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1、2020-2021学年广东省江门市恩平那吉中学高三英语模拟试卷含解析一、 选择题1. -The T-shirt you delivered is a king-size one, not the standard size I ordered. -_! But I promise you will receive it very soon. A. Who says B.How come C. What for D.Why worry参考答案:B2. alone in the large house, the little boy had to learn to survive by himse

2、lf.A. To leave B. Leaving C. Left D. Being left参考答案:C3. Air is a mixture of gases ,_ oxygen forms 21% by volume.A. in which B. to which C. by which D. of which参考答案:D4. Your roommate is still suffering from the cold. If she_ the medicine yesterday, she _ well now.A. took; would be B. had taken; would

3、 have been C. had taken; would be D. should take; would have been参考答案:C5. I wish I _ your advice then. In that case things might not be so bad.A. have taken B. tookC. had taken D. would have taken参考答案:C6. in my life impressed me so deeply as my first visit to the Palace Museum.A. Anything B. Nothing

4、 C. Everything D. Something参考答案:B7. What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has _?A. given out B. put out C. run out of D. used up参考答案:A略8. Xu Benyu ,a college graduate ,went to teach in an impoverished mountain village in Guizhou Province he could have stayed in a big city for fur

5、ther advanced studies. Abefore Bsince Cso that Dwhen参考答案:D9. Why was our foreign teacher unhappy yesterday? News about the tsunami striking her country _ an attack of homesickness.A. set for B. set out C. set about D. set off参考答案:D10. This book tells the life story of John Smith, who left _ school a

6、nd worked for a newspaper at the age of 16.A. the B. a C. / D. an参考答案:C略11. _ I enjoy the book with some nice pictures, I dont have enough money to buy itASince BWhile CAs DIf参考答案:B12. Planning so far ahead makes no _ so many things will have changed by next year.A. senseB. roomC. choiceD. effort参考答

7、案:A【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:提前这么早计划没意义,到明年很多事情都已经改变。A. sense感觉,道理;B. room房间,空间;C. choice选择;D. effort努力。结合句意可知本句考查短语make sense有意义,故选A项。13. Ill call you _ I arrive in Shenzhen Thanks, and good luck Awhile Buntil Cas Donce参考答案:D14. Scientists have decided to declare _ war on AIDS in order to make _ breakthrough

8、 in treating it.A.a, a B./, a C. a, the D. / , the参考答案:B略15. The Japanese suffering from the worst natural disasters . A. are; ever since B. are; of all time C. is; ever since D. is; of all time 参考答案:B16. Be ready for the job interview, _ you may miss the good opportunity. A. and B. then C. or D. so

9、参考答案:C略34. So much of interest _ that most visitors simply run out of time before seeing it all. A. offers Beijing B. Beijing offers C. does Beijing offer D. Beijing does offer参考答案:C略18. With so much work _, they feel worried all the time.A. doing B. to do C. done D. having done参考答案:二、 短文改错19. My co

10、usin Tim is pupil. He is clever, and he is very naughty.Today he fails in his math and English exam. Getting his report,he was deep worried. His poor report was required to be signed by his fatherat home. On the way to home an idea appeared on his mind. He found his fatherwas reading a newspaper bef

11、ore he got home. Tim said to his father jokingly,“Dad, can you write your name with all of your eyes shut?” His father replied. “Of course not, my dear.” And his father did so. Tim was satisfied with the report already signed by his father.参考答案:20. 短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同

12、桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(/),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第十一处起)不计分。In the winter vacation, I paid a visit a mountain village in a suburb of Handan. No sooner had I got off the bus when I was great

13、ly surprising to see all the changes. It was far better than I had been expected. Now every family can drink cleanly running water. The villagers neednt carry water himself any more. Firewood is no longer used for cooking. Marsh gas, a new cheap clean energy, make it very convenient to cook and ligh

14、t. As all the families have color1 TV set, they can enjoy plays at home. It impressed me most was that the best building in a village was the school. I hope the mountain village will become better and better. 参考答案:In the winter vacation, I paid a visita mountain village in a suburb of Handan. No soo

15、ner tohad I got off the bus when I was greatly surprising to see all the changes. It was far better than I than surprisedhad been expected. Now every family can drink cleanly running water. The villagers neednt carry cleanwater himself any more. Firewood is no longer used for cooking. Marsh gas, a n

16、ew cheap clean themselvesenergy, make it very convenient to cook and light. As all the families have color1 TV set, they can makes setsenjoy plays at home. It impressed me most was that the best building in a village was the school. I what thehope the mountain village will become better and better.略

17、三、 阅读理解21. Can you imagine being savagely attacked by a dog? What if the attack was so severe that your nose, lips and chin were completely destroyed? How would you feel about yourself? Would you be able to look at yourself in the mirror? And how do you think other people would treat you? Isabelle D

18、inoire is someone who can answer all of these questions honestly and openly. Last November Isabelle was attacked and mauled by her own dog. The attack was so severe that her lower face was damaged; it seemed, almost beyond repair. She was rushed to hospital and became the first person ever to have a

19、 face transplant. With such severe injuries doctors offered Isabelle little hope that they would be able to repair the damage to her face using conventional surgery. Shortly after being admitted, she came to the attention of Dr Bernard Devauchelle who, unlike other surgeons, believed there was an al

