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1、DOI:10.13925/ki.gsxb.20230010水杨酸甲酯缓释调控果园捕食性瓢虫控害效果吴长兵1,2,肖达1,刘飞宇2,孙潇然1,王杰1,3,王甦1,郭晓军1,徐庆宣1*(1北京市农林科学院植物保护研究所 农业农村部天敌昆虫重点实验室,北京 100097;2长江大学农学院,湖北荆州 434023;3南京农业大学植物保护学院,南京 210095)摘要:【目的】利用化学信息素调控天敌昆虫是害虫绿色防控的重要措施之一。明确应用新型缓释材料释放水杨酸甲酯对苹果园捕食性瓢虫的调控作用,以及对苹果绣线菊蚜的防治效果。【方法】连续2 a(年)调查了苹果园内苹果绣线菊蚜的种群消长动态以确定水杨酸甲酯


3、68 g 周-1。【结论】水杨酸甲酯PE缓释管在果园持效期可超过4周,可以提高捕食性瓢虫的种群数量并降低苹果绣线菊蚜的发生数量,最高密度的苹果绣线菊蚜出现在水杨酸甲酯PE缓释管处理园区的边缘。关键词:苹果绣线菊蚜;捕食性瓢虫;水杨酸甲酯;调控作用;空间分布中图分类号:S661.1 S436.61文献标志码:A文章编号:1009-9980(2023)08-1666-09收稿日期:2023-01-11接受日期:2023-04-24基金项目:北京市农林科学院青年科研基金(QNJJ202118);财政部和农业农村部国家现代农业产业技术体系(CARS-30-3-04)作者简介:吴长兵,男,在读硕士研究生

4、,研究方向:农业昆虫与害虫防治。Tel:17343212026,E-mail:*通信作者Author for correspondence.Tel:010-51503335,E-mail:果树学报2023,40(8):1666-1674Journal of Fruit ScienceEvaluation of the biocontrol capacity of slow-release methyl salicylate bymediating abundance of predatory ladybirds in orchardsWU Changbing1,2,XIAO Da1,LIU F

5、eiyu2,SUN Xiaoran1,WANG Jie1,3,WANG Su1,GUO Xiaojun1,XU Qingxuan1*(1Institute of Plant Protection,Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences/Key Laboratory of Natural Enemies Insects,Minis-try of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Beijng 100097,China;2College of Agriculture,Yangtze University,J

6、ingzhou 434023,Hubei,Chi-na;3College of Plant Protection,Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing 210095,Jiangsu,China)Abstract:【Objective】Utilizing semiochemicals to mannipulite the foraging behaviors of natural ene-my is avital measure to control pests.As a synergistic means,semiochemical solw-rele

7、ase is graduallypopularized and applied in biological control management in the modern agricultural green protectionsystem.Methyl salicylate(MeSA),is a kind of semiochemical,which is widerly released in the crops in-fected by herbivorous insects,and it can also attract ladybirds and other natural en

8、emies from a long dis-tance.As an effective compound,the MeSA is commonly used as an attractant for predatory ladybirds.The study aimed to clarify the regulation effect of the MeSA released by new sustained-release materi-als on predatory ladybirds and the control effect on the aphid,Aphis citricola

9、 in apple orchards.Com-pared with traditional pesticides,slow-releasing semiochemicals are efficient,non-toxic,non-resistantand harmless to the natural enemies.The slow releasing material is the major factor that affects the pestcontrol effienicy of semiochemical in the field.At present,the main slo

10、w-releasing materials includegels,photosensitive compounds and lures,and some products have been commercialized.In our present,等:水杨酸甲酯缓释调控果园捕食性瓢虫控害效果第8期work,we selected a commercial slow-release lures material,PE tubes,to test its stabilization for long-term slow-release,and whether it can maximize

11、the effect of the MeSA on attracting the natural ene-mies to control the aphids.【Methods】We consecutively investigated the population dynamics of A.cit-ricola in the apple orchards for two years to determine the use time of the MeSA.In the treatment area,the slow-releasing MeSA PE tubes were suspend

