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1、第6 期(总第2 9 0 期)2023年6 月D0I:10.16799/ki.csdqyfh.2023.06.017城市道桥与防洪URBANROADSBRIDGES&FLOODCONTROL道路交通再生SBS改性沥青混合料配合比设计方法韩争1,祁文洋,王利俊1.南京城市建设管理集团有限公司,江苏南京2 10 0 0 0;2.上海市政工程设计研究总院(集团)有限公司,上海市2 0 0 0 9 2 摘要:SBS改性沥青路面的养护维修将产生大量回收SBS改性沥青混合料。与回收普通沥青混合料相比,回收SBS改性沥青混合料具有更高的利用价值。在现行规范设计方法的基础上进行补充完善,形成再生SBS改性沥青

2、混合料配合比设计方法,设计内容主要包括RAP料中老化SBS改性沥青老化程度的判别、老化SBS改性沥青的再生设计、RAP掺量的确定、新沥青用量确定等。关键词:道路工程;SBS改性沥青;再生利用;配合比设计中图分类号:U414文献标志码:B文章编号:10 0 9-7 7 16(2 0 2 3)0 6-0 0 6 1-0 30引言SBS改性沥青已广泛应用于我国高等级道路沥青路面面层中,随着SBS改性沥青路面的损坏及养护维修,将会产生大量的回收SBS改性沥青混合料(RAP)。回收SBS改性沥青中仍存有可发挥改性功效的SBS。由此,与回收普通沥青混合料相比,RAP具有更高的利用价值。目前研究主要集中于再

3、生剂再生效果和调和方法。张宇等通过试验对比分析了4 种不同类型再生剂的再生效果。秦欢等 2 分别以2 5针入度、135旋转黏度与G*/sino作为目标参数建立了SBS改性沥青再生调和方程。侯芸等 3 研究了新鲜植物油、煎炸植物油、植物柴油3种植物油再生剂和1种传统矿物油再生剂对老化SBS改性沥青混合料路用性能的影响。谢远光等 4 通过对老化沥青与再生沥青的宏观性能与微观机理进行分析研究,验证了再生剂的再生效果。现行规范 5 中仍按照回收基质沥青的再生设计方法对RAP进行设计。这在一定程度上降低了RAP的再生效果。综上,本文提出了再生SBS改性沥青混合料配合比设计思路,在现行规范设计方法的基础上

4、进行补充完善,形成了再生SBS改性沥青混合料的材料配合比设计方法,以期能为SBS改性沥青混合料再生利用配合比设计提供参考。收稿日期:2 0 2 2-0 8-2 3作者简介:韩争(19 8 1一),男,硕士,高级工程师,从事工程管理工作。1配合比设计思路(1)R A P 性能评价时,应测定旧沥青的韧性,并在此基础上判别旧沥青的老化程度。除此之外,还需测定旧沥青针人度,以确定该RAP是否适宜再生。(2)依据旧沥青的老化程度进行再生设计。根据配合比设计要求,老化SBS改性沥青的再生目标为稠度、延展性及韧性的恢复。旧沥青为轻度老化时,添加再生剂后反而使旧沥青韧性降低,可仅添加SBS类改性沥青进行再生。


6、抽提回收方法,获取RAP中的老化SBS改性沥青,同时测定RAP的沥青含量及矿料级配等。随后对老化SBS改性沥青进行测力延度(10)试验,并计算老化SBS改性沥青韧性SBC,韧性指标SBc的61城市道桥与防洪计算方法参见文献 6 。依据韧性指标SBc判别老化SBS改性沥青的老化程度:SBc大于O时,为轻度老化;SBc为0 时,为重度老化。另外,对于重度老化SBS改性沥青,还需测试其针入度。如果针入度小于10,不宜进行再生,此时可以将RAP作为矿质集料使用。2.2老化SBS改性沥青的再生设计2.2.1轻度老化SBS改性沥青添加新SBS改性沥青或SBS类高黏度沥青进行再生。现行规范 7 规定SBS改

7、性沥青包括4 种类型:I-A、I-B、I-C、I-D。由此,如果选择SBS改性沥青作为新沥青,则需确定其所属类型。具体确定方法如下:(1)选取与当地同等道路SBS改性沥青路面相同的SBS改性沥青类型作为新SBS改性沥青的类型。(2)根据工程需要,已确定再生沥青的针人度时,可先按照式(1)计算新SBS改性沥青的针人度Pnew,然后根据Pnew和各类型SBS改性沥青针人度指标要求,确定新SBS改性沥青的类型。Ig Ig Pmix=(1-)lg Ig Pold+lg lg Pne式中:Pmix为再生SBS沥青的2 5针人度,0.1mm;Pld为老化SBS改性沥青的2 5针人度,0.1mm;Pnew为

