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2、判断起重机械的故障原因并采取有效的的措施预防其故障的发生就显得尤为重要。Lifting machinery is used for vertical lifting or vertical and horizontal moving heavy mechanical and electrical equipment, its scope for rated lifting weight greater than or equal to 0.5 t elevator; Rated lifting weight is greater than or equal to 1 t, and the ho

3、isting height is greater than or equal to 2 m of the crane and load bearing form the fixed electric hoist and so on. In the enterprise use relatively ordinary mainly include electric hoist, electric single-girder crane and bridge crane. Production-oriented enterprises generally use hoisting machiner

4、y is mainly used in repair of auxiliary, and operating environment is relatively bad, utilization rate is not high, but the failure rate is higher, according to statistics, maintenance with hoisting machinery use about 6 times a year on average, but failure is 1.2 times, and thus affect the maintena

5、nce schedule, costs, and increase the maintenance cost and the maintenance of buried a great safety hidden trouble. Therefore, judge of hoisting machinery failure reason and take effective measures to prevent the occurrence of failure is particularly important. 1.起重机械的详细分类1. The detailed classificat

6、ion of hoisting machinery 目前,国内已经正式使用的起重机设备种类多样,从不同的角度对其进行分类的结果是不一样的。详细划分起重机的类别有助于了解各类设备的故障问题,引导操作人员掌握相应的机械性能,提高机械故障的故障防范意识,实现安全故障率的降低。常用的分类方式是参照机械结构划分,包括:At present, the domestic has officially use lifting equipment are varied, from different angles on the classification results are not the same. C

7、rane classification helps to understand in detail all kinds of equipment failure problems, guide the operation staff to grasp the corresponding mechanical properties, mechanical failure fault protection awareness, implement safety reduce failure rate. Commonly used classification is based on the mec

8、hanical structure, including: 1、桥式起重机。桥式起重机属于一种大空间结构的机械设备,其主要架设在企业的大生产车间中。常用的桥式起重机包括:门式起重机、装卸桥、冶金桥式起重机等。1, the bridge crane. Bridge crane belongs to a kind of large space structures of machinery and equipment, the main building in the enterprise production workshop. Commonly used bridge type crane i

9、nclude: gantry crane, gantry crane, metallurgy, etc. 2、升降式起重机。升降式起重机即“施工升降机”,这种起重机的运行空间相对较小。升降机在运行期间均是按照原先的轨道升降运动,结构组合比较简单且运动形式也多数是垂直运动。2, hoist crane. Where construction lifter lifting crane, the crane operation space is relatively small. Elevator at run time all is according to the original track

10、lifting movement, simple structure composition and movement form is mostly vertical motion. 3、臂架式起重机。臂架式起重机常会架设在运输汽车上,不仅达到了升降运动的要求,且方便了起重机的运输需要。主要设备有:汽车式起重机、轮胎式起重机、塔式起重机等。3, the arm crane. Arm crane often erect on transport cars, not only reached the requirements of the lifting movement, and conveni

11、ent the transport needs of the crane. Major equipment has: auto crane, wheel crane, tower crane, etc. 4、小型起重机。小型起重机最大的特点在于机械结构简单,没有过于复杂的机械运行形式。通常小型起重机只能完成简单的“升降运动”,最具代表性的则是千斤顶、滑车、绞车等。4, small crane. Small crane is the biggest characteristic is the mechanical structure is simple, not too complicated

12、form of mechanical operation. Usually small crane can only do simple lifting movement, the most representative is the jack, hoist, winch, etc. 2.起重机械使用过程中存在的不安全因素2. The lifting machinery unsafe factors that exist in the using process 近几年,国家对特种设备的安全很重视,先后制定了特种设备安全监察条例、起重机械安全监察规定等多项法规、标准,加强了对起重机械的监察管理

13、工作,有效地控制了事故发生。但由于种种原因,起重机械仍然存在许多不安全因素,起重机械存在的不安全因素主要有以下几点:In recent years, the state attaches great importance to the safety of the special equipment, has formulated the special equipment safety supervision regulations, lifting machinery safety supervision regulations and so on a number of laws, reg

14、ulations, standards, strengthen the supervision of the hoisting machinery management, effectively control the accident. But due to various reasons, there are still many unsafe factors hoisting machinery and hoisting machinery of unsafe factors mainly include the following: 2.1人为因素2.1 human factors 由