12、ed evenly in 5 5 design.While the orchards withoutpest control and the orchards with chemical control were used as controls.The population dynamics ofthe predatory ladybirds and A.citricola were investigated and detected for the release rate of the MeSA.And the effects of the MeSA on the spatial dis

13、tribution characteristics of the predatory ladybirds and A.citricola were analyzed by five commonly used aggregation index parameters.For ensuring the field ap-plication time of the MeSA PE tubes,a five points method was used to investigate the occurrence dy-namics of the A.citricola and natural ene

14、mis in the orchard from May to July in 2020 and 2021.Twofruit trees were selected at each point,each tree had two branches fixed in five directions:east,south,west,north and middle,in an orchard in Changping District,Beijing(11602 E,4010 N).The numberof the A.citricola and predatory ladybird were in

15、vestigated once a week.For investigating the effects ofthe slow-releasing MeSA on the dynamics and spatial distribution of the predatory ladybird and A.citri-cola,three apple orchards were selected as methyl salicylate slow-release area,chemical pesticide areaand blank control area in 2022.The orcha

16、rd with MeSA PE tubes;the orchard with imidacloprid insecti-cides;the orchard without chemical insecticide and the Methyl salicylate PE tubes were used as control.In each orchard,25 fruit trees were investigated,the number of the A.citricola and predatory ladybirdwere investigated once a week.The sl

17、ow releasing rate of the MeSA PE tubes in the field was moni-tored.The temperature was automatically recorded every two hours,and the weights of the PE tubesweighed every week.The release of the MeSA PE tubes at the initial stage and 5 weeks after the fieldtest was detected,respectively.The 100 m PD

18、MS extraction head was inserted into the sampling bagcontaining the MeSA PE tubes to extract for 30 min,and then GC-MS detection was performed.The da-ta were processed by the statistical software SPSS 23 and Excel.The investigation results of the A.citri-cola and predatory ladybirds were used to cac

19、ulate the aggregation index and spatial correlation analy-sis.【Results】The occurrence peak of the A.citricola in the apple orchards was found from the end ofMay to mid-June.The number of predatory ladybirds in the treatment area was significantly higher thanthat in the chemical control area,and the

20、number of the A.citricola was significantly reduced by apply-ing the slow-releasing MeSA PE tubes one week before the occurrence peak.The spatial distributionshowed that the A.citricola was in marginal aggregation distribution in each apple orchard.In addition,the release rate of the slow-releasing

21、MeSA PE tubes was about 0.68 g per week.The results for twoconsecutive years in the apple orchard showed that the large-scale occurrence or peak occurrence of theA.citricola and predatory ladybirds was found between the end of May and the middle of June,and theappropriate time point of setting the M

22、eSA PE rubber was May 30.The release rate of the MeSA wasabout 0.68 g per week.After 5 weeks of application,the remained effective MeSA could still be detect-ed by GC-MS.After two weeks of utilization of the MeSA PE tubes,the number of apple aphids beganto decrease,in the third week,the number of pr

23、edatory ladybirds were significantly higher than theoseof the others treatment areas.The aggregation index analysis result of the A.citricola showed that theaphids were clustered in the treatment area and control area.The spatial correlation analysis result ofthe predatory ladybirds and A.citricola

24、showed the much higher distribution density of the ladybirds inthe MeSA PE tube treatment area,the much lower occurrence density of the A.citricola than those inthe others areas,and the marginal distribution pattern was more obviously.【Conclusion】The slow-re-吴长兵1667果树学报第40卷苹果绣线菊蚜(Aphis citricola)属半翅



27、酸甲酯处理对果园捕食性瓢虫及苹果绣线菊蚜空间分布的影响,明确水杨酸甲酯PE缓释管对苹果绣线菊蚜的防控效果。1材料和方法1.1供试材料水杨酸甲酯PE缓释管以聚乙烯(PE)为外部缓释材料,内部填充5 g水杨酸甲酯(AR,99%),委托南京新安中绿生物科技有限公司加工。化学药剂选用70%吡虫啉水分散粒剂(拜耳作物科学有限公司,市售)用于后续田间试验。1.2试验方法1.2.1水杨酸甲酯 PE 缓释管田间应用时间分析为了明确水杨酸甲酯的果园使用时期,调查了苹果园苹果绣线菊蚜的种群消长动态并确定发生高峰期。2020和2021年57月,在北京市昌平区流村leasing MeSA PE tubes could

