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1、 必修五语法重点练习题第一单元 三种形态作定语与表语练习一、用括号中得词得正确形式填空1. ave yoreadthenvl by Dick、(writ)2. I nw e ma on thebench、(leep)3. isten!he sog is very ppulr wh he stdent、(sing)4. The sets the meetingill arrivehereoor、 (atend)【总结】 非谓语作定语现在分词Vingbeingdoe主动;进行, 被动;进行过去分词V-ed被动;完成;状态不定时o d将来,目得,计划【加强练习】1、 oyou k th boy _(

2、ie) nder thebi ree?2、 will ee tisproduct _ (mak) in thisactor ais hereryou go、3、- Wats te laguge _(speak) ew Zeaand? - Enlih、4、There re y eople _ (n)to buy cars n teodr world、 The car_ (ruce) i ermn in he 1960s lookolo、6、 - Wha are on sow e musem? - Sompctes _(raw) by tricans、 Whatist best ay o ou t

3、hink_ (rotct) the wildanimls?8、 Teewasadden brst of gh (hw) terriblnois、9、 h robes (dscuss)a hemeetig tomoro are ly had t sove.1、 The word _ (start) wih “” aren easly ogottn练习二、表语从句练习 请根据句意填进正确得引导词、eqtionis_ wllae ourst meet nex wee、.The reasn why e aile is_he wasto reless、 3、Goand ge ourcot、 It _yo

4、u lft、4、WhatI want t knw i _ he liks the gift ven y us、5、The reaso i_ mied hes、 6、hat is_ wewerlate ast me、 【总结】 在表语从句中,从句充当了表语得成分。练习三、非谓语作表语练习1、 In Apil, thusand f holidy-mkersrmained_br due the olcnic as coud(火山灰)、 stk boad坚持出国A. sticki 、 stuck C、tobe stuc D、 tove tuc2. The purpse of new cnolgy is

5、 tomake lie easr,_i moediffiu、 A、 not mking B、 not ak C、nt t ake D、 nt mak 3. Lies and gentlen, pease remain_until the lae as to a lesop、 A、 seatd 、 satig C、 o a t D、 set 4. lost all his meyhen travelling long disane、 Thnlything hecould dowa_his wife fohel、 A、 ling B、 al 、 caled D、ls 5、 What Tosaid_

6、a h next eetin、 A、 t discs B、 tb discussed C、 discussing D、to hvdisussed【总结】不定式、现在分词、过去分词作表语时得意义不同: 1. 不定式作表语表示主语得职业、职责或性质等,从时间概念上说有将来意义2. 现在分词表语表示主语具有得特征,作形容词或者动名词。3. 过去分词作表语多表示主语得某种性质或状态。过去分词作表语总就是与系动词e,seem,rema,feel,lo 等连用,构成系表结构,表示状态,此时得过去分词大多已变成了形容词。如:The sopshave emind clse fr eek第二单元 三种形态作宾语

7、补足语练习一、不定式作宾语补足语1. I onde hi _(be) th et candidate、2. eyasker_(leav) the coutry、3. bss ol e _ (type) out twoletters、4. he wont let me _(do) t、【总结】不定式做宾补:sk, dvise,allow, bg,beliee,call on, case,ma, dect,fel, exect, nbl,enourag, fore, get,hte, inend, nvite, ead,ik, oder, ermit,rsude,pefr,euest, rind,

8、 teach,tel, wan, warn, wis等常接不定式做宾补下列动词后接不定式作宾补时要省略t。五瞧_,三使_两听_一感觉_练习二、现在分词作宾语补足语1. I could el hend _(blo) onmy fce、 He was fun _(li) onte flo、2. e sw her _(ork) in the grden、【总结】fel,find,hea,oice,obeve,se,ach等感官动词,既可以跟现在分词也可以跟不带得不定式作宾语补足语。现在分词作句子中得宾语补足语,表示动作正在进行;不带to得不定式作句子中得宾语补足语,表示动作得完成。试比较下面句子:H

9、e saw he rkingn the arde、(hwas wokg n th aren、)她瞧见她在花园里干活。Hesa her entr te rom、(She etered t rom、)她瞧见她走进屋子。【区别】试比较下面得句子:1、 oth ego totesp andbu somsalt、母亲让我到商店买一些盐。2、 cat t hmto stopsmokg、 He wont listeno 、我不能使她戒烟。她不听我得话。3、 The moher hd hebo clning te roo the wl afteoon、(母亲让这个男孩整个下午清理房间。)4、 can geth

10、 asartig、(我不能把车发动起来。)【辨别】使役动词et,hae既可以跟现在分词也可以跟不定式作宾语补足语。gtsb to o/ve sb dosth表“使/让叫某人去做某事”,侧重动作得结果;have b/thdoing表示“使/让某人物持续地做某事”,侧重动作得持续;t s/sth doing表示“使某人/物开始行动起来”,侧重动作得开始。练习三、过去分词作宾语补足语1. I havead m bke _(pai)、2. The kp the door_(lock)foa long time、3. Thes ouldnt lie te obem _(dsu) at the momet

