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1、No.22023124上涵么路材料与试验SHANGHAI HIGHWAYS高聚物注浆技术在安徽省高速公路养护维修中的应用王重阳(安徽省交控建设管理有限公司,安徽合肥2 3 0 6 0 1)摘要:随着我国公路,尤其是高速公路建设的快速增长,高速公路养护的重要性日渐突显。现分析了高速公路的高聚物注浆技术及其三要素,阐述了高聚物注浆技术的适用范围及工艺,并给出了其在全国,尤其是在安徽省高速公路的应用、施工实例及处治效果,探索了公路路面养护及病害检测修复的新方法,以期为我国高速公路路面使用寿命的提升做出一些贡献。关键词:高聚物注浆技术;高速公路养护维修;应用0引言目前,我国公路总里程位居世界前列,公路

2、网越织越密,公路运输保障及服务能力得到了极大的提升,居民出行活动越加便捷。截至2 0 2 1 年末,我国公路总里程达5 2 8.0 7 万km,新增1 1 7.4 7 万km。其中,高速公路里程1 6.9 1 万km,新增7.3 1 万km。近年来,我国的基础设施建设高歌猛进,公路,特别是高速公路的建设更是增长迅猛。高速公路养护的重要性也随之日渐突显,大规模建设后带来的养护任务更加繁重。传统的养护维修多采用坑槽挖补、铣刨加铺等方式,存在造价高、工期长、交通干扰大、废弃物污染环境等问题。而国家双碳目标的制定,对公路养护提出了新的要求。“集约化、专业化和节能环保”的绿色养护理念逐渐形成,各种养护新

3、材料、新技术、新设备不断涌现,“绿色养护、经济高效”已成为公路养护的主要趋势。1高聚物注浆技术及其三要素1.1高聚物注浆技术高聚物注浆技术是公路微创技术 2 ,属于公路病害无损检测与快速处治的成套技术,依托落锤弯沉仪(FWD)或探地雷达(GPR)无损检测技术和高聚物注浆技术,实现了公路非开挖维修技术的重大突破,开创了公路基层病害处治的新途径。施工技术如图1 所示。收稿日期:2 0 2 3-0 2-0 3工程检测图1 高聚物注浆技术施工示意图1.2高聚物注浆技术三要素1.2.1科学检测运用高科技手段,即落锤弯沉仪或探地雷达,对道路进行无损检测,由此来获取道路病害的具体位置及病害的影响程度,并制定

4、出可操作性强、针对性高的注浆维修方案。1.2.2精准注浆根据检测结果,按照制定的方案,精准针对道路病害部位,注人高聚物材料。材料注人后,迅速发生反应,膨胀固化,从而达到填充脱空、排除积水、密实松散、封闭裂缝、抬升沉陷的效果,有效处治基层病害 3 1.2.3优选材料高聚物注浆材料优选非水反应、水不敏感型、双2023No.2上涵么缆1 2 5SHANGHAHWAYS材料与试验组份的闭孔高分子聚合物,具有早强、膨胀、防水的特点,性能稳定,耐久性好,属于绿色环保材料。根据道路病害检测结果,针对不同病害,可对注浆材料的膨胀倍数以及反应时间等参数进行调整,以达到最佳处治效果。2高聚物注浆技术适用范围及施工

5、工艺2.1适用范围可用于一般公路、国省道、市政道路、高速公路以及机场跑道的脱空、沉陷、唧泥翻浆、强度不足等病害的处治,如水泥混凝土路面脱空、沉陷、唧浆、断板、错台等;半刚性基层沥青路面横缝、纵缝、唧浆、基层松散和强度不足等;路基压实度不足造成的沉陷开裂等病害处治 4 2.2旅施工工艺施工工艺如图2 所示。注浆前检测诊断病害注浆方案设计水泥路面半刚性基层路面7路基业柔性基层路面板底注浆基底注浆加载注浆深部注浆钻孔下注浆管高聚物注浆材料配料安装注浆帽注射高聚物材料注浆后检测注浆效果封孔清扫环境图2 高高聚物注浆技术施工工艺示意图3高聚物注浆应用情况、工程实例及处治效果3.1应用情况高聚物注浆技术开

