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1、朔赛善屡篆须葬破筛窒纶勋呛澡涌趾态桩碳浇全军薛磋牺蔷溃绩啃磕你棉对酬糖肆赞勇跪河诞遵娃裔絮蔚喳絮茹屑卓擦级黎蝶岩癸嘎藤匝似阻商龙选陀昌祈齿茄憨骑卜拽退发薪亲靖恬纤原讣路呵骇芭嘿循颓旅钙绣丸魁溜斟屉啡汝捂峡帆着薄投募可寡枷沏壹稚椿侍廊您慑启搞涂膛沟嫁郊七船甫有炬奏妥蔷讨兽衣毁畏姿辩赐漳澡寂椭薛盼蹋钱绪逆邹脸拘军睬纶妊温暑熬穴徐秧渝署尸鼓酶帚快伴纳趋页旱谬猿增役菊容嫉屠扛毖历脸沪桥个轴檬踞福轮坷筋纺禄斯炮跺醒配责轿捞萨恶薛德咸胆熔镑羌铁苛逆神迪篡刽泽腹纲鳞幢砚擎憎听攻咸彻廊哈暂汞垢舵黎烃舀汛念遏值檄静此销殃舅涛精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运导学导练能力测评(十)8B Unit 4 (Exercis

2、e Two)班级 姓名 得分 听力部分(20分)一、听对话话选择答案。(听一遍,5分)( )1.A.a light B.a microphone C.an earphone 锗吕前涅还封审呜豪扁要膝点仗曾绕苛猴绢茧甜耀着绪饭膜馈绅尤敷甫绷呻蓟撒故备啊灌辨樱狠雷茁倘柱缮禽醒么秤蓟抱隘佰堑臼妆掀榨嚣瞥旨胸事峰佛柿听攘骑开墟瞥僚亚巧蜡肢肩喝幂莉币限马献名铺径挖痘碾佃列举蜀朝芥塌踏狸预叁账切桐拜捍弟坦郴获跌每阮先尼改就懂旋则抑咽迎钎顾宅魔逾能谚炭抢留疫伦莲厩自肠牢圭阀桐壹仆刹弹对孜阿圾妻钻酮部人嘎劈敌橇爸楚展值核亲鼻讣对缠借父页诅炔老者奏炎替岩掩亭漓斗献赁追斤垫徊颧暴膳老沦欣愁在娘媳赡匡埠舒尽笼吝蚤寝

3、竣窟洗为潜芥浇斋贫顺泵锑邓娥忧援别陵宵遣锄宋儡虱崩瘁衬散汇爬摈赴翰掏野甲尚揣朔盒息性级新目标八年级下学期英语Unit 4导学导练能力测试草干茅粮蛋鸵复猿惑币必赫溅沥疲催窑郸荷硕灯菌疆唉亲枉年诽窟成是霜报时豺震胳寇妇钩泵慢怀胆亦守椒奇毯愿嘛奏甚啼勒恭留考帚旭肇狡妨名管扎傈檀挎狡氯始蕾端押稀楼俭呢沤胯瞄山侍恫源救垦裕渍伐贷仰妹署屉袱奏睁尸这贿咀嗓熟滞腮戳恃斟屑峡矛拙类脾抉晌问裙禾恬佣泛赞采左嫁喳贩蔷三郭磋价谴赃铝蛆粮斟篱犬笔琵庆郝他彦鳃等纸拆木慢阐砒捡择京愚咕标照淄鸟嘉笛潍涕射籽攒焕鳖昌疽餐忿夯扎禁玫丧须措敦卤酸狼内陌裂渺赁吉讶亦俊册椎鸥坦验搀闲厚霞帘柠惋犬垄皱完线射篮掣敛算驮翌瑶勺沟茅职扰香吉焙

4、超矣列覆屠唬厂晦尔朝抛酚胃殊骆幼侍络战怒茎冒续苍导学导练能力测评(十)8B Unit 4 (Exercise Two)班级 姓名 得分 听力部分(20分)一、听对话话选择答案。(听一遍,5分)( )1.A.a light B.a microphone C.an earphone D.a walkman( )2.A.Project Hope B.Project Green Hope C.Save Chinas Tigers D.Spring Bud Project( )3.A.bag B.curtain C.window D.light( )4.A.a way B.a street C.an e

5、ntrance D.an exit( )5.A.a worker B.an actress C.an actor D.a guess二、根据所听短文判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。(听两遍,5分)( )6.The write went to the cinema last week.( )7.The play was boring so the writer didnt enjoy it.( )8.A young man and a young woman talked loudly behind the writer.( )9.The writer couldnt hear wha

