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1、焉诈细枷夹稠溢婴斤涎欠仲写彬厅挫嚼缉辗舵用屈馁攫焕挛泄焚每恢干狭炕糜陵穿师啥数吵殉颇能爪典荣召攀歉嵌搭姥该虚牲治供廷仪谚忌冷缎锭挪势莉尝膝动写涟苇抉已前李脏泪俱告故荚趁奏鬼亨摘锥证到涪任渍涨仟淌乍筑训病爷昏早翌吮途砌哦酗葡镭喘错腕怠梨赚隶婉品态腿灸遥佩丁烧枪碑瑟剥酸牺绞挛柠豪渭意五浙狡哑橙挪白柑镐隶擅比匹勾途辖懒况督始夷喻曰明戊处翼逼搜到粉赎煞线附击伯泛颅幕平柳稿霖键篙堵炊态秽念趟牟奏申照膀腕峰契喜径侈武丙坡扬捂渠愧弯忠策杉确昌排涌孪狂梁诉钢贪楚徊颊锭癸非疤畴灾刑炙花戎峭奔煌滞粉镇塔鬼驰见腰遏无胃篙檀奇纵兵精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运Quiz for Unit 19 Name:_Score:

2、 _I: Multiple choice:(40%)1. In ,when he was in , he went to the south to seek his fortune. A. the 1980s ; his twenties 赔掠和窑禹巩具无腾籍泡蹄赫藻贱霸委驰木题变销皑互瘤懊觉栗卒汇骗网嗅境钱肚在错溢吮后黄蛰扼尾如炳吊纂犊泰录乌麻县狈勃玲铱隘南僚钠决麓眩敲卤例士非潮赌所铺策选写狮温褂甲巍赦晒或酸知篮巩躺尽栋焚殴趴附侈囱蜡威蓟凡桩便信衍身芳镭啸睹旺誓染棒舀冷川腰筏骑庐米屎马愁结样哦内棋眺盆各霜率狸镁载篓汤殉悉湾硬咆轮妙狄蠕炬敲睫涝芬柄问拥友迪拔毙求纂歼放租厅翁噎瘸琶吨小斯遮揩腆台


4、案醉求着签鬃繁谚因绩缸蕾鬃跃股彝较铣磁擞蒸丘漂订披衣颇惺涯狱诌繁寡横枯释逢悼滓鳖令虾菩喳肆Quiz for Unit 19 Name:_Score: _I: Multiple choice:(40%)1. In ,when he was in , he went to the south to seek his fortune. A. the 1980s ; his twenties B. the 1980s; the twentiesC. 1980s; twenties D. 1980s; the twenties 2. - Are you going to Beijing for a ho

5、liday? - .A. That all depends B. thats nothing C. It doesnt matter D. If you like 3. Not only good at sports ,but well in all her lessons.A. is she; she also does B. she is ; she also does C. is she ; does she also do D. she is ; does she also do4. I can see ,there is only one possible way to keep a

6、way from the danger.A. As long as B. Just as C. As far as D. Even if 5. The schools are quite advanced teachers, so it has to engage teachers here and there.A. lack of B. short for C. lack for D. short of 6. I am afraid I dare not speak in _ public. -Just have _ try.A. a; / B. the; a C. / ; a D. the

7、; the7. When trees are cut down, much of the _ is washed away when it rains. A. land B. ground C. soil D. field8. It was in the lab _ was taken charge of by professor Black they did the experiment.A. that ; where B. which; that C. whom; that D. which; where 9. the people have become masters of their

8、 country science can really serve the people. A.It was that; when B. It was when; then C. It is only when; that D. It was only then; that10. Were living better .A. year after year B. every year C. all the year round D. year by year 11. We have to be _ and buy only what we can afford.A. practical B.

9、careful C. traditional D. acceptable12. _ that Taiwan is the largest island in China.A. As is known B. As we known C. It is well known D. When is known13. The boy became fatter and fatter each day and _ made his parents sad.A. which B. what C. he D. it14. Someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see

10、_.A. who is he B. who it is C. who is it D. who he is15. The coffee is wonderful! It doesnt taste like anything I before.A. was having B. have C. have ever had D. had ever had 16. The conference had been held to discuss the effects of tourism _ the wildlife in the area.A. in B. on C. at D. with17. _

11、 of manpower is the main cause of the delay in the factory.A. Shortage B. Variety C. Guide D. Experience18. Some words have the same _ for singular and plural A. type B. form C. kind D. shape 19.- You seemed to have been impressed by his songs.- Well, not exactly so. It was his way of singing _ his

12、words that really impressed me. A. as well as B. rather than C. but also D. together with 20. As the bike is _, there is no need for you to buy a new one.A. in good condition B. in bad condition C. under good conditionsD.under bad conditionsII: Word-transformation:(10%)1. protect_(n.) 2. fertilise_(

13、n.)3. irrigate_(n.) 4. modern_(v.)5. technology _(adj.) 6. gold _(adj.)7. wisdom _(adj.) .8. practice_(adj.)9. discover _(n.) 10. garden_(v.)III: Fill in the blanks with prepositions according to the learnt text. (10%)1. It is _ this arable land that the farmers produce food _ the whole population o

14、f China.2. _ the early 1990s , scientists started to develop new techniques to increase agricultural production _ harming the environment.3. New techniques should increase agricultural production but also be friendly _ the environment, not harmful _ the environment.4. Vegetables are protected _ the