8、新SBS改性沥青的2 5针人度0.1mm;为新SBS改性沥青占再生SBS沥青的质量比例,可取估算值。2.2.2重度老化SBS改性沥青添加再生剂与SBS改性沥青或SBS类高黏度沥青进行再生。在再生剂质量满足规范要求的前提下,还应满足芳香分含量不小于30%的要求。在此基础上,初选2 3种再生剂,进行再生剂扩散模拟试验,并测试添加再生剂后再生SBS改性沥青混合料的强度,对比分析不同品种再生剂的扩散系数及对再生SBS改性沥青混合料强度的提高作用。宜选择扩散系数较大,且对再生SBS改性沥青混合料强度的提高效果较好的再生剂品种。再生剂用量确定的具体步骤如下:(1)确定添加再生剂后再生沥青的针入度、软化点指

9、标范围。该指标范围可通过以下方式选定:选取与当地同等道路SBS改性沥青路面相同的SBS改性沥青类型的针入度、软化点指标范围;或者根据工程需要,并依据规范规定的各类SBS改性沥青指标范围,选定再生沥青的针人度、软化点指标范围。(2)在老化 SBS改性沥青中掺加不同用量(与老韩争,等:再生SBS改性沥青混合料配合比设计方法2.3RAP掺量的确定再生SBS改性沥青混合料的目标级配、RAP中旧集料级配、再生SBS改性沥青混合料的性能等均限制了RAP的掺量。首先根据公路等级、气候条件、交通特点等确定再生SBS改性沥青混合料目标级配,然后通过计算再生SBS改性沥青混合料目标级(1)配与RAP中旧集料级配所

10、对应的各筛孔分计筛余百分率的比值最小值确定RAP的最大掺量8 。计算公式如下:nmax=min(Sa:/Sr.)100%式中:nmax为再生混合料中RAP的最大掺量,%;Sai为再生混合料中集料在第i级筛孔的目标筛余百分率,%;Sri为RAP中旧集料在第i级筛孔的筛余百分率,%。在RAP的最大掺量范围内,首先根据工程需求、再生工艺水平,并考虑RAP的含水率、老化程度、各原材料性质等初步拟定RAP的掺量。对于双滚筒厂拌热再生拌合设备,若RAP为轻度老化,其掺量可拟定为4 5%及以上;若RAP为重度老化,其掺量可拟定为30%4 5%。此外,RAP的含水率较高时,可适当降低上述RAP的掺量范围,否则

11、会导致再生混合料拌合温度降低,不利于再生混合料品质。然后采用拟定的RAP掺量,进行再生SBS改性沥青混合料的配合比设计与检验。如果再生SBS改性沥青混合料性能不满足设计要求,应更改新沥青类型或添加纤维再进行配合比设计与检验。若再生SBS改性沥青混合料的性能仍不满足要求,则降低RAP的掺量。2.4级配设计调整格挡新集料掺量,使RAP中旧集料与各档622023年第6 期化SBS改性沥青的质量比例)的再生剂,并测试不同再生剂用量时再生沥青的针入度、软化点。根据再生沥青的针人度、软化点指标范围,明确再生剂的用量范围。取再生剂用量范围的上限作为最终确定的再生剂用量。另外,综合考虑再生沥青的性能与经济因素

12、,再生剂用量宜在3%15%范围内。在确定再生剂用量的基础上,可选择与再生剂再生沥青针入度、软化点指标范围一致或包含该指标范围的SBS改性沥青类型作为新SBS改性沥青,或选择高黏度沥青作为新沥青。此外,也可先拟定一种新沥青的类型,直接进行再生混合料的设计与性能检验。若再生混合料性能不满足要求,则更换新沥青类型。(2)2023年第6 期韩争,等:再生SBS改性沥青混合料配合比设计方法城市道桥与防洪新集料的合成级配达到目标级配的要求。2.5新沥青用量的确定按式(3)估算再生SBS改性沥青混合料中的总沥青含量9 h;按式(4)计算再生SBS改性沥青混合料中新沥青用量n(与再生混合料的质量比)。b=0.

