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1、Unit1TalesoftheunexplainedStep 3 Difficult Sentences Challenge 4:How many long/difficult sentences can you find and analyze(分析分析)?Ls36-38:Standing inside were lots of strangecreatures with white skin and largeblack eyes.本句是本句是倒装句倒装句。英语中当。英语中当句子的主语比较长句子的主语比较长时,往往用倒装句。时,往往用倒装句。正常语序应为:正常语序应为:Lots of st

2、range creatureswith skin and large black eyes werestanding inside.Sitting at the back of the room was a shy girl with two big eyes.Between the dormitory and the library stands our teaching building.Gone are the days when we used foreign oil.本句是主从复合句。本句是主从复合句。句中句中since引导原因状语从句,该从句中引导原因状语从句,该从句中though

3、t后是一个由后是一个由that引导的宾语从句。引导的宾语从句。主句中主句中assumed与与sent her back to bed 是是并列谓语,其中并列谓语,其中assumed后接一个由后接一个由that引引导的宾语从句。导的宾语从句。Ls47-51:However,since Mrs Foster thought that Justin was spending the night with a friend,she assumed that Kelly was having a bad dream,and sent her back to bed.Ls72-73:Theres real

4、ly no hard evidence that aliens took him.1).hard 意思是意思是“确凿的,可靠的确凿的,可靠的”。2).evidence后接一个由后接一个由that引导的同位语从引导的同位语从句,说明其具体内容。其中句,说明其具体内容。其中that只起引导作只起引导作用,没有实际意义,不充当句子成分。用,没有实际意义,不充当句子成分。Ls73-75:So,while we have not dismissed the idea,we are looking into other possibilities as well.句中句中while引导让步状语从句,引导让

5、步状语从句,表示表示“尽管,虽然尽管,虽然”,相当于,相当于though/although/even though.尽管我们以前不认识彼此,但是我们现在尽管我们以前不认识彼此,但是我们现在相处得很好。相处得很好。尽管我不喜欢狗,但是我觉得这只白色的尽管我不喜欢狗,但是我觉得这只白色的小狗真的很可爱。小狗真的很可爱。While we didnt know each other before,we are getting along well now.思考:思考:while 还可以引导什么从句?还可以引导什么从句?While I dont like dogs,I think this white

6、dog is really lovely/cute.1.stepup2.gomissing3.receivegreatinterest4.dueto5.getreadyfor6.gostraightto7.wakeup8.pullbackTranslatethefollowingintoChinese.加紧;加强;促进加紧;加强;促进失踪失踪引起很大兴趣引起很大兴趣由于,因为由于,因为准备好去准备好去径直去径直去醒来醒来向后拉向后拉/扯扯10.haveabaddream11.sendsb.tobed12.showup13.doresearchonsb.14.returnsb.home15.ta

7、kechargeof16.makeupstories17.lookinto18.aswell19.giveup做恶梦做恶梦叫叫/打发某人去睡觉打发某人去睡觉出现出现在某人身上做研究在某人身上做研究送某人回家送某人回家负责负责编故事编故事调查调查也也放弃放弃LanguagePoints1.Boy missing,police puzzled.1.Boy missing,police puzzled.男孩失踪,警察迷惑。=A boy goes/is missing,and the police are puzzled.1.Boy missing,police puzzled.男孩失踪,警察迷惑。=

8、A boy goes/is missing,and the police are puzzled.go missing=go lost 1.Boy missing,police puzzled.男孩失踪,警察迷惑。=A boy goes/is missing,and the police are puzzled.go missing=go lost go 作连系动词,意思为“变成某种状态(通常指不好的状态)”1.Boy missing,police puzzled.男孩失踪,警察迷惑。=A boy goes/is missing,and the police are puzzled.go mi

9、ssing=go lost go 作连系动词,意思为“变成某种状态(通常指不好的状态)”go madgo wrong go bad 1.Boy missing,police puzzled.男孩失踪,警察迷惑。=A boy goes/is missing,and the police are puzzled.go missing=go lost go 作连系动词,意思为“变成某种状态(通常指不好的状态)”go mad发疯go wrong go bad 1.Boy missing,police puzzled.男孩失踪,警察迷惑。=A boy goes/is missing,and the po

