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1、英语五年级上册阅读理解专项培优试题测试题(带答案)一、阅读理解根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。Its Sunday morning. Li Lei has no classes today. He has breakfast and goes out. He is going to his grandfathers home. Now he is on his way there. He walks and walks. Then he comes to a river (河流). The river is not wide (宽). There is a board (木板) over the

2、 river. Li Lei walks onto the board. Suddenly (突然) he falls into (掉进) the river. “Help! Help!” Li Lei cries. But no one comes. There is no one nearby (附近). He waits in the water (水) for some time. But nothing happens (没什么发生). He begins to get up. Aha, the water is not very deep (深). It only reaches

3、(抵到) to half his legs.犇1、The story happens on _. ()Aa Saturday afternoonBa Sunday afternoonCa Sunday morningDa Saturday morning犇2、The river is _.Avery wide but not deepBvery deep but not wideCnot wide or deepDvery wide and deep犇3、Li Lei falls into the river _. ()Awhen he is walking onto the boardBwh

4、en he comes to a riverCwhen he gets to his grandfathers houseDwhen he walks along the road犇4、_ comes to help him. ()AA man nearbyBNo oneCHis grandfatherDHis friend犇5、Li Lei _ the river at last (最后). ()Awalks out ofBwaits inCswimsDstays in二、阅读理解Tom and John are brothers. They live in the same room an

5、d they are in the same class.One day they have a fight, so they dont speak to each other for a few days. On Monday evening Tom is tired after dinner. He doesnt say anything to John.John helps his mother with housework. Then he does some homework. When he goes to bed, he finds a piece of paper on the

6、 small table near his bed. On it are the words, John, wake me up at 7 a.m. ,Tom.When Tom is awake the next morning, it is nearly 8 oclock. And on the small table near his bed he sees anther piece paper. He takes it and reads these words, Tom, wake up! It is 7 a.m , John.犇6、Are Tom and John in differ

7、ent classes? ()AYes, they are.BNo, they arent.CYes, they do.犇7、Why dont they speak to each other? ()AThey have a watch.BThey have a fever.CThey have a fight.犇8、What does John find on the small table near his bed? ()AA computer.BA box.CA piece of paper.犇9、Does John write anything the next morning? ()

8、AYes, he does.BNo, he doesnt.CYes, he is.犇10、Does John wake up Tom the next morning? ()AYes, he does.BNo, he doesnt.CYes, he is.三、阅读理解阅读短文, 并根据短文内容选择正确答案。Hello, my name is Peter. My parents and I live in Shanghai. My father teaches English and my mother teaches Maths in a primary school. We live in

9、a new house now. It is near my parents school, so they always go to work by bike. But my home is far from my school. I often go to school by school bus. I have lunch at school too. I have many Chinese friends. We often play games after school. I teach them English and they teach me Chinese. I love t

10、hem.犇1、Where does Peter live? ()AHe lives in Shanghai.BHe lives with his friends.CHe lives in an old house.犇2、What are Peters parents jobs? ()AThey are drivers.BThey are teachers.CI dont know.犇3、Where is Peters parents school? ()AIt is near Shanghai.BIt is near Peters school.CIt is near Peters new h

11、ouse.犇4、How does Peters father go to the school? ()ABy car.BBy bike.CIm not sure.犇5、Does Peter have any friends? ()AYes, he does.BNo, he doesnt.CSorry, I dont know.四、阅读理解Tims father is ill in hospital. Its Sunday. Tim is on his way to the hospital to see his father. The hospital is very far from his

12、 home, so he wants to take a bus. Now he is at the bus stop, and there are many people at the stop. The bus is late, so he wants to go there by taxi. When Tim gets to the hospital, his father is very happy.犇16、_ is ill in hospital. ()ATims motherBTimCTims father犇17、The hospital is _. ()Anear Tims ho

13、meBnear Tims schoolCvery far from Tims home犇18、Tim wants to _ at first. ()Atake a taxiBtake a busCwalk犇19、Tim finally _ to the hospital because the bus is late. ()Atakes a taxiBtakes a busCtakes a metro犇20、Tims father _ very happy when he sees Tim. ()AisntBareCis五、阅读理解This term I came to NO. 8 Middl

