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1、2014年湖南省益阳市中考英语试卷(教师版)一、听力题1(1分)无2(1分)无3(1分)无4(1分)无5(1分)无6(1分)无7(1分)无8(1分)无9(1分)无10(1分)无11(2分)无12(3分)无13(4分)无二、选择填空14(3分)What do you think of Lucy?She is honest girl()AanBaCthe【考点】52:不定冠词(a,an)菁优网版权所有【分析】你认为露西怎么样?她是一个诚实的女孩【解答】答案:A 结合题干及选项,可知空处应用冠词填空结合语境,此处应该是指Lucy是一个诚实的女孩,表泛指,所以应用冠词a或者an;根据honest的音标

2、nst首音素为元音音素/,所以此处应用不定冠词an故选:A【点评】此题考查冠词的用法做题时结合语境判断出冠词的种类,再结合音素的有关规则确定选用正确的冠词15(3分)Uncle Tom lives a farm the country()Ain;atBnear;onCon;in【考点】72:方位介词菁优网版权所有【分析】Tom叔叔住在乡下一个农场里【解答】答案:C根据Uncle Tom lives a farm the country,可知这里考查了短语on a farm 在农场,in the country 在乡下故选C【点评】本题考查方位介词,学生应知道习惯用法,便可做出正确答案16(3分

3、)How do you like these two books? of them are interestingAnd Ive read them several times ()ABothBNeitherCNone【考点】65:不定代词菁优网版权所有【分析】你喜欢这两本书吗?他们都有趣我已经读了好几遍了【解答】答案:Aboth两者都;none三者或三者以上都不;neither两者都不根据two books及Ive read them several times,可知这两本书我已经读了好几遍了,可知这两本书都有趣both两者都故选A【点评】首先明确不定代词的基本用法,然后结合句意便可做出正确

4、的选择17(3分)Please give me some on how to learn English well()AplanBinformationCadvice【考点】48:名词的词义辨析菁优网版权所有【分析】请给我一些如何学好英语的建议【解答】答案:C plan计划(可数名词);information信息(不可数名词);advice建议(不可数名词);根据关键部分on how to learn English well可推知前面应该是说请给一些如何学好英语的建议;所以空处应该用不可数名词advice建议故选:C【点评】此题考查名词词义辨析做题时在联系语境的基础上结合选项词的含义从而选出

5、符合句意及用法的名词即可18(3分)I want to go to Xiufeng ParkHow can I get there? there,just go along this street and turn left at the third crossing()ATo getBGettingCGet【考点】DD:不定式菁优网版权所有【分析】我想去秀峰公园我怎么才能到那儿?为了到那里,沿着这条街走,在第三个十字路口向左转【解答】答案:A根据there,just go along this street and turn left at the third crossing,可知此处是t

6、o引导的不定式短语位于句首表示目的,作目的状语故选A【点评】本题考查了动词不定式的用法,熟知句意是解答本题的关键19(3分)She wants to knows ()Awhat your mother doesBhow old are youCwhere are you from【考点】K5:宾语从句菁优网版权所有【分析】她想知道你妈妈是干什么的【解答】答案:A 根据She wants to knows ?再结合选项,可知She wants to knows后面是跟一个宾语从句,宾语从句中应该用陈述语序,即主语+谓语,所以排除B,C选项A是一个正常的语序,符合题意故选:A【点评】主要考查宾语从

7、句,一定要注意宾语从句的引导词,以及宾语从句的时态和语序问题把握好这几点,是做好此类题目的关键!20(3分)As a students,we should study hardYes, we study, results well get()AThe hard;the goodBThe harder;the bestCThe harder;the better【考点】81:形容词的比较级和最高级菁优网版权所有【分析】作为一个学生,我们应该努力学习是的,我们学习越努力,我们得到的结果就越好【解答】答案:C 联系语境结合选项可知此句应该用比较级的特殊用法the+比较级,the+比较级,意为越就越;

8、此句是指:我们学习越努力,我们得到的结果就越好;所以第一空应用副词hard的比较级harder即the harder;第二空应用形容词good的比较级better即the better;故选:C【点评】此题考查比较级的特殊用法the+比较级,the+比较级;做题时联系语境结合固定用法即可做出正确答案21(3分)May I go to the movies with you? Im afriaid not you have a ticketBecause I have only one()AifBunlessCthough【考点】C2:从属连词菁优网版权所有【分析】我可以和你一起去看电影吗?恐怕

