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1、Phonetic Phonetic symbolssymbols音标音标NicoleNicole第第1页页国际音标国际音标 元音元音分类:分类:英语中共有英语中共有48个音标,元音个音标,元音20个,辅音个,辅音28个。个。单元音单元音双元音双元音前元音前元音中元音中元音后元音后元音/i:/,/,/e/,/:/,/,/u:/,/,/:/,/,/:/e/,/a/,/,/,/a/,/,/e/,/辅音辅音爆破音爆破音磨檫音磨檫音 鼻音鼻音半元音半元音舌边音舌边音/p/,/b/,/t/,/d/,/k/,/g/f/,/v/,/,/3/,/,/,/s/,/z/,/h/,/r/,/t/,/d3/,/tr/,

2、/dr/,/ts/,/dz/m/,/n/,/l/w/,/j/第第2页页Vowels(元音)(元音)-pure vowels(单元音)(单元音)前元音:前元音:/i:/,/,/e/,/第第3页页发单元音时应注意事项:发单元音时应注意事项:1.舌前部在活动舌前部在活动2.舌端抵下齿舌端抵下齿3.从从/i:/i/e/口形渐口形渐大大第第4页页/i:/例词:例词:he sea tree 短语:短语:green leaves deep sea clean street eat the meat 例句:例句:A:Would you like coffee or tea?B:Tea,please.A:OK.

3、I have tea,too.第第5页页/-/i/例词:例词:pin ship hill chicks短语:短语:a big ship fifty pictures Miss Smith interesting films例句:例句:A:Is Lily in?B:Lily is ill in bed.C:Oh,Im sorry.第第6页页/e/-/例词:例词:pen head leg well短语:短语:ten pence very well expensive cigarettes went to America例句:例句:A:How did you spend your holiday?B

4、:I went to Beijing.A:Was it expensive?B:Yes,very.第第7页页/例词:例词:apple lantern hand parachute短语短语:black cat mad man traveling bag matter-of fact例句:例句:A:Ann is traveling to Japan.B:How happy she is!A:She is very happy.第第8页页Vowels(元音)(元音)-pure vowels(单元音)(单元音)中元音:中元音:/:/,/,/第第9页页发中元音时应注意:发中元音时应注意:1.舌中部隆起舌

5、中部隆起2.舌端轻抵舌端轻抵 下齿下齿3./:/口形渐大口形渐大第第10页页/:/-/:/例词:例词:girl bird work turn短语:短语:early bird Thursday work thirsty person perfect search例句:例句:A:He always arrives work early.B:But he wasnt early this morning.A:You werent early either.第第11页页/例词:例词:teacher picture breakfast welcome短语:短语:a glass of water a qu

6、arter to seven brothers and sisters a book about China例句:例句:A:look at the clock!B:whats the time?A:its a quarter to seven第第12页页/例词:例词:cup run jump flood短语:短语:hurry up!trust us!rubbish number mustnt worry例句:例句:A:Its sunny today.B:Yes,isnt it.A:My uncle will go to London next Monday.B:How lucky he is!

7、第第13页页Vowels(元音)(元音)-pure vowels(单元音)(单元音)后元音:后元音:/u:/,/,/:/,/,/:/第第14页页后元音发音要领:后元音发音要领:1.舌后部用力舌后部用力2.舌尖离开下齿龈舌尖离开下齿龈3./u:/,/,/:/,/,/:/口形渐口形渐 大大第第15页页/u:/例词:例词:zoo who food blue短语:短语:a tooth for a tooth Sue and Lucy fruit juice two shoes例句:例句:A:Look at my new shoes?B:Oh,they are beautiful.A:Your boot

8、s are beautiful,too.第第16页页/例词:例词:foot wood book push短语:短语:good cook good book couldnt look pudding without sugar例句:例句:A:Where did you put the book?B:Which book?A:The book you bought yesterday.第第17页页/:/例词:例词:fork ball morning airport短语:短语:four balls score board morning glory sports reporter例句:例句:A:I

9、see two children on the blackboard.B:He is short.A:She is shorter.第第18页页/-/例词:例词:cock shop job hospital短语:短语:hot coffee long job on the box drop the pot例句:例句:A:I have a bad cough.B:You must see a doctor.A:Yes,I must go to the hospital.第第19页页/:/例词:例词:car garden star guitar短语:短语:fast car half park hea

10、rt transplant stars and bars例句:例句:A:You look very smart today.B:Thank you.C:What a marvelous dancer you are.Let me take a photograph of you.第第20页页Vowels(元音)(元音)-diphthongs(双元音)(双元音)/e/,/a/,/,/,/a/,/,/e/,/第第21页页双元音发音要领:双元音发音要领:1.口形、舌位有改变口形、舌位有改变 发单元音时口形、舌位自始至终保持不发单元音时口形、舌位自始至终保持不变。双元音是由两个不一样元音组成,比如变。