11、、4. With many brighl-cored ower _(pant) around th bilding,hi huse oks lieabautifu grden、练习四、综合训练1. I ard t song _(sin) inEnlish、2. shi _(oen) thewinw、我瞧到她开了窗。3. Isaw him _(open)he widw、我瞧到她正在开窗。4. Isaw te wnow _(pen) 5、 I heard r_(sng) the son n nglish、 【总结】过去分词、现在分词、与不定式做宾补得区别。(1)现在分词做宾语补足语时,从逻辑上,她

12、与宾语来说就是主动(谓)关系,即宾语就是宾语补足语所表示得动作得发出者。而且它强调得就是动作在进行或者就是在延续。(2)不定式做宾语补足语与宾语在逻辑上来说也就是主动(谓)关系,但它不表示动作正在进行,而强调得就是动作得全过程。(3)过去分词做宾语补足语时,它与宾语在逻辑上就是一种动宾关系,即宾语就是宾语补足语所表示得动作得承受着。第三单元 三种非谓语形式作状语得比较t d表目得、计划 To wn thgold meal in he Olympi ames, trained tilat eright、oing 表伴随状态,“边边” aigh daughtr runnig rond the ho

13、e, he agd haily、d 表状态或者就是被动 Lost in teforst, the oan wanrd hre、 Finished b the pt,thwork wa a petely ucss巩固练习:1、_(know)everythin aboutthe acce, e wet e hospta otke c hi、 2、_ (ie) moe attin,the rees ouldave grown ete、3、_ (ond)i136,Hrvard is n theostfamous nversies in te nit Stes、4、_ (crage) bt dvance

14、s i tehology, an frmershave set upid arms n their lnd、5、_ (give) the right kn tiing, tese eeage occrrsmone da grointoteadults、 6、_ (realize) ta e ws gret danger,riwalkd deeper ito he foret、7、 _ (atrct) he beauty n,the gir fom London dcied to spe wods on hfarm、 8、_ (ite) twce, the sman rfsed t deliv

15、u lettrs ules w changed ur dog、 、_ (give) thgeneral s of is health,it may tke him awle t cefom th operaon 0、_(pproh)e itcenter, e saw a tone atue o abot0 etrs in height、11、_(reid)nttmss th fiht t5:2, he manager set oufo he arprt nahrry、 12、_ (frige)by te lonoie、 I ent tee h wa ppening、 1、_ (ook) nti

16、y, hi bdro nedin ou、 14、_ (face) th such gret difficulty , Jack e a loss what to ay、_ (dres)inwhte, she looks mh mor beautiful、 16、_ (ose)in th fg, we were ored o sd hursin h woods、17、_(lose)in houh, he lmost r nto he r i fnt ofhi、_ (tel)any tmes, he finally udetoit、 19、_(ail)o reachthm o the phon,w

17、e sent a ail istad、20、_(wit)in th queue ohlfanur,e ld man suddenly ealized he deft e chqu intecr、 1、_ (writ)h letter, he wen out o post 、22、Dna,_(sugge) for mots ton jb asa waitrs, finaly tok a postioat a laldvriin enc、 3、_(wi) in the qeeforhalf an hur, omsuddenl realizedthathe had left iswaletatome

18、、 2、he odn,_(wor)aboad o tenty yers,is on te way back o hi mothrln、2、_ (ufr)fomeart olefor years, rofesr i has to take som micine with him wheneve goe、 26、_(pte) he prgame,theyav to saythref nothetwo weeks、 27、 _(use) ithcare, on tin wllast fr x ees、2、 _ (ase)an importan deciion moreonemoti hanon ra

19、sn, ou wil reget t sooneroler、 29、Presse o his parts,n_(reaize)h haswatedo mctime, the boy i dteminedo stop layin vido gams、30 _ (stad)in long quue, e waited fo the stretooen o uy aNew iPd、31. _ (sk)toork overtimeha vnin, I mised wndrufilm、谓语与非谓语Task Oe1. In hener futre, mor dvanes i the robt techng

20、y _(make) by sientists、2. B te tme Jack eturnedhome frm Engld, hs on_(gradue)rocollge、3. lanig ofaraead _(make)o senseso man thins ill ve chngd y net yar、【总结】如果在语法填空当中,动词用作谓语,会有_, _, _得变化。【高考中常考得时态变化】一般现在时,现在完成时,现在进行时,一般过去时,过去进行时,过去完成时,一般将来时。【做题得技巧】瞧准时态得引导词!1、 wasonmwa tt Taiyeto Mountains、 hsnws st

