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2、in 20237Priority Themes and Major Events8Enhancing Institutional Capacity 38Financial Highlights442024 Outlook46Table of ContentsADBAsian Development Bank ADBIAsian Development Bank InstituteBRIBelt and Road InitiativeCARECCentral Asia Regional Economic CooperationCPMMCorridor Performance Measuremen

3、t and Monitoring CTTNCAREC Think Tank NetworkCTTDFCAREC Think Tank Development ForumCOVID-19Coronavirus disease 2019FDIForeign Direct InvestmentFTAFree Trade AgreementGDPGross Domestic ProductICTInformation and Communications TechnologyIFRSInternational Financial Reporting StandardsIsDBIslamic Devel

4、opment BankMSMEMicro,Small,and Medium enterpriseOFDIOutward Foreign Direct InvestmentPRCPeoples Republic of ChinaRAMRoad Asset ManagementToTTraining of TrainersUNICEFUnited Nations International Childrens EmergencyFundUNESCAPUnited Nations Economic and Social Commission forAsia and the PacificAbbrev

5、iations Dear Stakeholders,I am pleased to introduce the CAREC Institutes Annual Report forthe year 2023 that focuses on promoting green growth,sustainabledevelopment,and digital adoption in the CAREC region throughresearch,capacity building,and knowledge sharing.By engagingleaders,experts,and stakeh

6、olders in discussions,the Institute aims toaddress regional policy challenges and find sustainable solutions forcollective benefit.In a world facing unprecedented challenges,the importance ofregional cooperation and sustainable development cannot beoverstated.As we navigate the complexities of econo

7、mic growth,inclusivity,and environmental sustainability,the CAREC region standsat a critical juncture.Through a lens of inclusivity and green growth,the report showcases the initiatives of the CAREC Institute thatadvocate for the integration of economic progress,environmentalconservation,and social

8、equality.The knowledge products of theCAREC Institute emphasize the significance of mobilizing resources,promoting innovation,and embracing digital technologies to propelthe region towards a sustainable future.As we confront the realities of climate change,water scarcity,andeconomic uncertainties,th

9、e CAREC Institute has offered valuableknowledge services and products to facilitate effective collaborationamong policymakers,researchers,and stakeholders.Together,we aimto navigate towards a greener and more resilient future by leveragingpartnerships and embracing innovative solutions.Our collectiv

10、eefforts pave the way for a sustainable and prosperous CAREC regionfor future generations.Through initiatives like the CAREC Institutes Annual ResearchConference,CAREC Think Tank Development Forum and thepublication of research papers,policy briefs and economic monitors,policy dialogues,capacity bui

11、lding trainings and workshops,policymakers are equipped with the knowledge and tools needed toimplement recommended policy actions for sustainable and inclusivedevelopment in the region.Directors MessageThe report highlights the critical importance of regional cooperation,digital transformation,infr

12、astructure development,and innovativefinancing models to achieve sustainable and inclusive economicgrowth in the post-COVID-19 era.It emphasizes the urgency ofaddressing climate change challenges through research-drivenstrategies and green initiatives to shape a sustainable future for theregion.Serv

13、ing as a regional knowledge organization,the CAREC Instituteactively contributes to the CAREC Program by conducting research,providing capacity building services,and facilitating knowledgesharing.Collaborating closely with CAREC governments,the Institutecontinues assisting in achieving their policy

14、objectives of fosteringprosperity and enhancing economic integration within the region.Sincerely,Kabir K.JurazodaThe CAREC Institute Strategy for 2021-2025 is designed to respondto the evolving post-pandemic environment by enabling a green,sustainable,and inclusive recovery of the CAREC region.Based

15、 on thenew strategy,the CAREC Institute increases the volume and qualityof its products and services to meet the demand for knowledge fromits member countries and the CAREC Program.Our twelve strategicpriorities for 2021-2025 are:Deepening Stakeholder Engagement.The CAREC Instituteincreases its enga

16、gement with member countries,the CARECSecretariat and national and international think tanks to betterunderstand regional and country-specific research and capacitybuilding needs.Attracting and Retaining Technical Talent.To become aninnovative knowledge-based organization,the CAREC Institutecontinue

17、s to identify significant skill gaps by transparently hiringstaff and secondees,developing their skills,and reviewing andupdating staff compensation mechanism to attract and retain high-quality talents.Diversifying Financial Resources.With its newly developedResource Mobilization Strategy for 2022-2

18、025,the CARECInstitute continues to deepen engagement with its membercountries and build staff capacity to advance resourcediversification.Ensuring Conducive Working Environment.The CAREC Institutepromotes a conducive working environment to optimize itsproductivity and efficiency by providing sustai