11、双元音是由两个不一样元音组成,比如/ai/,从第一个元音从第一个元音/a/过分到过分到/i/,口形和舌位都有改变:由口形较大、舌位较低口形和舌位都有改变:由口形较大、舌位较低/a/音过分到口形较小、舌位较高音过分到口形较小、舌位较高/i/音。其它七个双元音也一样,音。其它七个双元音也一样,发音时口形舌位都有不一样成度改变。发音时口形舌位都有不一样成度改变。2.前长后短前长后短 双元音中两个元音长度(音长)也不相等。第一双元音中两个元音长度(音长)也不相等。第一个比第二个长些,约为三比一。个比第二个长些,约为三比一。3.前重后轻前重后轻 发第一个元音时要多使点劲儿,但必须注意不要发第一个元音时要

12、多使点劲儿,但必须注意不要把两个元音分裂成一个强音、一个弱音来念,而是由强而渐把两个元音分裂成一个强音、一个弱音来念,而是由强而渐弱。弱。第第22页页双元音发音要领:双元音发音要领:4.两音密合,一气呵成两音密合,一气呵成 由第一个元音到第二个元音是一个滑由第一个元音到第二个元音是一个滑动过程,中间不容停顿,不可把两个音分开来念。动过程,中间不容停顿,不可把两个音分开来念。5.前音清楚,后音含糊前音清楚,后音含糊 双元音中第一个元音发音清楚响亮,双元音中第一个元音发音清楚响亮,向第二个音滑动时,在还未抵达第二个元音发音部位时滑动向第二个音滑动时,在还未抵达第二个元音发音部位时滑动即可停顿,无须

13、把第即可停顿,无须把第二个音象单独发音时念得那么二个音象单独发音时念得那么 清楚。这清楚。这一点非常主要。常听到一些同学把一点非常主要。常听到一些同学把/ai/念成念成“阿姨阿姨”,就是因,就是因为把为把/i/念得太清楚了,甚至跑过了头,越境而入念得太清楚了,甚至跑过了头,越境而入/i:/领域了。领域了。第第23页页/e/-/ei/例词:例词:face rain cake wait短语:短语:eight cakes waste paper railway station wait for the mail例句:例句:A:Its my birthday today.B:Happy birthda

14、yA:Thank you.Come to my birthday party.And dont be late.第第24页页/a/-/ai/例词:例词:sky kite write bicycle短语短语:white lie high tide eye for eye silent night例句:例句:A:Its a fine day today.The sun is shining brightly.B:Yes,I feel hot.I like an ice-cream now.A:Yes,I do,too.第第25页页/-/i/例词:例词:boy boil noise coin短语:短

15、语:a spoilt boy a noisy toy an annoying voice Joyces boyfriend例句:例句:A:Look at my toy gun.B:Oh,what a good toy!A:Shall we join our friends in the garden?B:Yes,lets go.第第26页页/-/v/例词:例词:coast throw boat toe短语:短语:Joes coat go to the window load and unload throw a snowball例句:例句:A:Look!He has a boat.B:Is h

16、e going to row?A:I think so.第第27页页/a/-/av/例词:例词:cow house mouth trousers短语:短语:shout out brown mouse down town round flower例句:例句:A:Is she milking the cow?B:Yes,she is.A:Is the cow in he house?B:No.She is on the dairy farm.第第28页页/-/i/例词:例词:ear idea zero beard短语:短语:the atmosphere here queer 古怪skier Wea

17、ry疲 乏 mountaineer experienced engineer例句:例句:A:Lets have some beer here.B:What a good idea!A:What shall we do after having beer?B:We shall go to the theatre.第第29页页/e/-/例词:例词:hair bare pear chair短语:短语:millionaires theirs mayors parentssquare chairs careful librarian例句:例句:A:Where is my pen?B:Its over t

18、here on the chair.A:Thank you.Its really there.第第30页页/-/v/例词:例词:tour poor sure gourd /g d/葫芦葫芦短语:短语:poor tourists tour from China carm jury陪审团 European jewel例句:例句:A:I received a letter from my uncle.Hes sick with influenza.B:Im sorry.Is he still in Europe.A:Yes.Hes still working in London.B:He must