13、035 A+0.045B+mC+0.7式中:A为再生SBS改性沥青混合料中粒径大于2.36mm矿料的质量百分率,%;B为再生SBS改性沥青混合料中粒径为0.0 7 5 2.36 mm矿料的质量百分率,%;C为再生SBS改性沥青混合料中粒径小于0.0 7 5mm矿料的质量百分率,%;m为与C有关的系数,C为11%15%时取0.15,C为6%10%时取0.18,C不大于5%时取0.2。qnb=qh-qobn/100式中:qb为RAP中的旧沥青含量,%;n为RAP的掺量,%。以估算新沥青用量qnb为中值,在qnb1.0范围内,取4 或5个新沥青用量,按照马歇尔方法确定最佳新沥青用量。2.6性能检验测


15、混合料配合比设计流程图生剂品种的选定、再生剂用量的确定等,并给出了设(4)计流程,以期能够提升RAP的再生利用效率,实现再生SBS改性沥青混合料配合比设计流程化、标准化,可供再生料配合比设计时参考。参考文献:1张宇,李宁,詹贺,等.不同类型再生剂对老化沥青再生效果对比研究 J.合成材料老化与应用,2 0 2 2,2 2 3(1):18-2 1.2秦欢,吴欣,邹桂莲,等.新旧SBS改性沥青混合再生规律 J广东公路交通,2 0 2 1,17 6(5):1-4,10.3侯芸,董元帅,李志豪,等.植物油再生SBS改性沥青混合料路用性能研究 J.重庆交通大学学报(自然科学版),2 0 2 1,2 35(

16、8):12 0-125.4谢远光,殷鹏.基于新型再生剂的SBS改性沥青的流变特性及微观机制 J.新型建筑材料,2 0 2 1,4 8 6(6):9 5-10 0.5JTG/T55212019,公路沥青路面再生技术规范 S.6祁文洋,李立寒,汪于凯.基于测力延度试验的SBS改性沥青老化特征评价指标 J.建筑材料学报,2 0 14,17(3):54 3-54 7.7JTGF402004,公路沥青路面施工技术规范 S.8李海军.沥青路面热再生机理及应用技术研究 D.南京:东南大学,2005.再生设备水平再生工艺工房再生混合料强度试验再生剂扩散模拟试验马歇尔试验方法城市道桥与防洪杂志是您合作的伙伴,为

17、您提供平台,携手共同发展!欢迎新老读者订阅期刊欢迎新老客户刊登广告投稿网站:http:/电话:0 2 1-550 0 8 8 50)联系邮箱:63are analyzed.The applicability of this new pavement structure in the municipal heavy load roads in portarea,and the design method and control essentials better combined with the existing normative system aresummarized.The relev

18、ant design application and promotion of this pavement structure have some referringvalues.Keywords:soft foundation strong surface;resonant macadam;municipal heavy load road of port area;reflection crack;intensity factorAnalysis on Cement to Asphalt Design of Road Based on Practical Examples.Abstract

19、:In recent years,the cement concrete pavement has not been recommended for the new roadpavements because of its high driving noise,poor driving comfort,difficult maintenance and othershortcomings.The built concrete pavements are also being reconstructed to the asphalt pavements step bystep.Taking th

20、e overhaul project of West Changjiang Road in Baoshan District of Shanghai as an example,avariety of cement to asphalt design schemes are compared through the aspects of the effect after thecompletion of project,the difficulties of construction method,the length of construction period and theimpact

21、on environment.Aiming at the practical situation of this project,the most feasible recommendedscheme is proposed to provide a reference for the cement to asphalt design of roads in the future.Keywords:urban road;concrete pavement;cement to asphalt design.LI Lingcong(50)Analysis on Stability of a Slo

22、pe under Complex Construction ConditionsAbstract:Taking a pipeline relocation project as an example,the Midas/GTS software is applied tosimulate and analyze the stress-strain law of the slope soil body and the stability situation of the slopein the construction process of water supply pipeline,and t

23、he reasonable scheme of erecting the watersupply pipeline is determined.The results show that the safety factor of slope decreases with theincrease of the pier spacing of water supply pipeline.The distributional difference of soil stress andstrain is larger if the pier spacing is different.But the i

24、nfluence of pier spacing on the stress of retainingwall is less.When considering the rainwater seepage action,the safety factor of the slope is greatly re-duced,which provides the useful reference for the other similar slope projects.Keywords:slope stability;numerical analysis;rainwater seepageDONG

