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1、Unit Four Trade Fairs and Exhibitions第1页Part I Text A1Part II Applied Writing2Part III Text B3Part IV Reading Skills4第2页Pre-reading ActivitiesReading of the TextGrammar ReviewTask 1Task 2Task 4 Comprehension Task 1Task 2Vocabulary TranslationTask 3Task 4Task 5Syndicate ActivitiesTask 6Task 7Task 3Ta

2、sk 1Task 2Comprehensive Exercises Part I Text AMini Text Background InformationText AHome第3页Pre-reading ActivitiesWork in pairs.Look at the following pictures and then discuss with your partner the questions below.Task 1Back第4页1.What products are displayed in the pictures above?Are they at trade fai

3、rs?2.What do you know a trade fair is?Pre-reading ActivitiesTask 1They are clothes and electric appliance.They are at trade fairs.A trade fair is a large event at which companies show their products or services in order to sell them.Back第5页Pre-reading Activities3.Do you know any large exhibition cen

4、ter in the world?Yes.There are many large exhibition centers in the world.Hannover Messe(德国汉诺威会展中心)is the largest exhibition center for industrial technology.It covers an area of 451,260m.Canton Fair Complex(广交会会展中心)is the second largest,with the total construction area of 395000m.Messe Frankfurt(德国

5、法兰克福会展中心)is also one of the worlds largest trade fair organizers with its own exhibition grounds.Every year,it runs more than 120 exhibitions and trade fairs,attracting more 65,000 exhibitors and 3,000,000 visitors.Back第6页Pre-reading Activities4.Why do many people visit trade fairs or exhibitions?5.

6、Why do companies participate in trade fairs?People visit them for different purposes.Some people want to look for products for their business or for their own use;many more people go there out of curiosity.They want to promote their products or services and attract their buyers.Back第7页Pre-reading Ac

7、tivities6.What preparation should a company make if it is to participate in a trade fair?Designing posters,handouts and information brochures,and inviting the clients to the fair.Back第8页Pre-reading ActivitiesTask 2Read the following Mini Text and find the words or expressions that match the context

8、meaning given.a)_:clothingb)_:electronic goods,such as CD players,televisions,etc.c)_:exhibition,showd)_:involving two groups or countriese)_:a particular period of timef)_:a piece of equipment,especially electrical equipment,used in peoples homes garment electronics fairbilateralphase applianceBack

9、第9页Pre-reading ActivitiesMini TextCanton Fair Canton Fair is one of the oldest and largest comprehensive trade events in China.It is officially known as the China Import and Export Fair(Canton Fair for short).Held in spring and autumn each year,Canton Fair provides an excellent platform for developi

10、ng new business contacts as well as to stimulate networking among various foreign trade corporations.The aim of the trade fair is to develop trade between Chinese and the overseas trade companies to encourage bilateral economic and trade relations.Backn.交易会adj.双边,双方第10页Pre-reading ActivitiesBackn.电子

11、产品n.阶段,时期n.器械n.服装第11页Object-宾语宾语是最轻易了解句子成份宾语就是动作对象和承受者及物动词不及物动词实义动词第13页及物动词后面一定要加个动作对象或承受者,也就是宾语,不然这个及物动词就没有意义汉字举例:“买”“我买”x“我买”(书、西瓜、雨伞)英文举例:borrow buy give 第14页Object-宾语宾语轻易掌握另一个原因:能够做主语词语都能够做宾语:名、数、代、非谓语、句子、其它唯一不一样是人称代词要改为宾格形式假如一个句子做宾语,则叫宾语从句第15页名词做宾语Pen comb key mirror house shirt school handbagI

12、 bought a book yesterday.I borrowed a pen from him.I found my key.第16页人称代词做宾语人称代词宾格:me you him her it us them e.g.She loves him.I told them a story.第17页数词做宾语e.g.I want two.我要两个份I booked three.(rooms)我订了三个(房间)I saw four.我看见四个(人)其它成份暂时略过 以后提及第18页及物动词带双宾有些及物动词后面能够带两个宾语:及物动词直接宾语(物)间接宾语(人)第19页及物动词带双宾I ga

