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1、新概念第1册语法总结精品文档新概念英语第一册语法总结新概念英语第一册语法总结一、时态: 1. 一般现在时表示一般性,经常性的动作或客观存在事实。动词be的用法:I用am,you用are,其他记牢单用is复用are。1 含有be动词的句子He is a teacher.The girl is very beautiful.Tim and Jack are students.变疑问句将be动词移到句首Is he a teacher?Is the girl very beautiful?Are Tim and Jack students?肯定回答及否定回答Yes, he is. No, he is

2、not.Yes, she is. No, she is not.Yes, they are. No, they are not.变否定句在be动词后面加notHe is not a teacher.The girl is not very beautiful.Tim and Jack are not students.2. 现在进行时表示现在正在进行的动作。构成: 主语be动词动词的现在分词其它成分(现在分词的构成见附录)We are having lunch.He is reading a book.The dog is running after a cat.The boys are sw

3、imming across the river.变疑问句将be动词移到句首Are we having lunch?Is he reading a book?Is the dog running after a cat?Are the boys swimming across the river?变否定句在be动词后面加 notWe are not having lunch.He is not reading a book.The dog is not running after a cat.The boys are swimming across the river.特殊疑问句:what, w

4、hich, how, where, who, etc.疑问词动词主语现在分词What are you doing?What is she doing?What is the dog doing?没有进行时的动词(必背)表示状态,思想,感情和感觉的动词不能表示正在进行的动作1. 表示感觉,感官的词see, hear, like, love, want,2. have, has当”拥有”讲时没有进行时3. 一般过去时:表示过去发生的动作或事件, 常和表示过去的时间状语连用,如yesterday, last night, the day before yesterday, 3 days ago,含有

5、be动词的句子, 将动词变为过去式,am, is的过去式为was,are的过去式为wereI was at the butchers.You were a student a year ago.The teacher was very beautiful ten years ago.变疑问句将be动词移动到句首Were you at the butchers?Were you a student a year ago?Was the teacher very beautiful ten years ago?变否定句在be动词后面加notI was not at the butchers.You

6、 were not a student a year ago.The teacher was not very beautiful ten years ago.肯定回答否定回答Yes, I was. No, I was not.Yes, you were. No, you were not.Yes, he/she was. No, he/she was not.特殊疑问句:What did you do?(必背)不含有be动词的句子,将动词变为过去式,动词过去式构成见附录I finished my homework yesterday.The boy went to a restaurant.

7、The Sawyers lived at King Street a year ago.变疑问句在句首加did, 动词变为原型Did you finish your homework yesterday?Did the boy go to a restaurant?Did the Sawyers live at King Street a year ago?变否定句在主语和动词之间加did not,动词变回原形。I did not finish my homework yesterday.The boy did not go to a restaurant.The Sawyers did no

8、t live at King Street a year ago.肯定回答及否定回答Yes, I did. No, I didnt.Yes, he did. No, he didnt.Yes, they did. No, they did not.4. 现在完成时构成:主语+助动词have, has+过去分词用法:2) 表示过去发生的和现在有某种联系的动作,常和just, usually, already, since等时间副词连用I have just had lunch. (饱了,不用再吃了)He has had a cup of tea.(不渴了,不用再喝)They have alrea

9、dy had their holiday. (不能再度假了)The boy has already read the book. (已经知道书的内容了,不用再看了)3) 询问别人是否做过某事一般用现在完成时:Have you finished your homework?Have you been to Beijing?Have he seen the film?4) 表示开始于过去并持续到现在的动作I have lived in Beijing for twenty years.I have worked for this school for 1 year.8) 表示一种经历,经验:去过地

10、方,做过事情,经历过事情I have never had a bath.I have never seen a film.I have never been to cinema.I have ever been to Paris.Have been to表示去过,have gone to 表示去了I have been to London.(人已经回来)He has gone to London.(人还在那里)11) 表示一种结果, 一般不和时间副词联用I have lost my pen.I have hurt myself.He has become a teacher.She has b

11、roken my heart.句型变化:变疑问句将助动词移到句首,变否定句在助动词后面加not.e.g. Have you lost your pen? I have not lost my pen.肯定回答及否定回答Yes, I have. No, I have not.特殊疑问句:What have you done?What has he done?一般过去时与现在完成时的区别:凡是有明确的表示过去的时间状语的句子为过去时注意:有些动词表示的动作有一个终点,不能再延续,因此不能和表示一段时间状语连用错:Ive left Beijing for 3 days.对:I left Beijin