19、speak fluent English.第第31页页Consonants(辅音)(辅音)英语辅音发音特点英语辅音发音特点 第第32页页1.气流受阻,从肺部呼出气流在经过气流受阻,从肺部呼出气流在经过口腔或鼻腔时碰到妨碍(元音发音不口腔或鼻腔时碰到妨碍(元音发音不受妨碍)。受妨碍)。2.气流较强(元音气流较弱)气流较强(元音气流较弱)3.妨碍部分肌肉担心(元音发音时均妨碍部分肌肉担心(元音发音时均衡地保持担心)衡地保持担心)4.有清浊之分。有清浊之分。第第33页页英语辅音发音能够分别从英语辅音发音能够分别从”发音部位发音部位”和发音方法和发音方法”两方面来学习。两方面来学习。第第34页页1.发



22、鼻音:鼻音:/m/,/n/,/舌侧音:舌侧音:/l/半元音:半元音:/j/,/w/第第38页页Consonants(辅音)(辅音)-plosives(爆破音)(爆破音)/p/,/b/,/t/,/d/,/k/,/g/第第39页页/p/p/例词:例词:pig people pull put短语:短语:pick up a pepper pot a piece of pork a pen and a pencil例句:例句:A:Do you collect stamps?B:Yes,I do.A:Will you show me your stamp album?B:Yes,they are upst

23、airs.Let me go and fetch them.第第40页页/b/例词:例词:bus bed breakfast banana短语:短语:Big Ben a big bottle beautiful baby blue butterflies例句:例句:A:Is this your handbag?B:No,it isnt my handbag is not brown.A:What color is your handbag?B:Its black.第第41页页/t/例词:例词:table tall take telephone短语:短语:ten teachers travel

24、by train want a rabbit two trees例句:例句:A:Im hungry.I want something to eat.B:What about some tomatoes?Lets go to the restaurant!A:Yes,lets go.第第42页页/d/例词:例词:door doctor head would短语:短语:dear daughter red door played cards listened to the radio例句:例句:A:What did you do last night?B:I studied last night.A

25、:Did you study all night?B:No,I didnt.I listened to the radio for some time.第第43页页/k/例词:例词:car duck clock park短语:短语:the back of the car ask question a quarter to six a cool cleaner例句:例句:A:I like cheap cakes.B:You do?Do you often have cheap cakes?A:Yes,I do.B:If you want to keep fit,dont eat too many

26、 cheap cakes.第第44页页/g/例词:例词:bag dog goat green短语:短语:good girl go to the grandpas as good as gold get a girl例句:例句:A:Can you play the guitar?B:Yes,I played my guitar in the garden and song again and again with my friends last night.A:You must have had a good time last night.第第45页页Consonants(辅音)(辅音)-fr

27、icatives(摩擦音)(摩擦音)/f/,/v/,/,/,/s/,/z/,/,/,/h/,/,/,/r/第第46页页/f/例词:例词:friend fat fish family短语:短语:five flowers fast food fathers face feel fine例句:例句:A:Look at Freda!She is fifty.B:Her hat is funny.A:Look at her fur coat.Its famous.第第47页页/v/例词例词:drive village very vest短语:短语:lovely view village vet 兽医 l

28、eaving arriving leaves of the vine藤、葡例句:例句:A:Whos driving the van?B:I think victor is.获胜者 A:Who is victor?B:He is my new neighbor,he has lived here for only a few months.第第48页页/例词例词:thank month thin thirty短语:短语:three thinkers Marthas birthday healthy author thirty mathematicians例句:例句:A:My father is

29、a mathematician.B:No wonder you are good at mathematics.A:To tell you the truth,my father never teaches me math.第第49页页/例词例词:father there that this短语:短语:smooth leather get together better than others another brother例句:例句:A:Lily is taller than Mary.B:But Mary is slimmer than Lily.A:Look at them.Theyre

30、 doing physical exercise together.第第50页页/s/例词:例词:sun small horse bicycle短语:短语:sleep soundly expensive cigarettes some books sit in the sun例句:例句:A:These are cups.B:Those are saucers.茶碟 A:Theyre nice cups and saucers.第第51页页/z/例词:例词:zoo prize bees nose短语:短语:jazz music close the windows these days zero

31、animal例句:例句:A:Lets go to the zoo.B:Good.I like looking at the zebras.C:I like the monkeys there.Lets go.第第52页页/例词:例词:fish sugar shoe shop短语:短语:fashion shops friendship association社团 British shoes washing machine例句:例句:A:This shop sells washing-machines.B:Do they sell air-conditioners,too.A:Sure.第第53页

32、页/例词:例词:garage pleasure measure collision短语:短语:an unusual collision measure a garage a great decision my pleasure例句:例句:A:Lily likes clothes for casual随便 wear.B:Clothes for casual wear are comfortable,A:I like to wear them in my leisure time.第第54页页/h/例词:例词:hat hard hen high 短语:短语:heart and hand high