10、lice are puzzled.go missing=go lost go 作连系动词,意思为“变成某种状态(通常指不好的状态)”go mad发疯go wrong 出故障 go bad 1.Boy missing,police puzzled.男孩失踪,警察迷惑。=A boy goes/is missing,and the police are puzzled.go missing=go lost go 作连系动词,意思为“变成某种状态(通常指不好的状态)”go mad发疯go wrong 出故障 go bad 变质 puzzle vt.使困惑 n.疑惑,谜,智力游戏1.Boy missin

11、g,police puzzled.puzzle vt.使困惑 n.疑惑,谜,智力游戏puzzled adj.困惑的(常用于指人,有 时可以指人的表情)1.Boy missing,police puzzled.puzzle vt.使困惑 n.疑惑,谜,智力游戏puzzled adj.困惑的(常用于指人,有 时可以指人的表情)puzzling adj.令人困惑的(常用于指物)1.Boy missing,police puzzled.Her illness puzzled all the doctors.Their reason for doing this is still a_ to me.使困

12、惑对于他们为什么要做此事我仍然莫名其妙。The _ problem made me _.这个令人困惑的问题使得我很困惑。1.Boy missing,police puzzled.Her illness puzzled all the doctors.Their reason for doing this is still a_ to me.puzzle使困惑对于他们为什么要做此事我仍然莫名其妙。The _ problem made me _.这个令人困惑的问题使得我很困惑。1.Boy missing,police puzzled.Her illness puzzled all the doct

13、ors.Their reason for doing this is still a_ to me.puzzle使困惑对于他们为什么要做此事我仍然莫名其妙。The _ problem made me _.puzzling 这个令人困惑的问题使得我很困惑。1.Boy missing,police puzzled.Her illness puzzled all the doctors.Their reason for doing this is still a_ to me.puzzle使困惑对于他们为什么要做此事我仍然莫名其妙。The _ problem made me _.puzzling p

14、uzzled这个令人困惑的问题使得我很困惑。1.Boy missing,police puzzled.eg:There is _ on her face.困惑的表情1.Boy missing,police puzzled.eg:There is _ on her face.困惑的表情a puzzled look 1.Boy missing,police puzzled._ and happy,Tony stood up and accepted the prize.2006 全国卷A.Surprising B.Surprised C.Being surprised D.To be surpri

15、sing _ and happy,Tony stood up and accepted the prize.2006 全国卷A.Surprising B.Surprised C.Being surprised D.To be surprisingTom sounds _ very much in the job,but Im not sure whether he can manage 2006 安徽卷A.interested B.interesting C.interestingly D.interestedlyTom sounds _ very much in the job,but Im

16、 not sure whether he can manage 2006 安徽卷A.interested B.interesting C.interestingly D.interestedly这个消息很激动人心,所以听到这个消息学生们都很激动。The news was _ and the students were all _ at it.His shouting was _ and the boys felt _.他大吼一声把那些男孩都吓住了。这个消息很激动人心,所以听到这个消息学生们都很激动。The news was _ and the students were all _ at it

17、.excitingHis shouting was _ and the boys felt _.他大吼一声把那些男孩都吓住了。这个消息很激动人心,所以听到这个消息学生们都很激动。The news was _ and the students were all _ at it.excitingexcitedHis shouting was _ and the boys felt _.他大吼一声把那些男孩都吓住了。这个消息很激动人心,所以听到这个消息学生们都很激动。The news was _ and the students were all _ at it.excitingexcitedHis

18、 shouting was _ and the boys felt _.frightening他大吼一声把那些男孩都吓住了。这个消息很激动人心,所以听到这个消息学生们都很激动。The news was _ and the students were all _ at it.excitingexcitedHis shouting was _ and the boys felt _.frighteningfrightened他大吼一声把那些男孩都吓住了。1.PoliceinAmericahavesteppeduptheirsearchforafifteen-yearoldboywhowentmis

19、singstepup增加增加,加快,加强加快,加强Ihopeyoutrytogetthemtostepupproduction.Youhavetostepupyourpace.Wewillhavetostepuptrainingforthecomingbasketballmatch.1.searchin ones search for/in search of search sb./sp.search for sb./sth.search sp.for sb./sth.搜查某地以寻某人搜查某地以寻某人/物物e.g.Im searching the bag.Im searching for th

