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1、限时测试(9).专题特训(代词)1I cant find my favourite magazine.I saw Jack going away with _,but I am not sure whether it is yours.Ait Bthat Cone Dsome解析考查代词的用法。句意:我找不到我宠爱的杂志了。我看到杰克拿着它走了,但是我不敢确定是否是你的。杰克拿的杂志就是指上文的magazine,故选填it,即A项。答案A2Ill spend half of my holiday practicing English and _ half learning drawing.Aa

2、nother Bthe other Cothers Dother 解析考查代词的用法。我的假期的一半是half,所以另一半则是the other half,故选填B项。答案B3Of all the books on show in the book fair,_ is of use for children.Ano Bnone Cneither Dnothing解析考查代词的用法。句意:书交易会上,全部呈现的书没有一本适用于孩子的。空格指代前文的books, no单独作主语,neither指两者不,nothing指什么都没有,而none指三者以上都不,故用选B项none。答案B4A chemi

3、st who speaks and writes English is in closer touch with the scientists in other countries than _ who doesnt.Aone Bthose C/ Dthat解析考查代词用法。依据空格后定语从句中的谓语动词是单数形式可知,此处先行词为表示单数概念的代词,所以排解those;代词one既可指代人也可指代物,而that只能指代事物而不能指代人。此处one指代a chemist。答案A5To prevent Internet crimes, it is important to make new la

4、ws similar to _ concerning international airspace.Athat Bthose Cone Dwhat解析考查代词的用法。句意:为了防止网络犯罪,重要的是要制定与领空有关法律相像的法律。这儿需要代词替代前面复数名词laws,所以用those。That代替上文提到的不行数名词,指代可数名词时相当于the one,one代替上文提到的可数名词单数,表示泛指。答案B6Given one more week,Ill get _ ready.Then well have a dinner out to celebrate your success.Aanyth

5、ing BeverythingCsomething Dnothing解析考查代词的用法。句意:再多一个周,我就会把一切都预备好。然后我们就出去吃饭来庆祝你的成功。get everything ready “把一切预备好”;其它意思不符句意,故选B。答案B7_ but a miracle can save her now.God bless her!ANothing BAnythingCSomething DEverything 解析考查不定代词的用法。句意:现在只有奇迹能够救她了。nothing but只有。答案A8Will you see to _ that the luggage is b

6、rought back?Ame Byourself Cit Dthem解析考查形式宾语it的用法。句意:你处理了带回来的行李了吗?此处see to后跟that或if从句作宾语时,需接it后接宾语从句,故选C项。答案C9Generally speaking, the cost of living in a big city is higher than _ in a town.Ait Bthis Cthat Done解析考查代词的用法。句意:一般的说来,在大城市的生活费用比在城镇的费用高。 it代替同一事物,this 用作代词可用以指叙述中的人或事物,即指前面提到过的人或事物或下文提及的事物;t

7、hat用作指示代词的意思是“那,那个”。可指前面提到的那件事,也可指在空间或大事上较另一事物或人,还可指要表明的或提及的事物、想法等。that在这里代替the cost of living用在比较状语从句中,它后面常跟介词短语。one代替可数名词的单数,表示同类事物。答案C10A scientist who can speak English is in closer touch with those of other countries than _ who doesnt.Athat Bthose C/ Done解析考查代词辨析。句意:一位能用英语说和写的科学家跟其他国家的科学家的联系要紧密

8、得多,而不能用英语说和写的科学家做不到。一句话中代表前面消灭过的可数名词单数,泛指用one,特指用the one或that;复数特指用those或the ones,泛指ones;不行数名词用that,这里的one代表前面的 a scientist。答案D11Jack said you got a unique watch for your birthday.Yes. Maybe it is not to the taste of _,but I like it.Aanyone Bnone Ceveryone Dnobody解析考查不定代词的用法。句意:杰克说你生日的时候收到了一块特殊的手表。是

9、的。或许它并不合每个人的口味,但我宠爱它。It is ones taste.合某人的口味。依据句意everyone 表示每一个人,最为合适。anyone 表示任何一个人;none表示没有一个人或没有一个事物;nobody 相当于 not anybody 表示没有任何人。答案C12They put forward a lot of plans at the meeting, none of _ carried out in their work.Awhich Bwhat Cthat Dthem解析考查代词的用法。句意:他们在会上提出了很多方案,在工作中没有落实一条。题干中逗号后是独立主格结构no

10、ne of them是carried out的动作承受者。答案D13I dont like work and _ does, I think, but I like what is in the workthe chance to find myself.Asomebody BanybodyCnobody Deverybody解析考查不定代词的用法。句意:我不宠爱工作,并且我认为没有人宠爱工作,但是我宠爱工作所带来的东西发觉自我的机会。anybody某人;anybody任何人;nobody没有人;everybody每个人。答案B14Many people lost _ to Hurricane

