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1、高分替代词序号释义普通高分词性1认为thinkconsider, believe, hold, insistv.2考虑considertake sth. into consideration, ponder overv.3想出thinkcome up with, figure out, it occurs to sb. thatv.4利用usetake advantage of, make full/best use ofv.5赢得wingain, earn, reap, obtainv.6描绘describedepict, delineate, picturev.7阻碍stophinder,

2、 hamper, impedev.8参加joinparticipate in, take part in, engage in, go in forv.9出现appearemerge, arise, turn upv.10强调stressemphasize, underline, lay/place stress onv.11面临facebe faced with, be confronted with, be up againstv.12遇到meetencounter, come acrossv.13消失disappearvanish, fade awayv.14恶化worsendeteri

3、orate, take a turn for the worsev.15评价judgeevaluate, appraise, estimatev.16实施carry outimplement, put into effectv.17实现achievefulfill, accomplish, realize, come truev.18珍惜valuecherish, value, treasurev.19破坏destroydamage, ruin, devastate, wreckv.20解释explainillustrate, account for, clarify, interpretv.

4、21显示showexhibit, reveal, indicate, demonstrate, manifestv.22通知tellnotify, inform, advisev.23培养developtrain, educate, cultivate, fosterv.24说服persuadeconvince, prevail on, talk sb. overv.25给与giveoffer, contribute, donatev.26教导teachtutor, coach, educate, enlightenv.27需要needrequire, demand, call for, do

5、 withv.28知道knowrealize, be aware of, be acquainted withv.29意识到realizebe conscious of, be aware that, be aware ofv.30明白understandcomprehendv.31上升increaserise, mount, roar, go up, ascendv.32下降decreasedrop, decline, go/come down, descendv.33引发causetrigger, arouse, initiatev.34忍受bearstand, suffer, endur

6、e, undergov.35询问askinquire, enquirev.36享有haveenjoy, win, possessv.37违反breakviolate, disobey, infringe, run counter tov.38解决solveresolve, deal with, cope with, addressv.39喜欢likeadore, be fond of, be keen on, long forv.40支持agree withapprove of, in favor of, stand by ones sidephr.41下结论in a worddraw a c

7、onclusion, arrive at the conclusion thatphr.42反对disagree withbe against, object to, be opposed tophr.43集中注意力于focus onconcentrate on, center onphr.44依靠depend onrely on, lean on, count onphr.45致力于devote oneself toendeavor, work for, concentrate efforts on, dedicate tophr.46渴望be eager forlong/yearn/thi

8、rst/hanker/pine forphr.47猛增increase rapidlyjump, rocket, skyrocket, multiplyphr.48为了in order tofor, for the sake of, on the purpose ofphr.49事实上in factactually, effectively, in reality, as a matter of factphr.50在我看来in my opinionfrom my perspective, for my part, as far as Im concernedphr.51有联系be relat

9、ed tobe relevant to, be affiliated with, be connected tophr.52决心做decide to dobe determined to do, make up ones mind to dophr.53组成consist ofbe made up of, be composed of, be comprised ofphr.54越来越more and moreincreasingly, growingphr.55感兴趣be interested inappeal to sb., sth. exerts a tremendous fascina

10、tion on sb.phr.56例如for examplefor instance, such as, to name just a fewphr.57一般而言in generalgenerally speaking, by and largephr.58根据according toin accordance with, on the basis ofphr.59不惜代价at all costsby all means, stop at no expensephr.60源于come fromstem/derive/spring/originate fromphr.61优于better tha

11、nsuperior tophr.62各种的all kinds ofdiverse, various, a variety of, multifariousphr.63优点advantagemerit, strong point, virtuen.64缺点disadvantagedemerit, weak point, defectn.65发展developmentadvancement, improvement, enhancementn.66成就achievementsuccess, accomplishment, fulfillmentn.67方法waymethod, approach,

12、measure, meansn.68数字numberfigure, statistic, digit, numeric charactern.69能力abilitycapability, capacity, competencen.70事情thingbusiness, matter, affairn.71重要的importantvital, crucial, essential, significant, momentousadj.72必要的necessaryessential, indispensable, imperative, requisiteadj.73流行的popularpreva

13、lent, fashionable, be in vogueadj.74好的goodexcellent, outstanding, remarkable, distinguishedadj.75显然的obviousapparent, evident, explicit, manifestadj.76很多的manyplenty, numerous, numberless, countlessadj.77巨大的bighuge, enormous, tremendous, immense, giganticadj.78繁荣的richprosperous, flourishing, booming,

14、thrivingadj.79壮丽的splendidgrand, magnificent, marvelous, majesticadj.80聪明的cleverwise, bright, brilliant, intelligentadj.81迷人的beautifulattractive, charming, fascinating, enchanting, bewitchingadj.82兴奋的excitingdramatic, thrilling, stirringadj.83喜悦的happyglad, joyous, delightful, jubilantadj.84唯一的onlysin

15、gle, sole, unique, exclusiveadj.85充足的enoughabundant, ample, sufficient, adequateadj.86共有的commonshared, mutualadj.87一些somea few, a little, severaladj.88有益的usefulbeneficial, rewarding, constructive, salutaryadj.89容易的easysimple, effortless, undemanding, uncomplicatedadj.90直接的directbald, immediate, fort

16、hright, straightforwardadj.91困难的difficulttricky, complicated, intricate, thornyadj.92疲惫的tiredexhausted, fatigued, weary, tired outadj.93沮丧的saddepressed, frustrated, discouraged, dispiritedadj.94目前nownowadays, currently, at present, presentlyadv.95往往alwaystend to, be inclined to, be liable toadv.96最终finallyeventually, ultimately, at lastadv.97十分veryextremely, exceedingly, exceptionallyadv.98全面地completelythoroughly, roundly, drasticallyadv.99因为becausethanks to, due to, result from, owing to, on the ground of, on account ofconj.100除外besidesapart from, in addition to, along withprep.

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