13、ve her a book.I gave a book to her.She lent me her bike.She lent her bike to me.They sent her a gift.The sent a gift to her.第20页不及物动词字典里词后标有vi.就是不及物动词。不及物动词后不能直接跟有动作对象(即宾语)。若要跟宾语,必须先在其后添加上某个介词,如 to of at 才可跟上宾语。详细加什么介词,就要联络这个动词短语来看。Listen to meLook at me 第21页及物和不及物区分详解A 有些动词只是及物动词;它们不能够单独用,后面必须跟宾语。F

14、alse:They always want after lunch.Right:They always want a cup of tea after lunch.False:He is sending now.Right:He is sending a letter now.第22页及物和不及物区分详解B 有些动词只是不及物动词;它们能够单独用,假如后面想接宾语,动词后面必须加上介词。Right:He is looking around.False:He is looking me.Right:He is looking at me.Right:He is listening careful

15、ly.False:He is listening the teacher carefully.Right:He is listening to the teacher carefully.第23页及物和不及物区分详解 C 有些动词既是及物动词,又是不及物动词;不过有时候词义会改变。The customer is asking loudly.The customer is asking for you now.The customer is asking a question now.If you work hard,you will succeed.If you work hard,you w

16、ill succeed in passing the exam(same meaning).If you work hard,you will succeed John as the manager of this company(different meaning).第24页宾语补足语object complement有主谓宾就完整了吗?I like English.在英语里面,有些动词加上宾语之后意思还是不完整,比以下面词语:Make(使,让)see(看见)Let(让)get(让)Have(让,使)find(发觉)Call(叫,称为)第25页宾语补足语所以我们加上一个词语来补充句子意思,这

17、个词,只和宾语相关系!e.g.I make you.I make you happy.分析成份?(你高兴 我不一定高兴)第26页?词做宾补名词 数词 代词 非谓语动词 形容词 副词 分词 介词短语 句子1.I call her Mary.(名词做宾补)2.You can call her Sheila.3.I call him piggy.4.I put my family(the)first.(数词做宾补)5.You made me crazy.(形容词做宾补)第27页More examples6.I cannot make grammar classes funny.7.Going to

18、spa can make you beautiful.8.Eating apples can make you healthy.9.I proved myself right.10.I often find the class quiet.第28页注意!句子不完整,才会有宾补!(I teach English)必须有宾语,才会有宾补!(I am happy)双宾 宾补唯一产生混同是因为名词!双宾是两个不一样事物,一个指人,一个指物宾补是指一样一个事物第29页注意!双宾语及一人一物,都与主语发生联络如give sb sth,buy sb sth,pass sb sth 等,而宾补是回答宾语怎么样

19、了句子成份,宾补动作是由宾语发出,与主语无关。感官动词和使役动词后常接宾补,如mother asked me to buy some sugar.we made him monitor.我们让他做班长I heard her singing.第30页句型a.Subject+Intransitive verbb.Subject+Transitive verb+Objectc.Subject+Transitive verb+Indirect Object+Direct Objectd.Subject+Transitive verb+Object+Object Complemente.Subject+

20、Link verb+Predicativef.There be第31页Practice 1.The sun is rising.2.He has changed his mind.3.Mr.Smith is a doctor.4.He told me a story.5.I felt a bit dizzy.6.There is a great Italian restaurant across the street.7.There used to be a school in the city.8.Did you sleep well?9.Bill looks ill.10.Did he s

21、ay anything?第32页Practice11.She offered the guest some cake.12.He was breathing hard.13.There are beautiful wild flowers in the hills.14.His face turned red.15.Dont deceive yourself.16.Many people consider him a hero.17.She threw him a kiss.18.He forgot what to say.19.I saw him lying on the bed.20.It

