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1、2022中瑞职业教育白皮书China-Switzerland White Paper on Vocational Education20 220102TABLE OF CONTENTSFOREWORD I.Overview of the Swiss Vocational Education System II.The Status Quo of Vocational Education in China III.Future Path for Vocational Education in China and Switzerland 序一、瑞士职业教育体系概述二、中国职业教育的发展现状三、未来



4、奋。我相信中瑞在职业教育领域的合作将取得累累硕果,惠及两国人民。让我们以本白皮书为契机,携手培育更多中瑞英才!祝您在阅读本书的过程中,尽情享受思想碰撞的火花。白瑞谊瑞士驻华大使Dear readersLet me start with two facts:For more than a decade,Switzerland has been ranked as the worlds most innovative and competitive economy.Switzerland has one of the lowest youth unemployment rates in Europ

5、e,even during the pandemic-hit years.My claim is:One of the reasons for our strong and resilient economy is next to performing companies,excellent infrastructures or effi-cient state organization-our education system.It consists of good public schools,successful vocational and professional education

6、 system(VPET)and excellent universities.This White Book established by Swiss Chamber China is dedi-cated to the Swiss VPET system.This system enjoys high recogni-tion in our society.Two thirds of young people in Switzerland choose to start an apprenticeship after their compulsory education.The value

7、 of skills is well recognized,as skilled professionals are highly sought after by the labour market.Take myself as an example,all of my 4 children did an apprenticeship and partly studied later.The success of our VPET system is powered by its permeability.An apprenticeship diploma is not the end,but

8、 only the beginning of one s personal and career development.The Swiss education system offers abundant opportunities to progress and to transit be-tween the academic and the vocational track.The success of our VPET system is rooted in the leading role of the companies.They are motivated to take the

9、 lead because they see the value in their engagement.For Swiss companies in China,it is important that they bring the VPET aspect of Switzerland to the Chi-nese market as well.This White Paper serves exactly this purpose.Since my appointment as Swiss Ambassador to China,I am glad to see that China i

10、s taking efforts with VPET in order to train and upskill the work force.I believe that there is a lot to benefit between our two countries.Lets invest into young people!Lets take this White Paper as a good start!I wish you an interesting reading and a lot of inspiring exchanges.Jrg BurriAmbassador o

11、f Switzerland to ChinaFOREWORD03041瑞士职业教育体系概述Overview of the SwissVocational EducationSystem 0506瑞士是现今世界上最富有的发达国家之一,在世界经济论坛公布的全球竞争力报告以及世界知识产权组织公布的全球创新指数中,多年来瑞士均位居榜首。瑞士政府一直将教育与科技发展作为首要战略目标,而在其教育体系中,职业教育发挥着举足轻重的作用,该教育体系为企业输送了大量匹配市场需求的人才。根据 2021 年教育科研与创新国务秘书处(SERI)数据显示,瑞士全国共颁发 30000 个高等职业教育证书,提供了 87786

12、 个学徒岗位,共有 240 个基础职业培训机构,年轻人失业率仅为 3.2%。瑞 士 职 业 教 育 体 系 全 称 为 Vocational and Professional Education and Training(VPET)。VPET 体系与就业市场高度关联,为瑞士企业每年持续稳定的输送各层次人才。VPET体系分为两个部分:高中职业教育与培训(VET)和高等专业教育。As one of the richest developed countries in the world,Switzerland has held on to the No.1 position in the Glob

13、al Competitiveness Report published by the World Economic Forum(WEF)and the Global Inno-vation Index(GII)released by the World Intellectual Property Organization(WIPO)for many years.A major contributor to such achievements is the Swiss education system which has long been listed,together with techno

14、logical progress,as the most important strategic objectives by the Swiss govern-ment,and in the Swiss education system,vocational education plays a pivotal role.The resulting highly educated professionals form an excellent pool for companies based in Switzerland.According to statis-tics published by

