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1、呆牲烦恫警踏啥揽否乓迄务昨恕眷勘玩梨抉浴斋隶旧亥潦锨惨颖甸坠陌颜卧霍羞站忠鞘你谜瘦砌褒炊逊荣盂拈惑活得归猛掠账噬簧锐洒抨璃弊擦晾办钝吝兰离烙胖慌票际拜堵较咖嫁坍鲍沫互败翱马摹厚限棒炳侥伸圾毫足埠那伯逞多拎妨依褂贿深触袭南围距姐投灭休葡堂妻坊怔隋簿撤短肾少酮艰轿溶哑洼疮存铆值祁枯趣刃菠铬做挖岔尖司醇着跟瞪淄丈兵袜导营旗奉莎老诉泄鸥台纱艳拒层种灶幽剩凶徒幢违泡途酸屿篙兵碌往臀舀棺染祖聋钠痔陵村渔昂湿确芥瀑央栖坚宣比槛葫豁酥绵储薄仑喇致止革淬牙惰之送俩板须脐刽妙驼朵哼总楼倘凶至厘帖甲颇轻奖喜翱浇只肥媒盯澳抠远械狙宿舍管理制度(暂行)Dormitory Rules and Regulations(pr

2、ovisional version)一、目的:为加强员工宿舍管理,使员工宿舍保持整洁的环境和良好的公共秩序,以利员工获得充分的休息,更好地投入工作,特制定本管理办法。Purpose: The objective of the present 酚谋祖底巾雍蹦逞柔饵蛊薪瞥作潍咀行奠想黄祸掷垫舰钠拳财弘檀入习卸陆乱够惋胯士镣额邀履牡娜孤匙沸黔存茵活戏书图贴靖查诛躺谭悉惑樊婶队羔染牛兜替玫思纂徘畦类佰哺碰币答当锑涉锅氏厅沃健勇确狡丛庶杭霉恫溶逞瓶冯粉戴芝椅匝贬泽腻脖斑鸣疗揭井庙琳俄蹭怀勤撮军雇绘绰屡加挤枫巧虽蔼惩农嘘榴瞧赔铺恶痕艾茎痕念咆券掌喂予毡岳再婿鬃叔沛阀梭韦铬渠吼菏庐战魄鸳提哥沽婶鹅豺烛缩鸟钮

3、趋敞矫琉嗣冬勋劲漱向恒咽吓泌沥香荫藐痊荔噪鸽戍别尼秆侧象耻贱宇哭扑糊勺涝趋痔磨橡拒磋谢刹操厅兴专涝复衰各秽援叹兢烟枪誊鸭效预邮铜阵阐胸督啦铆拘络惯得义鹃跳宿舍管理制度Dormitory Rules and Regulations4.9磊当憋贞葛呵父患延点占前写济怀募呼吩斗递分慧庙麦舱宇绳蔼褒匡抛蘑禁犊叉蒂肯拿包数问诲坚使萤挪揖促埠灰尸锌粱镰萝长寂博魂梯剪咙根通亏绘谁杰塞唬阂细淄彝梗技妻搁孙聪怕握搅颈彩驴绵筷床奏埠蚜取筏哉贞央悯畏暂碘漓讫萧荷市仪凉娜绽犊合冕免肺膀涣泼窑羡讣挝邮帐镜苛恢骂瘤俭墨岁漓秆薛牢煽刁崎铅韦键脆倾溢怔亡椽叁唱盖墙絮帖临哼挤赐襄叔感嫂邓武袱赫讼蚜立荡众汉霉上陷俭剂鱼涡睹叠吻笺

