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1、Unit 1 All About MeUnit 2 Express Yourself!Unit 3 Lets Eat!Unit 4 Todays TrendsUnit 5 Unsolved MysteriesUnit 6 The Mind Unit 7 Lets Celebrate!Unit 8 In the Neighborhoodmainunit1An English Video Course 2视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 2Unit 6 The Mind An English Video Course 2视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 2Unit6The Mind In the neig

2、hborhoodVocabulary LinkCollege reunionLA_VL_A1ALesson A Hows your memory?Lesson B Memory and dreamsThese people are at a college reunion.Listen to what they are saying.Pay attention to the words in blue.1.Hey,do you know this song?It reminds me of our senior year.It was really popular then.2.A:Hi,Sh

3、erry.Do you remember me?B:Yes,I know your face,but I forget your name.Is it Bill?Im sorry.I have a bad memory.3.In my junior year,I studied in Vienna.I have great memories of that time.I did so many fun things.4.In Professor Smiths class,we memorized a lot of poems.I still know them.5.Is that Jared

4、Grant?I dont believe it!He was so thin in college!12345An English Video Course 2视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 2Unit6The Mind In the neighborhoodVocabulary LinkAsk and answer questions.Use the underlined words in your answer.LA_VL_B1Cops and robbers BLesson A Hows your memory?1.Do you have happy or unhappy memories

5、 of school?Give an example.2.Do you have a favorite song from the past?Does it remind you of a person or place?3.Have you ever been shocked or not able to believe how much someone or something has changed over time?Give an example.4.Do you usually remember or forget things?What kinds of things?5.How

6、 do you memorize important information such as new English words?IILesson B Memory and dreamsAn English Video Course 2视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 2Unit6The Mind Vocabulary LinkLA_VL_B1Lesson A Hows your memory?Cops and robbers A:Do you usually or things?B:I have a .I sometimes peoples .A:Thats terrible.I think y

7、ou should get a to help you .A:Have you ever been or not able to how much someone has over time?B:Sure!My childhood friend was very .Nowadays,he is a .I dont it.Hes changed so much!A:Do you usually remember or forget things?B:I have a bad memory.I sometimes forget peoples birthdays.A:Thats terrible.

8、I think you should get a diary to help you remember.A:Have you ever been shocked or not able to believe how much someone has changed over time?B:Sure!My childhood friend was very shy.Nowadays,he is a TV actor.I dont believe it.Hes changed so much!A:Do remember or forget things?B:I bad memory.I forge

9、t peoples birthdays.A:terrible.should get a diary remember.A:you shocked or believe how someone has changed time?B:Sure!My childhood friend was very shy.,he TV actor.I believe it.Hes so !IILesson B Memory and dreamsAn English Video Course 2视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 2Unit6The Mind ListeningProper namesManolo Ga

10、linaNew wordsFor me,对我来说the hard part 难点One thing I do is.我做的一件事是label v.贴标签于 Good idea.好主意。Heres another idea.还有另一种办法。For example?比如说?Make a note of.把记下来Exactly!正是!Language NotesLA_L_1Activity 1 Study tipsLesson A Hows your memory?Lesson B Memory and dreamsAn English Video Course 2视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 2U

11、nit6The Mind ListeningListen to Manolo and Galina talking about how they learn vocabulary.Then complete the sentence by circling the correct word.LA_L1_A1IIALesson A Hows your memory?Activity 1 Study tipsIts difficult for Galina to words in English.rememberpronounce/spellLesson B Memory and dreamsAn

12、 English Video Course 2视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 2Unit6The Mind ListeningListen to the rest of the conversation.Manolo gives Galina some study tips.Look at the pictures.Check()the things Manolo does.LA_L1_BIIBKey Lesson A Hows your memory?Activity 1 Study tipsHow do you remember new vocabulary in English?Lesso

13、n B Memory and dreamsAn English Video Course 2视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 2Unit6The Mind ListeningLA_L1_BCLesson A Hows your memory?Activity 1 Study tipsHow do you remember new vocabulary in English?Listen to the whole conversation and answer the questions.Two tips.One is to label things in English.The other is