28、 last for more than 4 weeks in the orchard,and increase the population ofthe predatory ladybirds to reduce the density of the A.citricola in the apple orchard.The application ofslow-releasing MeSA PE tubes resulted in the highest density of the A.citricola on the edge in the appleorchard.The pest co

29、ntrol effectness on the A.citricola was formed by regulating the spatial density ofthe predatory ladybirds,leading to the number reduction and the marginalization distribution range ofthe A.citricola.The application of green prevention and control technologies,such as semiochemicalsslow-releasing te

30、chnology,would reduce the population density or damage degree of the pests and in-crease the number of the natural enemies.The MeSA PE tube treatment had the equivalent control ef-fect as imidacloprid treatment on the A.citricola,and more predatory ladybirds were attracted and con-served,which is co

31、nducive to improving the ecological stability of the orchard.Considering the slow re-lease and storage capacity of materials,as well as the requirements for temperature,humidity and otherexternal conditions,our results confirmed that PE tubes could be suitablly used as slow-releasing carri-ers of th

32、e MeSA,with long-term,economic and excellent control effects in the orchards in northern Chi-na.In addition,we also discussed the impact of the MeSA on the distribution of the pests and natural en-emies,which would enrich the theoretical basis for the field application of semiochemicals and promotet

33、he application of related products.In our future work,we will expand the application area of the MeSAtubes and,test its release efficiency and control effect under different temperature and humidity environ-ments,and also pay attention to the slow-releasing effect of PE tubes on other semiochemicals

34、.Key words:Aphis citricola;Predatory ladybirds;Methyl salicylate;Regulatory effect;Spatial distribu-tion1668,等:水杨酸甲酯缓释调控果园捕食性瓢虫控害效果第8期镇(1162 E,4010 N)采用五点法调查苹果园内苹果绣线菊蚜以及捕食性瓢虫(主要为异色瓢虫和七星瓢虫)的种群消长动态。每点选取2株果树,每株树按照东、南、西、北、中5个方位,每个方位固定2个果枝,每周调查1次苹果绣线菊蚜及其捕食性瓢虫的数量。1.2.2水杨酸甲酯PE缓释管对捕食性瓢虫及苹果绣线菊蚜种群消长动态和空间分布的影响

35、2022年选取3个苹果园,分别作为水杨酸甲酯PE缓释管处理区、化学防治区和对照区,水杨酸甲酯PE缓释管处理区和空白对照区内树龄约为10 a(年),园区面积约1 hm2,化学防治区内树龄约为8 a,园区面积约0.67 hm2,主要品种为富士,种植密度约为900株 hm-2,各园区之间间隔100 m以上。水杨酸甲酯PE缓释管处理区内按5列5行网格法(约为3 m4 m)均匀悬挂水杨酸甲酯PE缓释管,且园区内部保留自然生草;化学防治园区内喷施吡虫啉杀虫剂,按照4 g666.7 m-2兑水40 L进行喷雾施用;以未喷施化学杀虫剂和未悬挂水杨酸甲酯PE缓释管的果园为对照,对照区内保留自然生草,无其他防治蚜

36、虫措施。在各园区内均匀采点并定株调查,把果园按5列5行网格法排列,记录各点坐标,每个园区共调查25株果树,调查方法同1.2.1。1.2.3水杨酸甲酯 PE 缓释管的田间缓释速率监测室外悬挂水杨酸甲酯PE缓释管和电子温度计,间隔2 h自动记录温度,每周称量记录水杨酸甲酯PE缓释管的质量。分别于悬挂初期和悬挂5周后检测水杨酸甲酯PE缓释管的释放情况,将100 mPDMS萃取头插入装有水杨酸甲酯PE缓释管的采样袋中,顶空萃取30 min,然后进行GC-MS检测。载气为高纯氦气(纯度不小于99.99%),进样口温度250,不分流进样。程序升温:40 保持3.5 min,以 10 min-1升至 100