12、g 3 days ago. I have been away for 3 days.5. 一般将来时表示将来将要发生的动作, 经常和tomorrow, next year, the day after tomorrow, the year after the next, in five hours time, etc. 表示将来的词联用结构: 主语+助动词will+动词原形I will go to America tomorrow.The pilot will fly to Japan the month after the next.Jack will move into his new h

13、ouse tomorrow morning.变疑问句将助动词移到句首Will you go to America tomorrow?Will the pilot fly to Japan the month after the next?Will Jack move into his new house tomorrow morning?变否定句在助动词后面加notI will not go to America tomorrow.The pilot will not fly to Japan the month after the next.Jack will not move into h

14、is new house tomorrow morning肯定回答及否定回答Yes, I will. No, I will not.Yes, he/she will. No, he/she will not.Yes, he will. No, he will not.特殊疑问句:What will you do?6. 过去完成时:用法:在过去的时间里,两个动作中,发生在前的哪个动作要用过去完成时。也就是过去的过去。结构:had+过去分词After she had finished her homework, she went shopping.They had sold the car bef

15、ore I asked the price.The train had left before I arrived at the station.After/before引导的时间状语从句放在句首要在句子后面加逗号,如果放在主句后则不用加。5 变疑问句将助动词移到句首Had she finished her homework?6 变否定句在助动词后面加notShe hadnt finished her homework.7 肯定回答及否定回答Yes, she had. No, she hadnt.8 特殊疑问句:What had she done?7. 过去进行时:表示过去正在进行的动作,经常

16、用在when, while, as引导的状语从句中。结构:was/were+doingWhen my husband was going into the dining room this morning, he dropped some coins on the floor.While we were having dinner, my father was watching TV.8 过去将来时 结构:would doShe said she would go here the next morning.两个 特殊句型:there be 句型,be going to 结构1) Be goi

17、ng to 结构表示打算,准备,计划做某事结构:主语+be动词+going to +动词原型I am going to make a bookcase.They are going to paint it.The father is going to give the bookcase to his daughter.变疑问句将be动词移到句首Are you going to make a bookcase?Are they going to paint it?Is the father going to give the bookcase to his daughter?变否定句在be动词后

18、面加notI am not going to make a bookcase.They are going to paint it.The father is not going to give the bookcase to his daughter.肯定回答及否定回答Yes, I am. No, I am not.Yes, they are. No, they are not.Yes, he is. No, he is not.特殊疑问句What are you going to do?What are they going to do?What is the father going t

19、o do?(必背)2) There be 句型表示哪里有什么东西(某处有某物)There is单数名词表示场所的词(一般为介词词组)There is a book in this room.There is a pen on the tableThere are复数名词表示场所的词(一般为介词词组)There are two pens on the table.There are three schools there.变疑问句将be动词移到句首Is there a book in this room?Are there two pens on the table?变否定句在动词后面加notT

20、here is not a book in this room.There are not two pens on the table.肯定回答及否定回答Yes, there is. No, there is not.Yes, there are. No, there are not.新概念英语第一册语法总结(九)9 问句:一般疑问句,特殊疑问句,选择疑问句,反意疑问句,选择疑问句,否定疑问句1) 一般疑问句: 助动词/be动词+主语Are you a teacher? Do you want to have a cup of tea?2) 特殊疑问句: 特殊疑问词+一般疑问句What is

21、your name?3) 选择疑问句: orDo you want beef or lamb?4) 反意疑问句: 肯定陈述句+否定疑问部分, 否定陈述部分+肯定疑问部分You dont need that pen, do you?5) 否定疑问句: 一般疑问句+否定词Arent you lucky? Dont you want to have a rest?新概念英语第一册语法总结(十)限定词:some, any, many, muchsome, any 修饰可数名词或不可数名词,some用于肯定句,any用于否定句和疑问句,注意,当期待对方的答案为肯定回答时用some many修饰可数名词,

22、much修饰不可数名词,在口语中表示很多一般不用many, much, 而用a lot of, 在否定句中表示很多用many, much.I have a lot of money. I dont have much money.新概念英语第一册语法总结(十一)11 名词:种类,复数,名词所有格名词分为可数名词和不可数名词1)不可数名词无法分开的东西:water, tea, bread, milk, rice(米)抽象的东西:love, beauty, coldness(寒冷)不可数名词有以下特点:不能用a, an修饰不能加s和单数be动词或动词搭配2)可数名词:单数可数名词要用冠词修饰,复数

