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1、大冶实验高中大冶实验高中陈莉娟陈莉娟1英语作文的华丽变身Beautify your Composition高三英语组姚晨1大冶实验高中大冶实验高中陈莉娟陈莉娟2词汇使用的四原则词汇使用的四原则2、地道原则。、地道原则。3、避免重复原则、避免重复原则4、后、后、高高、长原则长原则后学到、较后学到、较高级、较长词汇。高级、较长词汇。2.大冶实验高中大冶实验高中陈莉娟陈莉娟3应用了较多的词汇应用了较多的词汇Its very helpful.It benefits a lot./It is of great help.Suddenly I came up with a good idea.an inc

2、reasing number of peopleYour efforts will be very important.Your efforts will make a great difference.more and more people Suddenly I had a good idea.3.大冶实验高中大冶实验高中陈莉娟陈莉娟强调句名词性从句常用谚语定语从句倒装句 with复合结构非谓语动词被动句高级句型高级句型 8 4.大冶实验高中大冶实验高中陈莉娟陈莉娟实战(实战(1)She cant correctly pronounce the word.She has trouble i

3、n pronouncing the word.Suddenly I thought of a good idea.A good idea occurred to me.A good idea suddenly struck me.95.大冶实验高中大冶实验高中陈莉娟陈莉娟实战(实战(2)他昨天下午来的He came here yesterday afternoon.He didnt come here until yesterday afternoon.Not until yesterday afternoon did he come here.It was not until yesterd

4、ay afternoon that he came here.10 6.大冶实验高中大冶实验高中陈莉娟陈莉娟7将陈述句改为感叹句将陈述句改为感叹句 To prevent the pollution is very importantShe is a clever girlHow important it is to prevent the pollution!what a clever girl she is!7.大冶实验高中大冶实验高中陈莉娟陈莉娟将陈述句改为倒装句将陈述句改为倒装句 We can achieve success in this way.It is so easy that

5、even a child can do it.So easy is it that even a child can do it.Only in this way can we achieve success.8 8.大冶实验高中大冶实验高中陈莉娟陈莉娟将简单句改为强调句将简单句改为强调句 Smoking did great harm to his health.How can we improve our English?It was smoking that did great harm to his health.How is it that we can improve our Eng

6、lish?9 9.大冶实验高中大冶实验高中陈莉娟陈莉娟合并为同位语从句合并为同位语从句Liu Xiang is an excellent athlete.He won the first prize in the 2004 Olympic Games.The word is true.The actor will give us a speech.Liu Xiang,an excellent athlete,won the first prize in the 2004 Olympic Games.The word that the actor will give us a speech is

7、 true.1010.大冶实验高中大冶实验高中陈莉娟陈莉娟合并为定语从句合并为定语从句The 2008 Olympic Games was held in Beijing,and its slogan was One World One Dream.Yesterday we went to the East Gate,and we bought a lot of clothes.The 2008 Olympic Games,whose slogan wasOne World One Dream,was held in Beijing.Yesterday we went to the East

8、Gate,where we bought a lot of clothes.1111.大冶实验高中大冶实验高中陈莉娟陈莉娟12一:肯定不如双否好肯定不如双否好二:陈述不如倒装妙陈述不如倒装妙三:主动不如被动巧主动不如被动巧四:分词结构不能少分词结构不能少四四不不如如誊写规范不要少誊写规范不要少12.大冶实验高中大冶实验高中陈莉娟陈莉娟肯定不如双否好肯定不如双否好The postman comes on time every day.I have made great progress in English with his help.The postman never fails to com

9、e on time.I couldnt have made great progress in English without his help.1313.大冶实验高中大冶实验高中陈莉娟陈莉娟陈述不如倒装妙陈述不如倒装妙He didnt come here until 5 pm.Travelling can not only relax us,but also broaden our horizons.Not until 5 pm.did he come here.It was not until 5 pm.that he came here.Not only can travelling r

10、elax us,but also broaden our horizons.1414.大冶实验高中大冶实验高中陈莉娟陈莉娟主动不如被动巧主动不如被动巧We can borrow five books,and we can keep them for a month.The main problem now is how we can prevent this from happening again.The main problem now is how this can be prevented from happening again.Five books can be borrowed

11、and they can be kept for a month.1515.大冶实验高中大冶实验高中陈莉娟陈莉娟 If weather permits,we will go hiking.Weather permitting,we will go hiking.Being a student,Id like to know the discount.分词结构不能少分词结构不能少 16一去(去连词)一去(去连词)二看(看主语)二看(看主语)三改(改分词)三改(改分词)分词结构分词结构Because I am a student,Id like to know the discount.16.大冶实验高中大冶实验高中陈莉娟陈莉娟17Thank You!欢迎各位领导和欢迎各位领导和同事对我工作提同事对我工作提出更好的意见。出更好的意见。17

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