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1、2015年广西桂林市中考英语试卷(教师版) 二、单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项16(1分)Da Ming is a boy_ lives in a big city()AHeBSheCIt【微点】人称代词【思路】大明是一个男孩他住在一个大城市【解析】答案:A 根据Da Ming is a boy可知本句说的对象是一个男孩此空位于谓语动词lives之前,做主语,应用主格he他(主格);she她(主格);it它(主格和宾格)故选A【点拨】本题考查人称代词的主格所给选项为三个不同性别的主格形式故在题目中找到主语的性别是做题的关键17(1分)There

2、is some _ in the fridgeIts fresh()AmilkBapplesCegg【微点】名词的词义辨析【思路】冰箱里有一些牛奶,它是新鲜的【解析】答案:A;milk牛奶;apple苹果;egg鸡蛋;根据句中的系动词is some推测该句中填不可数名词;故milk为不可数名词符合题意,其它都为可数名词;故选A【点拨】认真比较三个选项中单词的不同含义及其用法,然后结合语境选择正确答案18(1分)I usually _ at 10oclock at night()Ahave lunchBgo to schoolCgo to bed【微点】动词短语【思路】我通常晚上10点睡觉【解析

3、】答案:C根据选项中have lunch 吃午饭;go to school上学;go to bed 睡觉;结合句中的关键词at 10oclock at night晚上10点可知这通常是睡觉时间,故选C【点拨】本题考查动词短语根据语境和句意以及所给选项的意思,选出问题的正确答案19(1分)People plant more bamboo _ pandas()AhelpBto helpChelped【微点】不定式【思路】人们栽种更多的竹子来帮助大熊猫【解析】答案:B根据People plant more bamboo _ pandas,可知这里人们栽种更多的竹子的目的是帮助大熊猫这里用to引导的动

4、词不定式作目的状语故选:B【点拨】本题考查了动词不定式的用法解答时注意to引导的动词不定式作目的状语的用法20(1分)Guilin is famous _ its green hills and clear water()AwithBofCfor【微点】目的介词【思路】桂林以其青山和清澈的水而出名【解析】答案:C be famous for表示某人以某种知识技能,作品或特征而出名,表示某地以某种特产或特征出名,或表示某事以其内容、特征、价值等而被人所知根据句中its green hills and clear water这里介绍桂林的特色,故选:C【点拨】考查目的介词理清句子的意思,并注意固定

5、搭配21(1分)Hurry up,Betty!Your father _ for you outside()AwaitBwaitedCis waiting【微点】现在进行时【思路】快点!贝蒂你父亲正在外面等你【解析】答案:C 根据Hurry up,Betty可知,赶快点,所以父亲正在做,表示动作正在进行,所以用现在进行时态;现在进行时态结构形式为助动词be+ving;又因为主语Your father是名词单数形式,助动词用is故选C【点拨】判断动词的时态,要通过所给的时间状语、提示词或语境去判断动词存在的状态注意主谓一致!22(1分)Shenzhen is a modern city and

6、its as _ as Hong Kong()AbusyBbusierCthe busiest【微点】形容词的比较级和最高级【思路】深圳是一座现代化的城市,他和香港一样繁忙【解析】答案:A 根据Shenzhen is a modern city and its as _ as Hong Kong可知,这是Shenzhen 和Hong Kong两者之间的比较;又因为its as _ as Hong Kong,此处应该是as+形容词或副词原级+as结构,表示二者一样,又因为its,此处应该用形容词busy原形,构成主系表;此处表示深圳香港一样繁忙,故选A【点拨】判断形容词或副词的比较级和最高级,主

7、要是看几者之间的比较两者之间用比较级,三者或三者以上比较用最高级形式本题是二者之间的比较注意区分特殊结构:as/so+形容词或副词原级+as结构,表示不如23(1分)You _ watch TV,but you have to clean the room first()AmustBcanCcant【微点】情态动词【思路】你可以看电视,但是你必须先打扫房间【解析】答案:Bmust一定,必须;can可以;cant不可能根据but you have to clean the room first,可知你必须先打扫房间,打扫完房间你可以看电视can可以故选B【点拨】本题考查了情态动词的用法熟知句意以