33、heels head-to-head happy honeymoon蜜月期 例句:例句:A:There was a car accident here last Sunday.B:Oh,its horrible!A:Were you here when the accident happened?B:No,I only heard about it.第第55页页/例词:例词:cheek chicken church watch短语:短语:Chinese chess which butcher chicken and chips change much例句:例句:A:Where are the

34、two children?B:Theyre having lunch.A:Here are some cherries 樱桃for them.B:Thank you very much.第第56页页/例词:例词:jeep jar orange bridge 短语:短语:a large jeep injured passengers adjust the engine orange juice 例句:例句:A:I have an orange.B:Oh,your orange is large.Look!Ive got a large sandwich.A:Yes,it is a very la

35、rge one.第第57页页/r/例词:例词:rose lorry卡车 rubber rocket短语:短语:American waitress a married secretary grown up children French restaurant例句:例句:A:Rose works as a secretary at the railway station.B:She does?She is a very pretty girl.A:Yes,very.第第58页页Consonants(辅音)(辅音)-nasals(鼻音)(鼻音)/m/,/n/,/第第59页页/m/例词:例词:moon

36、 home medicine mountain短语:短语:man-made make a mistake come tomorrow middle name例句:例句:A:Mum has come back home.B:Marvelous.A:Mom says well go and see a movie tonight.B:Yes,we certainly will.第第60页页/n/例词:例词:neck tin night noise短语:短语:neat brandy白兰地酒 a negative answer telephone number harden the neck例词:例词

37、:A:What a nice postcard of the Grand Canyon!B:They are wonderful.峡谷A:Who sent it to you?B:A friend of mine.第第61页页/例词:例词:ink ring sing monkey短语:短语:ring-ding开朗 rising diphthong双元音 strong string playing ping-pang例句:例句:A:Do you like drinking tea?B:Yes,I do.A:We are advised to drink more tea than coffee.

38、B:Tea is good for health.第第62页页Consonants(辅音)(辅音)-lateral(舌侧音)(舌侧音)/l/第第63页页/l/例词:例词:black light jelly全身发软 lemon短语:短语:early for lunch leg of lamb a glass of lemonade柠檬汽水 yellow jelly例句:例句:A:Mum,is lunch ready?Im hungry.B:OK,lunch is ready.A:Whats for lunch,Mum?B:Well have lamb and potato salad.第第64页

39、页1.Red lorry,yellow lorry,red lorry,yellow lorry.2.Lets look for leaves in the large lake with a long ladder.Tongue twisters第第65页页Consonants(辅音)(辅音)-semi-vowels(半元音)(半元音)/j/,/w/第第66页页/j/例词:例词:yellow yacht快游艇 yolk蛋黄 year短语:短语:yolk yellow new years day new York university a tough onion坚硬、老例句:例句:A:My b

40、rother was a music student.B:What does he do now?A:He is now in Europe working as a business man.第第67页页/w/例词:例词:week whale win window 短语:短语:weight watcher weave织 a web weeping willow wet wind例句:树枝低垂例句:树枝低垂 A:Dont look out of the window.B:Oh,Im sorry,Im thinking of my dog.Today is a wet day.A:Do you

41、think your dog will be lost in the woods on a wet day?第第68页页辅音字母读音规则辅音字母读音规则 第第69页页单个辅音字母发音能够归纳为单个辅音字母发音能够归纳为下面两种:下面两种:1)只发一个音字母)只发一个音字母 字母字母读音读音例词例词字母字母读音读音例词例词b/b/big/big/p/p/play/plei/f/f/foot/fut/c/k/Iraq /ra:k/h/h/hat /ht/r/r/red /red/j/jam /m/v/v/very k/k/kind/kaid/w/w/well/wel/m/m/man/mn/n/n/

42、net /net/z/z/zoo /zu:/注:注:1)字母)字母f 在个别情况下念,如在个别情况下念,如of/v,v/2)字母字母 h在一些单词中不发音,如在一些单词中不发音,如hour/a/3)字母)字母 q极少单独出现,常和字母极少单独出现,常和字母 u结合,念作结合,念作/kw/如如quick/kwik/。第第70页页Consonants(辅音)(辅音)-fricatives(摩擦音)(摩擦音)/ts/,/dz/,/tr/,/dr/第第71页页/ts/students coats cats boats/dz/heads reads beds hands/tr/tree truck train trace追踪/dr/dress drink drain流干喝光排水管 dream第第72页页两清辅音一起时,后一个清辅音变两清辅音一起时,后一个清辅音变成浊辅音,或叫浊化成浊辅音,或叫浊化sp sb st sd sk sgspeak spit spy study star start sky school screen第第73页页

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