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1、2014春仁爱英语八下Unit6Topic1导学案2014春仁爱英语八下Unit6Topic1导学案 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(2014春仁爱英语八下Unit6Topic1导学案)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为2014春仁爱英语八下Unit6Topic1导学案的全部内容。- 4 -仁爱

2、英语八下Unit6 Topic1 Section A导学案备课人: 审核人: 【学习目标】: 1. 掌握动词不定式“to do”的用法.2。能谈论关于旅游的话题。【学习重点】: The usage of infinitives.(动词不定式“to do”的用法)【学习难点】: Talk about traveling。【学习过程】:一、自主学习 学习任务一: 试拼读131页P27-28的新单词,背诵并默写本课新单词。学习任务二: 在文中找到、划出并背诵下面的短语。1.有些激动人心的消息要告诉你们 _2。进行一次三天的旅游_3.做决定_4.找出,发现,查明_5.乘火车去的费用_6。在电话中_7。

3、决定,选定_8。进行春游的最佳方式_9。乘到那儿花多少钱?_10.计划做某事_11.动身_12.你认为将会是什么样的? _13.去爬山_14。进行野炊_15.举行英语角_16.照相_二、合作探究1.听1a录音, 回答问题:What are they going to do for their spring field trip?How would Jane like to go there? 2。再听1a录音,完成1b。 3。然后自读1a,找出1a中含有to do 句子, 讨论并翻译;说出其用法。 4。再听1a录音,跟读并模仿。5.五人一组练习1a的对话,请几对同学表演对话。 5.分组讨论2,

4、说出自己的观点,谈谈去泰山的最好方式及原因。6.两人一组问答,完成3。 7。 听4音录,完成4A,4B。三、交流解疑1. I have some exciting news to tell you! 译:_点拨: 在此句中动词不定式to tell you作名词news的_语。 练习:1. I have a lot of homework_ (do). 2。 Do you have anything important _(say)?2。It will take us a few days to get there by bike。 译:_点拨: 此句中it是_主语.真正主语是_.请记住句型It

5、 takes sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人多长时间练习:。昨天做作业花了我两个小时。It _ _ two hours _ _my homework yesterday。链接:你会区别spend, take, cost 和 pay 吗?3.Lets make the decision together。 译:_回忆:decide 是_词,决定做某事 decide _。 decide on sth译_。 decide 的名词形式_, 相关词组:make a decision译:做出重要的决定_6. Lets find out some information a

6、bout the cost.译:_点拨: 区分find与 find out:1)find 找到,发现,有偶然发现某物的意味. 例如:He found a wallet lying on the ground。2)find out 找到,发现,查明,多指通过调查询问研究之后“搞清楚,弄明白”. 例如: Please find out who took my book by mistake。 四、当堂训练 。根据句意和首字母提示补全单词.1.-What about going on a f_ trip? -How wonderful!2.I think the a_ can tell you wh

7、ich flight (航班)will fly to London tomorrow .3。There are so many clothes in this shop 。It is difficult for me to d_ which one to buy 。4。How many students are there in your class?-Let me see .Oh, there are 39 in t_。.看谁选的有准又快.( )1.What will your parents do ? They will go on a _ visit to Beijing 。A. sev

8、en day B. seven-day C. seven days D。 seven-days( )2。-They _ to go home on August 24th. What about you ? Ill go home on August 28th。 A. forget. B。 manage C. refuse D。 decide ( )3.The shoes _ me a lot of money。 A。 spend B。 cost C。 pay D。 take.快乐译吧1. They like to talk_ _ _(在电话中) 。2。When the new term be

9、gins ,Miss Wang will _ _(决定)Jim as the monitor.3。-I will travel to Mount Tai 。Could you tell me something about it ? -Let me help you _ _ (查明)the information about it .4。-Your task (任务) is to tell Jim the cost _ _(乘飞机)。课后作业:单项选择( )1.Lucy wants to have a _visit to the Great Wall. She is excited。A. tw

10、odays B。 two-day C. two days D. two day( )2.Which is the best _to go to Mount Tai, by bus, by train or by air?A. way B。 hour C. time D. idea( )3.-How much _ it cost to Beijing by plane? 500 yuan.A. cost B. does C. is D. costs( )4。What a beautiful sweater! How much did you _ for it?A。 take B。 cost C.