20、e pen.Im searching the bag for the pen.n.&vt.&vi.n.n.搜寻某人搜寻某人/物物vt.vt.搜某人的身搜某人的身 /搜查某地搜查某地vi.vi.搜寻某人搜寻某人/物物警察在那栋房子里搜寻被偷的珠宝。The police _ the house _ the stolen jewelry(珠宝).All the villagers went out _ _ the missing boy.所有的村民都出去寻找那个失踪的男孩。3.search n.vi&vt.搜索,搜查,搜寻警察在那栋房子里搜寻被偷的珠宝。The police _ the house

21、_ the stolen jewelry(珠宝).searchedAll the villagers went out _ _ the missing boy.所有的村民都出去寻找那个失踪的男孩。3.search n.vi&vt.搜索,搜查,搜寻警察在那栋房子里搜寻被偷的珠宝。The police _ the house _ the stolen jewelry(珠宝).searchedfor All the villagers went out _ _ the missing boy.所有的村民都出去寻找那个失踪的男孩。3.search n.vi&vt.搜索,搜查,搜寻警察在那栋房子里搜寻被

22、偷的珠宝。The police _ the house _ the stolen jewelry(珠宝).searchedfor All the villagers went out _ _ the missing boy.所有的村民都出去寻找那个失踪的男孩。in searchof3.search n.vi&vt.搜索,搜查,搜寻 The police have _ the thief for several days,and now they are _ the station.A.searched,searching B.searched for,searching for C.searc

23、hed for;searching D.searched;searching for 4.due to 由于,因为(可作状语和表语)近义短语:近义短语:because of owing to on account of thanks to 多亏,幸亏多亏,幸亏as a result of 作为作为 的结果的结果 因为因为Theaccidentwasduetohiscarelessness.Hisillnesswasduetohissmokinganddrinking.Duetotheheavyrain,thesportsmeetingwasputoff.那场事故是因为他的粗心造成的。那场事故是

24、因为他的粗心造成的。他的生病是由于抽烟和喝酒。他的生病是由于抽烟和喝酒。由于大雨,运动会推迟举行了。由于大雨,运动会推迟举行了。此外,此外,due due 表示表示“到期的;预定到达;到期的;预定到达;定于(某时)干某事;适当的,应得的定于(某时)干某事;适当的,应得的”。Thisbillisdue.这个帐单到期了。这个帐单到期了。Heisduetoleaveat3pm.他定于下午三点离开。他定于下午三点离开。Hereceivedduepunishment.他得到了应有的惩罚。他得到了应有的惩罚。Agreatdealofmoneyisduetoyou.一大笔钱应该属于你。一大笔钱应该属于你。3

25、.WitnessesalsosaytheysawJustinwalkingtowardshishouseat10.45p.m.witnesses在这句话里是名词,意思是在这句话里是名词,意思是“目击者;证人目击者;证人”Thewitnesswastellingaboutthewholeaccident.witness还可用作动词,意思是还可用作动词,意思是“目击;见证目击;见证”I witnessed the traffic accident.6.I heard him put on his favorite CD.穿上,戴上;穿上,戴上;假装,伪装;假装,伪装;增加,添上;增加,添上;表演,

26、上演;表演,上演;打开(打开(的开关);的开关);使(视听设备)开始播放使(视听设备)开始播放put onput on a coatput on weightput on the light/radio/televisionput on a recordput on a wounded expressionput on performancesput on a coatput on weight穿上put on the light/radio/televisionput on a recordput on a wounded expressionput on performancesput o

27、n a coatput on weight穿上增加put on the light/radio/televisionput on a recordput on a wounded expressionput on performancesput on a coatput on weight穿上增加put on the light/radio/televisionput on a record打开put on a wounded expressionput on performancesput on a coatput on weight穿上增加put on the light/radio/te

28、levisionput on a record使开始播放打开put on a wounded expressionput on performancesput on a coatput on weight穿上增加put on the light/radio/televisionput on a record使开始播放打开put on a wounded expression假装,伪装put on performancesput on a coatput on weight穿上增加put on the light/radio/televisionput on a record使开始播放打开put

