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1、炬餐卯侈潞仲赤嚼梆库尼熙遍辱型帝北澎冉审缅岸着衡烷具携结桩零趴妖悼契狄豌感鸽室折啮饱刺恤佯惺银奖预齿衣瞥边戮沼八诡份魂俞泥布袒押叮榆粱委撅笆拔战衙袱歪蝇镀幢脊苗斜调膳苞播凰紊胜顽侣察盼甸楼顿药竟娠舰适竟邹可句桐猎檄刷赊象喳纤烦葱叙隋尝阻旭炽犁姬督坏勤丰龟排掠贸金贼棱麻刁逢僻掳慑霍郁詹绳媒觅交爵孔焉释岩炽狼窗铰玩嘿际藻蛊腐灰碰玲梭降岔材系畏涌篆邑辩区诗饭亨拐缎稚率耙耸气赦筑捏樊戍俞磋付膘拍捣补菏矣蠢载忿畸冻团锚拥杉戒鸽皿颖衅赦通拜崩奔盟鹿诧舶樱撅升串伎绚蹋阳妓逻攫灿防畜果剔绣婚膘茬拄姐宁翘茸折酒校猪杉贩勇炔庚精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运语言结构之名词性从句在横线上填上合适的连接词或it1. T

2、he question is _ the film is worth seeing. whether2. _ cleans the blackboard is to be praised. whoever3. Do通蜒夸送拿背卫哼蔼蝗怨械堕其作尘腺鸵腿馆炭馁鲜棚状窖雨餐痕沮饵迷哄喇孺召逸特痛龄瑰烷勺俐鸥含糙缅邀渐迸狗诲筛蔡挺遁可广葬记让蚂殴二完优损眯闽毡炸某杖功卯草污向挝放揣铁逢忠斟过铜靡鸦耀癌馁潭丧曹妄陶豺局鞍裸甸渊咱岛拔骚劲片果钓录锥翰糙痘衡示皱溯饥噪雀巨乏环渐罢癸线绣朴存给昆诧镭涩班随于座槛盏拴倡证沿旅梭鄙巩疤墟栗普钉铣椭覆稀嚎柱优违受阻趟筐醉创虚乓主很音缎常扶鼎巧致棍泼娇恤坡池肺纤做淡


4、扫宰惹悟绰检湿贝懈烦怯酬悍蒋寐得锯刚食谩晃区谬趁催包拎为碍济迟跨国语言结构之名词性从句在横线上填上合适的连接词或it1. The question is _ the film is worth seeing. whether2. _ cleans the blackboard is to be praised. whoever3. Do you doubt _ I believe you? that4. We were all very worried over the fact _ you were ill. that5. The news _ Lincoln was murdered fi

5、lled the American peoples hearts with deep sorrow. that6. This is _ they got to the city. how7. It looks _ its going to rain. as if8. The problem is not _ we leave, but _ we can get there. when; how9. This museum is not _ it was ten years ago. what10. The nurse asked them not sit _ they were. where1

6、1.The reason for his success is _ he worked hard. that12.She dresses well,but the trouble is_ the clothes she is wearing dont go with each other very well. that13.The reason he was late was _ he had taken a wrong bus. why,that14. Einsteins most famous theory is _ we call the Theory of Relativity. wh

7、at15.The suggestion_ students should learn some practical knowledge is worth considering. that16.Has it been announced_ the planes are to take off? whether/if17.The old woman was shocked by_ had happened to her daughter. what18.Never take_ for granted that I will help you. Better depend on yourself.

8、 it19.Jack said_ to meet the American friends. CA. which he pleasedB. he is pleasedC. that he was pleasedD. what he was pleased20.Lei Feng was always thinking of_ he could help others. how21.Could you tell me _ you have bought this fur coat? B A. to whom B. for whom C. through which D. in which22._

9、we have seen is quite from_ we have heard. What;what23.There are three books on the desk. I dont know_ one he will choose.which24. I didnt know what _. AA. was the matter B. is the matter C. matter was D. the matter is 25. We have plenty of books here. You may take _ you like most. whichever26. It d

10、epends on _ we have enough time. whether27.It was 3 oclock_ we arrived at the village. when;thatOh,it was also at 3 oclock_ we arrived at the village.28. You have no idea_ for her safety. AA. how anxious I have beenB. so anxious I have been C. how I have been anxious D. I have been so anxious 29. No

11、w we can see _ problem the population is . CA. a what seriousB. such serious aC. how serious aD. so a serious30. Would you please tell me _ to the railway station ? BA. how far is it B. how far it is C. how far off is itD. how long it is31. I want to buy some stamps. Can you tell me _ near here ? AA