9、不行,除非你有票因为我仅仅有一张票【解答】答案:Bif如果;unless除非;though虽然;根据句意Because I have only one,因为我只有一张票可知如果想一起看电影,除非有票,unless除非,引导条件状语此句,相当于if not故选B【点评】联系前后语境,在准确把握前后句关系的基础上,先推测出大体句意;再结合关键词利用其固定用法选出正确答案22(3分)Have you moved into the new house?Not yetThe rooms ()Aare paintingBhave been paintedCare being painted【考点】G5:现

10、在进行时的被动语态菁优网版权所有【分析】你搬进新房子了吗?还没有,正在粉刷房间【解答】答案:C 结合题干及选项,可知答语中的主语The rooms是谓语动词paint的承受者,指房子被粉刷,所以应该用被动语态;根据Not yet可知还没有搬进新房,推知房子正在粉刷中,所以应该用现在进行时的被动语态,其构成是:am/is/are+being+过去分词;主语rooms为复数,所以用are,paint的过去分词为painted套用结构,故选:C【点评】此题考查现在进行时的被动语态做题时先根据主谓语的关系确定出语态;再结合语境判断出时态;最后套用相关构成即可做出正确答案23(3分)My grandma

11、 is used to living in the city()ASo is my grandpaBSo my grandpaCSo my grandpa did【考点】ID:倒装句菁优网版权所有【分析】我祖母习惯了住在城市里了我祖父也一样【解答】答案:A本句考查倒装句型,根据My grandma is used to living in the city可知下句是肯定形式,再根据my grandpa,可知这里指的不是同一个人,所以用so+助动词+主语的形式,表示也是,这里是助动词is,所以在so引导的句子中应该还用is故选A【点评】本题考查倒装句根据语境和句意的具体情况确定要填的是倒装句还是

12、当前一句叙述的情况与第二句叙述的是同一个主语时,也就是赞同前面叙述的情况时,不用倒装24(3分)Must I be in hospital for a week,doctor?No,you You can go back home tomorrow()AneedntBmustntCcantt【考点】DB:情态动词菁优网版权所有【分析】医生,我必须在医院里呆一个星期吗?不,你不必明天你就可以回家【解答】答案:A根据No和You can go back home tomorrow可知下面为否定回答,must的含义是必须一定,其否定形式mustnt表示禁止的含义在这里不是禁止的意思must的否定回答

13、一般可借助于needn和dont have to来构成,意为不必故选A【点评】本题考查了情态动词的用法注意must的用法以及它的肯否定形式25(3分)Shes been to Shanghai before, ?()Aisnt sheBhasnt sheChas she【考点】J4:反意疑问句菁优网版权所有【分析】她以前去过上海,是吗?【解答】答案:B根据Shes been to Shanghai before, ?可知本句考查了反意疑问句:要遵循前肯后否,前否后肯的原则,在这里before一般用于现在完成时之中,has/have been to指去过某地,所以这里Shes 是she has的

14、缩写;因为这个句子里面含有has,所以疑问句还用has,Shes been to Shanghai before是肯定句,后面必须用否定式,主语仍为she故选B【点评】要熟记反意疑问句要遵循前肯后否,前否后肯的原则,还要选好恰当的助动词有了系动词、情态动词或助动词的可以直接用26(3分)Youd better hurryWell be late for the planeDont worryThe plane will in two hours()Atake outBtake awayCtake off【考点】E1:动词短语菁优网版权所有【分析】你最好快一点我们将坐飞机迟到了别担心,飞机会在两

15、个小时后起飞【解答】答案:Ctake out拿出来;take away 带走;take off起飞;脱下根据关键句Well be late for the plane(我们将坐飞机迟到了)可知下句应是指:别担心,飞机会在两个小时后起飞飞机的起飞应该用固定短语take off故选:C【点评】此题考查动词短语的辨析做题时联系上下语境推测出句意,再结合选项短语的含义从而选出符合句意的动词短语27(3分)Could I use your dictionary to look up some new words?Ok, ()Aits a pleasureBthats rightCno problem【考