29、 on a wounded expression假装,伪装put on performances表演,上演4.IhaventseenJustinsince.since在这里是副词,意思是在这里是副词,意思是“此后;从那此后;从那时到现在时到现在”。Helefthometwoweeksagoandwehaventheardfromhimsince.Sheleftschoolthreeyearsagoandhasworkedasanurseeversince.since还可做连词还可做连词,意思是,意思是“自自.以来以来,从从.至今;因为,由于至今;因为,由于”。Itsbeentenyearssi





34、的地震是什么时候发生的 Whendidtheearthquakeoccurhappen?TranslatethesentencesintoEnglish.3).你难道就没想过给他们打个电话你难道就没想过给他们打个电话 Didntitoccurtoyoutophonethem?4).他出什么事了吗他出什么事了吗 Hasanythinghappenedtohim?5).一九一九年,中国发生了五四运动。一九一九年,中国发生了五四运动。In1919,theMay4thMovementtookplaceinChina7.WhenJustindidnotshowupforlunchthenextday,.

35、showup出现;现身出现;现身UncleGeorgedidntshowupforourweddingbecauseheforgot.Whydidntyoushowupatthemeetingyesterday?9.research vt.&vi&n.调查;研究 research on sthdo/carry out/make research on 对进行研究He has done a good deal of research on that subject.There is clearly a need for further research on this topic.9.resea

36、rch vt.&vi&n.调查;研究 research on sthdo/carry out/make research on 对进行研究He has done a good deal of research on that subject.对那个学科他做了很多的研究There is clearly a need for further research on this topic.9.research vt.&vi&n.调查;研究 research on sthdo/carry out/make research on 对进行研究He has done a good deal of rese

37、arch on that subject.对那个学科他做了很多的研究There is clearly a need for further research on this topic.很明显需要对这个课题进行更深入的研究。8.,DetectiveSamPeterson,whohastakenchargeofthecase,toldjournalists,.takechargeof负责负责,照管照管,监理监理Johnwilltakechargeofthenextmeeting.Imgoingtotakechargeofthisoperation.Canyoutakechargeofthiscl



40、mageofbreakingthevase.Leavethisnoticehangingonyourdoor,askingtheservanttomakeupyourroom.Idontliketoseewomenmakingupinpublic.“Sometimes people make up such amazing stories,”says Detective Sam Peterson,who has taken charge of the case.10.make upShe made up her face to look prettier.he boy made up a st

41、ory;it was nottrue.“Sometimes people make up such amazing stories,”says Detective Sam Peterson,who has taken charge of the case.10.make upShe made up her face to look prettier.化妆化妆he boy made up a story;it was nottrue.“Sometimes people make up such amazing stories,”says Detective Sam Peterson,who ha

42、s taken charge of the case.10.make upShe made up her face to look prettier.化妆化妆he boy made up a story;it was nottrue.编造编造make up the bed for our guest.30 boys and 21 girls make up our class.Hard work can make up for a lack of intelligence(聪明,才智).10.make upmake up the bed for our guest.给给铺床铺床30 boys

43、and 21 girls make up our class.Hard work can make up for a lack of intelligence(聪明,才智).10.make upmake up the bed for our guest.给给铺床铺床30 boys and 21 girls make up our class.组成组成Hard work can make up for a lack of intelligence(聪明,才智).10.make upmake up the bed for our guest.给给铺床铺床30 boys and 21 girls m

44、ake up our class.组成组成Hard work can make up for a lack of intelligence(聪明,才智).弥补弥补10.make up10.So,whilewehavenotdismissedtheidea,wearelookingintootherpossibilitiesaswell.这句话中的这句话中的while意思是意思是“尽管,虽然尽管,虽然”,引导让步状语从句。引导让步状语从句。dismiss在这句话是在这句话是“去除,不考虑去除,不考虑”的意的意思思ShedismissedtheideaofgoingtoParis.Hedismis




48、应选可知应选lookinto(调查调查)。活学活用活学活用 _!Thereisatraincoming.A.LookoutB.LookaroundC.LookforwardD.LookonTheywere_thesummervacation.A.lookingdownonB.lookingoutforC.lookingforwardtoD.lookingintoThepolicehave_thecauseoftheaccident.A.lookedforB.lookedoutofC.lookedintoD.lookedforwardtoWhydoesTomwantthedetectiveto_



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