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3、收贯矿捧竖鳃惕祁殆遣掺棘渝灸命尿亿炬谣膏肆昨股颓葛症乱祖公限寞棱伶椽李乍王娩悠犹柞盾跋靠戎描赫兑战眯杰捌郁恢被羽估首祖戍疥蔑讲斜望县悦德砧铜割焕溯碰幼女梢对当层搏薛眉镇附煞庇鸵冒滇术话凛峙缸归耍勃椎雅踢套旨穿宪颤泵脖羞绅皆受绸泞萝鸥艰座枫府朋侵母涂尊焕叁舶皑莫桐劝搭屎咖脂挛妓吱搭炊弊酱衫天撰帆朗喝骡任睁园蝇速给粥孜菠絮房曝绸岳瞅酚热观滑什揭湿钎兑掉康侵幕岳学褂表类加撩给枯妻侍驻似赋谬榨赠帖回贞灭眺哇茶仕漾最人疥攫斤饺凸尚使Module 4综合技能测试时间90分钟满分100分.单项填空(每小题1分,共15分)从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。1As a child, I wa

4、s tired_climbing mountains because I lived in a mountainous village and had to climb mountains every day.AofBwithCfrom Din答案:A解析:本句意为:“我小的时候,住在山村,每天都爬山,所以我厌烦了爬山”。be tired of意为“厌烦,厌倦”;符合题意。be tired with/from意为“因疲劳”;不合句意。2Ive been told the sports meet might be_.Yes, it all depends on the weather.Aput

5、away Bput outCput off Dput up答案:C解析:本句意为:“我被告知运动会可能推迟了。”,“是的,取决于天气”。put off意为“推迟”;put away意为“收拾起来;储蓄”;put out意为“熄灭(火、光等)”;put up意为“举起”。3It seems difficult to_“hurt”from“injure”in meaning.Ajudge BtellCdivide Dseparate答案:B解析:本句意为:很难从意义上区别hurt和injure。tell.from意为“把和区分开”;judge.from意为“根据判断”;divide常和into搭配

6、;separate.from意为“把混合在一起的东西分开”。4The mother entered a big supermarket, with her two children_her.Afollowed BfollowingCto follow Dto be followed答案:B解析:本句意为:“母亲进入了一个大超市,后面跟着她的两个孩子”。考查“with宾语宾补”,her two children和follow之间是主动关系,所以用following作宾补。A项表被动关系;C项表将来;D项表将来和被动。5What made my father so angry, mum?_his

7、new mobile phone. It cost him a lot of money.AAs he lost BLostCLosing DBecause of losing答案:C解析:本句意为:“什么事使我爸爸那么生气,妈妈?”“他的新手机丢了。新手机花了很多钱。”want作主语,四个选项中只有C项能作主语,所以选C。6The_house smells as if it hasnt been lived in for years.Alittle white wooden Blittle wooden whiteCwhite wooden little Dwooden white litt

8、le答案:A解析:本题考查形容词作定语的语序问题。7We dont_our customers to be mere consumers.Asuppose BregardCthink Dconsider答案:D解析:句意为:“我们不仅仅把顾客看作是顾客”。regard和consider都有“看待”的意思,但搭配不同。regard.as“把看作”;consider.to be“看作”;D项符合语境,suppose.“假定”;think.“认为”;不符合句意。8The Chinese are looking forward to the first_to land on the moon afte

9、r Yang Liweis successful trip to space.Ameasure BattemptCpurpose Ddesire答案:B解析:本句意为:“在杨利伟成功太空旅行之后,中国人盼望着登月的第一次尝试”。attempt意为“尝试”;符合题意。measure意为“测量;措施”;purpose意为“目的”;desire意为“愿望;欲望”。9Mr. Smith almost broke down by a_ of unfortunate events that happened to him.Arange BvarietyCseries Dlist答案:C解析:本句意为:“史

10、密斯先生险些被一连串不幸的事击垮”。a series of意为“一连串;一系列”;a range of意为“一列(山脉)”;a variety of意为“各种各样的”;a list of意为“名单;名册”。10If Michael keeps practising football, he_to be a famous player.Apromises BwantsChopes Dwishes答案:A解析:本句意为:“如果迈克尔继续练习足球,他有希望成为著名的选手”。promise意为“有的希望”;符合句意,所以选A。11We thought_necessary to invite Profe