21、tng hen myca _ (rak) don ner a motevilge、2、 ig t axios to hep aneventevelp oten_(esul) i h crary to ouienon、3、pepl stppe n o eet o_(pus) youwih ther elbows (肘),hrrying ahedto et a baran、 4、 er mother w ecie,“You father hs a lst deidd o sop smoing, ” Jane _(nform)、5、Afera6-y journey, th youn an_(pren

22、t)thewatert theold mn、s teche toepdr6、 He_(prend) ha a iger toy as relandiving t avoice、 【常见现在完成时标志】reay(肯定),yet(否定,疑问),jut,bfor, eenty, still, ltel, nvr, ever,ever,tw, inthe pastew day/eeks/months/yers, (p to)these w days/wees/months/years,up topresent, so ar, up toow, tll now,sice+时间【常见过去完成时得标志】by

23、 +过去时间点;y hend f + 过去时间点; before + 过去时间点;harlywhen,o soonrtan, It ws thefirst (seond,etc) time (tt)1、(广州一模)WheIasedwhat he wae to rd,he just _(shke) his head i dibliefand aked if thewaitres who soke just o was speng lih、2、 The xam,whc as oriial t be din or clro,_ (chane) to the lirary at the last mi

24、nute、3、 We must as consider the eaton of hprson _ (rcive) he git、 4、 n ounBerry,Georgia,people ind a grouochools _ (ld) specially omta chilren、5、 _ (walk) narr,she l ua meandhn xedhe e c、6、 Amos _ (eeze),theold ma could no get f the grond、7、 Th oe frogs ke _ (tell)hto stop antha e re as gds dead、Bef

25、or aitress culdvenfnis dcribingth u,yfrin loked a me wt hs eyebow _ (rise)、9、 pickp truk pssed u on te oad and, few mnteslatr,I aw it_ (ul)bak and thdier lookigdirectlya s、10、So_ (do) ett i reading prehension,e should earn he knowledg of wring,stud ow qustions dsigned and the relatinsip bween questn

26、s the readin matias、【总结】 ”_(动词)”得考法会放在以下得句子中:简单句,并列句,从句,非谓语s 3:动词变名词1. Toheir _ (amaze), the a had been retned _threwas a ntei t that said: “I poloie fortangyur cr、 My wifws hvg a ay ad hdtous her o te hospta、 2. Bu two f th mo famous writer of advice arwonwthout specil_ (train) fo this work、 3. Pob

27、lemsr the erious testtatells suss from_(ai)、4. nwa badly hurt nd codoly wak with gret 18 (fcut)、5. The man loing atme as i in 0 (beieve), took the buton e 21 (mak) for he trip n ad “Friendship”i bing hlby lovi hads,ad si, “Americani?” Ielied、6. Bu Jeknewfom pastexerie that r 36 (choe)of tshardlyever

28、 peed第四单元倒装句句型转变及翻译练习1、You ileeo mn sets oly t a stadiuieijg、 (Only) _2、 He oly tnbecam aware (意识到) of anges of tunl、 (nly ten、)_3、You wil be able t write odrt only fter ou haveacuired the informatinyouneed、_4、 aeselm se aituatin (情况) whic mdme gry、(ldo)_、e avea ltf prsns tohs fed, but has nevergive

29、none t 、 (Neve)_6、We tle relized hegr that wre awaitin u、 (itle)_7、Se is not only good at languages,bu soathistor an gegraph、( nly)_8、Theyot ol tkcre of me, bu (tey) ls tredme a I were theiron ught、_、His rce ws souresonabl hat veryboyas sprsed、 (o unreasnable)_10、 I wa o care hatIcold otnscrea、(So s

30、cae、)_11、We haeso muhok to d tha wha no tie torelax、(o much work)_2、He didn go tobd until 12lk as nigh、 (Not ni)_13、e nt gooed unl e retr hoe、(N until)_14、 ad n sooerenterd ome than the lra、(No oer)_15、h hardly entered he wn e bell ra、 (Hardy)_16、 Ify wereto buy anw ar,hichofthes wou you hoos? (ere、

31、)_7、 Ifmy parnts shouldnedme,I willver ett ow、 (Should、)_8、If ha toldhi he rth, h woul ha e ngry、(Ha)_19、Tuh se ispetty, he is ot cleve、(Pey )_0、Though his idea mh sodsange, tas cepey he eople tthe eeing、(Strage)_翻译下列句子。要求:先用正常语序翻译,然后再改写成倒装句。1. 学习做饭不仅使孩子们更加独立,给她们一项基本得生活技能,而且还可以让她们远离垃圾食品。(notonlyu als; inndnt;uk food)原句:_倒装:_2、广告不仅让我们了解最新得产品而且还很有娱乐性。(ot onlybut alo; eps nformed f /bout sth; rdct;

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