16、点】LO:常用日常交际用语菁优网版权所有【分析】我能用你的字典查一些新单词吗?好的,没问题【解答】答案:C Its a pleasure/A pleasure与You are welcome等习语意义相同,用于当别人对你说Thank you时,即不用谢;thats right没错;no problem用来表示同意或愉快地回答别人的请求,意为:没问题;小事一桩;根据答语Ok可知同意对方使用自己的字典,所以此处应该用no problem没问题符合语境故选:C【点评】此题考查日常交际用语做题时联系上下语境推测出说话者的意图,结合选项的含义及使用的场合选出符合情境的表达此题要特别注意its a ple

17、asure和no problem的用法,切忌混淆28(3分) of the students in our class girls()ATwo fifth;isBTwo fifth;areCTwo fifths;are【考点】A4:分数表达法菁优网版权所有【分析】我们班五分之二的学生是女生【解答】答案:C 根据题干及选项,可知此题考查分数的表达及主谓一致在英语中,分数的表达方法为:先分子,后分母,分子用基数词,分母用序数词,当分子大于1时,分母要加s;所以五分之二应表达为two fifths;由于主语为the students 为可数名词的复数,此句为一般现在时,所以后面应该用复数are综合以

18、上分析,故选:C【点评】此题主要考查分数的表达法掌握好分数的表达规则是做题的关键;此题还要注意主谓一致的问题三、完形填空29(10分)An old man lived alone in AustraliaHe wanted to dig up his potato garden,but it was very(36)AworkHis only son,who always (37)Bhim in the past,was then in prison (监狱)So the old man wrote a letter to his son and said:Dear Son,I am feel

19、ing pretty bad because it looks like I wont be able to (38)Cpotatoes in my garden this yearIm just getting too old to (39)Ca gardenIf you were here,all my (40)Awould be overI know you would dig up the garden for me if you(41)Ain prisonLove,Dad Soon the old man (42)Ba letter:Dad,dont dig up the garde

20、n!Thats where I buried (埋藏) the guns (枪)!At 8 amthe next morning,some(43)Ccame and dig up the whole garden without finding any gunsThe old man was surprised and wrote another(44)Cto his sonHe told him what had happened,and(45)Chim what to do nextHis sons reply was:You could plant your potatoes,DadIt

21、s the best I could do for you from here36AhardBinterestingCsimple37AtaughtBhelpedCchanged38AcookBputCplant39Aput upBget upCdig up40AtroubleBillnessCdanger41AwerentBstayedCwere42AwroteBreceivedCsent43AfriendsBneighborsCpolicemen44AdiaryBreportCletter45AtoldBcalledCasked【考点】N1:记叙文菁优网版权所有【分析】这是一则人物故事类阅

22、读,主要介绍一位老人想要翻他的土豆园,但是他儿子进监狱了,他自己很难做到,于是给他儿子写信说了这件事,他儿子回信说别翻土豆园,里面有把枪于是警察就去了老人家,把整个土豆园都翻遍了,也没找着枪,结果老人顺利的种上了土豆,说明老人的儿子非常聪明,做事情思想很重要【解答】36A 考查形容词,Ahard困难的 Binteresting有趣的 Csimple 简单的,根据后文Im just getting too old to (39)C a garden我太老了开垦不了花园了,可知这样的工作对老人来说是艰难的,故选A37B 考查动词,Ataught教 Bhelped帮助 Cchanged 改变,根据w

23、as then in prison (监狱)在监狱里,可知原来不在监狱的时候,会帮助他父亲,故选B38C 考查动词,Acook做饭 Bput放置 Cplant种植,根据in my garden 在花园里,可知是在花园里种土豆,故选C39C 考查动词,Aput up挂起 Bget up起床 Cdig up 开垦,根据后文I know you would dig up the garden for me 我知道你将会帮我开垦花园,可知此处是指开垦花园的地,故选C40A 考查名词,Atrouble麻烦 Billness疾病 Cdanger危险,根据would be over,可知老人认为如果儿子在,

24、一切麻烦都没有了,故选A41A 考查动词,Awerent不是 Bstayed停留 Cwere是,根据I know you would dig up the garden for me我知道你将会帮我开垦花园,可知这是老人假设的如果儿子不在监狱里,才会帮助他,故选A42B 考查动词,Awrote写 Breceived收到 Csent送,根据后文书信的内容是儿子写给父亲的,可知此处是指老人收到儿子的来信,故选B43C 考查名词,Afriends朋友 Bneighbors邻居 Cpolicemen警察,根据前文儿子心里写的Thats where I buried (埋藏) the guns (枪)!