14、e school. It is very beautiful and big. There are 34 classes, 120 teachers and 1800 students in the school.In the middle of the school there is a tall building. Its for us to have classes. All the classrooms are there. There are some small rooms, too. They are offices for the teachers to work. All t

15、he teachers get ready for their lessons there.In front of the tall building, there is a small one. It is the library. There are many books there. The teachers and the students like to read books in it. Sometimes they borrow books from it.There is a dinning hall behind the tall building. Some of the

16、students have lunch in it.I like my new school very much.犇21、There are _ classes in No. 8 Middle school. ()A36B34C35犇22、The classroom is in _.()Aa tall buildingBa libraryCan office犇23、Where is the library? ()ABehind the tall building.BNext to the tall building.CIn front of the tall building.犇24、How

17、many students are there in my school? ()A120.B1600.C1800.犇25、Which sentence(句子) is true? ()ABehind the school there is a tall building.BThere is a dinning hall in the middle of the tall building.CAll the teachers get ready for their lessons in some small rooms in the tall building.六、阅读理解Chinese New

18、Year is the most important festival in China. Before it, people usually clean their houses, and buy some new clothes and food. On Chinese New Years Eve, people cook nice food and the whole family have a big dinner together. On the first day of Chinese New Year, there is no sweeping(打扫) because peopl

19、e think it will sweep their good luck(好运). And people often go to visit their friends and relatives(亲戚). They say “Happy New Year” and some other greetings to each other. Children can get some red packets from their parents and relatives. People usually have a great time.犇26、_ is the most important

20、festival for Chinese people. ()AChristmasBNew YearCChinese New Year犇27、People usually clean their houses _ Chinese New Year. ()AonBbeforeCafter犇28、On Chinese New Years Eve, people _. ()Ahave a big dinnerBvisit their friendsCbuy some new clothes犇29、People _ sweep the floor on the first day of Chinese

21、 New Year. ()AusuallyBlikeCdont犇30、Children can get some _ at Chinese New Year. ()ApresentsBred packetsCred bags【参考答案】一、阅读理解解析:犇1、C犇2、C犇3、A犇4、B犇5、A【分析】短文大意:一个周日的早晨,李磊去爷爷家路上发生的故事。犇1、句意:这个故事发生在_。根据Its Sunday morning. 可知是周日上午,故选C。犇2、句意:这条小河是_。根据The river is not wide (宽). He begins to get up. Aha, the w

22、ater is not very deep (深).可知小河既不宽也不深。故选C。犇3、句意:_,李磊掉进了河里。根据Li Lei walks onto the board. Suddenly (突然) he falls into (掉进) the river. 可知当他走上木板的时候掉进了河里。故选A。犇4、句意:_来帮助他。根据There is no one nearby (附近). He waits in the water (水) for some time. But nothing happens (没什么发生).可知没有人来帮他,故选B。犇5、句意:李磊最后_河里。根据He beg

23、ins to get up.Aha, the water is not very deep (深). It only reaches (抵到) to half his legs. 可知他自己从河里走了出来,故选A。【点睛】二、阅读理解解析:犇6、B犇7、C犇8、C犇9、A犇10、B【分析】短文大意:短文主要讲述汤姆和约翰吵架后发生的事儿。犇6、句意:汤姆和约翰在不同的班级?由短文They live in the same room and they are in the same class.可知他们在同一班,因此应作否定回答,结合选项B符合题意,故选B。犇7、句意:他们为什么不和彼此说话?由

24、短文One day they have a fight, so they dont speak to each other for a few days.可知他们吵架了,A他们有一块表。B他们发烧了。C他们吵架了。故选C。犇8、句意:约翰在他床边的小桌子上发现了什么?由短文When he goes to bed, he finds a piece of paper on the small table near his bed.可知他发现了一张纸,A一台电脑,B一个盒子,C一张纸,故选C。犇9、句意:第二天早上约翰写什么了吗?由短文He takes it and reads these wor

25、ds, Tom, wake up! It is 7 a.m -John.可知约翰写了一张纸条,因为应作肯定回答,结合选项A符合题意,故选A。犇10、句意:约翰第二早上叫醒汤姆了吗?由短文When Tom is awake the next morning, it is nearly 8 oclock. 可知约翰没有叫醒他,因此应作否定回答,结合选项B符合题意,故选B。【点睛】三、阅读理解解析:犇1、A犇2、B犇3、C犇4、B犇5、A四、阅读理解解析:犇16、C犇17、C犇18、B犇19、A犇20、C【导语】文本讲述蒂姆去医院看望他的爸爸。犇16、句意:_生病住院了。由句子Tims father

