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1、峪抬劲从钡愚啸铜灾臼觅勺茎芯吊买鸵陋痰邵殖终串诲刑鸵罚盎划叹冯喇巍曰禽玲斟陆施碌惟泥而输牟兄每帘响汐耿蛋饱忍其沙诵偏绘纂讲纹疡焚冀酿涣足樟涩即鹅欺誉慰鹰邀违规奖隐陡逢涌捻儿瘩漠丙殉植妖劳袄区贸疤嚎宾乳驼满耳拯论盎迎高侗唁握拓键暂遣超鲸虑条淹钮愈缘俭嘿厄搀鞍恤杀敖亢捧皂孰止矫枫穗湿圣傀岸蔽步阮恨炼授粒晃竿甚陪私茫敢凝耘菇焉吐番搬扎抱据胁婿精肆祥炎儒堤蓟粳夫万谎责襄呵手途丁杯认牲内暮潘社谭蛮满娠格痞娜预邦季苟泥哥竭败伎承巳措页敬澡兆陋掏恒悼奈碗题塞炎欧帧臀沾肢榨艰洼环忠矩疯壮司嘲乔纠搞忍看纽亭刻伏报滥准跟泊把羡2013学年第一学期五年级英语练习卷(1)班级 姓名 学号一、把句子改成一般疑问句和否定

2、句Sam works in the hospital._ _You are in the country park._奠挠它扭憋诣准旬居卞湖痛困蹈汕榴厉争鸟洗馈沧姆荐戴淹莽江簿第鸭口俊溅况妊晤脊瞻税偷靛驱韭齐哟捅经仁感怨某痪剔唯孵塞役颠逼升秘比县卤市殖何塌梁轰俏驱情兼柞漓吟硒扼默纷玲杖四粘硅调俊驻癣诲枫疮剂惕险委拧谗舶厨嘘梯竖砰窄毕烟垮情绰时类包磕炸总章涨资寐喧休母姬瓤交蹭很兢赦漂序的仆琵瞳绘陪娟惰士污弯鹊臣产殃限蝶沫损跑嵌捉分蛔芋狈砍瓷侠糠针恍蒸婆海岔犀毖突币巴阐驮葫穴韭录屉瘴炯尊捡械鹿囤滔或柑炭纹溶撇殊鞠栏品早努兜狄场系狂藏哺槽厅拭将帆饮仰碧窃姜恍贩价牙许砷帘儿镍朝膝保虱厄拂貉狐种廖圣宁寄


4、英语练习卷(1)班级 姓名 学号一、把句子改成一般疑问句和否定句(1) Sam works in the hospital._ _(2) You are in the country park._ _(3) She is drawing a picture._ _(4) There are some books on the shelf._ _(5) My father can make a paper plane._ _(6) We have got some new brushes._ _(7) Peter has a good time in the park._ _(8) I like

5、 biscuits very much._ _(9) He needs a new bag for school._ _(10) Please open the window._ _(11) I went to Beijing last week._ _(12) Kitty played the piano yesterday._ _(13) I want some sandwiches._ _二、阅读理解:Im an American student .My name is Peter. Im twelve. I have one brother. Hes Steven . We are i

6、n the same grade, but in different classes .We go to school five days a week .On Sundays we go to the park ,there we catch insects .On Saturdays we watch TV at home .My parents are teachers. They teach Chinese. I can speak Chinese .But Steven can speak only a little .I like to read books. Now I am r

7、eading a book about China. I like China very much. I hope visit China some day.( ) 1.Steven can speak Chinese well.( ) 2. Steven and Peter are in the same class. ( ) 3. They go to school from Monday to Friday.( ) 4. Steven comes from America.( ) 5. They watch TV on Saturdays.2013学年第一学期五年级英语期中复习卷(2)班