37、,再以 7 min-1升至180,最后以25 min-1升至280,保持5 min。1.3数据统计分析试验所获数据由统计软件SPSS 23和Excel处理。以不同处理区作为处理因子,对2022年苹果绣线菊蚜和捕食性瓢虫发生量进行单因素方差分析,采用Duncan s检验法比较不同处理间差异显著性(p0.05)。聚集度指数:采用以下5种常用的聚集度指标测定苹果绣线菊蚜和捕食性瓢虫的空间分布型,即聚块性指标(m*/m)、扩散系数(C)、丛生指标(I)、Cassie指标(CA)和负二项分布值(K指标),参考朱莹等18聚集度指标范围确定各特征值含义,其中,当 C1、I0、CA0、m*/m1、K0 时为均

38、匀分布;当C=1、I=0、CA=0、m*/m=1、K8时为随机分布;当C1、I0、CA0、m*/m1、0K8时为聚集分布。空间相关性:用SPSS 23统计软件进行正态分布检验。用 GS+7.0 软件对数据进行最适模型拟合。用ArcGis 10.2软件进行Kriging空间插值,得到苹果绣线菊蚜和捕食性瓢虫直观空间分布图。将调查期间内各样本点苹果绣线菊蚜的数量累加计算总和,在空间分析之前,首先对数据进行充分转换,使其近似于正态分布,调查数据进行对数lg(x+1)正态转换,其中 x 是每个调查点苹果绣线菊蚜数量。通过半方差分析得到地统计参数,并确定调整后的最佳拟合模型,使用Kriging插值法结合

39、地统计参数得到苹果绣线菊蚜和捕食性瓢虫的空间分布图。2结果与分析2.1水杨酸甲酯PE缓释管田间应用时间分析2020和2021年苹果绣线菊蚜在5月23日之后开始快速增长,2020年苹果绣线菊蚜的发生数量在5 月 30 日达到峰值,而 2021 年在 6 月 13 日达到峰值。2020和2021年捕食性瓢虫的发生数量分别在6月6日和6月20日达到峰值,之后逐渐减少。连续2 a调查结果显示,苹果园中苹果绣线菊蚜的大规模发生或峰值出现时间在5月底至6月中旬(图1),水杨酸甲酯PE缓释管的悬挂时间定在5月30日。2.2水杨酸甲酯PE缓释管对捕食性瓢虫及苹果绣线菊蚜种群消长动态和空间分布的影响水杨酸甲酯P

40、E缓释管悬挂7 d后,对不同园区进行调查,不同处理区内捕食性瓢虫和苹果绣线菊蚜的种群消长动态如图2所示。水杨酸甲酯PE缓释管处理区和对照区在整个试验期间捕食性瓢虫的发生数量均高于化学防治区,在悬挂第3周发现水杨酸甲酯PE缓释管处理区内捕食性瓢虫(4.10.7)的发生数量同时显著高于对照区(2.70.4)和化学防治区(0.30.2)(F=16.044,p0.001)(图2-A)。悬挂水杨酸甲酯PE缓释管2周后,苹果绣线菊蚜的发生数量开始降低,水杨酸甲酯 PE 缓释管处理区吴长兵1669果树学报第40卷平均值20202021标准误2020202105-09131.833.405-0937.2903

41、9 23.4786905-16863.6361.705-16169.2795 126.607905-23973.5106105-23398.2912 318.166205-3042361112.205-30633.5905 277.716506-063146.3974.906-06438.2116 189.559106-13234.31694.206-13122.6094 322.899206-2033.925806-2023.51191 78.2162206-27112.8006-2748.292350图1A 苹果绣线菊蚜010002000300040005000600005-09 05-1

42、6 05-23 05-30 06-06 06-13 06-20 06-272020202101234567805-0905-1605-2305-3006-0606-1306-2006-27202020212022-06-0706-1406-2106-2807-0507-1204080600800100012001400?Number of A.citricola per plant?BAaaaabbaaaaaaaabaab2022-06-0706-1406-2106-2807-0507-1201234567?Number of predatory ladybugs per plant?aaba