19、ned access to state-of-the-art tools and techniques,databases,and knowledge sourcesfor producing quality outputs.Strategizing Operational Priorities.The CAREC Institute(i)buildsin-house technical expertise around a few core themes selectedfrom all five clusters of the CAREC 2030 strategy and integra

20、tes itsresources around them for producing high impact,high qualityknowledge output;(ii)selects relevant topics for knowledgeinterventions within the core themes;(iii)keeps the flexibility tooffer demand based technical knowledge services on any country-specific issues,as long as they support region

21、al cooperation andintegration and are within the Institutes in-house technicalexpertise and specific CAREC priority clusters;and(iv)integratesCOVID-19 pandemic as an overarching and cross cutting theme inits operations.Institutional StrategyExpanding Research Portfolio.The CAREC institutes new focus

22、areas in which member countries need urgent post-pandemicresearch support are:(i)promoting trade and foreign directinvestment for increasing regional trade flows and participation inregional and global value chains;(ii)building back better bysupporting greener,resilient and inclusive policies,partic

23、ularly intourism and climate change areas;(iii)facilitating cross-borderfinancial cooperation among member countries;(iv)promotingcapacities and regulatory environment for creating and benefitingfrom regional public goods;and(v)leveraging digital technologiesfor resilience and poverty alleviation.Th

24、e Institute continues todevelop in-house sectoral research capacity,lessening its relianceon outsourced research consultants.Revitalizing Capacity Building Approach.The CAREC Institutecontinues responding to emerging capacity gaps in membercountries.The newly conceptualized capacity building approac

25、hspearheaded by an e-learning platform with hybrid modalitieshelps the Institute(i)build on its programmatic achievements byidentifying core capacity gaps in member countriespolicy,regulatory,procedural,and so on;(ii)determine levels of capacityfor various tiers of governmentleadership,operational;(

26、iii)determine stages of capacity buildingshort duration to extendedperiod;and(iv)define measurable outcomes of capacity buildinginterventionsanticipated changes in policy formulation.Adopting an Innovative Knowledge Management Approach.The CAREC Institute continues to innovate its knowledgemanagemen

27、t approach by emphasizing and designing user-friendlyknowledge products and harnessing digital technology forbolstering dissemination to reach out to senior policymakers andstakeholders,organizing and indexing knowledge to ensure user-friendly navigation.Improving Partnerships and Networks.The CAREC

28、 Institutecontinues to refine its approach to building partnerships byidentifying opportunities and developing synergies,including jointactivities within the CAREC Think Tank Network,in particular theCAREC Think Tank Development Forum.CAREC Corridor Performance Measurement and Monitoring(CPMM).The C

29、AREC Institute and the ADB are working togetherto transfer ADBs expertise in CPMM methodology,data collectionand analysis,and preparation and publication of reports to theCAREC Institute by the end of the strategy period.Adoption of Digital Approaches.The CAREC Institutes transitionfrom a relatively

30、 new institution to a mature,go-to place forknowledge solutions in the region largely depends on itsadaptability to embrace agile,cutting-edge technologies in itsoperations to increase efficiency and effectiveness.The Institutecontinues to leverage digital/virtual technologies,finetuneapproaches in

31、its operations,inspire and lead other regional thinktanks to learn from Institutes experience,and facilitate membercountries in bridging digital adoption gaps.Quality Assurance Framework.To achieve the status of areputable and mature think tank in the region,the CAREC Institutewill significantly enh

32、ance the quality of its products andinterventions by implementing a quality assurance framework forall its activities.2023 Activities at GlanceSeventh CAREC Think TankDevelopment Forum“Embracing DigitalTechnology for Sustainable EconomicDevelopment”Policy Brief on the Trade Facilitation inthe CAREC

33、regionDialogue between Government andPrivate Sector:Promoting Trade andInvestment in CAREC RegionFifth Meeting of CARECInstitutes Advisory CouncilCTTN Dialogue on RegionalStrategic Vision for ClimateActionWorkshop on Results of New CivilAviation Research Project FEBRUARYAPRILJUNEJULYAUGUSTSEPTEMBERO

34、CTOBERNOVEMBERDECEMBERJoint CTTN Dialogue and CAREC ChaiEvent about the Economic Impact ofthe Russian-Ukraine Conflict on theCAREC CountriesFourth CAREC Chai Event on ClimateChange Issues and Potential forRegional ActionCAREC Quarterly Economic MonitorNo.9New Strategic Partnershipbetween the CAREC I

35、nstitute andthe Beijing National AccountingInstituteQuarterly Economic Monitor No.11Workshop“Household access toenergy in the Fergana Valley amultidimensional survey-basedassessment in three CARECcountries”Knowledge-Sharing Webinar onEnhancing Regional TradeFacilitation in the CAREC regionthrough Na