25、那就是我藏枪支的地方,可知这样的话会引起警察的注意,所以警察来到他家里,故选C44C 考查名词,Adiary日记 Breport报道 Cletter 信,根据前文,老人给儿子写信,可知这是另一封信,故选C45C 考查动词,Atold告诉 Bcalled打电话 Casked 问,根据后文儿子的回答You could plant your potatoes,Dad你可以种你的土豆了,爸爸,可知爸爸在信里问儿子该怎么做,故选C【点评】解答完形填空题需要快速阅读全文,了解文章大意,再带着选项去读,边读边做,注意联系上下文四、阅读技能30(10分)阅读短文,根据短文内容判断所给句子正(T)误(F)We

26、are always using body language in our daily lifeWhen we talk with each other,we may use body languageFor example,in the USA,people point to their heads when they think someone is cleverHowever,human beings are not the only ones who use body languageAnimals also use body language to tell each other h

27、ow they feel and what they thinkWhen a dog is happy,its ears will stand up,and its eyes will be widely openWhen it is angry,it will look straight at youIf an elephant spreads (展开) its ears,it meansWatch out!To show friendship,elephants will touch each other with their trunks (象鼻)Dolphins live in gro

28、ups and like to show each other their feelingsAn angry dolphin will sometimes slap (拍打) its tail on the waterA happy dolphin will play with its friends,making small jumps into the waterNot only humans but also animals can use body language to communicate,but the things theysayto each other are diffe

29、rent31Only human beings use body languageF32A happy dog will look straight at youF33Elephants use their trunks to touch each other to show their friendshipT34When a dolphin is hungry,it often makes small jumps into the waterF35The passage is about body languageT【考点】PA:阅读判断题菁优网版权所有【分析】这篇短文讲述人们在日常交流时常

30、使用肢体语言不仅人类这样,动物也常利用肢体语言来表达喜怒哀乐【解答】第31题:F考查细节理解题本题题意:只有人类使用肢体语言根据第一段最后:Animals also use body language and facial expressions (面部表情) to tell each other how they feel and what they think句意:动物也常用肢体语言和面部表情来告诉彼此他们的感觉和想法因此本题是错误的第32题:F考查细节理解题本题题意:一只高兴的狗会直视你根据第二段第一行:When a dog is happy,its ears will stand up

31、 and its ears will wide open句意:当一只狗高兴的时候,它的耳朵会站立并扩张因此本题是错误的第33题:T考查细节理解题本题题意:大象会用他们的鼻子触碰彼此来显示友谊根据第二段第三行:To show friendship,elephants will touch each other with their trunks(鼻子)意思:为了表示友谊,大象会用 象鼻触碰彼此因此本题是正确的第34题:F考查细节理解题本题题意:当海豚饥饿的时候,它通常会在空中跳一下原文:A happy dolphin will play with its friends,making small

32、 jumps into the water句意:当海豚和它的伙伴高兴的玩的时候,它就会在空中跳一下因此本题是错误的第35题:T考查主旨大意题本题题意:这篇文章主要是关于肢体语言的本文主要讲述人类和动物的肢体语言因此本题是正确的【点评】本题大部分是细节理解题,只要理解文章大意,仔细阅读,从文中找到所对应的句子,在进行判断主旨大意题,要在理解全文的基础上再结合自己的理解进行推理判断31(10分)MrBrowns son called him from No.1 Middle School last nightHis son didnt feel wellHe drove to the school

33、 with his wife at once and took his son to see the doctorThe doctor took his sons temperatureIt was nearly 39Then the doctor gave him some medicineInstructions(指导)AgeDose(剂量)Over 182 pieces12171 piece5111/2 pieceTake it three times every day after each mealNot suitable for children under the age of

34、fivePut it in a cool and dry placeUse it before November 1st,201551MrBrowns son is most probablyCyears oldAfiveBeightCthirteen52The Browns went to the schoolBAby busBby carCby bike53What was wrong with MrBrowns son?AAHe had a high feverBHe had an accidentCHe had a headache54We can learn that a tenye