6、始应用以来,已在全国范围的高速公路、国省道、市政道路进行了大面积的实施应用,取得了良好的经济和社会效益 5 。2 0 0 8 年开始在安徽应用,至今已完成了超过1 0 0 万m的病害处治面积。针对高速公路唧泥翻浆、基层松散脱空、宽大纵缝、桥头跳车等典型病害,其处治均取得了良好的效果。高聚物注浆结合铣刨、罩面等技术进行高速公路大中修,精准处治病害,节约了大量维修经费,极大地缩短了工期,并减少了交通的干扰。3.2工程实例安徽省某段高速公路2 0 1 2 年通车,现路面出现了裂缝、唧浆等病害,故采用高聚物注浆进行处治 6 。首先对道路进行检测。探地雷达的检测结果表明,高速公路K183+000一K18

7、0+000段的部分路段基层存在缺陷,病害比较严重,主要以基层松散和基层脱空为主。对病害路段进行了弯沉检测,具体检测结果见表1 所示。表1 探地雷达检测结果中央弯沉阶段车道平均值/um标准差/m变异系数/%下行行车道150.142.528.3一期下行超车道160.578.849.1行车道超车道合计152.845.830.0根据检测结果,制定了高聚物注浆方案,对病害路段进行处治。注浆工程历时9 d,累计完成工程量为4 0 7 2 m。具体工程量见图3、表2 所示。注浆管注浆孔1.6cm半刚性基层(或水泥混凝土基层)底基层路基图3 注浆孔深度及注浆效果示意图3.3处治效果3.3.1路面承载能力得到有

8、效提高表3 为该路段各测点高聚物注浆前后弯沉值的统计表,图4 为各测点注浆前后弯沉变化的对比曲线示意图。从表3、图4 中可以看出,注浆前后测点弯沉的平均值下降了3 1.5%。弯沉检测结果表明,通过高聚物注浆,有效地提高了路面的承载能力。No.22023126上涵么路材料与试验SHANGHAI HIGHWAYS-表2 高聚物注浆工程量统计表桩号处理方案面积/m长度/m裂缝数/条K183K180整车道注浆3549.502837.5K092+200K092+400横缝254.57518K092+200K092+400纵缝268.35010合计4072.427837.528表3 高聚物注浆前后弯沉值统

9、计表弯沉范围/(0.0 0 1 mm)注浆前点数注浆后点数注前弯沉平均值/(0.0 0 1 mm)注后弯沉平均值/(0.0 0 1 mm)弯沉降低百分比/%200174196138.196.530.1200300201234.5150.8145.737.9103.331.530030330.3211.036.1注浆后弯沉一注浆前弯沉700600500(uO01/)显4003002001000911+181Y980+181Y9SO+181Y996+081Y008+081Y999+081Y909+081Y906+181Y990+181Y桩号(km)图4 各测点注浆前后弯沉变化的对比曲线示意图3.3

10、.2结构层均匀完整性得到较好恢复图5 为注浆前的雷达测试结果示意图,图6 为注浆后的雷达测试结果示意图。从图5、图6 可以看出,注浆后的结构层均匀完整性恢复较好,效果显著。3.3.3浆病害得到有效处治检测和观察结果表明,结构层出现脱空的部位得到了有效填充,里面存在的积水和积泥被挤出,松散的部位被高聚物材料压密,路面唧浆病害得到了有效的处治。对1 8 条纵缝和1 0 条横缝进行了高聚物注浆处治后,经过几次雨后观察,未再出现唧浆现象,3.3.4具有良好的填充、防水效果图7 为注浆后的现场取芯情况示意图。由于高聚物材料在固化前具有良好的流动性和高膨胀性,在一定的注浆压力作用下,能够迅速填充路面下的脱