20、ternative: We found ourselves saying, yes, its clear this woman needs a transplant, he said.Two days after the operation she saw her face in the mirror for the first timeShe said, I was scared to look at myself, but when I did it was already marvelous and I couldnt believe itI thought it would be bl

21、ue and swollen but it was already beautifulNow, less than a year after her 15-hour operation, she s trying to rebuild her life and there is no doubt how she feels about her new face: I have been savedLots of people write saying that I need to go on, that it s wonderfulIt s a miracle somehowAlthough

22、there were ethical questions raised about their decision to carry out the procedure, the doctors who operated on Isabelle are quick to defend their decisionOne of them said, Was it possible for her to live without a face? Its easy to say we shouldnt have done the operation, but her life has changed,

23、 she goes shopping, goes on holiday, she lives again56What would be the best title of the passage? AThe First Face Transplant BA Face Operation CThe Most Severe Damaged Face DThe Breakthrough of Surgery57The writer uses the five questions at the beginning of the passage to _ Atell the story about Is

24、abelle Dinoire Bshow a severe face damage event Cdraw the readers attention to the topic Dinvite the readers to answer them58It can be concluded from Isabelle Dinoire s remarksthat Ashe was too shocked to see herself in the mirror Bshe was satisfied with the result of the operation Cshe thought her

25、damaged face couldnt be repaired Dshe looked more beautiful than before参考答案:56-58ACB略22. In 1974, the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) adopted a new policy. WHO tried to encourage developing countries to develop their own traditional forms of medicine, instead of turning to Western med

26、icine for expensive cures to medical problem. There were many people who looked down on this new policy, but WHO felt it was the most reasonable solution to the large health problems facing poor countries. Today, WHO estimates that a third of the global population lack easy access to modern drugs, a

27、nd that in the poorest parts of Africa and Asia, that figure rises to fifty percent. WHO believed that the people in developing countries who could not afford or find modern medical doctors were better off using traditional medicine rather than no medicine at all.Twenty-five percent of modern medici

28、nes are made from plants that were first used in traditional medicine, and scientists believe they have just scratched the surface. For example, one Chinese herbal remedy, which has been used for two thousand years, has recently been found to be effective against varieties of malaria that have resis

29、tance to other drugs. This herb could end up saving a million lives a year, mostly among children. In South Africa, another traditional plant is being used to treat patients with AIDS.Recognizing the importance of traditional medicines, in 2003 WHO launched a Traditional Medicine Strategy. Among the

30、 recommendations of this strategy, there were several areas of concern. The first area of concern is safety. WHO recommends more scientific testing on traditional medicinenot all traditional medicines are as helpful as the two mentioned above, and some can actually be harmful.Another area of concern

31、 is biodiversity and sustainability(生物多样性和持续性). Some people are worried that as herbal medicines become more popular, the plants that these medicines are made from may become endangered as they are over-harvested. For example, in eastern and southern Africa a species of wild potato has become endang

32、ered because of reports that it is effective in the treatment of AIDS.There is also the problem of rights to drugs created from traditional remedies. Research into traditional remedies is increasingly being done by large drug companies, mostly based in Western countries. There is a fear that as thes

33、e companies produce drugs they will claim to have the rights to the medicine. WHO recognizes that there is a need to make sure that any profits from drugs produced from traditional medicines are shared with the local culture from which the medicine originated.Traditional treatments dont only include

34、 medicines, they also include such treatments as acupuncture(using needles to treat illnesses) and aromatherapy (which, as the name suggests, uses types of smell as therapy). Acupuncture, for example, started in China, but is now performed in more than seventy countries around the world. There are a

35、t least 50,000 acupuncturists in Asia alone, and another 15,000 in Europe, and 12,000 in the United States. Even conventional doctors have come to recognize the benefits of acupuncture to stop pain and to eat some illnesses. In the United Kingdom, almost half of all conventional doctors either recom

36、mend acupuncture in some cases, or will perform acupuncture themselves. In fact, several British soccer players have used acupuncture to treat injuries that, in the past, would have required surgery, or that they would have just had to put up with.45. What is this passage mainly about?A. why traditi

37、onal medicine is so effectiveB. a program to increase the use of alternative medicine around the worldC. the main differences between traditional and conventional medicinesD. the history and future of the World Health Organization46. Why does WHO encourage developing countries to use traditional med

38、icines?A. Non-traditional medicines are often too expensive.B. Traditional medicine is usually more effective.C. Western countries shouldnt have to supply drugs to developing countries.D. The populations of developing countries prefer traditional medicines.47. According to the passage, which of thes

39、e can be treated by acupuncture?A. Being overweight B. AIDS C. Malaria D. pain48. Which of these statements would WHO probably agree with?A. Herbal remedies are much safer than conventional medicine.B. In the future, more Western drugs will be based on traditional plants.C. Western companies should own any species they produce drugs from.D. Conventional doctors should avoid using traditional medicine.49. Which of these does the passage NOT mention as one of WHOs main concerns?A. species protection B. sharing of profits with local culturesC. drug safety D. problems caused by acupuncture参考答案:略

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