35、arold boy should takeAof the medicine a dayAone and a half piecesBtwo piecesCtwo and a half pieces55Which of the following is TRUE about the medicine?CAIt should be taken before mealsBIt is OK for kids of all agesCIt cant be eaten in December,2015【考点】O7:广告布告类阅读;P2:判断推理;PB:文中细节菁优网版权所有【分析】布朗先生的儿子生病了,这

36、是医生给她儿子开的药的使用说明【解答】51C细节理解题根据MrBrowns son called him from No.1 Middle School last night可知布朗先生的儿子是在上中学,大概就是13岁,故选C52B细节理解题根据He drove to the school with his wife 可知布朗先生是开车去学校的,故选B53A细节理解题根据It was nearly 39可知孩子发烧了,故选A54A细节理解题根据511岁1/2 piece,和Take it three times every day after each meal可知511岁的孩子一天应该吃一片

37、半,故选A55C细节理解题根据Use it before November 1st,2015可知药的保质期是2015年11月1日,故选C【点评】做题时要在理解好文意的基础上,与题目有机的结合,从文章中找到相关细节性的句子与选项细细比对,进行选择或推理判断,选出符合文章内容的正确选项做题注意灵活,有时可采用排除法或直选法确定出最终答案32(10分)Many people think heroes need to be handsome,rich or very smartBut for me,a hero is a person who always helps othersMy hero is

38、 Uncle BruceHis father is a workerUncle Bruce is the eldest son in his family and he has four younger brothers and sisters He is good at writing and MathsIn fact,he never did well at schoolHe had to give up school at a very young ageHe worked and gave all his money to help his parentsWhen he was old

39、er,he found that he was very interested in fixing thingsHe collected broken things which people threw away and fixed them into good onesIn fact,he could fix almost everything that did not workHe worked hard and never gave upFinally,he opened his own repair shopIt took him about 20 years to become a

40、successful (成功 的) shopkeeper Now,he is very rich and has another four shopsBut Uncle Bruce never forgets the days when he had nothingHe gives money to poor families,gives poor kids books to read and offers (提供) them free lunchHe also encourages (鼓励) people to reuse thingsHe always says,Make good use

41、 of what you have because we have only one Earth Im proud of himHe is really a hero(1)Why does the writer think Uncle Bruce is a hero?CAHe is rich and smartBHe is good at fixing broken thingsCHe always tries his best to help others(2)How many children were there in Uncle Bruces family when he was a

42、child?AAFiveBFourCThree(3)What does Uncle Bruces father do?CAHe is a shopkeeperBHe is a farmerCHe is a worker(4)Which is TRUE according to the passage?CAUncle Bruce owns four repair shopsBUncle Bruce forgets the days when he had nothingCIt took Uncle Bruce about 20 years to become a successful shopk

43、eeper(5)Which can be the best title for this passage?BAA successful shopkeeperBUncle Brucemy heroCLets help each other【考点】O1:人物故事类阅读;P9:内容归纳;PB:文中细节菁优网版权所有【分析】本文是一篇人物故事类短文主要介绍了叔叔布鲁斯,很多人认为英雄是英俊,富有,睿智但是作者认为英雄是经常帮助他人的,叔叔就是这样的人布鲁斯的爸爸是一名工人,布鲁斯是家里最大的孩子,还有四个小的弟弟和妹妹,他很擅长写作和数学,但是上学的成绩不好,很小的时候就辍学了,他工作了,把所有的钱都

44、帮助父母,年纪大点的时候,他发现对修理东西很感兴趣他把人们扔的坏了的东西收集起来,然后修理成可以用的东西,实际上,他可以修理坏了的所有东西,他工作很努力,从不放弃,后来就拥有了自己的修理店,他花费了20年才成为一个成功的店老板,他现在很富有,还有其他的四家店,但是叔叔布鲁斯从没忘记一无所有的日子,他把钱捐献给贫困的人们,给贫困的孩子书籍,免费给他们提供午餐,还鼓励人们废物再利用,他说要充分利用现有的东西,因为我们只有一个地球【解答】56C细节理解题根据But for me,a hero is a person who always helps others以及He worked and gave all his money to help his parents作者认为英雄就是那些经常帮助别人的人,可知布鲁斯就是作者的英雄57A细节理解题根据Uncle Bruce is the eldest son in his family and he has four younger brothers and sisters布鲁斯叔叔是家里最大的孩子,还有四

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