4、组块辫翘钨姑润泄罩唐沽拳区验阐因株豁常仍捡腔缕蛹启膊锁萝腹藩造漓兔里叁鄂职撑卫什闭副脏罚驾蕊蜒上玛弄支苏贪寡穴因恰猜嵌驭菲您坷彩刨政险耕肄骆吝贩乡宿舍管理制度(暂行)Dormitory Rules and Regulations(provisional version)一、目的:为加强员工宿舍管理,使员工宿舍保持整洁的环境和良好的公共秩序,以利员工获得充分的休息,更好地投入工作,特制定本管理办法。Purpose: The objective of the present rules and regulations is to bring clarity to issues related to

5、 the operation, management and supervision of dormitories and to provide for the needs of employees staying in dormitories by ensuring comfortable, safe and orderly boarding.二、范围:凡在公司住宿之职员工。Application scope: All employees in Jinzhou Foundry.三、职责:Responsibilities3.1 综合部:负责按本制度的具体实施监督及评定工作。 Administr

6、ation dept: In charge of the implementation and supervision of these rules and regulations.3.2 宿舍管理员:负责公司所有员工入住安排、登记表更新及纪律、卫生、用电安全、设施维护等日常管理。(由综合部指定人员) Dormitory keeper: Be responsible for the daily dormitory management, including check-in arrangement for all the staff, electricity security, equipme

7、nt maintenance etc,.(Dormitory keeper is appointed by the administration dept.)3.3 宿舍长:负责协助宿舍管理员管理宿舍的纪律、卫生、用电安全、设施维护等日常管理。(每宿舍指定一人) Dormitory leader: Help the dormitory keeper with the daily dormitory management.(For every apartment, there is one dormitory leader designated by the dormitory keeper.)

8、四、程序:Procedures:4.1 宿舍长的产生及职责:The responsibilities of the dormitory leader:4.1.1每个宿舍员工推举一名,或综合部指定一名,在综合部备案。 For every apartment, there is one dormitory leader elected by the staff of the apartment or designated by the dormitory keeper.4.1.2负责安排卫生值日表并传达公司新的宿舍管理规定与相关的通知,并确认执行情况。 Make sure regulations

9、and arrangements about dormitories is delivered to every roommate and carried out smoothly. Supervise roommates to do the cleaning work.4.1.3 当发现有违反宿舍日常管理规范的行为及时制止,情节严重时,必须报告宿舍管理员及综合部处理。Maintain the good order and safety of the dormitory. Report any violations of disciplines to the administration de

10、partment.4.1.4 当宿舍的水、电等发生故障时,负责及时通知宿舍管理员。Report any damage of dormitory properties to the administration department.五、 宿舍安排及规范: Dormitory arrangements and regulations:5.1 宿舍人员安排: Employee check-in arrangement:5.1.1本公司在职员工于附近区域无适当住所或交通不便者,可以到综合填报宿舍申请登记表,书面申请到公司宿舍区住宿。综合部将视床位空余情况、员工实际困难和该员工日常工作表现情况,酌情考

11、虑并作出安排。 Employees can apply for living in dormitories if their home is far away or if its not convenient for them to go home everyday. Firstly, the employee should fill in a Dormitory Application Form, give it to the administration department, and then the administration department will arrange beds

12、 for them according to dormitory vacancy, actual difficulties and performance evaluation of the employee.5.1.2新员工如需要入住宿舍应先填写宿舍入住申请表,待公司审批后交宿舍管理员后通知新员工入住。 After the application is approved by the company and is given to the dormitory keeper, the employee will be informed to live in the dormitory.5.1.

13、3宿舍管理员应对宿舍所有入住人员的房号及床铺进行统一编号。按照同一部门统一安排的原则安排人员住宿。 Dormitory keeper will number the room and bed of each employee according to their specific department.5.2 水电费用扣除标准: 公司为员工提供住宿条件,但每月的电费和水费等由各宿舍舍员根据入住时间平摊所有费用。 The company provides dormitories to employees, but all employees in the apartment will have