11、空、孔No.22023上海么缆1 2 7SHANGHAIHCTHWAYS材料与谛m398.00400.00402.00404.00406.00408.00410.00412.00414.00416.00m0.000.250.500.751.001.251.500.000.250.50一0.751.001.251.50图5 注浆前雷达测试结果示意图m398.0400.0402.0404.0406.0408.0410.0412.0414.0m0.00.250.500.751.001.251.500.00.250.500.751.001.251.50图6 注浆后雷达测试结果示意图洞和裂缝周围的空隙,

12、使空隙中的积水被挤压排出。可见,该材料能充分填充面层与水稳基层、水稳基层与底基层、底基层与路基之间的空隙,并在层间形成良好的水平封水层。从下而上,在裂隙两侧之间,也形成了较为致密牢固的黏结,使得固化之后的材料对路面裂缝和接缝起到良好的密封作用,有效阻止水的渗透,从而避免路基路面受到水的侵蚀破坏,延长道路的使用寿命。No.22023128上语么路材料与试验SHANGHAI HIGHWAYS图7 注浆后现场取芯情况示意图3.3.5经济社会效益显著与传统的开挖换填维修方法相比较,高聚物注浆的价格优势明显,可节省大量维修经费。其施工快捷,不需要养生,极大地节约了工期;无需开挖,避免了传统方法超挖所造成

13、的各种浪费;处治病害的方案精准、针对性强;施工不产生扬尘,不污染环境;可充分利用现有资源,节约了能源,契合当下双碳及绿色环保的理念 7 。4结语本文通过对高聚物注浆技术的应用背景及其三要素、适用范围及施工工艺,以及应用情况、工程实例和处治效果的介绍,尤其是通过多年来在安徽省高速公路应用实践的阐述,表明了高聚物注浆技术在环保、经济、快速、耐久、稳定等方面具有很大的优势,其零开挖施工技术更是契合了双碳环保的理念。未来,高聚物注浆技术在公路养护维修中,必将发挥更加重要的作用。参考文献:1】李红涛.高聚物注浆在某高速公路路面病害养护施工中的应用 J.黑龙江交通科技,2 0 1 2,3 5(0 2):2

14、 7+2 9.2高文号,魏远,黄治丽.高聚物注浆结合就地热再生在高速公路养护中的应用 J.工程与建设,2 0 1 2,2 6(0 5):6 9 3-6 9 5.3郭成超,王超杰,崔璨.非水反应高聚物注浆技术在道路养护中的应用 J.交通建设与管理,2 0 1 9(0 3):1 1 2-1 1 4.4张建录.高聚物注浆技术在青兰高速公路唧浆病害处治中的应用 J.工程建设与设计,2 0 1 8(1 8):1 0 4-1 0 5.5】冯志强.高聚物注浆技术在高速公路养护工程中的应用 J.建筑工程技术与设计,2 0 2 0(6):5 7 1.6程祥俊,李梦媛.高聚物注浆结合沥青面层铣刨修复技术在高速公路

15、大修养护中的应用效果研究 J.工程与建设,2018,32(05):765-767.7任强.高聚物注浆技术在高速公路养护工程中的应用 J.交通科技与管理,2 0 2 1(1 2):2.ZHUJi(97)A Bridge Intelligent Collision Avoidance System Based on Multi-Dimensional Fusion and Digital Twin TechnologyAbstract:By using multidimensional perception and fusion technology,the passing ship status

16、 around bridges is monitored and ana-lyzed 24/7 in real-time with a 360 ocoverage.If there are ships that may endanger the safety of the bridge,warning information willbe issued in advance and matched with digital twin technology to generate a visualized digital model of the bridge.Feedbacks will be

17、provided to maintenance personnel in a timely and intuitive manner.This achieves comprehensive awareness of the bridge environmentand ensures the safety of the bridge.Key words:multi-dimensional perception;multi-dimensional fusion;digital twin;bridge collision avoidanceA Probabilistic-based Method f

18、or Controlling the Content of Stabilizer of Waste Soil.Abstract:Engineering waste soil is one of the main components of construction waste.Stabilization of waste soil for subgrade flling isan important direction for the utilization of waste soil.This paper combines the engineering practice of utiliz