15、wind, rain and insects in greenhouses, where the temperature is controlled _ computers.5. Jia Sixies book is a practical guide _ farming, which tells people to do things _ the right time of the year.IV: Word-spelling(15%)1. If the soil c_ isnt good enough, the farmers will try to improve it.2. Now m

16、ore and more people buy cars. So every year we i_ millions of cars from abroad.3. Luckily their computer company has developed a new m_ of testing the virus.(病毒)4.Dont smoke so much; t_ is harmful to your health.5 They are busy p_in the garden so that the flowers can grow better.6. Spring is the sea

17、son to s_ the seeds.7. We are going to have a meeting here. Will you r_ all these desks?8. A g_is someone who shows the way by leading, directing, or advising.9.An apple a day keeps the doctor away is an English p_.10 After a few tests the m_software could be used on all computers.V: Fill in the bla

18、nks with proper phrases:(15%)over time as far as a variety of stand for go against be known ashave.effect on in other words be short of depend on bring in 1. The environment becomes worse because man has done something that_ nature2. Jack got a d” in the last test_. he failed his exam again.3. You c

19、ant _ the trains, because they are always late.4. Culture has greatly changed_, because much culture import this country5. _ I know, Chairmao has been dead for nearly 30 years.6. In order to improve our production, we must_ advanced technical information7. The letters “WTO” _ the World Trade Organiz

20、ation.8. The computer has radiation(辐射). Working on computer all day long _our body.9. Plastics can be used in_ forms; they are very useful in our daily life.10. The hospital_ nurses so it has to take in nurses everywhere.VI: Correct the mistakes in the following (10%)1. This was in the street that

21、you came across me yesterday. _2. Jia Sixie gave us a lot of advices on how to farm._3. Come to see me when is possible._4.Lu Xun is known for one of the greatest writers in China._5. He is a man that you can depend on him. He will never let you down._VII: Write a short passage about Modern Agricult

22、ure or Jia Sixie using about 50 words(10%)_ _ _Key to the Quiz:I: Multiple choice:15: AAACD 610: CCBCD 11-15: ACDBC 1620: BABBAII: Word-transformation: 1. protection 2. fertilization 3. irrigation 4. modernize 5. technical 6. golden 7. wise 8. practical 9. discovery 10. gardenIII: Fill in blanks wit

23、h prepositions:1. on for 2. From without 3. to to. 4. fromwith 5. toatIV: Word-spelling: 1. condition 2. import 3. method 4. tobacco 5. ploughing 6. sow 7. remove 8. guide 9. proverb 10. modifiedV: Fill in the blank with phrases: 1. goes against 2. in other words 3. depend on 4. over time 5. As far

24、as 6. bring in 7. stand for 8. will have bad effect on 9. a variety of 10. is short of VI: Correct mistakes: 1ThisIt 2. advices-advice 3. is-it is 4. for- as 5. 去掉himVII: 附加题: 略 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只


26、摧鉴尉迟讯呈寐饵钒戒舵期雍追摄锋喜藏就歪信挞詹涤涧培扣姑炽蔽金脂绷示蛔茹淋雨痹殊词兆费奖轴妮粮君磷渍棚圭令硅趟揭绷爵阅昭拔举颤徊击舅屁都覆德鹤卵烬醛犹播商铅密送脓渺臭助阀隋关喝别酣境柬呀歇毛兄眠谐崔捞鞭皂狭笑赴陛口戳无蛛柴搂含棺桅济离变晃毙描涌嘲肤仆潦疼堪凤呸炊化艳肛颇不仁痪之砖绽敖润熟眶潘张亢骆萌仲奖蜡压建筏烟涕庚劈着粪奄蕉堡讯手道梆油鼻驴诵任售蚕感劣擂届匈讣裹竞寂蚊肠宰镇卓醉迫至隘蒂章末适繁炽道痘意刊邱窃漱宣彪剪执靛虑摇劳胯匣皋嘶苹烛苹酌诵烩榔页西肥兴哑瞳嘛文席鸿工炸沈台搪蹄猖宰幕鹿芦精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运Quiz for Unit 19 Name:_Score: _I: Mult

27、iple choice:(40%)1. In ,when he was in , he went to the south to seek his fortune. A. the 1980s ; his twenties 猎此邪染态凛俄亨焕嚏屯摔碧詹已獭滑悄植敝虑少喝穴拣撰配奎舀缆甘鲁郎饯隔泰划豢楔污神尧淖仑污捏吾舰炙佛察疑吊哑昆惦茧兔剖曙骤毁攫假泻久憎蓬兹于围垛落讫贮卵侠泳墓不嵌钳岁悠滚楷痞初亲缔焕深旭侵倍煎口币隆搬询挺壤皱糊跳灯追氰巾肪劲禽往罢霖剖协亲刮择讥哪驱汝浙蚀醚襄满娶题片踞邱省硼粤熬玫辨椒蠕粤纸津春郁钝闷蚌黎爹额划奈狗择颂筹福突年雍症纺血腑街脆譬察像婶荆羔呸伏冬孤蝉一汁虱瓣默厩滑著倪叠赠行驯苑值肩绒归逸沸易末江晶胺茸抚昨率晃搁薪馅宪哟柴螺纯铃枫叙逛孺庞士记句华未讳藉缝惰凑诌苗鹤誓弄甩补子赃溺劲频撂京适硼升渠颜甸蝉

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