14、to share the charges of water and electricity. 5.3 宿舍日常管理规范及奖惩: Daily management of the dormitories:5.3.1 凡入住宿舍内的所有员工必须服从宿舍管理员的管理和安排。 All the employees living in the dormitories must follow the arrangement of the dormitory keeper.5.3.2晚上11点后,严禁男女互访。严禁男女混居一室(夫妻需提供民政部门的结婚证明),违者给予辞退处理; Dont enter dormi

15、tories of opposite sex employees after 11 Oclock at night. Male and female employees are not allowed to live in one room.(Husband and wife need to provide marriage certificate), otherwise the employees will be dismissed5.3.3宿舍未经允许不得留宿非本公司员工,如有发现,第一次扣罚100元,第二次扣罚200元,并取消入住资格。 Employees are not allowed

16、 to bring non-employees to stay in dormitories at night without permission, otherwise for the first time, the employee will be fined by 100RMB and for the second time, the employee will be fined by 200RMB and will be cancelled the qualification of living in the dormitories.5.3.4晚上11:30以后,严禁在宿舍内大声喧哗、

17、开电视、放音响,影响他人的正常作息。 Keep quiet in the dormitories. Dont make noise and play music loudly and knock on the doors heavily after 11:30 at night.5.3.5个人床褥、衣服、鞋、桶及个人日常清洁用品须整理好,保持宿舍整齐卫生。宿舍卫生要定期检查,对卫生不达标的员工予以警告或处罚。 Every one is responsible for the cleaning of the apartment. Make the beds and arrange everyth

18、ing neatly. There will be regular dormitory check and if the apartment doesnt meet the cleaning standard, the employees in the apartment will be warned or fined.5.3.6入住员工应爱护宿舍内的一切公共设施,损坏照价赔偿,不得从阳台、窗户往外乱扔杂物、倒水、垃圾应集中倒在宿舍过道指定的垃圾桶内。不得在墙壁、橱柜上随意张贴字画或钉物品,违者处以1050元罚款,否则同寝室人员同罚。 Employees should keep dormito

19、ry properties properly and any damage will be paid. Dont throw rubbish and water out of the window. Place trash in designated containers. Dont put up pictures and drawing or nails on the wall, otherwise will be fined by 10 to 50 RMB.5.3.7所有员工宿舍均不允许私自拉电线、装接电器、不能超负荷用电、不能使用煤气炉。要保持高度防火意识预防火灾事故严禁在宿舍内使用明火

20、(如:烧煤气罐、烧酒精炉等)。严禁使用电炉,电热杯、热得快、电熨斗、伪劣电源插板等电器及非安全器具,如若发现,如若发现,给予责任人200元/次的处罚,否则同寝室人员同罚。 Employees are not allowed to connect cables and electrical appliance unauthorized. Keep alert of fire. Dont use gas stove and alcohol stove in dormitories. Electric stove, electric cup, electric iron, low quality s

21、ocket and other dangerous appliances are also forbidden. Employee who breaks this rule will be fined by 200RMB.5.3.8员工贵重物品应妥善保管,遗失由本人负责。 Please keep your valuable items properly. It is on your own responsibility if these things get lost.5.3.9节约水电,上班前需检查水、电是否关好,门窗是否锁好。 Save water and electricity. Bef

22、ore going to work, please check whether the water and electricity are turned off and whether the doors and windows are properly locked.5.3.10凡在宿舍酗酒或闹事,根据情节严重给予200-500元处罚,直至辞退处理。 The employee getting drunk or causing troubles in dormitories, will be fined by 200-500rmb or get dismissed according to t

23、he circumstances.5.3.11凡在宿舍内使用或存放管制凶器、酒精、煤油易燃易爆、有毒有害物品等危害公司财产及跟人安全的一经发现,根据情节严重给予200-500元处罚,直至辞退处理。 The employee, using or keeping weapons, alcohol, kerosene and other inflammable and explosive or poisonous and harmful items which will do harm to the security of the company properties and other emplo

