四种。故选A。犇2、句意:从这张海报中,我们能知道长颈

25、鹿这种动物是_。根据文中and the giraffes from Beijing are waiting to look down on you.长颈鹿等着俯视你。可知长颈鹿高。故选C。犇3、句意:游客可以做除了下列_。A给老虎食物;B看斑马;C听鸟唱歌。根据文中Keep the zoo clean! Do not touch(触摸), give food or go near the animals!可知游客不可以给动物喂食。故选A。犇4、句意:布朗先生和夫人将要带六岁的儿子去动物园,门票总共需要多少钱?根据文中表格Adult (成人): $ ;6Children: Free (免费)可知

26、两个成人一个儿童需要12美元。故选B。犇5、句意:这张海报是_制作的。根据文中表格June (6月) 1-June 2可知应该是为六一儿童节制作的。所以应该是在儿童节之前制作。故选B。三、阅读理解解析:犇11、C犇12、A犇13、A犇14、A犇15、C【分析】该篇主要讲了山姆是一个不讲卫生的学生,已经三天不洗脸了的故事犇11、句意:山姆是谁?A他是一名教师,B他不在学校, C他是一名学生。根据Sam is good at school, but he is very dirty可知山姆是一名学生,故选C。犇12、句意:“dirty” 是什么意思?根据He washes them with wa

27、ter only. He does not use soap.可知dirty意思是脏的,故选A。犇13、句意:山姆的脸和嘴上是什么?A鸡蛋,B肥皂,C水。根据“Eggs” says his uncle, Your face and mouth tell me that.可知山姆的脸和嘴上是鸡蛋,故选A。犇14、句意:那个没错?A山姆不是每天都洗脸洗手的,B叔叔认为那孩子昨天早上吃了鸡蛋,C山姆一点都不喜欢吃鸡蛋。根据“Sam, I know what you ate for breakfast this morning.” You are wrong, uncle!” says Sam, “N

28、ot today or yesterday, but the day before yesterday!”可知叔叔认为山姆今天早上吃了鸡蛋,山姆也喜欢吃鸡蛋,但已经三天没洗脸了,AC均有错误。故选A。犇15、句意:你觉得山姆怎么样?A他是个好孩子,B他是个聪明的孩子,C他不干净。根据“You are wrong, uncle!” says Sam, “Not today or yesterday, but the day before yesterday!”可知山姆是脏的,故选C。四、阅读理解解析:犇11、C犇12、B犇13、B犇14、A犇15、C【导语】本文介绍了布朗夫人的爷爷每天早上都去公

29、园散步12:30回家吃午饭,今天不想走回家被警察送回家的事。犇11、句意:谁每天在花园里散步?A布朗先生,B布朗夫人,C布朗夫人的爷爷,根据Mrs Browns old grandfather lives with her. Every morning, he goes out for a walk in the garden and comes home at 12:30 for lunch.可知布朗夫人的爷爷每天在花园散步,故选C。犇12、句意:布朗夫人的爷爷每天什么时候回家吃午饭?A在十二点,B在十二点半,C在十一点半,根据Every morning, he goes out for a

30、 walk in the garden and comes home at 12:30 for lunch.可知布朗夫人的爷爷每天十二点半回家吃午饭,故选B。犇13、句意:谁帮助布朗夫人的爷爷回家?A布朗夫人,B两个警察,C布朗夫人的爷爷,根据But one morning a police car stops outside Mrs Browns house at twelve, and two policemen help the old man to get out.可知两个警察帮助布朗夫人的爷爷回家,故选B。犇14、句意:布朗夫人感谢警察了吗?A是的,她感谢了。B不,她没有。C是的,她

31、没有。表达错误,排除C。根据Mrs Brown is very surprised but she thanks the policemen and then they leave.可知布朗夫人感谢警察了,该句答语为肯定回答,故选A。犇15、句意:布朗夫人的爷爷为什么不走回家?A他迷了回家的路。B他被警察抓住了。C他累了不想走回家。根据I cant lose my way but Im just tired and dont want to go home on foot.可知他累了不想走回家,故选C。【点睛】五、阅读理解21、B犇22、C犇23、B犇24、C犇25、A【分析】短文大意:短文介

32、绍了丹尼尔现在和他的家人在北京学校生活。犇21、句意:丹尼尔现在住在哪里?A悉解析:犇21、B犇22、C犇23、B犇24、C犇25、A【分析】短文大意:短文介绍了丹尼尔现在和他的家人在北京学校生活。犇21、句意:丹尼尔现在住在哪里?A悉尼。B北京。C纽约。C深圳。根据短文中的Daniel comes from Sydney. He is now staying in Beijing with his family. 可知丹尼尔现在在北京,故选B。犇22、句意:丹尼尔第一节课什么时候开始?A在上午7:15。B在上午7:45。C在上午8:00。D在上午8:15。根据短文中的 His first c

33、lass begins at 8:00 am.可知他的第一节课在上午八点开始,故选C。犇23、句意:丹尼尔在什么时间吃午饭?A在上午11:50。B在12点钟。C在下午12:10。D在下午12:20。根据短文中的Morning classes are over at 11:50 am, and he has lunch 10 minutes later.可知上午课11:50结束,十分钟后吃午饭,丹尼尔在12点钟吃午饭,故选B。犇24、句意:他们一天有多少节课?A四。B二。C六。D八。根据短文中的There are four lessons in the morning.There are two

34、 lessons in the afternoon. 可知上午有四节课,下午有两节课,一天有六节课,故选C。犇25、句意:放学后,丹尼尔通常在学校呆一个小时_。A踢足球,B打篮球,C做作业,D播放音乐,根据短文中的 Daniel usually stays at school for another hour to play soccer, and then goes home.可知放学后,丹尼尔通常在学校呆一个小时踢足球,故选A。【点睛】六、阅读理解26、C犇27、B犇28、A犇29、B犇30、C【分析】本篇文章主要介绍了一位能把食物做成卡通形象的妈妈。犇26、句意:这位澳大利亚妈妈能用食物

35、做什么解析:犇26、C犇27、B犇28、A犇29、B犇30、C【分析】本篇文章主要介绍了一位能把食物做成卡通形象的妈妈。犇26、句意:这位澳大利亚妈妈能用食物做什么?根据In Australia, there is a mother. She can make food into cartoon characters.可知她能用食物做出卡通人物。A她能吃大量食物。B她能用玩具做食物。C她能用食物做出卡通人物。故选C。犇27、句意:她为谁做食物?根据She makes this food for her son.可知她为了她的儿子做食物。A她丈夫。B她儿子。C她女儿。故选B。犇28、句意:划线单

36、词“picky”是什么意思?根据Her son is picky about food. But he likes the food his mother makes.可推断出她儿子对食物很挑剔,划线单词意为挑剔的,故选A。犇29、句意:这个男孩喜欢他妈妈做的食物吗?根据Her son is picky about food. But he likes the food his mother makes.可知男孩喜欢妈妈做的食物。A我们不知道。B是的,他喜欢。C不,他不喜欢。故选B。犇30、句意:这位妈妈做的食物怎么样?根据Her food is fun. It is also very green and healthy.可知她做的食物绿色且健康。A它很好但有点油。B它很漂亮但不好吃。C它是绿色且健康的。故选C。

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