8、及所给选项的意思是解答本题的关键24(1分)If you dont finish your homework on time,you _ by your parents()Awill punishBare punishedCwill be punished【微点】一般将来时的被动语态【思路】如果你不按时完成作业,你将受到家长的惩罚【解析】答案:C首先根据句意如果你不按时完成作业,你将受到家长的惩罚if引导的条件状语从句用了一般现在时,根据主将从现的原则,判断设空处句子中的谓语动词用一般将来时,主语you是动作punish的承受者,所以用被动语态,表示被惩罚,一般将来时被动语态的构成是:主语+w

9、ill be+动词的过去分词,故选C【点拨】本题考查时态和语态每个时态都有标志词,熟记这些标志词是做题的关键在没有时间状语的情况下可以根据语境来对时态做出判断判断语态的关键则是观察主语是谓语动词的执行者还是承受者25(1分)Sir,do you know _?Im not very surePlease ask the worker over there()Awhen will the next train startBwhen the train will startCwhen the next train started【微点】宾语从句【思路】先生,你知道火车什么时候开动吗?我不确定请问一

10、下那边的工作人员【解析】答案:B 根据选项内容和do you know可知,本题考查宾语从句,宾语从句中一般为陈述语序,选项A是疑问语序,故排除;又因为Im not very surePlease ask the worker over there是表达我不确定,请问一下那边的工作人员,所以询问的事情应该是表示将来时间的,选项C的时态是一般过去时,不符合要求故选B【点拨】本题考查宾语从句,做题时注意三要素时态、语序和引导词本题先考虑语序问题,再根据句子的上下文的意思,做出选择三、完形填空(每小题10分,共10分)阅读下面短文,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项26(10分)Do

11、you like reading stories?Maybe you will answer,No,I am not a child any more!Yes,children all over the world always love storiesChinese children are (41)B in Monkey Kings storyIt (42)C a popular bedtime story in China for many yearsIn fact,adults also love the story a lotFor then,Monkey King has beco

12、me a very (43)D part in the memory of their childhoodThe clever and humorous money (44)B the hearts of many Chinese peopleBritish boys and girls all know Alices Adventures in Wonderland wellAs the name(45)C,its a story full of dangerous but exciting tripsChildren laugh,cry and even get frightened wi

13、th Alice together while reading the storyMost American kids have read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,by the famous writer,(46)AEveryone likes the brave boy who also has lots of (47)DSome scenes of the story may make your heart go faster,for Tom and his friends meet some very bad men and are usually (4

14、8)AOf course in the end,they beat the bad onesYou may also ask me (49)D I like storiesYes,I have liked them since I was very youngAt that time,I often (50)C all my pocket money on story booksFor me,stories are much more delicious than chocolate!They help me learn a lotSo either young or old,lets enj

15、oy stories41AboredBinterestedCworriedDsurprised42Acan beBwasChas beenDwill be43AunhappyBcomfortableCforgettableDunforgettable44AbeatsBwinsChurtsDbreaks45AspellsBsmellsCshowsDsolves46AMark TwainBConfuciusCWilliam ShakespeareDCharles Schulz47ArulesBinventionsCropesDrisks48Ain dangerBin peaceCin silenc

16、eDin excellent condition49AthatBwhatCwhyDif50ApaidBtookCspentDcost【微点】记叙文【思路】文章讲述了国内外的孩子都喜欢读名著小说以及这些小说对人们的影响,并分别介绍了国内外几部著名小说的主要情景线索【解析】41B 考查形容词,Abored 无聊的Binterested有趣的 Cworried担心的 Dsurprised惊讶的,根据题干,可知考查词组be interested in对感兴趣的,这是固定搭配,故选B42C 考查动词,Acan be可以是 Bwas 一般过去时Chas been现在完成时 Dwill be 一般将来,根据