15、 the State Secretariat for Education,Research and Innovation(SERI),30,000 tertia-ry-level professional education qualifications have been granted in 2021.Across the country,87,786 ap-prenticeships were available and there were 240 training institutions offering vocational education pro-grams,resulti

16、ng a very low youth unemployment rateonly 3.2%.The Swiss vocational education system,known as Vocational and Professional Education and Training(VPET),is highly responsive to labor market and provides a steady supply of talents for Swiss compa-nies every year.It is divided into two sectors:upper-sec

17、ondary level vocational education and training(VET)and tertiary-level professional education.0708China-Switzerland White Paper on Vocational EducationDual-track Model:Learning and Training Go Hand in HandApprenticeship:Highly Responsive to the Labor Market Needs在瑞士,大约三分之二的年轻人在完成义务教育后会进修为期两年(获得联邦 VET

18、 证书)或三到四年(获得联邦 VET 文凭)的高级 VET 课程,多年来这一比例较为稳定。双轨 VET 项目则是迄今为止最普遍的职业教育和培训形式。“双轨制”指的是学校学习和企业培训两相结合,进入该 VET 体系的学生通常每周有一到两天时间在学校学习理论知识,其余三到四天时间则在企业或第三方培训机构中跟随导师学习实用技能。这种“双轨制”的人才培养方式是瑞士职业教育的一大特色,真正实现了校企双轨、产教融合的理念,在能让学生提前融入自己感兴趣的工作的同时,也并未过分限制学生的职业选择。“双轨制”模式并非是形式上的“实习”,而是真正将学生作为企业员工,在公司导师的指导下参与企业日常生产经营,让学生直

19、观地接触实际工作生产,了解行业最前沿的技术,并锻炼思考与应对能力。VET 体系最大的特点是其与劳动市场的紧密联系。学生并非是以实习生而是以学徒身份进入企业,因此企业会正常发放薪水。例如钟表技术的学徒可以在职业教育培训中心实践;财政金融专业的学生则可在银行内出任柜员,真正面对并处理日常工作中的问题。此模式让瑞士在人力资源极其有限的情况下,不仅维持了国民生产生活的稳定运营,也使其各产业得到了高速的发展。瑞士极具特色的“学徒制”立足企业的需求,将企业与学校深度绑定,共同分担人才培养成本。另外,瑞士政府专门建立了全国范围的“学徒市场”,学生可以在网上提交申请书并通过企业的职业面试以获得岗位。“学徒市场

20、”主要有两个方面:供给方(提供学徒职位的主办公司)和需求方(寻找学徒职位的年轻人)。国家在其中发挥着调解作用:确保参与学徒培养的公司获得并提供更好的条件,鼓励其开放学徒职位,并帮助年轻人选择职业。“学徒制”在瑞士就业市场中具有举足轻重的作用,银行业、精密仪器制造业、制药业、手表行业等都有学徒的身影。大部分瑞士企业都会为学生提供学徒职位,通常企业会为学生提供 1年左右的工作机会,由经验丰富的资深员工对学徒进行工作指导,并在其工作期间正常发放薪水。Upon completing compulsory education,about two-thirds of young people in Swi

21、tzerland opt to under-take an upper-level VET program lasting two years(with a Federal VET Certificate)or three to four years(with a Federal VET Diploma).This proportion has remained steady for many years.Dual-track VET pro-grams are by far the most prevalent form of vocational education and trainin

22、g.The dual-track model is a combination of academic education and in-company training.Students study-ing a VET program typically spend one or two days on academic learning and three to four days in the host company or a third-party training institution,where he/she learns practical skills under a me

23、ntor.This dual-track approach to talent development is one of the distinctive characteristics of the Swiss voca-tional education.By integrating academic education and in-company work experience a dual-track pro-gram exposes students to potential career paths that they are interested in by offering a