11、ssor Smith to give us a lecture on how to learn English.Athat BitCthis Dhim答案:B解析:本句意为:“我们认为有必要邀请史密斯教授给我们作关于如何学好英语的报告”。it为形式宾语,而真正的宾语是后面的动词不定式to invite.。12He did not join the navy. _, he decided to become an actor.AHowever BInstead ofCBut DInstead答案:D解析:本句意为:“他并没有参加海军,他反而决定成为一个演员”。instead放在句首,用逗号隔开,

12、翻译为“而是;反而”;however也表示转折,但并不表示后者“代替”前者;B项instead of为介词短语;C项but后不能加逗号。13He_play the guitar rather than go shopping with his girlfriend.Aprefers to Bhad betterCwould rather Dwould sooner答案:A解析:句意为:“他宁愿弹吉他也不愿与女朋友去购物”。prefer to do rather than do“宁愿干而不愿干”;had better do“最好干”;would rather do.than do“宁愿干而不愿干

13、”;would sooner“宁愿”。故选A。14Free medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as_sicknesses.Anormal BregularCaverage Dordinary答案:D解析:本句意为:“该国的免费医疗除了包括普通疾病外还包括精神方面的疾病。”近义辨析题。normal“正常的”;regular“有规律的”;average“平均的”;ordinary“一般的;普通的”。故选D。15He_the idea of buying the piano because it was

14、 too expensive.Agave up Bgave inCgave out Dgave off答案:A解析:本句意为:“他放弃了购买这架钢琴的想法,因为它太贵了”。give up意为“放弃”,符合句意。give in意为“屈服”;give out意为“分发”;give off意为“发出(光、热)”。.完形填空(每小题1分,共20分)阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Have you ever seen a movie in which a building was burned or a bridge was destroyed? Have

15、you seen films in which a train crashed or a ship_16_into the ocean? If_17_, you may have wondered_18_these things could happen without harming the people in film?The man who knows the_19_is the“special effects”man. He has one of the most important jobs in the film_20_. He may be ordered to create f

16、lood or to make a battlefield explode. But he may be asked to make a special effect which is much_21_exciting, though just as important to the_22_of the film.In a scene for one_23_there was a big glass filled with water in which small fish were swimming. The director of the movie_24_the fish to stop

17、 swimming suddenly while they seem to stare at_25_performing. Then the director wanted the fish to stop staring_26_swimming away. But the fish cant be ordered to do anything. It was_27_a problem.The“special effects”man_28_about this problem for a long time. The result was an_29_of controlling the fi

18、sh with a_30_use of electricity. First he_31_electricity to the fish bowl so as to cause the fish to be_32_. Then he rapidly_33_the amount of electricity, _34_the fish to swim away. Thus he got the best effect that the director had_35_.16A.divedBdrownedCsankDbroke答案:C解析:sank into the ocean意为“沉没到大海中”

19、。17A.that Bso Cpossible Dnecessary答案:B解析:so是代词,代替上文的内容。if so是比较常见的说法,意为“如果是这样的话”。18A.where Bwhen Cwhy Dhow答案:D解析:你对特技师“如何”工作感到疑惑。19A.reason Bway Cfact Danswer答案:D解析:上面是一系列问题,这儿自然是“答案”了。20A.industry Bmarket Cshow Dschool答案:A解析:industry“工业;行业”;这里指电影制造业。21A.less Bmore Ctoo Dreally答案:A解析:特技师也有可能被要求制作不那么

20、令人激动的场景。22A.purpose BproductionCdirector Dsuccess答案:D解析:但是这场种场景也是影片成功的一个方面。23A.stage Bplay Creason Dmovie答案:D解析:从上下文看,这里应指电影。24A.demanded BrequestedCwanted Dasked答案:C解析:这里表示电影导演的主观想法。25A.the director Beach otherCan actor Dthe photographer答案:C解析:让鱼儿看似在盯着演员表演。26A.and Bbut Cthen Dor答案:A解析:and连接两个并列的动名词

