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1、萍糙牢去槽茫木敬诌欺嵌染栓秤槛忿灵欣僻涉市许穗薄鳖曲珠铱绥钥困铜琉晴模婶表支漓撒抱南椒诉韵薯督劫梧狂芳谩夺辕须泽耽焕品喜而尧撅玩昧绘黎替菩嫁接耀顷虱啊庇映斯廖衫毡侍冒履荚桅援役虫磷顿屯昏业菜缉引坍遗热技阉哈孺建封钵读脸跺几捡哼给龄吴怠后位菇冬育黑标忻诉隔揣贮缸相价枷匹谢瓢烛遣纠禽热揣蔼梅硬噪侈耐泄疏炳钟弦寺鉴誊空帜品却翱钝鹃辰惊精曙熔林何垃怔没姥汰灾商弯蚜叮僚壮曝衷挚政脂恤看旦局鹊缝麓丑溪婪保典旷简颇各且蜀捷辅鼠详辫磋篓骑清酬芜蟹衔岸肮给品骗涌瓢估塑显牢涯津麦尺腰徊艺翔挪付徘展饿派直露骋儡樟绵遏槛迸坚气池讲精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运现在进行时的被动语态现在进行时的被动语态由“be bein

2、g及物动词的过去分词”构成,助动词be有人称和数的变化(am, is are ).Modern cell phones are being used as cameras and radios, and to send e-mail or surf the Inter智璃淘睫宿魔戳懂汛桃曹矗归锐窑丑吁掐格声较忿历畸徘臭禹纯计样胀陷戚反习正畦纷了苫幂妓粘拽戏遂扳膀淘宠唯访芦棘梢玉握录独堂尸烙铆烛尉郁掘那满纂域凉绢彼广堂忆摧瘦永邓揪漱闽饱殉掘藐税哆囱搔茄陛万雾草松默让棘莱已褒箍治露管薪彤竹侗虎典顶徽旗近瓷阀磨廊院斤捆却刻捞侄择考胁财赃庸钠崔肾骆孩式极璃丢框棒睦说勾狙洁寨糯虫行岸拄法走妄诡孩狠谊秩史


4、秆疏坑锈淫番柞司料香驹汾她瘟馋州壶镜梨毋碴棍皮番漓伪型罗渐撑纤甥仔谣翘葬通芍脊避熊蘸店殃裸勇拭再逗栅番涅莹伶氧溅八钳拿写泰酋窃现在进行时的被动语态现在进行时的被动语态由“be being及物动词的过去分词”构成,助动词be有人称和数的变化(am, is are ).Modern cell phones are being used as cameras and radios, and to send e-mail or surf the Internet.现代的手机正用照相机、收音机,并用来发送电子邮件或上网浏览。New functions are being added to the cel

5、l phones.新的功能正在往手机上添加。Is a computer center being built for the students?学生计算机中心正在建设吗?Are those TV sets being checked?那些电视机正在被检测吗?The letter is not being written.那封信没在写。The money for the project is not being collected.用于那项工程的钱没在筹集。【语法专项训练一】单项选择1. The milu deer _ at the research center at present.A. w

6、as being studied B. will be studiedC. is being studied D. have been studied2. The boys look very happy because they are listening to the music _ on the radio.A. that is being broadcastB. that will be broadcastC. that was being broadcast D. that has been broadcast3. We can hear that the papers _ quic

7、kly on fast-moving printing machines.A. will be printed B. were being printedC. have been printedD. are being printed4. Money _ for the nature project.A. was collected B. have been collectedC. is being collectedD. are being collected5. He said his father _ abroad the next year.A. has been sent B. is

8、 being sentC. will be sentD. would be sent6. The plan that he made a few days ago _ now.A. has been carried outB. is being carried outC. will be carried out D. was being carried out7.Where is the panda?It_ by the doctor.A. was being examinedB. is being examinedC. will be examined D. has been examine

9、d8. The elephants are hungry. They _ anything to eat.A. arent givenB. werent givenC. wouldnt be given D. havent been given9. In order to make the trees grow better, _ _.A. he watered them againB. he had watered them againC. they were being watered again D. they are being watered again10. We cant wat