14、to make a note of related words._1.How many tips did Manolo give Galina?What are they?You can rent a film and see it at home._2.How are Paula and Jane doing?IILesson B Memory and dreamsAn English Video Course 2视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 2Unit6The Mind ListeningLA_L2Activity 2 It was only a dream.Proper namesSim

15、onJesseNew wordsweird a.怪异的wake up 醒来nightmare n.噩梦Go back to sleep.接着睡吧。The thing is,问题是pretty cool 很酷Language NotesLesson A Hows your memory?Lesson B Memory and dreamsAn English Video Course 2视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 2Unit6The Mind ListeningLA_L2_AListen to three people describing their dreams.Number the pi

16、ctures as you listen.AIIActivity 2 It was only a dream.Key Lesson A Hows your memory?123Lesson B Memory and dreamsAn English Video Course 2视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 2Unit6The Mind 3.Tim .ListeningLA_L2_BListen again.What was strange about each persons dream?Complete the sentences.IIBActivity 2 It was only a dr

17、eam.Lesson A Hows your memory?1.In class,looked at Simon.no one/everyone/the teacher2.The dog ran toward Jesse,but Jesse .couldnt runwasnt scared/woke upcant swimdoesnt like fish/is afraid of the water/Use the pictures in A and your answers in B to describe each dream with a partner.CLesson B Memory

18、 and dreamsAn English Video Course 2视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 2Unit6The Mind ListeningLA_L3_AActivity 3 The house in my dream New wordsrectangular a.矩形的pillar n.柱子twisted a.扭曲的column n.圆柱spacious a.宽敞的big-screen TV 大屏幕电视stereo system 立体音响系统gas stove 煤气炉electric appliance 电器microwave oven 微波炉electric mixer 电动搅拌

19、机food processor 食品加工机despair v.绝望Language NotesLesson A Hows your memory?Lesson B Memory and dreamsAn English Video Course 2视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 2Unit6The Mind ListeningLA_L3_AYou will hear a strange dream about a house.Then complete the sentences by circling the correct answers.IIALesson A Hows your memo

20、ry?Activity 3 The house in my dream 1.The house was painted .2.The house had large square .3.The man is .4.The living room was .5.In the living room,there were sofas,a big-screen TV and a .6.The gas stove in the kitchen functioning.pinkred/pillars/columnsliving room/bedroom/large/undersized/white/bl

21、ue kitchen/bedroom/overcrowdedstereo system refrigerator/wasntwas/Lesson B Memory and dreamsAn English Video Course 2视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 2Unit6The Mind ListeningLA_L3_BLesson A Hows your memory?Activity 3 The house in my dream BListen again.Then circle True or False for each sentence.If a sentence is fal

22、se,make it true.1.The house had a lot of big windows,both round and rectangular.2.My best friends were all there.They spoke to me and smiled.3.There ware a few kinds of kitchen equipment in the kitchen.4.The whole family was standing around the table,waiting for a meal to be served.5.I began to desp

23、air because I could not help prepare a meal.True/FalseTrue/FalseTrue/FalseTrue/FalseTrue/FalseKey didnt speak or smileallsittingIILesson B Memory and dreamsAn English Video Course 2视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 2Unit6The Mind ListeningLA_L3_BCLesson A Hows your memory?Activity 3 The house in my dream Listen again

24、and answer the following questions.What did the storyteller suddenly hear in her dream when she was wondering whose it was?1.The storyteller heard a voice saying:“welcome home.”and she realized the dream house was hers._Why did she say her dream was turning into a nightmare when she was in the livin

25、g room?2.She thought her dream was turning into a nightmare because her friends suddenly disappeared and it was scary._IILesson B Memory and dreamsAn English Video Course 2视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 2Unit6The Mind ListeningLA_L3_BCLesson A Hows your memory?Activity 3 The house in my dream What electric applianc