23、可数名词要在名词后面加s,名词复数共有以下几种变化:规则变化的名词复数形式规则1 一般情况+s e.g. shellshells bookbooks规则2 以s, x, ch, sh结尾+es e.g. foxfoxes churchchurches, busbuses, watchwatches规则3 以o结尾+s或+es e.g. potatopotatoes, NegroNegroes, heroheroes, tomatotomatoes,(口诀:黑人英雄爱吃土豆和西红柿),剩下一般加s, radioradios规则4 以f, fe结尾的,变f, fe为ves e.g. lifeliv

24、es halfhalves, shelfshelves, citycities, wifewives规则5 以辅音字母+y结尾, 变y为i+es e.g. skyskies flyflies3)不规则变化的名词复数形式man(men) woman(women) foot(feet) goose(geese) tooth(teeth)0child(children) sheep(sheep) deer(deer) mouse(mice) fish(fish)新概念英语第一册语法总结(十二)12 副词:用法及形容词变副词的变化副词可以修饰形容词,动词,副词或整个句子。如:The book is v

25、ery good.He runs fast.She came here quite early.Certainly I will go with you.副词变化形式:直接在形容词后加-ly,careful-carefully, slow-slowly,以辅音字母加y结尾的形容词,把y变I, 加-ly,happy-happily, lucky-luckily有些词形容词和副词的形式相同,不需要做任何变化fast, hard, late有些词加上-ly后意思与原词相差很远:neary-nearly, high-highly, late-lately新概念英语第一册语法总结(十三)13 情态动词的

26、使用:can, must, may, might, need,1)情态动词can(能够), must(必须), may(可以)结构:主语+can/must/may+动词原型He can make the tea.Sally can air the room.We can speak English.变疑问句将情态动词移到句首Can he make the tea?Can Sally air the room?Can we speak English?变否定句在情态动词后面加notHe cannot make the tea.Sally cannot air the room.We cannot

27、 speak English.肯定回答及否定回答Yes, he can. No, he cannot.Yes, she can. No, she cannot.Yes, we can. No, we cannot.特殊疑问句:What can you do?(必背)注意:情态动词的句子没有第三人称单数的变化,不要在情态动词或动词后面加S。2)Must/have to的区别must 表示必须,是主观上觉得应该做,have to是不得不,是由于客观条件逼迫的必要要做must 只能用在表示现在和将来的句子里,而have to do可以用在任何时态3)must, may, might表示猜测: mus

28、t do 表示对现在事实的猜测must have done表示对过去事实的猜测must have been doing 表示对过去正在进行的事实的猜测may/might do, may/might have done表示没有任何事实依据的猜测,might的可能性更小。5cant/couldnt 表示不可能新概念英语第一册语法总结(十四)14 need 用法:表示“需要”时为实意动词,后面可以加名词,也可以加不定式:I need a pen. Do you need any beer? No, I dont.I need to have a rest.Need doing=need to be

29、done,表示被动The flowers need watering.Need在否定时做情态动词使用You neednt go so early. =You dont need to go so early.Must I clean the desk right now? No, you neednt.新概念英语第一册语法总结(十五)15 不定代词及不定副词:Some any no everything something anything nothing everythingone someone anyone anything everyonewhere somewhere anywher

30、e anywhere everywherebody somebody anybody nobody everybody1)I looked for my book everywhere, but I cant find it anywhere.2)If you want go somewhere, if you want to be someone, you must wake up.3)Help! Somebody? Anybody?4)You are really something.5)Since everybody is here, lets begin our class.6)Whe

31、re did you go? I went nowhere.7)Nobody is at home.8)I have nothing left.新概念英语第一册经典短语1.give sb sth给某人某物 give me a book;show/send sb sth展示/发送give sth to sb 把某物给某人 give a book to himshow/send sth to sb2.live at King street (小地点) arrive at the station stay at homelive in Fuzhou(大地点) arrive in New York s

32、tay in London 3.take sb to +地点My father takes me to school every day .4.want sth 想要某物 I want some milk.Want to do sth 想要做某事 She wants to buy a new book.Want sb to do sth 想要某人做某事 They want me to open the door.dodoes not want sb to do sth 不想要某人做某事 I do not want you to miss the train.5.get up起床I always

33、 get up at 7:00.6.keep sth +adj. 保持某物的.Keep the floor cleankeep the room tidy7.be absent(from)缺席I was absent from school yesterday.8.on the/ones way to在去的路上On the way home (to school),I met an old friend. On the train to在去的火车上9.lose ones way 迷路=be lostI lost my way .=I was lost 10.say to oneself 自言自