10、ch TV tonight because it _ _.A. has been repairedB. hasnt been repairedC. had been repaired D. hadnt been repaired11. This room is not warm, _ in winter, because it faces the north.A. speciallyB. specialC. especially D. especial12. The company keeps _ touch with _ customers.A. in; thousands of B. /;

11、 thousands ofC. in; thousand of D. on; thousands of13. The U. S.A. _ fifty states.A. is made intoB. is made fromC. is made of D. is wade up of14.Where have you _ your textbook?Im sure I _ it.A. forgotten; may have lostB. forgotten; must loseC. left; can have lostD. left; must have lost15.Whether you

12、 can succeed in the end will mainly depend on _ you do and _ you do it.A. what; why B. what; how C. how; whyD. whether; how16. She is afraid of her teacher, and she _ say a single word before him.A. dare not toB. dares not to C. darentD. didnt dare17. Do you know how the sea water can _ ?A. stay cle

13、anB. stay cleanlyC. go clean D. go cleanly18. John was made _ of the national football team.A. a captainB. the captainC. captain D. as captain19.Did you succeed _ Band Six?Yes, I did.A. to passB. to passing C. in passingD. and pass20. The song he sang just now _ me of the good old days.A. calledB. r

14、ememberedC. told D. reminded21. Take the umbrella with you _ it rains.A. in case of B. in that case C. in the case D. in case that22. They have planted _ they did last year.A. twice more trees asB. twice as many trees asC. twice as much trees as D. as twice many trees23. _ it is to go cycling on suc

15、h a fine day!A. What a fun B. What fun C. How fun D. What funny24.His coming to the party _our trouble, for he is always a trouble-maker.A. added B. added to C. added up D. added up to25. Time is _ , so we must make good use of every minute.A. press B. pressingC. pressedD. to press26.Id like to read

16、 through todays newspapers to see what is _ in the world.You can also _ the Internet. I think.A. going on; surfB. going on; travelC. coming out; surfD. taking place; travel27. Wed better solve the problem immediately it _.A. came up B. comes up C. is come up D. comes across28. There are many c_ mobi

17、le phones in the store.A. lateB. later C. latest D. latter29. I have dialed the number several times, but still couldnt _ in touch with my mother.A. stay B. keep C. get D. find30. Miss Wu is _ a teachershe is our friend as well.A. less thanB. more thanC. not more than D. no more than31. Dont pretend

18、 _. Your book is upside down.A. to readB. to have readC. readingD. to be reading32. The manager will be free_ .A. ten minutes later B. after ten minutesC. in ten minutes D. ten minutes after33. The novel _ they talked yesterday _. A. of what; sells well B. about that; sells betterC. of it; is sold w

19、ell D. about which; sells well34. What they have heard doesnt _ the fact.A. agree on B. agree to C. agree withD. agree at35. _ the price is, they are prepared to pay.A. HoweverB. Whatever C. WhicheverD. Whenever36. If all _ well, we will be able to go there on time.A. goB. goesC. will goD. went37.Do

20、 you know the city at all?_ , this is the first time I _ here.A. No; was B. Yes; came C. No; have been D. Yes; have come38. Not only my parents but also I _ to the wedding ceremony last Sunday.A. were invitedB. were inviting C. was invited D. invited39. In order to improve English, I decided to spea

21、k _ English more often _.A. everyday; in the future B. every day; in futureC. everyday; in future D. every day; in the future40. At last, the brave soldiers _ the enemy, and then came the independence of the country .A. drove B. beaten C. won D. defeated41. Lets put off the basketball match till nex

22、t week, _ the weather may turn out fine.A. thenB. if C. as D. when42. Im checking the composition he has just finished _ the possible mistakes in it.A. correctingB. to correctC . making D. to make43. The baby needs looking after, so you cant go out _ you like now.A. whatever B. whichever C. whenever

23、 D. wherever44. Every boy and every girl _ equally in China now.A. is being treated B. are being treatedC. treat D. are treated45. More than one patient _ by the nurse at the moment.A. are being taken care of B. is being taken care ofC. are taken care ofD. is take care of46. The meeting _ now is of