26、 is ill in hospital.可知是蒂姆的爸爸住院。A.蒂姆的妈妈;B.蒂姆;C.蒂姆的爸爸;故选C。犇17、句意:医院是_。句子The hospital is very far from his home.可知医院离他的家很远。A.在蒂姆的家附近;B.在蒂姆的学校附近;C.在蒂姆的家非常远;故选C。犇18、句意:蒂姆一开始想要_。由句子so he wants to take a bus. 可知他想坐公交车。A.打车;B.坐公交车;C.走路;故选B。犇19、句意:蒂姆最终_去医院因为公交车迟了。由句子The bus is late, so he wants to go there b

27、y taxi. 可知他打车去的。A.打车;B.坐公交车;C.坐地铁;故选A。犇20、句意:当蒂姆的爸爸看见他时_非常开心。由句子When Tim gets to the hospital, his father is very happy.可知爸爸非常开心。A.不是;B.是;C.是;故选C。五、阅读理解21、B犇22、A犇23、C犇24、C犇25、C【分析】短文大意:短文介绍了第八中学的教室,老师办公室、图书馆和餐厅。犇21、句意:第八中学有_解析:犇21、B犇22、A犇23、C犇24、C犇25、C【分析】短文大意:短文介绍了第八中学的教室,老师办公室、图书馆和餐厅。犇21、句意:第八中学有_

28、班级。根据短文中的There are 34 classes, 120 teachers and 1800 students in the school.可知第八中学有34个班级,故选B。犇22、句意:教室在_里。A一幢高楼,B一个图书馆,C一个办公室,根据短文中的In the middle of the school there is a tall building. Its for us to have classes. All the classrooms are there.可知教室在一幢高楼里,故选A。犇23、句意:图书馆在哪里?A在高楼的后面,B紧挨着高楼,C在高楼的前面,根据短文中

29、的In front of the tall building, there is a small one. It is the library.可知图书馆在高楼的前面,故选C。犇24、句意:我的学校有多少名学生?根据短文中的There are 34 classes, 120 teachers and 1800 students in the school.可知我的学校有1800名学生,故选C。犇25、句意:哪个句子是正确的?A学校后面有一个高楼。B在那幢高楼的中间有一个餐厅。C所有的老师都在高楼里的一些小房间里准备上课。根据短文中的In the middle of the school the

30、re is a tall building. There is a dinning hall behind the tall building. There are some small rooms, too. They are offices for the teachers to work. All the teachers get ready for their lessons there.可知学校中间有一个高楼,高楼后面有一间餐厅,所有的老师都在高楼里的一些小房间里准备上课,C选项是正确的,故选C。六、阅读理解26、C犇27、B犇28、A犇29、C犇30、B【导语】本文主要讲述了中国春

31、节的传统习俗。犇26、句意:_是中国最重要的节日。A圣诞节,B新解析:犇26、C犇27、B犇28、A犇29、C犇30、B【导语】本文主要讲述了中国春节的传统习俗。犇26、句意:_是中国最重要的节日。A圣诞节,B新年,C春节。根据“Chinese New Year is the most important festival in China. ”可知,春节是中国最重要的节日。故选C。犇27、句意:人们通常在春节_打扫他们的房子。A在,B在之前,C在之后,根据“Before it, people usually clean their houses, and buy some new cloth

32、es and food.”春节前,人们打扫房子,买一些新衣服和食物。故选B。犇28、句意:除夕夜,人们_。A吃晚餐,B拜访朋友,C买新衣服。根据“On Chinese New Years Eve, people cook nice food and the whole family have a big dinner together.”人们在除夕夜和家人一起吃团圆饭,故选A。犇29、句意:人们在新年第一天_扫地。A通常,B喜欢,C不。根据“On the first day of Chinese New Year, there is no sweeping(打扫) because people think it will sweep their good luck(好运).”新年第一天,人们不扫地,因为会扫走好运。故选C。犇30、句意:孩子们能在新年得到_。A礼物,B红包,C红色的包。根据“Children can get some red packets from their parents and relatives.”孩子们从父母和亲戚那儿得到红包,故选B。

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