15、人为因素引起的起重机械事故较多,主要表现在:Of hoisting machinery caused by human factors is more, mainly displays in: (1)起重机械司机的失误。司机注意力不集中,司机的能力、意识不足,不熟悉所使用的起重机械,不按安全操作规程作业,易导致事故的发生。(1) hoisting machinery drivers mistake. Driver inattention, the drivers ability, lack of consciousness, not familiar with the use of lifti

16、ng machinery, not according to the safety operation procedures, easily lead to accidents. (2)起重机械监管的失误。起重机械进行危险性较大作业时,不设专门监管人员旁站;监管人员责任心不强,疏于监护,造成起重机械与周围物体碰撞。(2) regulatory failures of hoisting machinery. Hoisting machinery, when risk bigger, do not set special regulator station; Regulators is not s

17、trong sense of responsibility, neglect, hoisting machinery and the surrounding objects collide. (3)起重机械指挥人员的失误。起重指挥人员技术水平差,不了解起重机械的使用性能,在指挥时站位不正确,判断有误,造成错误指挥而引发事故。(3) the hoisting machinery command staffs mistake. Lifting command staff technology level is poor, dont understand use performance of hoi

18、sting machinery, when the command position is not correct, wrong, cause error command and cause an accident. 2.2管理因素2.2 management factors (1)使用单位在执行国家有关起重机械的法规、标准、规范的同时,也制定了自己的管理制度,如进场验收制度、安全操作规程制度、日常定期检查制度、等,明确了起重机械的使用要求,但存在法规、标准、制度执行不彻底的现象。(1) the units used in implementing the national regulatio

19、ns related to lifting machinery, standards, specifications and at the same time, also made their own management system, such as in acceptance of the system, system of safety operation rules and daily check system, etc., the use of lifting machinery requirements, but there are laws and regulations, s

20、tandards, rules of the phenomenon of incomplete. (2)重要零部件的质量直接影响起重机械的作业安全。如液压(电磁)制动器、起重量限制器、力矩限制器等,如果在采购时对其疏于监管,就会给起重机械的安全使用带来隐患。(2) the important parts of quality directly affect the operation safety of hoisting machinery. Such as hydraulic brake (electromagnetic), lifting weight limiter, torque li

21、miter, etc., if at the time of purchasing the lax supervision, it can bring hidden danger to the safety of hoisting machinery is used. (3)起重机械的安装维修人员、操作人员等,均应经有关部门培训、考核合格取得证件后方可上岗,实际中存在培训过于形式化或无证上岗的现象。(3) the installation of the hoisting machinery maintenance personnel, operators, etc., shall be tes

22、ted and approved by the relevant departments of the training, obtains the certificates qualified rear can mount guard, exist in the actual training too formal or undocumented phenomenon. (4)使用单位管理人员违章指挥,也易造成起重机械事故。(4) use the unit management personnel illegal command, also easy to cause accident of

23、hoisting machinery. (5)使用单位违规使用已经达到报废期限的起重机械。(5) the use of units misuse has reached scrap period of hoisting machinery. 2.3技术因素2.3 technical factors (1)起重机械的安全技术档案不全,造成技术数据无法查取或引用错误。(1) the safety of the hoisting machinery technical file is not complete, due to technical errors cannot collect or re

24、ference data. (2)技术人员素质低、能力差,制定的吊装方案不完善;对需更换的加工件选材错误或加工精度不符合要求;对新使用的起重机械的性能不够了解;对操作人员的作业指导不到位等。(2) technical personnel quality low, ability is poor, set by the lifting scheme is not perfect; The need to change the machining precision machined part material error or do not conform to the requirements

25、; Over the use of the new hoisting machinery performance is not enough to understand; Work instruction for operator does not reach the designated position, etc. (3)起重机械鉴定、检查存在问题,不能正确判断已报废的部件而继续使用。(3) identification of hoisting machinery, check there is a problem, cant already scrapped parts and cont

26、inue to use good judgment. 3. 起重机械发生安全事故的原因分析3. The analysis of the causes of safety accidents of hoisting machinery (1)目前由于施工工期紧张,承建单位在施工过程中采取加班、加点等措施,易造成作业人员疲劳,注意力不集中。同时经常因追赶工期的影响,忽视了起重机械的大修、维护保养等工作,造成起重机械带病工作、疲劳作业。(1) at present because of construction period, construction units in construction p

27、rocess to take overtime, add some measures such as, easy to cause worker fatigue and distraction. At the same time by the influence of the catch-up period, often ignored the overhaul and maintenance of hoisting machinery, hoisting machinery caused by work, fatigue assignments, although he is ill. (2