11、 pay D. spend( )5。-The model ship is wonderful! It _ me two days to make it。 A. spent B。 took C。 cost D. paid( )6。-How long did it take to get to the top of Mount Huang? -It took us about 3 hours _ there. A。 to get to B。 gets C. getting D。 to get( )7.-How long do they _ doing the work? -The work _th

12、em 20 hours。 A. spend; takes B。 spend; costs C. cost; costs D. cost; takes( )8.Shopping with me?. -Id love to, _ I have a lot of clothes _。 A。 and; to wash B。 and; washing C。 but; to wash D。 but; washing( )9。How can you _ who took the book? A。 find out B。 found out C. find D。 found( )10.What present

13、 will you give her for her birthday? -I want _ a new pen for her. A. buy B。 bought C. to buy D。 to bought【学后反思】(教师/学生)仁爱英语八下Unit6 Topic1 Section B学案备课人: 审核人: 【学习目标】: 1.继续学习动词不定式“to do”的用法。 2.学会如何预订饭店和车票.【学习重点】: Talk about how to book tickets and make hotel reservations。【学习难点】: Talk about how to book

14、 tickets and make hotel reservations。【学习过程】:一、自主学习 学习任务一: 试拼读131页P2930 的新单词,背诵并默写本课新单词.学习任务二: 在文中找到、划出并背诵下面的短语。- 7 -1. 预订火车票_2. 硬卧_3. 软卧_4。 为付钱_5. 预定房间_6. 一个标准间_7. 一个单人间_8. 发车时间_9。 抵达时间_10。 总票价_二、合作探究1.听1a录音,完成1b表格。 2。再听1a录音,跟读并模仿;然后自读1a,讨论并翻译。3。两人一组练习1a的对话,请几对同学表演对话. 4。依据1b填空,完成1c。5.Read 2.完成对话;然后两

15、人一组练习. 6。听3录音填空,完成3。7。听4录音,跟读并模仿,注意连读.三、交流解疑1. Kangkang is booking train tickets to Mount Tai. 译:_ 点拨:book 是动词,意为“预订”. 我能订一张去北京的火车票吗?_ I _ a ticket _ _ ? 我想订一张二人餐桌。Id like _ _a table _ two. 2. We have tickets at ¥145 for the hard sleeper and ¥224 for the soft sleeper。译:_四、当堂训练 英汉互译。1、需要帮忙吗?_ or _2、我

16、想预定一些4月13号去泰山的票。_3、价格呢?_4、你想要哪种?_5、我可以问问你的名字和电话号码吗?_6、I want to book some rooms。 _7、How much does a standard room cost? _8、How many standard rooms do you want? _9、What kind of room do you have / want? _10、When do you want them? _11、How long do you plan to stay? _课后作业:选择填空:( )1. He asked me _ here ea

17、rlier. A. come B。 to come C. coming D。 came( )2. Please tell him _ on the wall. A。 dont draw B. to not drawC. not to drawD. not draw( )3. He wanted _ a cup of tea. A. to haveB。 having C。 have D. had( )4。 Id like _ a word with you. A. had B。 having C. to have D. have( )5. I came here _ my uncle。 A. s

18、aw B. to see C. seeing D。 to be seen( )6. The man refused _ back his words。 A。 to take B。 taking C. took D. takes( )7。 I can let you _ one ticket。 A. to have B。 have C。 having D。 had( )8。 We often heard him _ in his room. A。 to sing B。 sings C. sang D. sing( )9. He was made _ day and night. A. work

19、B. working C. to workD。 worked( )10。 He stopped _ a look, but saw nothing。 A。 having B. to have C。 have D。 had( )11。 My father was too angry _ a word. A. to say B. not to sayC. to saying D。 didnt say( )12. My brother was old enough _ to school. A. went B. goes C。 going D。 to go( )13. It is time _ hi

20、m _ supper. A。 of, to haveB. for, to haveC. of, having D。 for, to has( )14. Its very kind _ you _ me。 A。 of, to helpB. for, to help C. of, help D。 of, helping( )15。 Its important _ our classroom clean every day. A。 kept B。 to keepC。 to give D. keep( )16. Before liberation (解放)they had no chance _ to

21、 school。 A. went B. go C. to go D. to be gone( )17。 He said he had an important meeting _。 A。 attend B。 would attendC. attendingD. to attend( )18. Please give me a piece of paper _。 A. to writeB。 to write onC。 writing D。 to write it( )19. I dont know _。 A。 what do B。 what will do C。 what to do D。 do