22、 all depends.第33页Task 2Sentence PatternsExamples(from the above sentences)Subject+Intransitive verb(SV)Subject+Transitive verb+Object(SVO)Subject+Transitive verb+Indirect Object+Direct Object(SVoO)Subject+Transitive verb+Object+Object Complement(SVOC)Subject+Link verb+Predicative(SVP)There be1,8,12,

23、202,10,15,184,11,1716,193,5,9,146,7,13Back第34页Pre-reading ActivitiesTask 3Work with your partner and answer the following questions according to the Mini Text.Pair Work1.In which seasons does Canton Fair take place each year?2.Whats the aim of Canton Fair?In spring and autumn.It is to develop trade

24、between Chinese and the overseas trade companies.Back第37页3.How many phases are there for the autumn Canton Fair?4.How many days does each phase last?5.If you are interested in garments,when should you go to visit the Fair?There are three.Pre-reading ActivitiesEach phase lasts for 5 days.You can go f

25、rom Oct.31 to Nov.4.Back第38页Pre-reading ActivitiesTask 4Context CluesFill in the blanks in the following summary of Text A with words given in the box.curious media showcase prospects attendees boost Back第39页Reading of the Text How Companies Benefit from Trade Shows第40页Text AHow Companies Benefit fr

26、om Trade Shows Para.1 Trade shows have always attracted curious crowds,thats what theyre for.A large number of trade shows are organized throughout the year and you can often hear about them through the media,in your local newspaper,on TV or through the Internet.Back1第41页Text A Para.2 Exhibitors usu

27、ally try to present a large proportion of their range of products or services at these trade shows,gaining in two ways.The first gain is through advertising and brand promotion.A good portion of the target audience learns about new products to be launched.The second gain is through the direct sales

28、that happen at these trade shows.A large number of enthusiastic buyers directly purchase new products.This is because they get a good discount during the course of such business events.Back23第42页Text A Para.3 Exhibiting at a trade show offers you one of the best ways to get in front of many customer

29、s and prospects in a relatively shorter time.Trade shows give an opportunity to showcase a companys latest products or services and create the first most important impression,which also reflects the companys brand image.Back45第43页Text A Para.4 According to a market research study,91%of respondents r

30、anked trade show as“extremely useful”source for acquiring product information.Also,almost 50%of the respondents had bought products or services from trade shows.Para.5 There are many ways to boost business at a trade show.Back67第44页Text ABe Prepared for the Show Para.6 The company should plan before

31、hand as to what to offer at the exhibition.Design posters,handouts and information brochures accordingly.All clients should be emailed in advance,invited to visit the exhibition.8Back第45页Text AAttract Visitors Attention Para.7 Attendees may only pass once through your booth,so try to maximize the at

32、tention you intend to attract them.Decorate trade show booths with bright,colorful displays and banners,to grab their attention.The trade show display should also make a lasting impression on the attendees and inspire them to speak with your staff and request further information.If your display does

33、nt make this impression fast,you will be wasting money and a valuable opportunity.910Back第46页Text ABe Available to All Visitors All the Time Para.8 There should be no eating at the trade show booth.Divide staff into shifts with meal breaks.Chatting and talking on mobile phones are other things to av

34、oid.Visitors will simply walk away if there is nobody to talk to.The staff has to be available at all the time during the show to deal with customer inquiries.Back1112第47页Text A Para.9 The staff should welcome the visitors,give them the chance to speak and understand what they are looking for.Their

35、email addresses and contact information should be taken down for following up later.You dont always have the opportunity to go into as much detail in your presentation as you would like,but trade shows open the doors for future communications,a door that sometimes is very difficult to get your foot

36、into.So for most of the companies trade shows are worth the effort.Back13第48页Text AComprehension1.What are trade shows for?2.How many ways can exhibitors gain at trade shows?Task 1Work in pairs and answer the following questions about the text.They are for attracting curious crowds.In two ways.The f