28、)使用单位定期对起重机械需持证人员进行安全技术培训,但受种种因素影响,培训往往难以达到预期效果。加上目前使用的劳务人员较多,劳务人员大多文化水平低、接受能力差、培训难以到位,导致作业人员技能达不到要求。(2) use the unit on a regular basis to the holder of hoisting machinery need to safety and technical training for personnel, but influenced by various factors, training is often difficult to achieve

29、the desired effect. Coupled with the currently used service personnel is more, workers are low level of education, accept ability is poor, training is difficult to reach the designated position, lead to workers skills can not meet the requirements. (3)使用单位管理人员的安全责任不能很好地落实,管理人员对施工现场起重机械监管不力,如起重机械的使用、

30、维修、保养几方面的工作不能落到实处,就容易引发事故。 (4)目前大多数使用单位没有配置专门的检测设备和工具,对起重机械自检的能力较差,这些问题往往导致事故发生。(3) use the unit management of safety responsibility not well implemented, the management of the construction site hoisting machinery poor regulation, such as the use of lifting machinery, maintenance, maintenance of sev

31、eral aspects of the work cant implement, is easy to cause accident. (4) at present most of the unit using no special test equipment and tools, configuration of hoisting machinery self-checking ability is poorer, these problems often lead to accidents. 2.机械故障的改进方法2. The improved method of mechanical

32、failure 安全生产是企业长期发展的先进理念,为了保证起重机械的正常运行,操作人员要熟练掌握一些常见的起重机机械故障形式。根据起重机的功能结构分析,大部分设备都配备了相应的安全装置,控制好这些安全装置可保证起重机机械性能的发挥。Safety production is the enterprise long-term development of advanced concepts, in order to guarantee the normal operation of the hoisting machinery, the operating personnel should mas

33、ter some common forms of crane mechanical failure. According to the function of the crane structure analysis, most of the devices are equipped with the corresponding safety devices, good control of the safety device can ensure the crane mechanical properties. 2.1变幅装置。利用吊臂变幅安全装置可以在危险故障发生后,及时中断起重机的机械运

34、输活动。起重机发生异常情况时,如:吊臂变幅油缸回路存在高压软管、油管爆裂、切断等情况,液压回路中的平衡阀能立刻把油缸下腔的工作油锁闭,防止吊臂下降造成的意外。2.1 luffing device. Use boom luffing safety device can be in a dangerous malfunction happens, interrupt the crane mechanical transportation activities in a timely manner. Crane abnormal situation occurs, such as: boom luf

35、fing cylinder loop there is high pressure hose, pipe burst, cutting off, etc., the balancing valve in hydraulic circuits can locking oil cylinder of the inferior vena work immediately and to prevent boom decline caused by the accident. 2.2限位装置。在吊钩上升到标准高度之后会接触限位重锤,然后把行程开关打开,立刻切断吊钩起升、吊臂伸出等状态。通过这样的紧急制动

36、流程,起重机会立刻停止运行,待故障处理之后按下释放按钮,则能恢复正常的升降或水平位移操作。2.2 limit device. After the hook up to the standard height will contact limit weight, and then turn on the switch, immediately cut off the hook lifting and crane arm stretched out. Through such emergency braking process, lifting the opportunity to immedia

37、tely stop operation, after fault handling press the release button, can return to normal lift or horizontal displacement of the operation. 2.3感应装置。感应装置主要是利用传感器接收信号,再利用计算机系统判断信号的正常与否,若信号发出异常警告则说明起重机发生故障。利用计算机技术、电子技术、机械技术等融合为一体,为起重机运行设计安全防范系统,这样可以有效防止机械故障的发生。2.3 induction device. Induction device is m

38、ainly used sensor signals, then computer system to determine the signal is normal or not, if signal abnormalities warnings that crane malfunction. Use of computer technology, electronic technology, mechanical technology, etc., designed for the crane operation safety and protection system, it can eff

39、ectively prevent the occurrence of mechanical failure. 结束语:随着中国起重机械制造水平的不断提高,起重机械的效率和可靠性也在持续提高,但起重机械在实际运用中出现故障的情况仍较多,完善系统设计、做好定期维护、提高操作人员水平是提高起重机械可靠性的关键,总结经验,针对不同的故障采用针对性的方法对减少事故及提高工作效率也非常重要。Conclusion: with Chinas hoisting machinery manufacturing level unceasing enhancement, the efficiency and reli

40、ability of hoisting machinery continues to increase, but in the practical application of hoisting machinery failure, still more perfect system design, to do regular maintenance, improve the level of the operator is the key to enhance the reliability of hoisting machinery, sum up experience, for different fault using specific methods to reduce accidents and improve the work efficiency is also very important.

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