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1、-一 翻译概论 译者合格条件 五条:1.外文水平高 2.中文水平高 3.知识面广 4.政治觉悟较高5.熟悉基本的翻译技巧 A brief introduction to the history of translation in china Translation in china has a long history of about two thousand years. During the centuries, quite a number of world-famous translators in China appeared one after another and they

2、made great contributions to China as well as to the world in the development of translation. See the following facts:1. The Eastern Han the Northern and Southern Dynasties (25581) China invited foreigners or the foreigners came to China by themselves to translate Buddhist Scripture. Among them were

3、An Shigao (An Qing)from Persia (now Iran ), Indu Dharmarakcha and Kumarajiva form India.2. The Sui Dynasty (581618) the Tang Dynasty (618907): Golden Age of Translation in Ancient China.Three giants in translating Buddhist Scripture appeared:1) Xuan Zang ( the Tang Dynasty )2) Kumarajiva (the Easter

4、n Jin Dynasty ) 鸠摩罗什3) Paramatha (also called Gunarata ) ( N.& S. Dynasties) 真谛 (波罗末他)3. The Ming Dynasty (13681644)Xu Guangqi ( 徐光启), a Chinese and M. Ricci, ( 利玛窦) an Italian cotranslated Euclids Elements (or: Euclids Elementorum )4. The Qing Dynasty (16441911 )There were great translators like Ya

5、n Fu and Lin Shu Lin Shu:1 Camille ( or: La Dame aux Camelias ) ( 巴黎茶花女遗事)2 Uncle Toms Cabin ( 黑奴吁天录)3 David Copperfield ( 块肉余生述)Yan Fu:1 Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays by T. H. Huxley (天演论)2 An Inquiry Into the Nature and Cause of the Wealth of Nations by A. Smith (原富)3 On Liberty by J. S. M

6、ill (群己权界论)4 A History of Politics by E. Jenks (社会通诠)习题 1.Yan Fus 3-word translation criteria are faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance. (严氏三字真言) 2. The two words used as the common criteria of translation in China today are faithfulness and smoothness. 3. Translation is a representation or recr

7、eation in one language of what is written or said in another language, not only an art but also a science. (what is meant by translation?) 4. Karl Marx was fond of saying: “A foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life.” 5. Generally speaking, a qualified translator should have five prerequ

8、isites: 1 a good command of the source language, 2 a good command of the target language, 3 a wide range and scope of knowledge, 4 a high political consciousness, 5 a necessary knowledge of basic techniques used in translation. 6. To me, the criteria of translation should be the following two words:

9、 faithfulness and smoothness, or even only one word:faithfulness. (what do you think should be the criteria of translation?) (faithfulness 更重要) “宁顺而不信。”“宁信而不顺”“it is better to have a smooth version than a faithful one.” “rather be faithful (in thought) than smooth (in language) “保持着原作丰姿”“keep the fu

10、ll flavor of the original work.” 直译与意译Literal translation and liberal (free) translation 二 大写,标点符号与英汉互译 大写规则1. 历史上的时间,时期和文件。2. 商品的牌子名称3. 星期名、月份、假日4. 人名和地名5. 标题与书名等专名中的实词与两个音节及其以上的虚词。如 儒林外史 The Scholars 6. 圣经中关于上帝的名词与代词7. 职称、头衔和亲属关系称呼用在人名前头时8. 机关、学校、建筑物和商业机构的名称,其中英译中的实词。如:教育部 Ministry of Education 9.

11、 种族、国籍、语言和宗教方面的词语。10. 其他一切有特殊含义的词语,包括一句话或一封信的开头词、诗行的开头词、直接引语的开头词、强调词语等。几种标点符号的例句及其英译:1. 认识落后,才能去改变落后;学习先进,才有可能赶超先进。Backwardness must be perceived before it can be changed. A person must learn from the advanced before he can catch up and surpass them. (分号变句号)2. 许贞一把抱住秀云,惊异地问道:“你这是怎么啦?” Xu Zhen hugged

12、 Xiuyun and inquired in astonishment. “Whats the matter with you?” (冒号变句号)3. 1)和那墙头上“休谈国事”的招贴,形成一种奇怪的对比和讽刺。. in ironical contrast to the sign on the wall: “Political discussion prohibited.” ( 逗号变冒号) 2)王冕看了一回,心里想道“古人说,人在画图中,其实不错。” As Wang Mian watched, he thought, “The ancients said, In a beautiful s