37、irst gain is through advertising and brand promotion.The second gain is through the direct sales.Back第80页Text A3.Why do many buyers purchase products at trade shows?4.According to a market research,what is the percentage of respondents ranking trade show as“extremely useful”source for acquiring prod

38、uct information?It is 91%.BackBecause they can get a good discount.第81页Text A5.What is the percentage of the respondents who have bought products or services from trade shows?6.How can a company get prepared for a trade show?It is 50%.BackIt can plan beforehand as to what to offer at the show.第82页Te

39、xt A7.How can an exhibitor attract attendees attention when they pass through their booth?8.What should the staff of a company do during their presence at a trade show?They can decorate their booths with bright,colorful displays and banners.They should be available to all visitors all the time.Back第

40、83页Text ATask 21.Which of the following media is NOT mentioned for reporting trade shows?a.Newspaper.b.Radio.c.TV.d.Internet.2.In which of the following ways can businesses gain at trade shows?a.Advertising.b.Brand promotion.c.Direct sales.d.All of the above.Choose the best answer to the following q

41、uestions.Back第84页Text A3.What does the word“prospect”in the third paragraph probably mean?a.Possibility.b.Future success.c.Possible customer.d.Aspect.4.What should a company design beforehand for the exhibition?a.Posters.b.Handouts.c.Information brochures.d.All of the above.Back第85页Text A5.Which of

42、the following things can the staff do at a trade show?a.Chatting with each other.b.Talking on the phone.c.Giving visitors chance to speak.d.Eating at the booth together.6.What information should the staff obtain from the visitors at trade shows?a.Family address.b.Contact information.c.Family members

43、.d.Marital status.Back第86页Text A7.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?a.Exhibiting at a trade show is the only way to attract curious customers.b.Few visitors directly purchase products at trade shows.c.Companies can launch their new products services only at trade shows.

44、d.Companies should make good preparations for trade shows.Back第87页Text A8.Which of the following sentences best expresses the main idea of the passage?a.Companies can benefit a lot by participating in trade shows.b.Staff should be very cautious at the trade shows.c.Visitors can buy cheaper products

45、at trade shows.d.Therere many kinds of trade shows.Back第88页Text ATask 3Match the following vocabulary items with their definitions,referring to the passage for clues.VocabularyBack第89页Text ATask 4Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box.Change the form where necessary.available bannerboost

46、 enthusiasticmaximize mediarank relatively1.The role of the news_ in forming public opinion is very important.2.E-commerce is a _ recent phenomenon.3.The new resort area _ tourism recently.media relatively has boosted Back第90页Text A4.We found many interesting _ at trade shows.5.The audience was _ on

47、 the opening night of the play.6.The deal _ as Canadas largest last year.7.The companys main function is to _ profit.8.The company is freely _ on the Internet.banners enthusiastic ranked maximize available Back第91页Text ATask 5TranslationComplete the following sentences by translating the Chinese par

48、ts into English.1.How many people _ (参加了去年秋天广交会)?(participate in,Canton Fair)2.Trade shows can help companies _ _(在相对较短时间内吸引大量消费者).(relatively,a large number of)participated in Canton Fair last autumn attract a large number of customers in a relatively shorter timeBack第92页3._ _(大部分调查对象把展销会列为能够取得产品信息

49、有用资源)according to a market research.(respondents,rank,acquire)4.The company should be prepared for the show by _ _(设计海报、宣传单以及产品画册).(design,handout,brochure)Text AMost respondents ranked trade shows as the useful source for acquiring product informationdesigning and making posters,handouts and brochu

50、resBack第93页5._(用鲜艳、丰富多彩横幅来装饰你展位)to attract as many attendees as possible.(decorate,banner,booth)6.In order to get further information,_ _ _(在展销会中你最好记下参观者邮址和联络方式).(take down,contact information)Text ADecorate your booth with bright,colorful banners youd better take down the visitors email addresses a

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