17、后面的for many years很多年了,可知for引导的短语通常和现在完成时态连用,其动词结构是have/has+过去分词,故选C43D 考查形容词,Aunhappy不开心 Bcomfortable舒适的 Cforgettable健忘的 Dunforgettable难忘的,根据in the memory of their childhood在童年的记忆中,可知美猴王在他们的记忆中成为难忘的记忆,故选D44B 考查动词,Abeats打 Bwins赢 Churts伤害 Dbreaks 打破,根据the hearts of many Chinese people很多中国人的心,可知美猴王赢得了中

18、国人的心,故选B45C 考查动词,Aspells拼读 Bsmells闻起来 Cshows展示 Dsolves 解决,根据Alices Adventures in Wonderland well爱丽丝漫游记,可知此处指的是正如小说的名字所展示的,故事充满了冒险,故选C46A 考查名词,AMark Twain马克吐温 BConfucius孔子 CWilliam Shakespeare莎士比亚 DCharles Schulz查尔斯,根据 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,by the famous writer汤姆索亚历险记,被著名的作者,可知这本书的作者是美国的马克吐温,故

19、选A47D 考查名词,Arules规则 Binventions发明 Cropes绳索 Drisks 危险,根据Some scenes of the story may make your heart go faster故事的一些场景让你心跳加快,可知故事是充满了冒险情节,故选D48A 考查名词短语,Ain danger在危险中 Bin peace和平地 Cin silence安静地 Din excellent condition卓越地,根据 Tom and his friends meet some very bad men,Tom和他的朋友遇到一些坏人可知遇到坏人是危险的,故选A49D 考查

20、连词,Athat没有具体意义 Bwhat什么 Cwhy为什么 Dif 如果;是否,根据答语Yes,结合选项,可知选项D符合题意,句意是你可能会问我是否喜欢故事,所以回答是肯定回答,故选D50C 考查动词,Apaid付款 Btook花费 Cspent花费 Dcost花费,根据题干中的介词on,可知考查句型spendon在上面花费,这是固定搭配,故选C【点拨】解答完形填空题需要快速阅读全文,了解文章大意,再带着选项去读,边读边做,注意联系上下文四、阅读理解(第5155小题,每题1分;第5670小题,每题2分,共35分)27(5分)Christmas and Spring Festival are

21、two important festivals in the worldChristmas is the most important festival in Western countriesIt comes on December 25thWhen Christmas comes,people have a long holidayAnd there is Father Christmas!He comes on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and gives presents to children so they love him very much

22、Spring Festival is very important in ChinaIt usually happens in FebruaryOn the New Years Eve,people have a big family dinner and watch TV togetherParents usually give their children a hongbao,which means lucky money根据短文内容,判断句子的正误,正确的在答题上涂T,错误的涂F51Christmas is the most important in Western countiresT

23、52People dont have a long holiday at ChristmasF53Children love Father Christmas very muchT54Spring Festival isnt very important in ChinaF55Parents usually give a hongbao at ChristmasF【微点】社会文化类阅读;判断推理;阅读判断题【思路】本文主要向我们介绍了世界上最重要的两个节日:圣诞节,春节文章具体介绍了它们的时间和习俗等【解析】51 T 细节理解题:根据第二段Christmas is the most impor

24、tant festival in Western countries圣诞节是西方国家最重要的节日故本题正确52 F 细节理解题:根据第二段When Christmas comes,people have a long holiday当圣诞节来临时,人们有一个长假故本题错误53 T 细节理解题:根据第二段so they love him very much所以他们非常爱他故本题正确54 F 细节理解题:根据第三段Spring Festival is very important in China春节在中国是非常重要的故本题错误55 F 细节理解题:根据第三段Parents usually giv

25、e their children a hongbao父母通常给孩子红包这是第三段所说的中国的春节,故本题错误【点拨】本文篇幅短小,词汇简单,又是学生熟悉的节日,因此学生理解起来比较容易,在解题时,仍然需要同学们仔细认真28(10分)Science and Technology MuseumOpening hours9:0017:00 TuesdaySundayCharge FreeWhat is onGround floor:Ancient TechnologyFirst floor:Modern TechnologySecond floor:Medical TechnologyThird f

