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1、英语句子成分(一)句子成分的定义:构成句子的各个部分叫做句子成分。句子成分有主要成分和次要成分;主要成分有主语和谓语;次要成分有表语、宾语、定语、状语、补足语和同位语。(二)主语:主语是一个句子所叙述的主体,一般位于句首.但在there be结构、疑问句(当主语不疑问词时)和倒装句中,主语位于谓语、助动词或情态动词后面。主语可由名词、代词、数词、不定式、动名词、名词化的形容词和主语从句等表示。例如: During the 1990s, American country music has become more and more popular。(名词) We often speak Engl

2、ish in class。(代词) One-third of the students in this class are girls。(数词) To swim in the river is a great pleasure。(不定式) Smoking does harm to the health。(动名词) The rich should help the poor。(名词化的形容词) When we are going to have an English test has not been decided。(主语从句) It is necessary to master a fore

3、ign language.(it作形式主语,真正的主语为后面的不定式)(三)谓语:谓语说明主语所做的动作或具有的特征和状态。动词在句中作谓语,一般放在主语之后。谓语的构成如下: 1、简单谓语:由一个动词或动词短语构成。如:He practices running every morning。 2、复合谓语:(1)由情态动词或其他助动词加动词原形构成。如:You may keep the book for two weeks. He has caught a bad cold. (2)由系动词加表语构成。如:We are students.(四)表语:表语用以说明主语的身份、特征和状态,它一般位

4、于系动词(如be, become, get, look, grow, turn, seem等)之后。表语一般由名词、代词、形容词、分词、数词、不定式、动名词、介词短语、副词及表语从句表示。例如: Our teacher of English is an American.(名词) Is it yours?(代词) The weather has turned cold。(形容词) The speech is exciting。(分词) Three times seven is twenty one?(数词) His job is to teach English。(不定式) His hobby

5、(爱好)is playing football。(动名词) The machine must be out of order。(介词短语) Time is up. The class is over.(副词) The truth is that he has never been abroad.(表语从句)(五)宾语:宾语表示动作的对象或承爱者,一般位于及物动词和介词后面。例如: They went to see an exhibition(展览)yesterday。(名词) The heavy rain prevented me form coming to school on time.(

6、代词) How many dictionaries do you have? I have five。(数词) They helped the old with their housework yesterday。(名词化形容词) He pretended not to see me。(不定式短语) I enjoy listening to popular music。(动名词短语) I think(that)he is fit for his office。(宾语从句) 宾语种类:(1)双宾语(间接宾语+直接宾语),例如:Lend me your dictionary, please.(2)

7、复合宾语(宾语+宾补),例如:They elected him their monitor。(六)宾语补足语:英语中有些及物动词,除有一个直接宾语以外,还要有一个宾语补语,才能使句子的意义完整。带有宾语补足语的一般句型为:某些及物动词(如make等+宾语+宾补)。宾补可由名词、形容词、副词、不定式、分词、介词短语和从句充当。例如:His father named him Dongming。(名词)They painted their boat white。(形容词)Let the fresh air in。(副词)You mustnt force him to lend his money t

8、o you。(不定式短语)We saw her entering the room。(现在分词)We found everything in the lab in good order。(介词短语)We will soon make our city what your city is now.(从句)(七)定语:修饰名词或代词的词、短语或从句称为定语.定语可由以下等成分表示: Guilin is a beautiful city.(形容词) China is a developing country; America is a developed country。(分词) There are

9、 thirty women teachers is our school。(名词) His rapid progress in English made us surprised。(代词) Our monitor is always the first to enter the classroom。(不定式短语) The teaching plan for next term has been worked out。(动名词) He is reading an article about how to learn English。(介词短语)(八)状语:修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子,说明动

10、作或状态特征的句子成分,叫做状语。可由以下形式表示: Light travels most quickly.(副词及副词性词组) He has lived in the city for ten years。(介词短语) He is proud to have passed the national college entrance examination。(不定式短语) He is in the room making a model plane.(分词短语) Wait a minute。(名词) Once you begin, you must continue。(状语从句) 状语种类如下

11、: How about meeting again at six?(时间状语) Last night she didnt go to the dance party because of the rain.(原因状语) I shall go there if it doesnt rain。(条件状语) Mr Smith lives on the third floor。(地点状语) She put the eggs into the basket with great care。(方式状语) She came in with a dictionary in her hand.(伴随状语) In

12、 order to catch up with the others, I must work harder。(目的状语) He was so tired that he fell asleep immediately.(结果状语) She works very hard though she is old.(让步状语) I am taller than he is。(比较状语)英语句子结构英语句子看上去纷繁庞杂,但仔细观察不外乎五个基本句式。这五个基本句式可以演变出多种复杂的英语句子。换言之,绝大多数英语句子都是由这五个基本句式生成的。这五个基本句式如下:S十V主谓结构S十V十F主系表结构S

13、十V十O主谓宾结构S十V十O1十O2 主谓双宾结构S十V十O十C 主谓宾补结构说明:S主语;V谓语;P表语;O宾语;O1间接宾语;O2直接宾语;C宾语补足语五个基本句式详细解释如下:1S十V句式在此句式中,V是不及物动词,又叫自动词(vi)。例如:He runs quickly他跑得快.They listened carefully他们听得很仔细。He suffered from cold and hunger他挨冻受饿。China belongs to the third world country中国属于第三世界国家.The gas has given out煤气用完了。My ink ha