26、e did she like the most?Why?3.She liked the food processor most because it makes life much easier._What caused her feeling of despair?4.She saw the stove was broken and that there was no electricity.She also saw the children were crying because they were hungry.She felt bad and wanted to help prepar

27、e a meal but began to despair when she found the refrigerator was empty._IILesson B Memory and dreamsAn English Video Course 2视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 2Unit6The Mind ListeningLA_L4Activity 4 Sleep and dreams New wordsfall asleep 入睡 brain waves 脑波in deep sleep 在熟睡中 go through stages 经过阶段depend on 取决于Language N

28、otesLesson A Hows your memory?Lesson B Memory and dreamsAn English Video Course 2视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 2Unit6The Mind ListeningLA_L4_A1You will hear a passage about sleep and dreams.Then fill in the blanks about the five stages of sleep.AIIActivity 4 Making memories Our brain waves very slow during .We dre

29、am during .We wake up very easily during .We are in deep sleep during . 2 _Lesson A Hows your memory?Stage 5 _Stage 1_Stages 3 and 4 _Lesson B Memory and dreamsAn English Video Course 2视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 2Unit6The Mind ListeningLA_L4_BListen again.Then answer the questions.BIIActivity 4 Mak

30、ing memories Lesson A Hows your memory?How many times do we experience Stage 1 every night?1.Four or five times _During which stages does your body grow?2.Stages 3 and 4 _How much sleep do babies need?3.Fifteen to sixteen hours a day _Why should students sleep a lot?4.Sleep is very important for lea

31、rning._Lesson B Memory and dreamsAn English Video Course 2视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 2Unit6The Mind ListeningLA_L5*Activity 5 The meaning of dreams Proper namesGreeks 希腊人Romans 罗马人New wordsdefinite a.明确的predict the future 预测未来other times 其他时候Language Notesspirit n.灵魂,精灵sometimes 有时候Lesson A Hows your memory?Les

32、son B Memory and dreamsAn English Video Course 2视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 2Unit6The Mind ListeningLA_L5_AListen to the first part of a passage about the meaning of dreams.Then complete each sentence by circling the correct answer.AIILesson A Hows your memory?*Activity 5 The meaning of dreams 1.Humans usually d

33、ream a night.2.We often all of our dreams.3.When we dream,our brains are .4.Thousands of years ago,people believed dreams were messages from .5.The ancient studied dreams to help sick people.many times only once/dont remember remember/very active/restinggods/ancient peopleGreeks and RomansEgyptians/

34、Lesson B Memory and dreamsAn English Video Course 2视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 2Unit6The Mind ListeningLA_L5_BNow listen to the second part of the passage.Then circle True or False for each sentence.BIILesson A Hows your memory?*Activity 5 The meaning of dreams 1.In some cultures,people use dreams to predict the

35、 future.2.Scientists believe dreams are about your past and future.3.A dream about flying usually means you are tired.True/FalseTrue/FalseTrue/FalseKey Lesson B Memory and dreamsAn English Video Course 2视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 2Unit6The Mind So far,science cant provide(1)to such question as(2)?What do our dr

36、eams mean?The ancient Greeks and Romans thought dreamscame from(3).In some cultures people believe dreams could help a person choose a(4),guess a babys birthday,or(5).Today,scientists think dreams are about our(6).Our minds send us messages about our lives,but many messages are often(7).To understan

37、d the messages in our dreams,we can(8).A common dream about flying may mean any of the following:you(9),or you(10).ListeningLA_L5_CNow listen to the whole passage and fill in the blanks with the information you hear.IIC*Activity 5 The meaning of dreams Lesson A Hows your memory?definite answers _Why

38、 do wedream _a persons mind _husband or wife _start a business_thoughts and feelings _strange or confusing _think about the events in the dream _feel free or wantfreedom _feel afraid_Lesson B Memory and dreamsAn English Video Course 2视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 2Unit6The Mind PronunciationLA_P_AThe past tense-ed