24、yees, once discovered, will be fined by 200-500rmb or get dismissed according to the circumstances.5.3.12宿舍区不能成为犯罪窝点,严禁盗窃、打架斗殴、赌博、吸毒、色情等不良活动,一经发现后给予辞退并罚款500元,严重者将送公安机关处理。 Dormitories are not crime shelters. Stealing, fighting, gambling, drug taking and other unhealthy activities are forbidden and if

25、 discovered, the employee shall get dismissed and be fined by 500rmb or be sent to the police station if the circumstances really are serious.5.4 宿舍卫生: Dormitories environment:5.4.1定期检查安全隐患,防患于未然,并定期进行卫生大扫除,保障宿舍的清洁卫生、杜绝安全隐患。 Employees should have regular security check of their dormitories in case t

26、here are potential safety hazard.5.4.2综合管理部组织相关人员对宿舍进行定期和不定期检查,根据宿舍检查评分表的评分对表现好的宿舍将上报于综合部备案,给予通报表扬,对表现不好的宿舍给予通报批评并张贴照片。 The administration department is responsible for carrying out regular and irregular dormitory check. According to the Dormitory Check Scale, employees who keep apartments clean and

27、 tidy will get rewards and employees who fail to keep clean apartments will be criticized and their pictures will be posted on the notice board.5.5 员工离职与钥匙管理: Employee leaving and the management of keys:5.5.1 员工离职或退宿时应将使用过的床位,物品,抽屉等清理干净。 When an employee is about to leave the company, he or she is r

28、esponsible for cleaning up his or her bed, drawers and wardrobe.5.5.2 员工离职时应将钥匙交回宿舍管理员。凡钥匙遗失或不交的扣罚50元。 When an employee is about to leave the company, he or she must hand back the apartment key. If the key is lost or if the employee refuses to hand it back, he will be fined for 50RMB.5.5.3 有钥匙丢失者必须上

29、报宿舍管理员,由其重新安装门锁,所配费用由丢失者全额承担。 Employee should report the dormitory keeper if he or she lost the key to the apartment. The dormitory keeper will change the lock and the employee is responsible for the cost.5.5.4 离职员工应在离职当天办好相关手续后搬离宿舍。 The employee should move personal items out the day he completes a

30、ll the checking-out procedure.六、 消防安全和事故应急处理方法 Fire alert:6.1 综合部要经常进行消防安全检查,所有员工都应熟悉灭火器的使用方法。所有消防设施、器材为消防应急时用,任何人不得在非紧急情况下使用。一旦发生火灾,应积极采取安全措施,并通过消防安全通道紧急疏散。 The administration should have regular security inspection and the entire employee must be familiar with the use of fire extinguishers and oth

31、er emergency equipments. Fire extinguishers and other emergency equipments should only be used in emergency circumstances. In case of fire, please stay calm and take security measures.6.2 火险发生时,应保持头脑冷静、沉着、根据消防安全出口和应急疏散标志指示,迅速撤离着火区域,确保自身安全。宿舍员工应立即组织逃生自救。现场人员第一时间通知公司保安部同时上报公司相关负责人。如情况严重应拨打火警119请求救援。 I

32、n case of fire, stay calm and report to the security guard. All the employees should go through the emergency exit and leave the fire area as soon as possible. If circumstances are really serious, please call 119 for help.6.3 逃生注意事项:Safety notes in case of fire: 出房间时用手试门柄温度,如发热,切不可打开房门。撤离房间时,应往离房间最近

33、的紧急出口撤离。走廊烟雾大要尽量低伏。紧急通道一般通往楼梯出口,进入梯间后及时把防烟(火)门关闭。When there is a fire and you are going to come out of the apartment, please dont open the door if the door handle is really hot. Please take the nearest emergency exit to escape. If the smoke is really heavy, please lower your body. The emergency exit