26、loor:Space TechnologyPlease notel No shoutingl No litteringl No smokingContact usInformation desk:3636 7322Email:informationSATMcom根据以上信息,选项正确答案56A is between the supermarket and the bookshopAThe bankBThe cinemaCThe museumDThe hospital57Where can you have dinner with your friend?DAIn Church StreetBI

27、n the parkCIn High StreetDIn Green Street58You cant visit the Science and Technology Museum onAAMondayBTuesdayCFridayDSaturday59Exhibition about Space Technology is onCAthe first floorBthe second floorCthe third floorDthe ground floor60If you want to contact the museum,send an email toBAInformation

28、desk:3636 7322BinformationSATMcomCinformationSATMcnDInformation desk:3636 2272【微点】广告布告类阅读;判断推理;文中细节【思路】本文是一篇广告布告类短文,主要介绍了一个城市的一个街区:包括银行在超市和书店之间,饭店在格林街上,以及科技博物馆的开放时间,票价免费,展出项目,注意事项,联系方法等等【解析】56答案:A细节理解题根据图片提供的信息,可知银行是在超市和书店之间,故选A57答案:D细节理解题根据图片提供的信息,可知在格林街上有一家饭店,所以可以在格林街上吃饭故选D58答案:A细节理解题根据Science and

29、 Technology Museum开放时间是9:0017:00 TuesdaySunday所以不能在周一的时候去参观科学技术博物馆故选A59答案:C细节理解题根据Science and Technology Museum部分中的Whatison以及Third floor:Space Technology可知空间技术的展览是在三楼,故选C60答案:B细节理解题根据Science and Technology Museum部分中的Contact us以及Email:informationSATMcom可知要想联系博物馆的话可以发邮件到informationSATMcom故选B【点拨】首先要仔细阅

30、读表格信息以及图片提供的信息,然后结合具体的题目再读图片或者表格,找出相关信息,就可以确定正确答案29(10分)A few years ago,Masaru Ibuka,the head of Sony,was at a company planning meetingSuddenly he had an ideaHe stopped the meeting and asked everyone what would happen if Sony took away the recording function(功能) and speakers and sold headphones with

31、 a tape player insteadAlmost everyone thought he was sillyStill,Ibuka kept his idea and worked at itThe result,of course,turned out to be the successful Sony WalkmanGood ideas often start with a really silly questionBill Bowerman was making breakfast one dayAs he stood there making cakes for his son

32、,he asked himself what would happen if he put rubber into his mold(模具)Later,he tried it and the result was something like the bottom of most sports shoes we see todayStill,when he took this idea to several shoe companies,he was laughed atIn fact,every single company turned him downThough rather disa

33、ppointed,Bowerman went on to set up his own company,making NIKE sports shoesWe know today that each of these ideas caused a successful thing that has changed the way many of us liveThe best questions are usually openended and are oftensillyChildren arent afraid to ask such questions,but adults usual

34、ly areThink how different the world might be if people never askedsillyquestions!根据短文内容,选择最佳选项61At first,almost everyone thought Masarus idea wasCAgoodBeasyCsillyDdifficult62Bill Bowerman got his ideaBAat a meetingBwhile he was making breakfastCfrom another companyDwhile he was making sports shoes63

35、What might the underlined phraseturn downin Paragraph 2mean in Chinese?AA拒绝B欢迎C调低D讨厌64Bowerman felt very disappointed becauseDAhe didnt make a cake for his sonBhe had to set up his own companyChis idea was hard to come trueDno companies accepted his idea65From the passage we knowDAits easy to make o

36、nes idea come trueBadults like asking openended questionsCgood ideas only start with a silly questionsDsometimessillyquestions may cause successful inventions【微点】逸闻趣事类阅读;判断推理;文中细节【思路】几年前,索尼总裁井深大在一次公司计划会上,突然有了一个想法,他打断了会议,并征询每个人的意见:如果索尼产品将录音功能、扬声器、固定式耳麦集成到一个磁带播放器中如何?几乎所有的人都觉得他的想法很愚蠢然而,井深大坚持他的想法并付诸实施结果