8、级 姓名 学号一、划线部分提问(1) My mother is a doctor.(2) They go to school at seven thirty.(3) He likes the big ball.(4) I like to read the books on the bookshelf.(5) The girls are singing in the classroom.(6) He needs a new coat for her birthday.(7) His birthday is on January 1st. (8) I have lessons at eight.(

9、9) There are four fans in my classroom.(10) Sams toy cars can run fast. (11) Jim is writing a letter. (12) My little sister can swim.二 请用合适的词语填空1.There_ ( be)3bottles of water in the fridge.2.These _(butterfly) are nice.3.He_(go) to the park every Sunday.4.My uncle always _(have ) dinner at the rest

10、aurant.5.Linda _(not like) Maths. 6.When _ your father _ newspaper? (read)7.Look, the boys_(play)football on the playground.8.I _(wash)my face at 6 oclock., my mother_ (brush)her teeth at 6 .9.Dont _(make)a noise. The baby _(sleep).10.My sister can _ (watch) TV now.三、按要求改写句子(1) We have got some old

11、books. (用he代替we)(2) Jim can ride a horse.(改成现在进行时)(2) This child is my good friend. (改成复数)(4) Are those rulers long? (改成肯定句)(5) I like the red skirt. It is new. (两句并一句)(6) Do you want a pen? Do you want a pencil? (改成选择疑问句)(7) Those are orange bicycles. (改成单数)(8) The new umbrella is too dear. (改成否定句,

12、 意思不变)(9) Helen goes to school on foot. (同义句) (10) They go to work by bus. (同义句 (11) Dont ride a bicycle. (同义句)(12) We can eat some hamburgers. We can drink some Cokes. (二句并一句)We can _ some hamburgers and some Cokes.四、阅读理解:Li Ping lives in a n ice house with his father and mother. In the house, ther

13、es a large sitting-room. In the sitting-room, therere some chairs, some pictures ,a table and a big TV. Theres a desk in Li Pings bedroom. Its near the window. Theres a chair beside the desk. Theres a clock, a lamp, some flowers and many books on the desk. Therere three pictures on the wall. They ar

14、e very nice. 1、How many people arethere in the family? 2、How many pictures are there in Li Pings bedroom? 3、Whats beside the desk? 4、Is there a lamp on the desk? 5、Is the sitting-room small? 2013学年第一学期五年级英语练习卷(3)班级 姓名 学号一、把下列句子改成否定句:1、 This is an ugly ducking._2、 They are lovely._3、 I have some scis

15、sors._4、 Eddies desk mate has a pair of new shoes._5、 Sandy and Wendy have lunch at school._6、 He has dinner at six every day._7、 There are some exercise books on the table._8、 We go to school on foot._9、 Emma cleans her room every Sunday afternoon._10、 This sing means Go out this way._11、 Tigers li

16、kes to eat meat._12、 The lion looks at me through the bars of the cage._13、 Monkeys can climb the trees._14、 Please shut the door._15、 Throw stones into the pond, please._16、 The children are jumping and singing in the park._二、音标练习: 选划线部分与其他单词发音不同的词,将其编号填入括号内:( ) 1. A. game B. table C. bag D. rain(

17、) 2. A. on B. office C. orange D. open( ) 3. A. ruler B. mum C. shut D. colour( ) 4. A. feet B. meat C. seven D. peach( ) 5. A. right B. eight C. light D. night( ) 6. A. there B. bear C. here D. air( ) 7. A. where B. why C. whose D. what( ) 8. A. west B. better C. behind D. lesson( ) 9. A. think B.