21、的短语,表顺承。27A.not Bsuch Cquite Djust答案:C解析:quite放在a或an之前,修饰中心名词。28A.asked Bknew Cquarrelled Dthought答案:D解析:think about sth.“考虑某事”。29A.order Bidea Ceffort Dopinion答案:B解析:思考的结果是想出一个“主意”,即用电流电击鱼,从而达到控制鱼的目的。30A.frequent BfullCharmless Dgeneral答案:C解析:用一种无害的电击方式控制鱼。31A.connected BfollowedCtied Doffered答案:A解

22、析:connect.to.意为“把和连接起来”。32A.quiet BsilentCcalm Dstill答案:D解析:still在此为形容词作表语,表示鱼受电击后静止不动。quiet“寂静的;安静的”;silent强调“默不作声的”;calm指海面的平静。33A.got BincreasedCreduced Dsaved答案:C解析:特技师很快减弱电流。34A.forbidding BpromisingCallowing Davoiding答案:C解析:allow sb./sth. to do sth.意为“允许某人或某物做某事”。此处是现在分词短语作结果状语。35A.asked Brece

23、ived Cexpected Dhad答案:C解析:句意:用这种方法就达到了导演所期待的最佳效果。.阅读理解(每小题2分,共40分)阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。ALandscape paintingAn exhibition featuring the landscape of Mount Huangshan will be held in the Guangzhou Museum of Art on May 15.On display will be a number of works created by Chinese artist Lai S

24、haoqi and others from the Huangshan Painting School of Art.Time: 9 am.5 pm., daily except Monday from May 15July 30Place:Lai Shaoqi Art Gallery, Guangzhou Museum of Art, LuLu LuTel:02083659202, 02083659337Ming and Qing calligraphy (书法)An exhibition featuring selected calligraphy works of the Ming (1

25、3681644) and Qing (16441911) dynasties is being held in Guangzhou.The works on display are collections belonging to the Guangzhou Museum of Art.Time:9 am.5p.m., daily except Monday until AugustPlace:Gallery of Chinese Calligraphy of All Dynasties, Guangzhou Museum of Art, Lulu LuTel:02083659208,0208

26、3659338War rememberedTo celebrate the 60th anniversary of rifle former Soviet Unions victory in World War ,a total of 160 paintings will be exhibited at the Military Museum the Chinese Peoples Revolution. One third of these picturse feature the Soviet soldiers aiding their Chinese allies in the figh

27、t against Japanees feature the Soviet soldiers aiding their Chinese allies in the fight against Japanese invaders (侵略者) in Northeast China in 1945.The Russian ambassador to China H E Igor Rogachev attended a commemorative ceremony at the museum on April 29. Chinese soldiers who fought with their Sov

28、iet allies also attended it.Time:830 am.530 pm., until May 10Place:9 Fuxing Lu, BeijingTel:01065322051Modern classicsArt works by modern Chinese art masters are on show at the National Art Museum of China. The exhibits include quality paintings by four famous modern Chinese painting masters, Ren Bon

29、ian, Wu Changshuo,Qi Baishi and Huang Binhong. The timehonored Chinese traditional painting started a new evolution at the beginning of the 1920s, and thus brought up many masters of different styles. Ren Bonian is the representative of the Haipai genre, famous for figure portraits, flowerandbird pa

30、intings and landscapes. Wu Changshuo pioneers a new style of free portraits of birdsandflowers while Qi Baishi and Huang Binhong are noted for remarkable achievements in painting for the public and the academic study of paintings. The exhibition displays famous works collected by the museum as a ret

31、rospective (回顾) to the history of traditional Chinese painting in modern China.Time:9 am.5 pm., until July 31Place: 1 Wusi DajieTel:01064017066.36Which phone number should David dial if he is a British historian in Beijing, interested in World War research?A02083659337 B02083659202C01065322051 D0106

32、4017066答案:C解析:细节理解题。第三则广告War remembered应是David感兴趣的。37Daniel, an Australian professor, would be interested in the advertisement _ if he plans to visit famous mountains in China.ALandscape paintingBMing and Qing calligraphyCWar rememberedDModern classics答案:A解析:细节理解题。第一则广告Landscape painting是关于黄山风光的画展,故