43、ababcaab?aaaaaa(657.093.8)内苹果绣线菊蚜的发生数量低于对照区(997.8102.9),且与化学防治区(630.263.0)之间无显著差异(F=5.764,p=0.005),而4周后,化学防治区内苹果绣线菊蚜的发生数量显著高于其他区域(图2-B)。在测定的聚集度指标数据中(表1),丛生指标I(290.87598.02)0,聚 块 性 指 标 m*/m(1.151.40)1,Cassie指标CA(0.150.40)0,扩散系数C图 12020、2021 年苹果绣线菊蚜和捕食性瓢虫的种群消长动态Fig.1Population dynamics ofA.citricola a

44、nd predatory ladybirds in 2020 and 2021图中数据为(平均值标准误),不同小写字母表示同一日期下不同处理之间的捕食性瓢虫(苹果绣线菊蚜)发生数量在 0.05 水平差异显著(Duncan s 多重检验法)。Data are(mean SE),and different lowercase letters indicate significant differences(p0.05)in number of predatory ladybugs(A.citricola)un-der different treatments on the same date by

45、 Duncan s multiple range test.图 22022 年不同处理区内捕食性瓢虫(A)和苹果绣线菊蚜(B)的种群消长动态Fig.2Population dynamics of predatory ladybugs(A)andA.citricola(B)in different treatment areas in 2022ABAB苹果绣线菊蚜的发生数量/(头 株-1)Number ofA.citricola per plant捕食性瓢虫的发生数量/(头 株-1)Number of predatory ladybugs per plant调查日期 Investigation

46、date调查日期 Investigation date对照 Control水杨酸甲脂 MeSA化学防治 Chemical control对照 Control水杨酸甲脂 MeSA化学防治 Chemical control调查日期 Investigation date调查日期 Investigation date苹果绣线菊蚜的发生数量/(头 株-1)Number ofA.citricola per plant捕食性瓢虫的发生数量/(头 株-1)Number of predatory ladybugsper plant2022-06-072022-06-142022-06-212022-06-282

47、022-07-052022-07-122022-06-072022-06-142022-06-212022-06-282022-07-052022-07-12abaaaababacabaaaababaaaaaababaaaaaaa20202021202020211670,等:水杨酸甲酯缓释调控果园捕食性瓢虫控害效果第8期表 1苹果绣线菊蚜的聚集度指标Table 1Aggregation index ofA.citricola区域Area对照 Control水杨酸甲酯 MeSA化学防治 Chemical controlx2 114.001 496.161 895.20S2788 540.5089

48、4 136.22550 963.00m*2 486.012 092.782 184.91I373.19598.02290.87m*/m1.181.401.15CA0.180.400.15C373.01597.62290.71K5.682.516.54注:x 为样本均数,S2为样本方差。Note:x is the sample mean,S2is the sample variance.0 10 20 m0 10 20 m0 10 20 mN 20 头 株-1Individual per plantABCN 2000 头 株-1Aphis per plantNDEF0 10 20 m0 10 2

49、0 m0 10 20 m对照 CK化学防治 Chemical control水杨酸甲酯 MeSA捕食性瓢虫 Predatory ladybugs苹果绣线菊蚜 A.citricola(290.71597.62)1,负二项分布值K(2.516.54)0,说明在水杨酸甲酯PE缓释管处理区、化学防治区和对照区中苹果绣线菊蚜均呈聚集分布。从空间分布图可以看出水杨酸甲酯PE缓释管处理区内的瓢虫分布密度更高,而化学防治区瓢虫种群密度整体偏低(图3-AC)。水杨酸甲酯PE缓释管处理区内苹果绣线菊蚜的虫口密度相比其他区域较低,边缘分布模式更加明显,对照区内虫口密度相对偏高。而3个区域内苹果绣线菊蚜均在园区中间分

50、布密度较低,周边或靠近单边的分布密度较高(图3-DF),结合聚集度指数(表1)可以明确各苹果园区内苹果绣线菊蚜呈现边缘聚集分布。因此,施用水杨酸甲酯PE缓释管可以维持捕食性瓢虫的种群数量,进一步降低苹果绣线菊蚜的发生数量,阻止图中的点代表调查点位,图 B 和 E 内调查点位同时是水杨酸甲酯 PE 缓释管悬挂点位。The points in the map represent the survey points,the survey points in Figure B and E are also the suspension points of MeSAPE rubber.图 3捕食性瓢虫(

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