34、语“I can win” I said to myself 11.put sth into 把放到I put some money into my pocket .I put some books into my bag .12. take out取出He took out a note book and wrote them down ,13. put on your coat 穿上 take off your shoes 脱掉 turn on 打开 turn off 关掉put your coat on take your shoes off put it on take them off

35、 14. be afraid of sth 害怕 I am afraid of dog .be afraid (that)+宾从 恐怕I am afraid that it will rain tomorrow .Im afraid that I cant do it .15.buy sth for sb 为某人买某物I bought a present for you .buy sth from sb 从某人那买某物 She bought a tie from Tony .16.hundreds of 数以百计 thousands of 数以千计.17Be in fashion 时髦 Jea

36、ns are always in fashion.Be out of fashion 过时Skirts are out of fashion this year .18.till (until )I can arrive till(until)3:00 this afternoom.Not untilI didnt finish my homework until 10:00 in the evening . 19.a lot of water(不可数)oranges (可数)many apples (可数)much meat (不可数)plenty of time(不可数)/tomatoes

37、(可数)20.not at all 根本不I dont know her at all .I dont want to talk with him at all .21.have breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner /a meal /a swim/ a bath /a lesson/a holiday/a good time .22.be ready for sth 准备好 Im ready for dinner .be ready to do sth 准备好做某事 She is ready to go out .23.Iet sb do sth 让某人做某事Lets

38、go to school at once .Let her go out .24.have been to 到过I have never been to shanghai25.all the time 一直26.take/bring sb to +地点带某人去(来)某地take /bring sth to sb 带走来某物给某人27.have a try试一试 try to do sth 试图做某事try ones best to do sth 尽全力做某事28.believe sb 相信是真的 believe in sb信任某人 believe(that)+(宾语从句)29.since 自从

39、30.speak to 对某人说 write to 写信给某人 wave to 向某人招手 move to 搬到31.decide to do sth 决定做某事 I decide to tell her the truth.make up ones mind to do sth 下定决心做某事I made up my mind to open my mouth and pratise more.32.fly to 飞往 return to 返回 return sth to sb 归还某物给某人33.leave 离开 leave for 离开到某地34.belong to 属于35.do wi

40、th /handle 处理36.be sorry that +从句 be sure that+从句子确定37.had better (not )do sth 最好做(不要做)某事38.at once (right away /immediately)立刻39.help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事40.be adj.enough(for sb )to do 对于某人说足够做某事 too+adj.(for sb )to do 对某人太.而不能做某事41. at the top of 在顶部42.tell sb sth 告诉某人某事 tell sb about/of sth 告诉某

41、人关于某事tell sb (not )to do sth 告诉某人做(不要做)某事 tell sb that +从句43.be full of 充满44.ask sb (not )to do sth 要求某人做(不要做)某事45.would like sth 想要would like to do sth 想要/愿意做某事46.instead of +名代(宾格)代替she was ill, so I went there instead. I went there instead of her.There was no milk, so I drank some orange instead.

42、 I drank some orange instead of milk47.afford sth/lto do sth 付得起某物/做某事48.A is as +adj .+as B A和B一样. A is not as (so)+adj .+as B A 不如B.49.pay for sth 付钱50.get on/off 上车/下车 happen to 碰见 grow up 长大51.invite sb to sth /for sth 邀请某人 Invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事52.play a joke on sb 开某人玩笑53.look for /find 寻

43、找/找到54.forget to do sth 忘记做某事 forget doing sth 忘记曾做过某事55.offer sb sth =offer sth to sb 提供某人某物I offered you a cup of tea .=I offered a cup of tea to you .56.must be 肯定 cant be 不可能57.by oneself 自己 at least 至少58.need (实意动词)to do sth 需要做某事Need(情态动词) +动原 必要做某事neednt+动原 没必要做某事59.take a photo /a walk /a re

44、st (break)/a bus / advice make tea / coffee /a mistake /a mess /the bed /a film/a noise 60.go abroad /overseas 出国61.It takes +(sb)+时间段 +to do sth 花(某人多少时间做某事)62.look after /take care of 照顾63.in the end /at last 最后64.worry about sth 担心 be worried about sth 65.introduce A to B 把A介绍给B 66.get married结婚 Marry sb 和某人结婚67.depend on依靠,取决于68.by the way 顺便说一下(问一下)69.talk to sb 对某人说 /with sb 和某人谈话 /about sth 谈话关于70.begin to do sth /start to do sth 开始做某事71.make up /dress up打扮,化妆72.go for a walk .散步73.make sb +adj 使某人74.be covered with覆盖收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除

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