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1、Module 4 Unit 1Module 4 Unit 1Did you read them?Did you read them?doruncomesaybuy see eat drinkreadget-did-ran-came-said-bought-saw-ate-drank-read-gotget/get/收到,接到收到,接到doruncomesaybuy see eat drinkreadget-did-ran-came-said-bought-saw-ate-drank-read-gotDid you?Did you?Yes,I did.I Yes,I did.I No,I did

2、nt.I didntNo,I didnt.I didntsentmethepresentsentthepresenttomesent/sent/(send的过去式)寄chocolate/tklt/巧克力糖巧克力糖1.Where does Damings grandma live?2.How is she now?She lives in the US.She is fine.Howareyou?very well 非常好 OK 还可以 so-so 一般般吧 not bad 不错 not very well 不是很好 very bad 糟透了1.What did Grandma send?Wha

3、t did she say?What did Grandma send?What did she say?2.Where will 2.Where will DamingDaming go this summer?go this summer?3.Who is eating the chocolate?3.Who is eating the chocolate?I sent you I sent you a a MathsMaths game game.Did you get.Did you get it it?I sent you I sent you American chocolateA

4、merican chocolate.Did you eat.Did you eat it it?I sent you I sent you English booksEnglish books.Did you read.Did you read themthem?1.What did Grandma send?What did she say?What did Grandma send?What did she say?2.Where will 2.Where will DamingDaming go this summer?go this summer?3.Who is eating the

5、 chocolate?3.Who is eating the chocolate?I sent you I sent you a a MathsMaths game game.Did you get.Did you get it it?I sent you I sent you American chocolatesAmerican chocolates.Did you eat.Did you eat themthem?I sent you I sent you English booksEnglish books.Did you read.Did you read themthem?Dami

6、ng,itsits Grandma.This isThis is Grandma.Is thatIs that Daming?/May I speak toMay I speak to Daming?He will go to America.He will go to America.Mimi is eating the chocolate.Mimi is eating the chocolate.1.A:Did you eat the cake?B:Yes.I _ it.A:Did you eat the cake?B:Yes.I _ it.2.A:Did you_ my present?

7、B:Yes.I got it.A:Did you_ my present?B:Yes.I got it.3.A:Did she read the books?B:Yes.She _them.A:Did she read the books?B:Yes.She _them.4.A:Did he send the letter?B:Yes.He _ it.A:Did he send the letter?B:Yes.He _ it.5.A:Did they see the film?B:Yes,they _ it.A:Did they see the film?B:Yes,they _ it.Fi

8、llintheblanks.(50 x)ateategetgetreadreadsentsentsawsawCompletethesentences.(50 x)1.Theres a boy over there.Can you see _?Theres a boy over there.Can you see _?2.I like that girls dress.Do you like _,too?I like that girls dress.Do you like _,too?3.That girl is my friend.Do you know _?That girl is my friend.Do you know _?4.The dog is very naughty,but _ is very nice.The dog is very naughty,but _ is very nice.5.I am in this picture.I am in this picture.6.Can you see _?Can you see _?himhimit itherherit itmeme

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