13、cene a man feels he is part of a picture. How true!” (加逗号,句号变感叹号)4. “出去!你们全都出去!”秀云发出了命令。“Clear out, all of you!” Xiuyun ordered. (感叹号变逗号)5. “你想要什么?”他怒吼道。“What do YOU want?” he growled. (着重号变大写)6. 爱新觉罗溥仪 Aisin-Giore Pu Yi 约瑟夫布罗兹铁托 Josip Broz Tito7. 1)据大唐西域记记载,那时龟兹有佛寺一百所,僧尼五千余人。 According to his Trave

14、ls in the Western Region, Qiuci boasted of more than 100 Buddhist temples and 5000 nuns and monks. 2) 故乡是鲁迅短篇小说选一书中最优秀的篇目之一。 “My Old Home” is one of the best stories in the book Selected Stories of Lu Xun. (文章、诗、短篇 书名号变引号,书名的书名号变斜体)8. 司马相如者,汉 蜀郡 成都人也,字长卿。Sima Xiangru, a native of Chengdu in Shu coun

15、try, is alternatively named Changqing. (下划线去掉)9. 不管我在那里,我还是拿北京作我的小说背景,因为闭上眼睛想起的北京,是要比睁着眼看见的地方,更亲切、更真实、更有感情的,这是真话。No matter where I was, I should like to write my novel with Beijing as its background. For in my minds eye, Beijing appears to me more intimate, more tangible and more affectionate than a

16、ny other place I actually see. That is a plain fact. (顿号变逗号)10. 1)于是我自己解释说:故乡本也是如此,虽然没有进步,也未必有如我所感的悲凉。 Then I rationalized the matter to myself, saying, Home was always like this, and although it has not improved, still it is not so depressing as I imagined. 2)消息传到聂荣臻将军那里时,他让人把这两个日本小女孩接到前线司令部接待所滹沱河畔

17、一座小山庄里的一幢农庄。 When General Nie Rongzhen learned about the girls he had them brought to a cottage in a mountain hamlet by the side of the Hutuo River, the guesthouse of the front line command headquarters. ( 破折号有时可译成句号或逗号) 英、汉标点对照1. period (.) 句号(。)ma(,) 逗号(,)3.colon(:) 冒号(:)4.semicolon(;) 分号(;)5.dash

18、(-) 破折号()6. question mark (?) 问号(?)7.quotation mark(“”or) 引号(“”或)8. exclamation (!) 感叹号(!)9. ellipsis (.) 省略号()10.parentheses( () ) 括号(园)( () )11.brackets( ) 括号(方)( 【】 )12.underlining Rainbow 书名号(手稿) (Rainbow 或 虹)13.italics Rainbow 书名号(印刷) (Rainbow 或虹)14.hyphen (-) (co-operate) (无对应的标点符号)15.virgule

19、(/) (he/she) (斜线号,一般汉译为“或”)16.apostrophe () (Mikes) (一般译为“的”) 标点特别情况(,)(you, he and I ) 顿号 (你、我和他)Apostrophe 的译法 1省字母号(Im = I am) 2省音号(electric lectric) 3副数符号 (many M.P.s) 4所有格符号 (boys book)习题1. 琼斯一家的汽车 the Joneses car 2. 我几位嫂子的信 my sisters-in-laws letters3. 我表兄弟们的房子 my cousins houses4. 基辛格和尼克松的计划 K

20、issinger and Nixons letters5. 尼克松和罗杰斯各自的计划 Nixons and Rogerss plans三 专有名词和其他一些名词的翻译 专有名词,指人名、地名、机构团体名和其他具有特殊含义的名词或名词词组 1 外译汉长期以来,由于我国在专有名词的翻译中缺乏统一的规定,所以存在着专有名词翻译的混乱情况。如:Sir Isaac Newton 奈端(现译:牛顿) Chicago 诗家谷/支加哥(现译:芝加哥) 连现在的一些普通名词,早先也有各种各样听来古怪的译名 Logic 逻辑学:严复译为“名学”;孙中山译成“理则学” Philosophy 哲学:马相伯译为:“致知

21、”,蔡元培译为“道”新中国成立以来,我国采取的措施来消除这些问题。1) Follow the pronunciation of the owner of proper names (名从主人)2) Use the standard pronunciation of the Chinese character (标准汉音)3) Adopt the established popular translated names (约定俗成)约定俗成的几个例子:Caesar 凯撒 Eden 艾登 Bethune 白求恩 Athens 雅典 Seattle 西雅图 关于外国专有名词汉译的问题,还要记得两点:

22、一是外国人的名字,特别是长期住在中国、工作在中国的一些外国人,往往喜欢把自己的名字中国化,即听起来很像中国人的姓名;二是音译要采用译音表所规定的汉字,不要用那些容易引起联想的字。 外国专有名词的意译:一般来说,大多数专有名词用音译;但有一部分确有明确含义者,应用意译.各学科的术语和某些普通名词的翻译规则 The Translation of Technical Terms and Other Common NounsNothing gives the translator more trouble and more perplexity than the translation of tech

23、nical terms of social, natural and military sciences. Technical terms, especially those of natural sciences, were generally introduced to us first through transliteration and later, some have been substituted by their semantic translations, such as telephone, penicillin, etc. Others which can hardly

24、 be translated semantically in a few Chinese characters retain their transliterations. They are: Soviet, radar, mor phone, engine, etc. These terms contain much in them and are likely to be misrepresented of distorted in meaning, if otherwise translated. People, therefore, prefer to keep their trans

25、literations, if they are short and easy to be remembered. Almost all the terms in Buddhism were transliterated and afterward shortened, such as the translations of the words thupo(塔),sangha(僧),etc.Most of the technical terms, especially those of military and social sciences, are translated semantica

26、lly. Typical examples of military terms are jet plane, submarine,machine gun, guided missile,etc. Terms of a social nature are Buddhism, Marxism,etc. Besides the transliteration and the semantic translation, there is a third way of translating technical terms and other common nouns, i.e., to coin ne

27、w Chinese characters if need be. In the translation of chemical elements such as oxygen, hydrogen, antimony,tungsten and some other names as coffee, pump, typhoon, etc. , the new coined Chinese characters are used. 1. Pure transliteration Chocolate 巧克力 sofa 沙发 morphine 吗啡 khan 可汗2. Pure semantic tra

28、nslation Airplane 飞机 president 总统 truth 真理 bread 面包3. Both transliteration and semantic translation Club 俱乐部 Utopia 乌托邦 typhoon 台风 romantic 浪漫4. Transliteration with semantic translation at the end Beer 啤酒 cigar 雪茄烟 czar 沙皇 card 卡片 jeep 吉普车5. Symbolical translation with a semantic explanation at the

29、 end Cross 十字架 pyramid 金字塔 grape 葡萄弹 mattock 鹤嘴锄2.汉译外 The Translation of Chinese Names of Persons and Places Into English The Wade-Giles System(威妥玛-贾尔斯系统) has been applied to the transliteration of Chinese words into English for a long time. The system was initiated by Thomas Francis Wade(威妥玛), who

30、published his system first in 1859. As both an imperialist agent and a 19th century sinologist(汉学家), he had lived in China for scores of years before he became the British Minister Plenipotentiary to China(英国驻华全权公使) in the Qing Dynasty. There are cases where several names represent the same person.

31、Sometimes, a title or nickname is also used to fulfill the function of a real name. We can find a lot of examples in our Chinese novels. The trouble is that all the different names of the same person may come out alternatively in the same story or even in the same paragraph. In order that no trace o

32、f ambiguity os to be left in the version, a translator has got to ward off any possible misplacement. In this connexion, he may transliterate only one of the different names and use it for all the rest or transliterate all of them and give an explanation to each by way of a note. When we translate s

33、ome names containing or implying a special, certain meaning of nickname, we are to use semantic translation, or to translate them in a combination of semantic translation and transliteration. 另外把汉语专名译成英语,有两点要特别注意:1.性和名的第一个英文字母要大写,在名性之间空一字符,如:杜牧( Du Mu) 2.音节界限易混淆读者,应使用隔音符号。如:吴承恩(Wu Chengen)西安(Xian) 附

34、文 Suggestion or Standard 1.Capitalize the first letter of proper names of companies and organization in Beijing. 2.Capitalize each letter of Pinyin and the first letter of each English word for roads or other place names in order to distinguish Pinyin from English words. 3.Abbreviations are used for

35、 general names such as “avenue,” “road” adn “expressway” when they follow specific proper names of a place.e.g. The abbreviation for “Avenue (DaJie)” is “Ave”. The abbreviation for “Road (Lu)” is “Rd”. The abbreviation for “Expressway (Gaosulu)” is “Expwy”. 4.Capitalize the singleword road signs in

36、line with international practice. EXIT (Chukou) = ENTRANCE (Rikou) 5.English words are used to indicate direction. When used in specific road names, “East,” “West,” “South” and “North” should be abbreviated, respectively, into “E. ,” “W. ,” “S. ,” and “N.” E.g:“Xisanhuan Beilu” should be translated