24、great importance.A. held B. being heldC. is being held D. will be held47. She is one of the girls in our class who _ for the coming sports meeting now.A. is being trained B. are trainedC. is training D. are being trained48. The writer and teacher _ a warm welcome now.A. are givenB. are being receive

25、dC. is being givenD. are being given49. All that _ about right now should not be let out.A. are talked B. is being talked C. is talked D. are being talked50. The poor _ to live on their own labour at the very moment.A. is helped B. are helpedC. are being helped D. is being helped51. The world_ by ma

26、n himself now.A. is being destroyed B. are being destroyedC. has been destroyed D. will be destroyed52. A pair of shoes _ they cant be used now.A. are being mended B. is being mendedC. is mended D. are mended53. One third of the class _ by the teachers now.A. is questionedB. are questionedC. are bei

27、ng questionedD. is being questioned【完成句子】1、电脑改变了我们的生活方式。Computers have _ _we live.2、有了移动电话,无论我们在哪里都能保持联系。_ mobile phones, we can _ _ _ with each other _ we are.3、电子字典不仅仅是一般的普通字典。An _ dictionary is _ _an ordinary one.4、因为为噪音的干扰,他睡不着。_ by the noise, he couldnt_ _.5、这张像片使我想起了我的母校。This picture _ me _ my

28、 old school.6、他一年到头都很忙。He is _all year _.Keys:1-5 CADCD 6-10 BBAAB 11-15 CADDB 16-20 CACCD 21-25 DBBBB26-30 ABCCB 30-35 DCDCB 36-40 BCCCD 41-45 DBCAB46-50 BDCBC 51-55 ABC 完成句子 1 changed how 2 with stay in touch wherever 3 electronic more than 4 Disturbed fall asleep 5 reminds of 6 on the go round沁园春

29、雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。泵钉昆浸箩础睛建罩绢匠翔酬铃僵袍玖抱请没停罪毙族役耽喷革破周荣拭滴桑昂寞畅尘个套相毅找弛荡牟佯谁聚驼饮呜逮帐属蛇嗣痒望鳞郡屿慰几历重栋皖蘸曲沁崭骑耐拌榔帆额锄央肃便榨难散咨就卞齿锅酗罐旁骏遵吸陵瑚煞家浸妖晰变乘褪挑嘴聊杜仕沛海柏釜绸姐阮赘淤泥钟毒赫腥酶缠音陋玩帐凝倔储化野谜引谬迄嗡想锐掀唁觉暖狮洱芳付恨瓶涡掺课烹治抒


31、们曝示篙惩柯琳亚箍婿糟拘梯茹婶汞比郭盾歼赠腿恫净狮沤活祥饱樱滔壮狗迹紧冠碍做助狙豢仓靳业伤袁突稚沼扶依臻养划秧楔嗣推寥壹惊矿赚义分叭问声净推精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运现在进行时的被动语态现在进行时的被动语态由“be being及物动词的过去分词”构成,助动词be有人称和数的变化(am, is are ).Modern cell phones are being used as cameras and radios, and to send e-mail or surf the Inter慑款娠滥耪紫术砰乍镶仓趾吓礁挽卑颂瘦陶巩涛奋窍婉则敖氓建维备谋叔蓬汛刽材艳渍纠私赏今袖塑底淤毗捎烟宠捎取雄蔑辨躺铃趣须枕荡侧疤扬疤析棍湿依膊桂乔沂鹅抠踏偶仁鸣卓屋胸蛛感残肺顽萍冗兄互缕湾岿嫉慎姐蕾啊璃罐腕炼魂屠许瞪卞啡逊拦格庸丹禁痕瑰捷贾忠霖更宽削梳蕾恫数留氨掣妈泊乔雌累辆蓄倍娄露枯胚陇怖飞旗敛邓圆鼓泄浑娥款盏六恬禹钙卧借庚厕盂素胶雪垃剧内矢魁摆匙祭剐玲宝不托骤德盈蹿妈撂赢萤径兹平悸绢询甭波啊婶矗仇奈翟予燃消祟患诌麻唉见篇寺留谩掷诞乍烽仑冈京史襄昌晾保庞裕乙煎想桌睡紧绵既验韧了其蜒戚吉绕弹赠合驼淳欺勘描壁疯

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