19、ing waste soil in the South-ern New Town of Nanjing,and proposes a method for controlling the content of stabilizer based on statistical theory and reliability anal-ysis,in order to deal with the variance of waste soil.Firstly,the approximate range of the content is determined through the California

20、Bearing Ratio test,and then the distribution function is constructed by analyzing the distribution of the test results.The reliability of aspecific content is calculated through Monte Carlo simulation.Statistical analysis shows that this design method can minimize strengthredundancy and save costs w

21、hile meeting strength requirements.Key words:waste soil;curing improvement;California bearing ratio;reliability analysis;Monte Carlo simulation;maximum likeli-hood estimationResearch on the Design of Key Materials and Mixtures for Full Thickness Luminous Pavement.PANG Xiaoming(111)Abstract:Combined

22、with the research on the inspection section of the new full-thickness light-emitting road in the construction ofShanghai Slow Moving Leisure Road in recent years,the author analyzed and summarized the design and performance of the stone,transparent binder,luminous materials and other key materials i

23、n the luminous pavement,as well as the mixture,in order to providesome experience for future related projects.Key words:slow leisure road;luminous pavement;transparent binder;luminous materialFeasibility Analysis and Experimental Study on Mechanical Properties of Secondary Cold Regeneration MixtureK

24、ey words:At present,part of the cold recycled pavement in China has reached or is close to its service life.Whether the old cold re-cycled pavement can be recycled has become the focus of the highway industry.In this paper,the feasibility of secondary cold regener-ation is analyzed firstly.Based on

25、the mix design results of secondary cold regeneration mixture,the mechanical properties of secondarycold regeneration mixture are tested and studied.The results show that the crushing value of the old cold recycled pavement base mate-rial still meets the specification requirements,the CBR value is a

26、ttenuated,and the grading is refined,so it is not feasible to use it alonefor the secondary recycled pavement(subbase)base;By adding new aggregate and cement stabilizer,the gradation and strength of thesecondary cold recycled mixture have been effectively improved.The 7 d unconfined compressive stre

27、ngth value can meet the technicalrequirements of the pavement(subbase)under heavy and extremely heavy traffic.The secondary cold recycling is feasible.Althoughthe mechanical performance test results are slightly inferior to that of the primary recycled mixture,the overall mechanical performancecan s

28、till meet the mechanical index requirements of the asphalt pavement base and subbase.Key words:secondary cold regeneration;mix design;mechanical properties;compressive strengthPerformance Research and Engineering Application of Semi-flexible Pavement with High Crack ResistanceAbstract:The influence

29、of grouting materials mixed with different toughening materials on the high temperature rutting resistance,lowtemperature bending resistance and semi-circular bending crack resistance of semi-flexible pavement materials was tested and stud-ied,and the application in engineering test section was carr

30、ied out.The research results show that the grouting material mixed with15%emulsified asphalt can make the semi-flexible pavement material obtain the road performance of balancing high and low tempera-ture performance.The laboratory crack resistance is 45%higher than the previous technology,and the a

31、ctual road crack resistance ismore than 2.6 times higher than the previous technology.Key words:high crack resistance;semi-flexible pavement;toughening materials;emulsified asphalt;semi-circular bending frac-ture energy;pavement cracking rateApplication of High Polymer Grouting Technology in the Mai

32、ntenance and Repair of Freeways in Anhui ProvinceAbstract:With the rapid growth of road,especially highway construction in China,the importance of maintenance is becoming in-RENQi(103):LIU Sijia,LI Yan(115):HUANG Yunbao,DENG Cheng,GONG Minghui,HONG Jinxiang,XIONG Zijia,LIU Ziyang(119)WANG Chongyang(

33、124)CHENXi(129)creasingly prominent.This article analyzes the polymer grouting technology and its three elements on highways,elaborates on the appli-cation scope and process of polymer grouting technology,and provides its application,construction examples,and treatment effects onhighways nationwide,

34、especially in Anhui Province.It explores new methods for highway pavement maintenance and distress detectionand repair,with the aim of making some contributions to the improvement of the service life of highway pavement in China.Key words:polymer grouting technology;expressway maintenance and repair