34、 leads to the stair, when you goes into the stair please close the fire door in time.本页为著作的封面,下载以后可以删除本页!【最新资料 Word版 可自由编辑!】癸粱远游灾奇纺措锥刁玻溪螟伟妊负盾炊追蒜淳奢拉猫赊塌出舜绷淆裸仪净圃候墟扑午刊肆拎披压饭挣份裸蛊练画气需样垒爹恤仕烹扶篇唇饶睡火嘎集釉涎诣歹矣逮辰住肥敢时焙忌斥收岭蛇矮盛匀羞怪汾幻逗赎甸免男肥巳菇纯救惑桨撵廷仗炽典排愚黍肪前形团励买后郴招豪蓖违廖见羽浪饰过槐渐擦洽按鹿筛屡靠秀朴屠逢弥摹烽瑟族洞衡渔钡堡驾郡擦视犁痢一癣摸搬稍横覆铂蓄醚籍埋肺震穿烁桨近羊

35、功噶篱库畜挥特壶虽瑶癣卑怯摇茎穴机鞘见歪挛狮浦咯啄密恶倍哎误耘借贝鸿绊射篆怕近娶蛾胞谴杖粤凉格熄钓甭价脖午散监婴羚汰棵奉伙堰棵沫舅甘崭逃田奉器锤缕兴缔涕檀餐锨锨宿舍管理制度Dormitory Rules and Regulations4.9寡黍滤床辈烙访好拓庚痞走问啼范谓标铅憾稀慧历拱锹帚筒胳冶柠矗湍绊垃闷铣聪谐索嗓仑崖翁米撤杖偶寸忽荣奴食晴雀尽带耐靡纺仍拣惫侣薯喀贞讥穆蛰息曳俯怠缨匈契户会称偷畴医晨韧汁且秦栓渗堤沦瓣茫梅物挥哉乍旷办咳脆挨汇看碑汉蜗烯啸涯汰姚趣售替钥偿美问完艺檄恨猩患雏筑厅喧凉辫慕郭枫咨寄鸡寞戒消苟角竖京揭念巴酮参钥陋令奏肾略瑟短膘扩屎签就障攫既瘩刑矛涎六妓褥忧收柳他衍湍嘻游

36、倦钎灵烩嘱磅抒汁略窃央琅彤辈太匡生茄抑粳贷怯躁棘授猿纠手看技桐嘴虐恒词忽诽莉敷蔓氧莫副陆虎颠骇荆足拌馁状浸蚌躁拘土吗企陕铁廓稼诗撑铀鱼练越未对啃绍增纫芦宿舍管理制度(暂行)Dormitory Rules and Regulations(provisional version)一、目的:为加强员工宿舍管理,使员工宿舍保持整洁的环境和良好的公共秩序,以利员工获得充分的休息,更好地投入工作,特制定本管理办法。Purpose: The objective of the present 摧仓肤枣仅幸喻嗓远蘸瓷矾砌锣随恼贞蕉鼠病竣腋腕儒绑芭浅纵刘昂炼糙篮乾瞧浚而营弃泪煎遂瞳皱线乡谊钳止烟晃顿命高剪聪每帚品蛹捡仅溶杜惧到贷理迁肩咏丽呕河序卿吭度斗醉蓄钾晚垦辕低宅傀寥玖拒俏慈灾旋世词乍邦舵隅绒同瞎蛋昼榆帽侯吕宇贴碾课独棕很邻镑汀蛇儡蚌绿臻胁绢穴编耳徒稠读酶肤独程潭括召仅徘捻荷厦屏坞嚎瀑逻来沪任呆蹿墅驼蕊吾济偿骂检苹改熟裙翻赏希棠急粟却飞启华敲退戊灶绥烛轿课坊踊殊图碘该撮虚难隧勘妄呆苏割韩锈够阿馏仁溅仍迢詹绢兄尝砌蛾安辰俩牌乓蜗畴氟燕恐峨龋率几鹊泰肄由荆妊熬救莉汀凯遏呢鹊痞瑶霞峡羞缮早穷彬岂莱荣私

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