22、 what( )20。 Your radio needs _. A。 to be repairedB. to repair C。 repaired D. to repairing( )21。 My wish is _ a teacher. A. becomingB. to become C。 become D. became( )22. It took us three days _ the trees。 A. plant B. planted C。 to plant D. plants( )23. Why not _ here _ me? A。 to come, to seeB. come,

23、 to seeC。 came, seeing D. come, see( )24. Please tell me _ her。 I have something _ her。 A. where to find, telling B。 where to find, to tell C. where can find, to tellD。 where finding, telling( )25. They decided _ a letter _ their thanks. A。to write; expressing(表达) B.writing, express C.to write; to e

24、xpress【学后反思】(教师/学生)仁爱英语八下Unit6 Topic1 Section C学案备课人: 审核人: 【学习目标】: 1。继续学习动词不定式“to do的用法。 2.学会如何酬钱。【学习重点】: Know about how foreign students raise money。【学习难点】: How to raise money。【学习过程】:一、自主学习 学习任务一: 试拼读131-132页P31-32 的新单词,背诵并默写本课新单词。学习任务二: 自读1a的内容,根据上下文猜测生词意思,完成1b。学习任务三: 在文中找到、划出并背诵下面的短语。- 10 -1.筹钱_2

25、向某人要某物_3。从朋友那儿借钱_4.演出_5.做是非常普遍的_6.想出好主意_7。向某人问候_8.使用某物做某事_9.在中午_10.订特别的午餐_11.有足够的钱_12.建议某人干某事_13。举办展览_14.盼望_15.收到某人的来信_16.在周末_二、合作探究1.读1a,完成题中要求。 2.听1a录音,跟读并模仿;然后自读1a,讨论并翻译。3。 Let students read 1a again and finish 1b, then 1c。Check the answers。4.读2中的信并填空. 5。分组讨论3a, 3b, 并写出主要的观点和自己的观点。三、交流解疑1.It is v

26、ery common to raise money in Canadian and American schools。 译:_ 点拨:此句中_作真正主语,_为形式主语。请记住句型It is adj. to do sth. 做某事是怎么样的. 练习:对于我们来说,学英语是很重要的._ 对他来说,保持好心情是最重要的。_2.The student with the winning ticket will be the king or queen for the next school day. 译:_ 点拨:with the winning ticket 是个_短语,这里作the student

27、的_语,介词短语作定语要后置.译:带花园的房子 _ _ _ _ _3。At noon, the headmaster and other teachers order a special lunch and serve it to the student. 译:_ 点拨:1。)order 在此句中是_词,意思:_ I _ a kilo of dumplings _ _。(我刚才订了一公斤的饺子) 链接:order sb。 to do sth. 译:_The emperor ordered his men to build the pyramid as his tomb。 译:_我哥哥常命令我打

28、扫我们的房间。My brother often _ me _ _our room。4.Im looking forward to hearing from you.译:_ 点拨:词组look forward to “盼望”后加名词,代词,动名词作宾语。这里的“to”为_ 词,如后跟动词,则要用动词的_形式。 练习:我盼望着他的到来。I _ _ _ _ him。 点拨:hear from sb =get a letter from sb. _ write to sb。 =write a letter to sb _ 练习:昨天我收到了汤姆的一封来信。I _ _ Tom yesterday。 I

29、_ _ _ _ Tom yesterday. 您经常给妈妈写信吗?_ you often _ _ your mother? _ you often _ _ _ _ your mother?四、当堂训练 (一) 根据首字母提示填空。1.We can have good ideas to r_ money for special projects.2.The flu is a kind of c_ disease in spring.。3。I think the most exciting way of raising money is to s_ flowers in the evening.4

30、。I didnt have lunch at n_, so Im a little hungry now。5.In the playing cards “k” stands for “k_”, and “Q” stands for “q_”。(二)用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.It is easy for us _ ( learn ) English well。2。Are you looking forward to _ ( visit ) Mount Tai?3。My mother sends her _ ( greet ) to you all.4。He _ ( hear ) from h

31、is brother last night.5。After _ (work) hard in the open air, the farmers felt very tired.课后作业: 根据上句意思完成下句,使两句意思相近或相同,每空一词。1。 He was so angry that he couldnt say anything。He was too angry _ _ anything。2。 I dont know when we will have the meeting。I dont know when _ _ the meeting.3. He said he would write a letter. He said he would have a letter _ _。4。 That you read English in the morning is very important。It is very important _ you _ _ English in the morning.5. He was so strong that he could lift the s

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