24、 broad selection of apprenticeships.Moreover,on an apprenticeship in the dual-track model,students will be hired as paid employees instead of being treated as expendable interns.They will get involved in the company s daily operation under the guidance of mentors,gain real work experience,catch up w

25、ith latest technolo-gies,and hone problem-solving skills.The most distinctive characteristic of the Swiss VET system is its close connection with the labor market.Stu-dents are employed as apprentices rather than interns and they are entitled to pay.For example,a student trained as a watchmaker can

26、practice at a vocational education training center,and a finance student can apply for a bank teller apprenticeship,where he/she will encounter and solve problems in the real work con-text.This model has enabled Switzerland to maintain socioeconomic stability and high economic growth,de-spite its ve

27、ry limited human resources.Switzerlands unique apprenticeship model is deeply rooted in the needs of the labor market,The close con-nection between companies and schools also enables them to share the cost of talent development.In addi-tion,the Swiss government has set up a nationwide apprenticeship

28、 market,allowing students to submit ap-plications online and enroll in an apprenticeship program after passing interviews.There are two sides to the apprenticeship market:supply side(host companies that offer apprenticeship positions)and demand side(young people looking for apprenticeship positions)

29、.The government acts as an intermediary:it ensures the best possible apprenticeship conditions for host companies,encourages the provision of apprenticeship posi-tions and good work environment,helps young people to choose an occupation.In Switzerland,apprenticeships play a pivotal role in the job m

30、arket,which can be found in a wide range of sectors,such as banking,precision instruments manufacturing,pharmaceuticals,watchmaking,etc.Many Swiss companies have established apprenticeship programs,which typically last for one year.Apprentices will learn under experienced mentors and get paid during

31、 the term of the apprenticeship contract.0910China-Switzerland White Paper on Vocational Education“One Mission,Three Partners”The Swiss vocational education system is also characterized by its“one mission,three partners”.The provi-sion of high-quality VPET is a mission collectively shouldered by the

32、 Confederation,the cantons,and as-sociations(professional organizations),who are jointly committed to the highest possible quality standard of the Swiss VPET system.Each of the three partners has its own role to play and cooperates in areas such as policy research,law-making and funding to support t

33、he system.The VPET system is funded by the Confederation,the cantons and professional organizations,and the costs of VPET programs are borne by the three parties.The Confederation is represented by SERI and the Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training(SFIVET).Their responsibilit

34、ies include,among others,quality assurance,development strategies,trainings of professionals and examiners,scientific research and investigation of VPET,and contributing fund-ing to cover 1/4 of the public spending on the VPET system.According to the statistics published by SERI,public expenditure o

35、n the Swiss VPET system stood around CHF 3.6 billion in 2019.The vast majority of this funding was provided by the cantons as implementing part-ners:72%of the expenditure was spent on vocational schools,12%on professional education institutions,and 7%on preparatory courses for entry to VET.In 2019,t

36、he Confederation contributed CHF 929 million to cover the total costs of the VPET system.Up to 10%of the federal funding was earmarked to promote VPET development projects and specific activities that serve the public interest.On the canton level,VPET tasks are performed by cantonal VET offices and

37、VET schools(or professional education institutions).The cantonal VET offices are responsible for the implementation of the Vocational and Professional Education and Training Action(VPETA),supervising apprenticeships and the operation of voca-tional schools and professional education institutions.The

38、y are also in charge of issuing permits authorizing host companies to take on apprentices,coordinating the apprenticeship market,and covering 3/4 of the public expenditure spent on vocational schools.Vocational schools are responsible for providing apprentices with upper-secondary or tertiary academ

39、ic education and other services.The professional organizations(including trade associations)organize host companies,define the con-tent of VPET programs,establish the national qualification procedures,develop training course,hire experts as teachers and manage VPET funds.Businesses provide apprentic

40、eships and impart professional compe-tences.The respective areas of responsibility and rights of the Confederation,cantons,professional organizations and companies are set forth in the well-established VPET laws and regulations.This enabling environment has also motivated stakeholders to participate