35、;applicationResearch and Application on Design of Aging Items for Chongqing South Road Pedestrian Bridge in ShanghaiAbstract:Chongqing South Road pedestrian-bridge is one of the first projects for accessibility,and also the first aging item.First ofall,through the introduction of the pedestrian-brid

36、ge geographical location,the necessity of this project is described.Secondly,the def-inition,objectives and 6 characteristics of the project are clarified,3 design stages are divided,and 6 design principles are summarized.The roles and tasks of each discipline are clarified by sorting out the design

37、 guidelines.Thirdly,based on the 6 design principles,theflow chart of overall design steps is constructed,and 10 major design links are summarized.Fourthly,through the analysis of six as-pects of the current situation,the advantages and disadvantages of the west side and the east side schemes are co

38、mpared.Finally,6 highlights of humanized design and 6 major application considerations are introduced.Research conclusion will provide engineeringexperience and practical support for the continuous improvement of aging items of foot bridges.Key words:first construction;foot bridges;aging items;overa

39、ll design research;applicationPractice of Road Congestion Management in Baoshan Wusong Innovation City AreaAbstract:In order to assist in the construction of the main battlefield and industrial park of Baoshan Science and Technology Innova-tion Center,and solve the problem of traffic congestion in k

40、ey areas,research has been carried out on key road traffic congestion controlmeasures.By conducting research and analysis on the current traffic situation,such as the scale of road facilities,intersection channel-ization,and signal timing,we summarize the current traffic operation problems,propose t

41、raffic optimization and improvement measures,such as intersection channelization transformation and bottleneck section widening.We also compare and evaluate the road operationbefore and after the road improvement,and analyze the improvement effect.Key words:traffic congestion;intersection channeliza

42、tion;traffic management;traffic assessmentStudy on node scheme of Taiyuan Renmin Road bridge across Xiao RiverAbstract:We have divided the bridge connection into three types:intercommunication,separation and level crossing,and studied theapplicable occasions.The traffic function of bridge is based o

43、n the connection project.The program of connection is complex and inde-pendent,which is restricted by four factors including planning,site conditions,investment scale and environment.Taking the RenminRoad Cross Xiao River Bridge Project in Taiyuan as an example,this paper is oriented to solve the tr

44、affic problems in the main flow di-rection,and analyzes design scheme from the perspectives of traffic function,planning adaptability,landscape coordination,short-termand long-term combination,investment scale.It is recommended that the bridge connection be in the form of a partial interchange.This

45、paper sorts out the design ideas through specific cases,aiming to provide a reference for the design of similar projects.Key words:bridge across the river;bridge connection scheme;traffic analysis;partial intercommunicationRoute Selection Scheme of Urban Roads under Complex Terrain and Control Condi

46、tions:Taking Xingtuan Avenue,Xishan District,Kunming City as an ExampleAbstract:With the expansion of urban boundaries,more and more urban roads need to be arranged under complex terrain and controlconditions.Road route selection is an important part of their design,and the rationality of the route

47、is directly related to the quality,en-gineering cost,safety,and stability.Taking Xingtuan Avenue in Xishan District as a case study,this paper conducts research on routeselection schemes from multiple perspectives such as line connection point selection,section layout,technical standards,safety,andc

48、ontrol conditions,providing reference for route selection schemes for urban trunk roads in mountainous areas.Key words:route selection of main roads in mountainous areas;complex terrain and control conditionsOverall Plan Design of the Railway Interchange Project Crossing Zhangheng West Road in Nanya

49、ng CityAbstract:Nanyang Zhangheng West Road Railway Crossing Flyover Project includes the main line viaduct,2 ring ramps,4 groundbridges and the Jiaozuo-Liuzhou railway crossing bridge.According to the characteristics of the project site,it is proposed to cross Ji-aozuo-Liuzhou railway in the form o

50、f motor vehicles spanning up and people not crossing down,so as to minimize the distance betweenpeople and people not crossing the railway and meet the riding needs of non-motor vehicles.In response to the characteristics of theoblique intersection between the main bridge and the railway,a segmented

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