36、tional Single WindowCAREC Institutes Paperspublished in Asia PacificSustainable Development JournalMid-Term Review of CARECInstitutes Strategy was finalizedWorkshop on Early Warning andRegulations of International FinancialRisksDigital CAREC Virtual Policy Dialogueon the Digital FDI Ecosystem CAREC

37、Institute E-Learning PlatformFeatured in ADBIs New BookCAREC Institutes Third AnnualResearch Conference“Prospectsfor an Inclusive Green Growthand Sustainability in the CARECRegion”Policy Brief on Chinas Best PolicyPractices for Using CentralizedInspections for Low-CarbonCities.Report“CAREC Digital F

38、DI Ecosystemin the CAREC Region(phase II)”Report“Water Infrastructure inCentral Asia:Promoting SustainableFinancing and Private CapitalParticipation”Economic Brief“The PRCs OFDI tothe CAREC regionprospects in greenenergy”Policy Brief“Development of the CivilAviation Industry in Six CARECCountries:Ge

39、orgia,Kazakhstan,theKyrgyz Republic,Mongolia,Turkmenistan,Uzbekistan”Symposium on“China Central AsiaCooperation on Digital EconomyInnovation and Governance”Quarterly Economic Monitor No.10Third Meeting of CAREC InstitutesFinancial Sustainability Working GroupFourteenth Meeting of the CARECInstitutes

40、 Governing CouncilNew Strategic Partnershipbetween the CAREC Institute andthe Export-Import Bank of ChinaNew Strategic Partnershipbetween the CAREC Institute andthe Centre for Analysis ofEconomic Reforms andCommunication-AzerbaijanSixth Chai Dialogue on MiddleCorridor DevelopmentSeventh Chai Dialogu

41、e to DiscussRegulatory Frictions in DigitalPaymentsThird Water Virtual Policy DialogueTen CPMM Country BriefsJANUARYCAREC Institutes Second AnnualBookRegional workshop“StrengtheningKnowledge and Capacities for theDesign and Implementation of FreeTrade Agreements Involving CARECCountries:Training of

42、Trainers”Sixth CAREC Think TankDevelopment Forum Report Webinar on Regional Cooperation inCentral Asia on Water,Energy andClimate Change MARCHMAYWorkshop“Charting a Pathwaytowards a Green,Climate-ResilientEconomy Recovery in Asia in Post-COVID-19 Era”Webinar Unleashing the Potential ofMSMEs in the C

43、AREC Region:Recommendations for OvercomingBarriers to Finance Country-Specific Workshop on RoadAsset Management for the KyrgyzRepublicCountry-Specific Workshop on RoadAsset Management for TajikistanCAREC Institutes new report“Strengthening agricultural extensionservices in rural Uzbekistan:opportuni

44、ties and alternatives”Annual Book Research Papers&ReportsEconomic Brief Research Conference New Memorandums ofUnderstandingCAREC Think Tank Development Forum Workshops,Webinars,Forums&DialoguesLearning Modules on E-LearningPlatform Subscribers of E-newsletter inChinese,English,and Russian Followers

45、on LinkedIn131Policy Briefs5Quarterly Economic Monitors42164E-Learning Platform Visitors 35 128Visits to the E-learning Platform197 05911PUBLICATIONSCAPACITY BUILDINGFLAGSHIP EVENTSPARTNERSHIPS5MEDIA OUREACH2 727Followers on Weibo33 1003 1002023 in FiguresCPMM Briefs 10Followers on WeChat1 873Learni

46、ng Videos on E-LearningPlatform 64Green growth and sustainable development are vital for the CARECregion as they are essential in promoting economic prosperity whilesimultaneously reducing environmental impact.Embracing greengrowth and sustainable development allows CAREC membercountries to enhance

47、productivity and efficiency while minimizingtheir environmental footprint,resulting in lasting economic andenvironmental advantages.Regional cooperation on water resources,energy,and climate changeis crucial for green growth and sustainable development.Thesesectors are interconnected,and addressing

48、challenges in one areaoften requires collaboration in others.In light of this,the CARECInstitute and the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies ofHarvard University jointly hosted a webinar about regionalcooperation in Central Asia on water,energy,and climate change onJanuary 30,2023.The expe

49、rts discussed how water is intricatelylinked to climate change.Climate change impacts the water cycle,leading to changes in precipitation patterns,evaporation rates,andthe availability of water resources.Rising global temperatures canresult in more frequent and intense droughts,floods,and extremewea

50、ther events,affecting water availability and quality.Changes intemperature and precipitation patterns can alter the timing andvolume of river runoff,snowmelt,and groundwater recharge,impacting water supply for agriculture,industry,and domestic use.This can lead to water scarcity in some parts of the

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