41、 in decision-making in the VPET field,thus facilitating the trans-formation from a government-and school-based management model to a stakeholder governance model.Moreover,with consistent orientation towards the needs of the labor market,effective programs are efficiently delivered to apprentices,who

42、se productive output has already exceeded the training costs.Another piece of good news for VPET!瑞士职业教育体制可概括为“一个使命、三个伙伴”。为实现高质量的职业教育这一使命,联邦、各州政府和协会(专业组织)三方共同致力于将瑞士 VPET 体系推向更高标准。“三个伙伴”各司其职,在政策研究、法律制定、资金供给等多方面合力支持该体系的建设。联邦、各州政府和专业组织均出资支持 VPET 体系,其教育支出由三方共同承担。联邦层面负责职业教育的机构是教育科研与创新国务秘书处(SERI)和瑞士联邦职业教育学

43、院(SFIVET),其主要职责是保证职业教育的质量、制定发展战略、专业人员与考官培训、职业教育的科研与调查等,并承担职业学校公共开支的四分之一。SERI 2019 年统计数据显示,瑞士 VPET 系统的公共支出约为 36 亿瑞士法郎。这些资金的绝大部分是由各州作为执行伙伴提供的,其中 72%的开销用于职业学校,12%的开销用于专业教育机构,7%的开销用于 VET 的预备课程。2019 年,联邦拨款 9.29 亿瑞士法郎用于支付 VPET 系统的总成本,高达 10%的联邦资金更是被指定用于促进 VPET 开发项目和服务于公众利益的特定活动。州政府层面负责职业教育的机构是州立职业教育培训办公室和职


45、策过程中来,实现了原本由政府和学校为主的管理模式向职业教育利益相关方共同参与式治理模式的转换。长久以来,职业教育体系持续关注并致力于迎合劳动市场的需求,为学徒设立有效的职教计划,这使得他们在学徒期间的产出往往就会超过培训成本。1112Permeability In Switzerland,the VPET and general education system are characterized by their own clearly de-fined pathways and a high degree of permeability.Upon completing compulsory

46、 education,around two thirds of young people in Switzerland opt to un-dertake VET,while nearly one-third enroll in a general high school.A small number of students will choose transitional options to gain different learning and life experience.On tertiary level,there are mainly three options:profess

47、ional education institutions,Swiss Universi-ties of Applied Sciences(UAS),and general universities.UAS is a hybrid of general universities and professional education institutions.General universities encompass cantonal universities and two Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology.After completing a VE

48、T program and obtaining vocational qualifications,some students may choose to enter the job market,while others may apply for professional education institutions or take the Federal Vocational Baccalaureate Examination(FVB)and enter a UAS or a general university.Graduates of general high schools can

49、 also apply for a UAS or professional education institution after a period of internship.瑞士的职业教育和普通教育既有各自完整的体系,又互联互通。义务教育结束后,约三分之二的学生选择职业教育与培训,近三分之一的学生选择进入普通高中就读,少数学生则会在做出选择前过渡性地体验不同的学习生活。高等教育阶段大致分为高等职业学校、应用科学大学(UAS)和普通高校三类。应用科学大学是兼具综合性大学和高等职业院校两类特点的“混合型大学”。普通高校包括各州立大学以及两所联邦理工学院等综合性大学。完成高中阶段 VET 课程并

50、获得职业资格后,部分学生会选择直接就业,其余学生可以选择进入高等职业学校学习,还可以参加联邦职业高中会考后进入应用科学大学和普通高校学习。普通高中毕业生也可以在完成一段时间实习以后,进入应用科学大学或高等职业学校学习。1314China-Switzerland White Paper on Vocational Education:Vocational and Professional Education and Training in Switzerland Facts and Figures 2021高等职业学校、应用科学大学和普通高校之间也有一定通道实现相互流动。在教学内容的设置上,两种

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