37、into “W. 3rd Ring Rd. N.” 6.English equivalents are used for infrastructure and facilities used internationally, such as “ Jichang (airport),” “Chezhan (railway station),” “Yiyuan (hospital),” “Tiyuguan (stadium),” and “Jiayouzhan (gas station),” 7.Bridge is used for any overpass in Beijing. 8.Inden

38、t Ordinal numbers in English. E.g: 1st 2nd 3rd 9.”interchange” is used for an intersection without traffic light and “Junction” for that with traffic light. 某些英文报刊名称的汉译1. The Times 泰晤士报2. New York Times 纽约时报3. The Sunday Times 星期日时报4. Daily Telegraph 每日电讯报5. Daily Mirror 每日镜报6. The Guardian 前卫 (杂志)

39、E7. Wall Street Journal 华尔街日报8. The Sun 太阳报 E9. Observer 观察家报 E10. Chicago Tribune 芝加哥论坛报11. The Boston Globe 波士顿环球报12. Christian Science Monitor 基督教科学箴言报13. Time 时代周刊 A14. Newsweek 新闻周刊 A15. TV Guide 电视导报 周刊16. National Geographic Magazine 全国地理杂志17. Readers Digest 读者文摘 月刊18. Family Circle 家族 月刊 (杂志

40、)19. Good Housekeeping 家政 (杂志)20. The Star 星报 练习 一、翻译报刊名称 1.Evening Standard ( B.) 旗帜晚报(英国) 2.Morning Star (B.) 晨星报 (英) 3.Morning Star (Ind.) 晨星 (杂志) (印度) 4.Morning Star (Sri.L) 晨星 (月刊) (斯里兰卡) 5.Morning Times (Sri.L) 时代晨报(斯里兰卡) 6.Punch (B.) 笨拙 周刊 (英) 7.Punch (Ghana) 笨拙报 周刊 (加纳) 8.TV Times(B.) 电视时代 周

41、刊 (英) 9.Radio Times (B.) 广播时报 周刊 (英) 10.The Listener (B.) 听众 周刊 (英) 二、根据我国政府1978年12月关于我国地名汉译外的规定,改换下列旧译名。 1.Peking Beijing 2. Formosa Taiwan 3. Swatow Shantou 4. Canton( City) Guangzhou 5.Amoy Xiamen 6.The Yellow River The Huanghe 三、 意译下列人名或绰号 1.王胡子 Whisker Wang 2.钱麻子 Pock-marked Qian 3.陈虾子 Chen the

42、 Shrimp 4.胡偏头 Slant-necked Hu 5.张铁臂 Iron-armed Zhang 6.周剥皮 Skinner Zhou 四、 意译下列旅游地名或建筑名 1.莫愁湖 Carefree Lake 2.玉泉 Jade Foundation 3.大观园 Grand View Garden 4.清水塘 Clear Water Pool 5.枫树湾 Maple Bay 6.放生池 Releasing Life Pool 7.马蹄角 Horse-shoe Bay (Cape) 8.鸭嘴滩 Ducks Bill Beach 9.庐山 Mount Lu 10.居庸关 Juyongguan

43、 11.宝塔山 Pagoda Hill 12.紫金山 Purple Metal Hill (Purple Mountain) 13.卧龙岗 Sleeping Dragon (Reposing Dragon Ridge) 14.摩天岭 Sky-kissing Range 15.独秀峰 Peak of Unique Beauty 16.雨花台 Rain Flower Mount (Terrace of the Raining Flower) 17.飞虎峪 Flying Tiger Gully 18.鼓楼坡 Drum Tower Slope 19.小石崖 Small Rock Cliff 20.燕子

44、矶 Swallow Cliff 21.七星岩 Seven-Star Crag 22.仙人洞 Fairy Cave 23.朝阳沟 Facing-Sun Valley 24.凤凰冲 Phoenix Dip 25.大雁塔 Bid wild Goose Pagoda 26.湖心亭 Mid-Lake Pavilion 27.佛香阁 Pavilion of the Fragrance of Buddha 28.大观楼 Grand Spectacle Tavern 29.听鹂馆 Hall of Listening to the Orioles 30.忠义堂 Loyalty & Justice Hall 31.聚义厅 Hall of Justice 32.养心殿 Hall of Mental Cultivation 33.坤宁宫 Palace of Earthly Tranquility 34.颐和园 Summer Palace 35.灵隐室 Monastery of Souls Retreat 36.文庙 Confucius Temple 37.观音庵 Nunnery of the Goddess M

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