14、s run out我的钢笔水用完了。2S十V十P句式在此句式中,V是系动词(link v),常见的系动词有:look,seem,appear,sound,feel,taste,smell,grow,get,fall ill/asleep,stand/sit still,become,turn等。例如:He is older than he looks他比看上去要老.He seen interested in the book他似乎对这本书感兴趣。The story sounds interesting这个故事听起来有趣。The desk feels hard书桌摸起来很硬。The cake t

15、astes nice饼尝起来很香。The flowers smell sweet and nicc花闻起来香甜。You have grown taller than before你长得比以前高了。He has suddenly fallen ill他突然病倒了。He stood quite still他静静地站看。He becomes a teacher when he grew up他长大后当了教师.注意:有些动词同时也是及物动词,可构成SVO句式,例如:He looked me up and down他上下打量我。He reached his hand to feel the elepha

16、nt他伸出手来摸象。They are tasting the fish他们在品尝鱼.They grow rice in their home town他们在家乡种水稻。Hes got a chair to sit on他有椅子坐.Please turn the sentence into English请把这个句于泽成英语。3S十V十O句式在此句式中,V是及物动词(vt),因此有宾语。例如:I saw a film yesterday我昨天看了一部电影. Have you read the story? 你读过这个故事吗?They found their home easily他们很容易找到他

17、们的家。They built a house last year他们去年建了一所房子。Theyve put up a factory in the village他们在村里建了一座工厂.They have taken good care of the children这些孩子他们照看得很好。You should look after your children well你应该好好照看你的孩子。4S十V十O1十O2句式在此句式中,V是带有双宾语的及物动词.常见的须带双宾语的动词有give,ask,bring,offer,send,pay,lend,show,tell,buy,get;rob,wa

18、rn等。例如:He gave me a book/a book to me他给我一本书。He brought me a pen/a pen to me他带给我一枝钢笔。He offered me his seat/his seat to me他把座位让给我。注意下边动词改写后介词的变化:Mother bought me a book/a book for me。 妈妈给我买了一本书.He got me a chair/a chair for me他给我弄了一把椅子。Please do me a favor/a favor for me请帮我一下。He asked me a question/a

19、 question of me他问我个问题.注意,下边动词只有一种说法:They robbed the old man of his money他们抢了老人的钱。Hes warned me of the danger. 他警告我注意危险。The doctor has cured him of his disease医生治好了他的病。We must rid the house of th erats我们必须赶走屋里的老鼠。They deprived him of his right to speak他们剥夺了他说话的权利。5S十V十O十C句式在此句式中,V是有宾语补足语的及物动词.常带宾语补足语

20、的词有形容词、副词、介词短语、名词、不定式、现在分词、过去分词常见的可接宾语补足语的动词很多,哪些动词可接哪几种形式作宾补,须根据动词的惯用法而定,不能统而概论。请看下面的例子。They made the girl angry他们使这个女孩生气了。They found her happy that day他们发现那天她很高兴。I found him out我发现他出去了。I saw him in我见他在家。They saw a foot mark in the sand他们发现沙地上有脚印。They named the boy Charlie他们给这个男孩起名为查理.I saw him com

21、e in and go out我见他进来又出去.They felt the car moving fast他们感到汽车行驶得很快。I heard the glass broken just now我刚才听到玻璃碎了。He found the doctor of study closed to him他发现研究所的大门对他关闭了.eg。1. We are working。我们在工作。主系表2。 I can swim very well。我游泳泳地很好。主谓3。 The waiter brought a bottle of beer to me.那个使者给我了一瓶啤酒。主谓双宾/主谓宾状4。 Wh

22、y does the wind blow?风为什么会吹?主谓5. The rain has been pulling down for a whole day。雨已经下了一整天了。主谓6. Both Tom and Jack enjoy country music.汤姆和杰克都喜欢乡村音乐.主谓宾7. Jim asked you to give his best wishes to everyone。吉姆请我把他的最好的祝愿带给每个人。主谓宾补8。 You must get the car ready by tomorrow.到明天为止你一定要把小车准备好。主谓宾补9。 I have a lo

23、t of clothes to wash。我有许多的衣服需要洗。主谓宾,to wash做clothes的定语10. He gave his son some advice on reading。他在阅读方面给了他的儿子一些建议。主谓双宾11. Read me the first paragraph.给我读第一段。主谓双宾12。 Ive ordered some soup for you.我已经为你要了一些汤。主谓双宾/主谓宾状13. He began leaning English ten years ago.十年前他开始学英语。主谓宾14。 My being late worried my

24、teacher。我的迟到让我的老师很担心。主谓宾,动名词短语My being late做主语15。 The president himself would visit our school.总统将亲自参观我们的学校。主谓宾16。 April foolDay is the special day of the year愚人节是一年中很特别的一天。主系表17. He usually takes a nap after lunch.他通常在午饭之后要小睡一会儿。主谓宾18。 I got it back at once。我马上把它取回 .主谓宾19。 He finished lunch and wen

25、t into the garden。他吃完午饭后去了花园.主+并列谓语20。 The telephone rang.电话响了。主谓21. We study hard.我们努力学习。主谓22. His father might have died.他的父亲可能已经去世了。主谓23。 Will you leave the door open/ unclosed?你要把门开着?主谓宾补24。 Can you make the dog stand still?你能让那只狗站着不动吗?主谓宾补25. The landlord had them working day and night。地主让他们整天工作,主谓宾补26. A sound knowledge of grammar is important to good writing.扎实的语法知识对于写作是重要的。主系表27. We all breathe, eat, and drink。我们大家都呼吸、吃和喝.主谓28。 I woke up at 6:00 in the morning。我在早上6点钟起床。主谓29. The book weighs five kilos。那本书重达10斤.主谓,five kilos做状语30。 They will be flying to London.他们将飞往伦敦。主谓宾7

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