25、Rongqiang(53)Cause Analysis and Control Measures of Highway Landslide Affected by Structure:Abstract:The landslide phenomenon of slope at the syncline core of Fujunchang by fast channel inTianfu New Area of Meishan is analyzed.It is believed that the cause of landslide is the development ofmudstone

26、in the slope stratum,and the rock mass is broken with poor integrity because of syncline effectof Fujunchang.The excavation of the slope is too steep and is affected by the rainfall in the construction.In order to determine the treatment scheme,the sliding surface parameters are achieved according t

27、o thegeotechnical test result and inversion result.The stability analysis and thrust calculation of the landslideare carried out.Finally,it is determined to use the treatment scheme properly for lifting the longitudinalslope and then clearing the earthwork.Keywords:landslide;cause analysis;structure

28、;control measures;clearing earthwork.HUANG Xing(57)Research on Mix Design Method of Recycled SBS Modified Asphalt Mixture:.HAN Zheng,QI Wenyang,WANG Lijun(61)Abstract:With the maintenance of SBS modified asphalt pavement,a large amount of recycled SBSmodified asphalt mixture will be produced.Compare

29、d with the recycled ordinary asphalt mixture,therecycled SBS modified asphalt mixture has the higher utilization value.On the basis of the curentstandard design method,the method of mix design of recycled SBS modified asphalt mixture is formed.Thedesign contents mainly include the distinguishing of

30、the aging degree of aged SBS modified asphalt inRAP materials,the regeneration design of aged SBS modified asphalt,the determination of RAP contentand the determination of new asphalt content.Keywords:road engineering;SBS modified asphalt;recycling;mix designBrief Discussion on Calculation of Uneven

31、 Settlement of Inclined Retaining WallAbstract:As a retaining structure,the retaining wall is widely used in highways.ABAQUS finite elementsoftware is often used in scientific research and hydraulic engineering to simplify the working conditions.The stress nephogram is used to analyze the impact of

32、changes in the relevant parameters of retaining walland soil on the working conditions.Generally,the working conditions are simplified in highwayengineering.The Lizheng Geotechnical Software is used for checking calculation.The stability of theinclined retaining wall is analyzed by the manual calcul

33、ation,Lizheng Geotechnical Software and GEO5software.The relevant suggestions for calculating the eccentricity of the inclined retaining wall are given.Keywords:inclined retaining wall;GEO5;Lizheng Geotechnical Software;eccentricityGAO Liu(64)BRIDGES&STRUCTURESAnalysis andIdentification on Cable For

34、ces ofin Variable Cross-section Suspenders ofLong-span Arch BridgePENG Wei,MIN Jinfeng,YANG Yunbiao,DONG Shuming,SONG Gangwu(66)Abstract:The variable cross-section suspenders are adopted for the three-span(30m+120m+30m)continuous steel truss arch bridge in Tingfeng Highway crossing the channel of Pi

35、ngshen Line inShanghai.Its accurate identification of cable forces in the construction process has certain technicaldifficulties,which needs the effective theoretical analysis and practical engineering experience to solve.By using the calculation formulae of cable force for constant-section suspende

36、rs and combined with theparameter analysis results of variable cross-section suspenders by SAP2000 finite element model,thebenchmark equivalent length of different specifications of suspenders is derived.According to thebenchmark equivalent length and measured frequency of suspenders,the cable force

37、s are calculated bythe cable force calculation formula with one end fixed and one end hinged,and compared with the designcable forces at the corresponding stage,which can be concluded that the cable forces in suspenders ofmain bridge basically meet the design requirements.Keywords:long-span arch bri

38、dge;variable cross-section suspender;calculation formula for cable force;SAP2000 finite element modelling;benchmark equivalent length of suspenderDesign and Analysis of Skew Multi-Span Continuous Beam Arch Composite Bridge.HUANG Yi,XU Debiao,ZHAO Weihe(70)Abstract:The design status of beam arch comp

39、osite bridge is summarized.Taking a 48 m+5 72 m+48 mskew continual beam arch composite bridge as an example,the basic situation and overall design idea ofthe project are briefly introduced.The structure of this bridge is calculated and analyzed.The designdifficulties,the innovation points and the relevant countermeasures of the bridge are expounded includingthe determination of landscape scheme for beam arch composite bridge,the treatment of ultra-wide deck

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