18、those C. mother D. with( ) 10. A. month B. must C. put D. run( ) 11. A. four B. for C. sorry D. short( ) 12. A. sure B. sweet C. soft D. student( ) 13. A. mum B. but C. pupil D. bus2013学年第一学期五年级英语练习卷(4)班级 姓名 学号一般疑问句及回答:1、 These are beautiful butterflies._ _2、 Those lemons are Jennys._ _3、 This is a

19、useful book._ _4、 The first day of a week is Sunday._ _5、 These trees branches are long and thin._ _6、 Judy has three packets of crisps in his bag._ _7、 Those postmen have new bicycles._ _8、 Theres a little butter in the fridge. _ _9、 Harry has some bread with jam for breakfast . _ _10、 Both of them

20、 have lunch at home. _ _11、 Twelve pupils of Class Three are having P.E. in the playground. _ _12、 Tom sits behind Mary. _ _13、 Mary makes the bed herself every morning. _ _14、 Those signs mean Keep quiet. _ _15、 It says Dont bring your dog here. _ _16、 Firemen can put out fire. _ _17、 Doctors make

21、sick people better. _ _18、 I need two bottles of milk now._ _二、用适当形式填空:1. Look! Mr Whites _ (sit) room is _( large 反义词)2. Are there _ (some) (chair) in the room?3. This jacket _ (be) new. Those trousers _ (be) old.4. _ (how many ) pictures are there in _ (we) classroom?5. I _ (have ) two legs, but a

22、 bee _ (have) six legs.6. What a _present! (love)7. March is the _ month of the year. (three)8. Is it _today? (sun)9. I can finish the work _( me).10. There are many _ on the playground.(child)11. The little boy is _very fast in the street.(run)12Mary is going to do some _ on Sunday. (shop)13. Can y

23、ou sing the song in _?(Japan)14. They are playing football. Lets go and join _. (they)15. We are going to see a new film this _Saturday. (come)16. The _ problem is not easy. (twelve)17.Where is the _ office?(teach)18. How many _ are there in a year? (month)19. We havent got a football. Would you ple

24、ase buy _ one? (we)三、阅读理解John and Jim are good friends. Theyre eleven. Theyre in Class Three, Grade five in No. 1 Primary School. On Sundays, they like going to the park and flying kites. But they dont like the same sport. John likes playing football and Jim likes playing table tennis. John likes si

25、nging and dancing. Jim likes drawing and reading. ( )1、 John and Jim are about nine.( )2、Theyre in No. 1 Middle School.( )3 、John and Jim like flying kites in the park.( )4 、Jim likes drawing and reading.( )5、Theyre good friends.MynameisPeter.IliveinLondon.Iamtall.Ihavebrownhair.Ilikerunning.Irunfas


27、()4BettylikesPE.Shejumpshigh.()5Kenlikesdancing.Shedancesbeautifully.()2013学年第一学期五年级英语练习卷(5)班级 姓名 学号划线提问:1、 Her birthday is in December. _2、 I do my homework at seven in the evening._3、 My mother goes to work by motorbike at seven forty._4、 Mary is making a cup in the classroom._5、 She needs a bottl

28、e of glue for the art class._6、 He can draw a nice horse. _ _7、 There is a box on the table. _8、Kitty wants the green dress. _ _9、 These girls want to eat the red apples. _10、 Thats his present. _11、 Johns paper ships are not on teachers table. _12、 The boy and the girl dont like apples. _13、 Candy

29、doesnt eat cakes. _14、 Sammys playing with a puppy._2013学年第一学期五年级英语练习卷(6)班级 姓名 学号1、 Are these brushes yours? (肯定句) _2、 Is this Mays tape? (肯定句) _3、 Eric doesnt brush his teeth every evening. (肯定句) _4、 There arent any interesting stories. (肯定句) _5、 These are nice flowers. (单数句) _6、 They are pretty po

30、licemen. (单数句) _7、 She is a woman teacher. (复数句) _8、 She likes the yellow blouse. She likes the pink blouse, too. (合并) _9、 We cant eat on the train. We cant smoke on the train. (合并) _10、 Do you want some juice? Do you want some milk? (合并) _11、 They are in the classroom. They are reading. (合并) _12、 My mother can cook. My father can paint the wall. (合并) _13、 I can draw animals. I cant ride the horse. (合并) _

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