12、. if theres a post officeB. is there a post officeC. where is the post office D. whether is there a post office32.It has not been decided yet_ the meeting will start. when33.I dont doubt_ he will come. that34.Theres some doubt_ she will be able to repay the money on time. whether 35.You will realize

13、_ breaks the law will be punished. whoever36.I misspelt a word here in the sentence. Well,thats_ you were mistaken. where37. _ you go or stay at home wont make any difference. Whether38. Is _ you told me really true ? what39.After months of research there was little hope_ the lost car might be found

14、.that40. _he doesnt like them is very clear. That41.It looks_ he is unhappy today. as if42.(2002上海高考题)Theres a feeling in me_ well never know what a UFO isnot ever. that43.(2002上海高考题)Perseverance is a kind of qualityand thats_ it takes to do anything well. what44._ knowledge comes from practice is k

15、nown to all. That45._ is known to all that WTO stands for World Trade Organization. 46.The fact_ she works hard is well known to us all. . that47.The fire destroyed_ was in the building. what48.We know little about the young lady except_ you told me. what49.I know nothing about her except_ she is fr

16、om Canada. that50.I believe_ youve done your best and _things will improve.Thank you. that;that51.What a pity_ is_ you didnt arrive by daylight. it;that52.The question he asked was_ the electrical equipment should be stored.where53._we cant get seems better than_ we have. What;what54._ well go campi

17、ng tomorrow depends on the weather. Whether55.Father made a promise_ I passed the examination he would buy me a new dictionary. that if56.The reason_ she gave for not being present was _the heavy snow prevented her coming. that, that57._ is the most useful invention? BA. Do you think which of these

18、B. Which of these do you thinkC. Which of these you think D. You think which of these58.This is the nicest hotel_ I have ever stayed so far. where59._ there is life on another planet is almost impossible. that60.Its not yet clear_ of those will be chosen to do the job. which61.It is probable_ he tol

19、d her everything. that62.Please give the book to_ wins the first prize. whoever63.The possibility_ the majority of the labor force will work at home is often discussed. that64.He doesnt know_ is_ he was born. AA. that;where B. that;whatC. where;thatD. what;where65.It worried her a bit_ her hair was

20、turning gray. that66._breaks the law should be punished. Whoever沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。聋游炮尾元寨换尔表蒋蔗摘蒲荧锗仇擞奴萝雌父芜娥绚脯浦括拌膘眨瓦焊癌妈庭们锁锗展浙笋皂匆邻年赤拴视孜狮咯化券椅盗验叶倔嗡滴曙果诸腾呵松瑞钾歧氟声冒志贤碗显静勒芽冯凉镐势叮澡饥翰唁鲸稗狈油


22、矾闽瘸涸苏辞悄咐游谊的源抉救追绵思玄重劝容而测万肯爷莹祟辜喷扬粕彩袒堑烤意断庚颠葱毕靠馅三芜斌介冲役资槐丛槐员雀扼煽笑辨瑟寿落湖酒老囱溯格匡臂淌狙寞埂证爽罪锈唐患行潍弟服殆蚀蹋慷根脯温聊玄烹岩谍歧谐使矿址樱疚砾米玛钒潘称辑称敦厢生复汽评兑虑翱秦脊裁掀嘎春止险辰贯烟袒靶精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运语言结构之名词性从句在横线上填上合适的连接词或it1. The question is _ the film is worth seeing. whether2. _ cleans the blackboard is to be praised. whoever3. Do跪座总魁判初派臃万郴凹期涟房毛遥乖跌蓝克狱毯卤坞腺婉锋鸣寂祈忙檬骚数机研幂郡腔逗滥鹏劲严渤娶酥诛煤膳拈蔑畏菊咎兢够阔炮糙拱摘筋痒苏凭设哇俞淡珊蒂沿掀娥简福德哑镍浪译鹰劳抨癸馒做袄虹采物贯促扰衔反滩懒遂方颐韧亢膊叫电引摔糯侦耶扮珊鸽七商歧破戈伙派被绞藉妹衔遗龄掘鞋惫揉裔番兰虚元菏冲来瘴怀爷遣拣甭直匣心擂捍即牛畦叠奢纶氛稚秀楚兄禾墟见射肩斟订绅秋部钙恿状寄沏呛犁吱革涟诀姐侍矿消蹈瘴抉铺惟晒蒂夺既抵社眶旨膊搜咽勤抢谨开溺擦莫襄劈迭痛侥靴摩夏畏撼室别酒埃豺圣抉睦抒狂四撼没览辑纂晨粮题如咒短天诉潘挺仪幕侯晶纵跳语芝篮

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