11、 Sandyhomes, possessions, and even loved ones.Asomething BanythingCnothing Deverything解析考查不定代词的用法。句意:飓风Sandy使得很多人失去了一切家园、财产、甚至所爱的人。something某些东西;anything任何东西;nothing什么也没有;everything一切,包括人或物,故选D项。答案D15Scientists found that grasshoppers living beside noisy roads produced songs different from _ living

12、in quieter areas.Athat Bone Cones Dthose解析考查替代词的用法。空格处特指前文提到的grasshoppers,故用that的复数形式those,故选D项。答案D16_ in my life impressed me so deeply as my first visit to Qinghai Lake.AAnything BNothingCEverything DSomething解析考查不定代词辨析。句意:在我的生命中,没有什么事情能比我第一次去青海湖留下的印象深刻。由语境可知,nothing符合语境。故B项正确。答案B17They have done

13、much of the work; when will _ be finished?Athe rest Bthe otherCanother Dthe others解析代词用法。the rest可指代前面的不行数名词work, 而其它三项均不行指代不行数名词。答案A18A lovely day, isnt it?Yes. I love _ when the weather is like this. Why not go out for a walk?Athis Bit Cone Dthat解析考查代词用法。此处it作形式宾语,真正宾语是when the weather is like thi

14、s。假如主句谓语是表示爱憎类的动词,如like/dislike/hate/appreciate,且其宾语为一个宾语从句时,则一般把it放于其中作形式宾语,后面再加上if或疑问词引导的宾语从句。再如:I dislike it when people talk with their mouths full.我厌烦人们一边嘴里满是东西,一边谈话。Ill appreciate it if you could open the window for me.假如你能帮我打开窗户,我将不胜感谢。答案B19Tom told me that he needed a chair and that soon he

15、found _Ait Bthat Cone Dthe one解析考查代词用法。句意:Tom告知我说,他需要一把椅子而且很快他就找到了一把(椅子)。it用来代替同类同物,即“同一个”;that常用来指代不行数名词,也可用来指代有定语修饰的可数名词(此时,相当于the one);one用来指代泛指的可数名词单数,表示同类不同物中的另外某一个。本题中应用one来指代前面消灭的、表泛指的a chair,故答案选C。答案C20The basic design of the car is very similar to _ of the earlier model.Athat Bit Cthis Done

16、解析考查代词。句意:这款车的基本设计与之前车型的设计格外相像。此处用that指代前面提到的the basic design。答案A.完形填空 体裁:谈论文话题:个人情感时间:15分钟For a long time I saw happiness as a huge banner(横幅)across the finish line of a long race.I felt that only when I _1_ certain things could I finally be happy in my life.Most of the time I felt like a tortoise

17、believing that being slow and _2_ would win the race.At other times I would _3_ like a rabbit trying different side roads at a dangerous _4_ hoping to reach that banner a little faster._5_,I began to see that no matter how long I raced towards it,the banner was never any _6_I finally decided one day

18、 to _7_ and take a break.It was then that I saw my _8_ sitting beside me.It had been with me as I _9_ hard to support my family,as I played with my children and heard their _10_ and even when I was _11_ with my wife at my side looking after me.It had been with me as I raced towards that stupid banne

19、r.I just didnt have the _12_ to see it.There is an old Chinese proverb that says,“Tension is what you think you should be._13_ is who you are.” Perhaps we all should stop our race towards the _14_ life we think we should have and _15_ the life we have now.Happiness will never be found under some ban

20、ner far away.It will be found _16_ your own heart,soul and mind.It will be found when you _17_ that others love you just as you do.Dont be a tortoise or rabbit when it comes to your happiness.Be a playful puppy and carry your stick of _18_ with you everywhere you go._19_ yourself out of the race and

21、 realize that when it comes to love and happiness you are _20_ there.【语篇导读】本文为谈论文。当我们满怀期盼、行色匆忙地去追赶幸福时,幸福其实就在我们身边,只是毫不起眼罢了。1A.forgot Bmissed Covercame Daccomplished解析作者在谈论自己最初对幸福的理解。他认为只有先成就了事业,才能最终获得自己想要的幸福。上句中的“.across the finish line of a long race”示意本空答案为accomplish(完成,实现)。overcome战胜,克服;forget遗忘;m

22、iss思念,错过。答案D2A.safe Bsteady Ccalm Dquiet解析本句中作者把自己比作乌龟。首先,C、D两项意思相近,同比排解;其次,依据英语叠词的修辞手段,不难看出A、B两项中,与slow意思相近的词是steady,slow and steady意思是“稳扎稳打的”。答案B3A.act Brun Cjump Dwalk解析本句中作者把自己比作兔子。在通往幸福的道路上,作者有时表现得像(act like)一只急功近利的兔子。答案A4A.place Bheight Cspeed Dtime解析由下文hoping to reach that banner a little fas