37、,最终索尼随身听成功问世好的想法总是由可笑的提问开始的,有一天,比尔鲍尔曼在做早餐,当他为儿子做蛋糕的时候,他问自己如果将橡胶放入做蛋糕的模具中会怎样之后,他尝试着做了,并得到了一个类似于我们今天看到的许多运动鞋胶底的东西然而,当他将这一想法告诉几家运动鞋公司时,别人都嘲笑他每一家公司都拒绝了他尽管很失望,但鲍尔曼继续坚持并成立了自己的公司,取名耐克运动鞋当然,今天我们知道,这些想法都取得了成功并改变了我们的生活最好的想法通常是异想天开的,而且愚蠢孩子们不怕问这类问题,但成年人都会有所顾忌试想一下如果人们不问这些愚蠢的问题又如何来改变世界呢!【解析】61答案C 细节理解题 由文中 Almost

38、 everyone thought he was silly 可知 几乎所有的人都觉得他的想法很愚蠢,故选C62答案B 细节理解题 由文中 Bill Bowerman was making breakfast one dayAs he stood there making cakes for his son,he asked himself what would happen if he put rubber into his mold(模具)可知 有一天,比尔鲍尔曼在做早餐,当他为儿子做蛋糕的时候,他问自己如果将橡胶放入做蛋糕的模具中会怎样,所以他是在做早饭的时候,故选B63答案A 词义猜测

39、题 由文中 Still,when he took this idea to several shoe companies,he was laughed atIn fact,every single company turned him down可知 然而,当他将这一想法告诉几家运动鞋公司时,别人都嘲笑他每一家公司都他,别人都嘲笑他,所以公司肯定都是拒绝他的,这里拒绝的意思最合适,故选A64答案D 细节理解题 由文中 Still,when he took this idea to several shoe companies,he was laughed atIn fact,every sing

40、le company turned him downThough rather disappointed,Bowerman went on to set up his own company,making NIKE sports shoes 可知 然而,当他将这一想法告诉几家运动鞋公司时,别人都嘲笑他尽管很失望,但鲍尔曼继续坚持并成立了自己的公司,取名耐克运动鞋每一家公司都拒绝了他,所以他很失望,故选D65答案D 文章理解题 由文中 The best questions are usually openended and are oftensillyChildren arent afraid

41、to ask such questions,but adults usually areThink how different the world might be if people never askedsillyquestions!可知 最好的想法通常是异想天开的,而且愚蠢孩子们不怕问这类问题,但成年人都会有所顾忌试想一下如果人们不问这些愚蠢的问题又如何来改变世界呢,故选D【点拨】本文较为简单,大部分题目都是细节理解题,只要理解文章意思,仔细阅读,从文中寻找答案,即可轻松解答30(10分)As a society,we seem to turn on(攻击) the obese(肥胖)O

42、ne summer holiday,while I studied medicine in the college,I got a job clearing the garden of a retired(退休) ballet dancer to make some pocket moneyWhen it rained,he invited me in and showed me some photos from his career at the Royal BalletWhat surprised me was the change that happened to himHe was f

43、it and flexible in the photosYet,the man sitting in front of me,although still relatively young,could not walk without a stickHis legs often ached after he retiredHe became fatter and fatterThis,he said,is the cost of balletIts really not his fault(过错) to have become fatYet the person who surprised

44、people last week was not a dancer but a comedienne(女喜剧演员)Dawn French was seen leaving Matthew Swan Lake at Sadlers Wells using a stickHer assistant later explained that his was because she got injured while getting out of a taxi but this didnt stop the rumor(谣言) that it might be because of her sizeP

45、oor Dawn,who as far as I know,has never tried to pass on any dieting tips to anyone,is suddenly the focus of attention and being blamed for becominga role model for obeseA role model?Why?Just because shes famous and shes fat?Maybe as a doctor I am expected to be supporting the antifat group,but I strongly believe that the job of doctors isnt to stand in judgment over peoples lives,but to provide them with information that can help them make a choiceIf people want to be overweight,its up to themWhats more,some people become fat not because of what they eat,like

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