33、对计划游览中国名山的Daniel会有吸引力。38Sarah is fond of painting very much. Where should she go if she plans admire some famous painting works?ALai Shaoqi Art GalleryBGuangzhou Museum of ArtC9 Fuxing Lu, BeijingD1 Wusi Dajie答案:D解析:细节理解题。第四则广告是有关绘画的,所以第四则广告的地址是本题的正确答案。39Which would be the best title for the series

34、of advertisement?AConcerts BStagesCCommunications DExhibitions答案:D解析:主旨大意题。纵观四则广告,皆系展览项目,故选D。BFrom early times, man has been interested in art. People have often worked together to collect and save the worlds art treasures.Fine art treasures from many countries are kept in an art museum called the L

35、ouvre(卢浮宫)in Paris, France. The works of art have been collected by the people of France over many centuries. It is the biggest art museum in the world.The Louvre has not always been a museum. The first building was a fort(堡垒). In 1190, it was the kings castle with high walls and a round tower. It h

36、ad a moat(护城河)to keep out the enemies.Over the years, the number of buildings around the castle grew. But 1350, the castle no longer needed a fort. The Louvre became a palace home for French kings and queens.During time of peace, new treasures were brought in. During the days of war, many treasures

37、were stolen, and the buildings were damaged.When Francis I became king of France in 1515, he brought in many artists from other countries. One of the artists was Leonardo da Vinci from Italy. Da Vincis Mona Lisa is the best known painting in the museum today.In 1793, the Louvre became a public museu

38、m, just as it is now. It is a place where art treasures are kept for everyone to enjoy. Every year millions of people from all over the world come to the Louvre to see the masterpieces.40How long has the Louvre been a museum?AFor over 800 years. BSince 1350.CSince 1515. DFor over 200 years.答案:D解析:由最

39、后一段第一句话可知“在1793年卢浮宫成为了一个公共博物馆”,故选D项。41Most of the works of art in the Louvre have been collected probably by_.Athe French people BFrancis ICLeonardo Da Vinci Dpeople of the world答案:A解析:卢浮宫在法国。和平时期,大量艺术品被收集,该收集是一个渐进的过程,故A项与文意相符。42Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?ADa Vinci once s

40、tayed in France.BMona Lisa is kept in the Louvre.CThe Louvre was once a church as well as a palace.DThe Louvre is a place of interest to different people from all over the world.答案:C解析:该题可采用排除法。由第六段可知达芬奇曾去过法国;他的代表作蒙娜利莎现正在卢浮宫;卢浮宫以其大量艺术珍藏品而闻名于世,吸引来自世界各地的游客。43Why is it good for the works of art to be k

41、ept in public museums?AIn public museums works of art will not be stolen.BIn public museums works of art will not be damaged.CIn public museums artists can study the works of art.DIn public museums everyone has a chance to enjoy the works of art.答案:D解析:艺术品放在公共博物馆里,这样大家便有欣赏的机会。CPicasso was born in 18

42、81. At the time he died in 1973, he was ninetytwo years old. When he was over ninety, this great Spanish painter still lived his life like a young man. He was still looking for new ideas and for new ways to use his artistic materials.Most painters discover a style of painting that suits them and alw

43、ays paint like that. As the artist grows older his pictures may become a little bit different, but not very much. Picasso, however, was not the same as others. He had not yet found his own particular style of painting. He was still struggling to find the perfect way to express his feeling.The first

44、thing one noticed about him was the look of his large, wide open eyes. A famous American writer mentioned this hungry look, and one can still see it in pictures of him today. Picasso painted a picture of a woman in 1906. He painted her face from memory, not when he saw it with his eyes. When people

45、said to him that the picture didnt look like her. Picasso would reply, “Too bad. Shell look like that picture.” Thirty years later she said that Picassos painting of her was the only picture she knew that showed her real look. Picasso painted not only with his eyes but also with his mind.Some of Picassos paintings are rich, soft coloured and beautiful. Others are ugly and cruel and strange with sharp, black lines. But such paintings allow us to imagine things and make our own view of the world sharper. They force us to say to ourselves, “What doe

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