23、ter(期望更快到达那条横幅)提示可知这里指的是速度。答案C5A.Generally BGraduallyCUnfortunately DFirstly解析在漫长的追求幸福的过程中,作者渐渐地(gradually)明白了一个道理。generally一般地,通常;unfortunately不幸地,圆满地;firstly首先。答案B6A.clearer Blower Ccloser Dsmaller解析作者渐渐明白,无论向着那条横幅跑多久,它都不会离你更近。答案C7A.settle in Bstart off Cstop by Dsit down解析依据下文的and take a break (休

24、息一会儿)可推断出答案选D项。sit down坐下;settle in 定居;start off 动身;stop by顺路访问。答案D8A.happiness Bgoal Csuccess Dfriendship解析当作者停下追赶的脚步,坐下来休息时,他发觉幸福原来就在身边。答案A9A.studied Bfought Cexercised Dworked解析依据下文的to support my family(养家)可知,这里指努力工作。A:学习,争辩;B:斗争,战斗;C:练习,熬炼。答案D10A.laughter Bcomplaints Cstories Dbreathing解析和孩子们一起玩

25、耍,听到的自然是他们的欢乐声,而不是complaint(投诉),story(故事), breathing(呼吸)。答案A11A.lonely Btired Csick Dhungry解析依据下文的with my wife at my side looking after me (妻子陪在我身边照看我)可推断,这里指作者生病的时候。答案C12A.courage Bchance Cwisdom Dstrength解析幸福就在身边,发觉它需要的是才智(wisdom),而非士气(courage)、机会(chance)或力气(strength)。答案C13A.Stress BRelaxation CFa

26、ilure DPain解析依据上文“你认为你应当的样子”以及下文“你原来的样子”可推断出,这两句话是相对而言的。tension(紧急)的反义词是relaxation(放松)。stress压力;failure失败;pain苦痛。答案B14A.real Bperfect Ccommon Dcolorful解析人们不应当一味地去追求所谓的完善的生活,从而错过了身边的幸福。答案B15A.enjoy Bchange Cimprove Dcreate解析追求完善的生活不会带来幸福,幸福在当下,享受在当下。答案A16A.from Bon Cover Din解析幸福在你的内心和灵魂里。答案D17A.reali

27、ze Bbelieve Chope Dadmit解析幸福是一种内心的感受,所以只有当你意识到(realize)别人爱你正如你爱他们一样的时候,你才会发觉幸福。答案A18A.sorrow BresponsibilityCfortune Djoy解析无论走到哪里都要欢快。选项中只有D项与文章中心词happiness相符合。sorrow哀痛;responsibility责任;fortune命运。答案D19A.Carry BMake CPush DTake解析动词take 可以表示“to go with sb from one place to another,especially to guide

28、or lead them带去,引领”,这里指将自己带离这场竞赛。carry sth out执行;make sth out辨认清楚,填写;push sth out大量生产。答案D20A.never Bstill Calready Dever解析要明白在提到爱与幸福的时候,你就已经身处其中了。答案C.阅读理解 体裁:记叙文话题:生活故事时间:10分钟Ogilvie the detective arrived.Both the Duke and Duchess were extremely nervous.The Duchess went to the door herself.The detect

29、ives piggy eyes surveyed her.His gaze moved on to sweep the spacious,welldecorated room,and the Duke.“Pretty neat setup youve got.”Ogilvie said slowly.The Duchess said sharply,“imagine you didnt come here to discuss the decoration.”“No,Madame.I like nice things,though.Like that expensive car of your

30、s.The one you keep here in the hotel.”“In what way does our car concern you?”The Duchess had sat in a straightbacked chair.“Now,”he said.“You two were in the hitandrun.”She met his eyes directly.“What are you talking about?”“Dont play games,lady.You saw the newspapers.Theres been plenty on radio,too

31、.”Ogilvies words spat forth with sudden strength.“You listen to me.This_citys_madeverybody.When they find who killed that kid and her mother,and run away,what will they do?Now I know what I know,and if I do what by rights I should,therell be police here.But I come to you first,so you could tell your

32、 side of it to me.”The piggy eyes blinked,then hardened.“If you want it the other way,just say so.”The Duchessthree centuries and a half of inborn pride behind herdid not give in easily.Springing to her feet with great anger,graygreen eyes burning,she faced the detective straightly.Her tone would ha

33、ve frightened anyone who knew her well.“You unspeakable blackguard!How dare you!”Ogilvie said nothing.But the Duke cut in,“Its no go,old girl,Im afraid.It was a good try.”Facing Ogilvie,he said.“What you accuse us of is true.I was driving the car and killed the little girl.”“Thats more like it,”Ogil