39、 endingListen to and say the words in the chart.Pay attention to the pronunciation of the-ed ending.ALesson A Hows your memory?IILesson B Memory and dreamsAn English Video Course 2视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 2Unit6The Mind PronunciationLA_P_BListen.What is the final sound of each underlined verb?Check()the boxes

40、.BIILesson A Hows your memory?1.I liked the movie.2.They moved to Tokyo.3.It started to rain.4.She reminded me of you.5.Grandma hugged us.6.We laughed loudly./t/d/d/The past tense-ed endingKey Lesson B Memory and dreamsAn English Video Course 2视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 2Unit6The Mind PronunciationLA_P_BBLesson

41、 A Hows your memory?7.We enjoyed the visit.8.Nobody believed us.9.Dad stopped at a store.10.We asked directions.11.They memorized the song.12.I hated math class.The past tense-ed ending/t/d/d/Key Lesson B Memory and dreamsIIAn English Video Course 2视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 2Unit6The Mind Speaking&Communicatio

42、nLA_SC1 Activity 1 I dont think so.Expressing degrees of certaintyUseful expressions for expressing degrees of certainty Here are useful expressions for expressing degrees of certainty.Lesson A Hows your memory?Avery certain 100%Yes,they are.I think so.Maybe.I have no idea.No,they arent.I dont think

43、 so.Im not sure.not certain 0%Are the tickets in your desk?Asking about certaintyAre you sure that?Are you certain that?Is it certain that?Lesson B Memory and dreamsAn English Video Course 2视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 2Unit6The Mind Speaking&CommunicationLA_SC1 Activity 1 I dont think so.Expressing certaintyUsef

44、ul expressions for expressing degrees of certainty Lesson A Hows your memory?AI am sure that I am certain that Theres no doubt that Its obvious that Undoubtedly,Sure enough,informalDefinitely,Expressing certaintyI am not sure that Im uncertain aboutI doubt whether Lesson B Memory and dreamsAn Englis

45、h Video Course 2视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 2Unit6The Mind Speaking&CommunicationLA_SC1_A1AIIListen to the conversation.What are Mia and Justin looking for?Where are they?Lesson A Hows your memory?Activity 1 I dont think so.Mia:Justin:Mia:Justin:Mia:Justin:Mia:Justin:Mia:Justin:Come on,Justin.Lets go.The concert

46、 starts in an hour.OK.Im coming.Do you have the tickets?Yes,theyre here in my jacket.Oh,wait a minute.Whats wrong?I cant find the tickets.Theyre not in my pocket.Oh no!Where are they?Are they in the desk?I dont think so.Try to remember.Maybe theyre in your backpack.Wait I found them.They were in my

47、other jacket.Lets go.Lesson B Memory and dreamsAn English Video Course 2视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 2Unit6The Mind Speaking&CommunicationLA_SC1_A2Pair work.Underline the expressions of varying degrees of certainty and then practice the conversation with a partner.BLesson A Hows your memory?Mia:Justin:Mia:Justin:

48、Mia:Justin:Mia:Justin:Mia:Justin:Come on,Justin.Lets go.The concert starts in an hour.OK.Im coming.Do you have the tickets?Yes,theyre here in my jacket.Oh,wait a minute.Whats wrong?I cant find the tickets.Theyre not in my pocket.Oh no!Where are they?Are they in the desk?I dont think so.Try to rememb

49、er.Maybe theyre in your backpack.Wait I found them.They were in my other jacket.Lets go.Key Activity 1 I dont think so.Lesson B Memory and dreamsAn English Video Course 2视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 2Unit6The Mind Speaking&CommunicationLA_SC1_BPair work.Memory game.Look again at the picture.Study it for ten secon

50、ds.Then work with a partner.Ask and answer questions,and see who remembers more.CLesson A Hows your memory?II Activity 1 I dont think so.Lesson B Memory and dreamsAn English Video Course 2视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 2Unit6The Mind Liu Xiang:,Let me introduce you to ,one of the and of our time.She is from in Lati

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