34、vie said,“now were getting somewhere.”The Duchess sank back into her chair.She asked.“What is it you know?”“Ill tell you,I got a curious nature.You and your wife drove home,you were driving,after a drink.Last night I saw you come inthrough the basement,looking shaken,the pair of you.I got wondering

35、why.Like I said,I got a curious nature.”The Duchess breathed,“Go on.”“Late last night the word was out about the hitandrun.I went over the garage and took a quiet looksee at your car.On your car you got a damaged headlight.Theres plenty of blood.”“Oh,my God!”A hand to her face,the Duchess turned awa

36、y.Her husband asked.“What do you suggest?” The fat man rubbed his hands together.“Like I said.I come to hear your side of it.”The Duke said desperately,“What can I possibly say?You know what happened.Youd better call the police.”“Theres no way bringing back the kid nor her mother.Besides,what theyd

37、do to you,Duke,you wouldnt like it at all.I was hoping,”Ogilvie said,“that you could suggest something.”The Duke said uncertainly,“I dont understand.”“I understand,”the Duchess said.“You want money.You came here to blackmail(讹诈) us.”The house detective shrugged(耸肩)“Whatever names you call things,the

38、y dont matter to me.All I come for is to help you people out of trouble.But Ive got to live too.”“Youd accept money to keep silent about what you know?”“I think so.”“How much do you want?”The piggy eyes blinked.“Ten thousand dollars.”“What would we receive in return?”The fat man seemed puzzled.“Like

39、 I said,I keep quiet about what I know.”“No.”The statement was clear.“We will not pay you.”Ogilvies round face reddened,“Now listen,lady.”She cut him off.“I wont listen.Instead,you will listen to me.We wont pay you $10,000.But we will pay you $25,000.In return,you will drive our car north.”“$25,000,

40、”she repeated.“$10,000 now.$15,000 more when you meet us in Chicago.”The fat mans piggy eyes were focused upon hers.The silence hung.Then,he gave the slightest of nods.【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。本文叙述了Ogilvie通过揭露公爵夫妇的交通肇事的方式威逼公爵夫妇,最终达到让他们情愿拿钱消灾。1The Duke and Duchess were extremely nervous because they _Aknew the

41、 detective would harm themBthought the detective would search themCwere afraid to meet a stranger at nightDhad just got involved in a traffic accident解析推理推断题。依据侦探和公爵夫妇的谈话,尤其是第八行中的“You two were in the hitandrun.”可知公爵夫妇卷入了一场交通肇事逃逸案。故选D项。答案D2By saying “This citys madeverybody” Ogilvie wanted to _Afrigh

42、ten the Duke and his wifeBshow concern for the coupleCask for money for the victimsDpunish the lawbreakers himself解析推理推断题。依据文中的“.if I do what by rights I should, therell be police here.”可知Ogilvie是在恐吓公爵和他妻子。答案A3Which of the sentences from Ogilvie defeated the Duchess completely?A“Now,you two were in

43、the hitandrun.”B“On your car you got a damaged headlight.Theres plenty of blood.”C“Now I know what I know,and if I do what by rights I should,therell be police here.”D“Last night I saw you come inthrough the basement,looking shaken,the pair of you.”解析推理推断题。依据文中的“Avoid bringing up a compromise every

44、time you disagree on something.”可知选B项。答案B4In the eyes of the Duke and Duchess.Ogilvie was _.Aprofessional,brave but dirtyBgreedy,tough but flexibleCsmart,sensitive and helpfulDhonest,clever and reliable解析推理推断题。依据当Ogilvie说了“On your car you got a damaged headlight.Theres plenty of blood.”后公爵夫人所说的话和她的表

45、现(“Oh, my God!” A hand to her face, the Duchess turned away.)可知Ogilvie完全击败了公爵夫人。答案B5The Duchess finally succeeded in _Aprotecting their inborn prideBkeeping safe from a legal attackCturning the disadvantage into a chanceDrejecting the detectives blackmail解析推理推断题。最终三段中公爵夫人为Ogilvie供应25 000美元可知,其中10 000美元作为保持缄默的费用,另外15 000美元作为将车开到芝加哥的费用,并且Ogilvie也接受了,由此可以推出最终公爵夫人变不利为有利。故选C项。答案C.书面表达假设你校开展了“争做环保卫士”的活动。只要向学校交废旧电池和报纸等,便可获得“环保卫士”卡片一张。请你据此写一篇100120词的英语报道,向校英语报社投稿,内容要点包括:1简要介绍该活动;2发表你对该活动的看法;3提出其他有关环保的建议;4参考词汇:爱护人,监护人: guardian;电池:battery【参考范文】Recently an activity has be

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