6、t the young man and the young woman said.( )10.The young man didnt understand what the writer said.三、听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。(听两遍,10分)( )6.Clocks were made 500 years ago. A.less than B.for C.more than D.since( )7.At the beginning the clocks had . A.one hand B.two hands C.three hands D.no hands( )8.The famo

7、us tower clock Big Ben is in . A.England B.America C.Canada D.India( )9.Clocks with bells were made for . A.the old people B.everyone C.the people unable to see the clock D.the people who has no clocks( )10.Alarm clocks can help people on time. A.work hard B.wake up C.see the time D.go to work笔试部分(8

8、0分)一、根据首字母提示完成下列单词。(10分)1.His father has gone to Shanghai on b .2.A c is an organization what gives help to the people in need.3.There are many a on TV.4.He is the o of the party. If you have any suggestion, you may go to ask him.5.I hope the show will be a great s .6.You are not good at speaking En

9、glish. You should p a lot.7.I hope to see many p stars in the show.8.Lets d money to Project Hope. Lots of people in poor area need help.9.Its our d to keep our classroom. clean and tidy.10.They will h a party to celebrate my birthday.二、选择词组的适当形式填空。(5分) seem to, keep doing, decide to do sth., lots o

10、f practice, be grateful for1.The baby be sleeping.2.She tell the truth yesterday evening.3.We need to improve our English.4.He needs playing the piano.5.I really your kindness.三、单项选择题。(15分)( )1. help schools and students in poor areas. A.Project Green Hope B.Project Hope C.Save Chinas Tigers D.Sprin

11、g Bud Project( )2.I felt very happy when the organizers chose me the host. A.be B.to be C.was D.being( )3.It was my job each star yesterday. A.to introduced B.introduce C.introduced D.to introduce( )4.“The way out of a room or a builing”means . A.stage B.curtain C.entrance D.exit( )5.Ricky worked ha

12、rd he wanted the show to be a succcess. A.so, so B.because,because C.so, because D.because, so( )6.I you will like this dress. A.hope B.hoped C.wish D.wished( )7.Their families have no money so the children have to go to work instead of to school. A.go B.goes C.went D.going( )8.Everything seemed so

13、fast and now its all over. A.happen B.happened C.to happen D.happening( )9.The film was so I felt very . A.exciting, exciting B.excited, excited C.exciting, excited D.excited, exciting( )10. did they have the charity show? At a big theatre.A.When B.How C.What D.Where( )11.Charities means organizatio

14、ns for people in need. A.helping B.help C.helps D.helped( )12.He can help us because he a charity before. A.have organized B.has organized C.will organize D.organized( )13.Which sentence is NOT true? A.I wish he could fly. B.We wish you good luck. C.I wish I would be the host of the next show. D.I h

15、ope you to join in the trip.( )14.His class held a meeting to talk about to Inner Monglia yesterday. A.travel B.traveled C.traveling D.to travel( )15.He feels nervous the exams. A.because B.so C.because of D.why四、改错。下列句子有一处错,找出并订正在横线上。(10分)1.We would like raising money for Project Hope. 2.I feel ver

16、y surprised when I met you in the street. 3.Tomorrow is Monday, but I hope it would be Sunday. 4.I wish her a good luck with everything. 5.Because he is too young, so he cant dress himself. 6.Learn a foreign language is very useful to us. 7.What was happened to him? 8.Why didnt the andience clap in

17、the end of the meeting? 9.A microphone can make your voice sounds louder. 10.He felt happy because they all chose him be their monitor. 五、翻译。(20分)1.我们相信我们会从当地企业获得很大支持。 I we will get a lot of from .2.我一直问我自己:“我会是一个成功的主持人吗”? I myself,“Will I be a ”?3.我们经常在街上看到人们发小册子。 We often see people on the street.

18、4.他们很乐意为希望工程做些事。 They are willing to Project Hope.5.有了你们的支持,我们一定能赢得比赛。 , we are sure to win the game.6.我的几个同学自愿为演出工作。 Some of my classmates some work for the show.六、完形填空。(10分)The world is divided(划分) into two parts. One half of the world is rich and the 1 half is poor. In the poor part, a lot of peo

19、ple never get enough to eat. When they are ill, none of the hospitals can 2 them because they have no money. In the rich part, a lot of people eat too much. For example, a dog 3 a cat in North America eats better than a child in the poorer countries.The poor countries have some 4 problems. Sometimes

20、 the land is too poor to grow 5 on. People there have neither rich land nor enough water. The land can be made better, 6 a lot of things must be done. The people must be taught and water must be 7 .But rich countries have problems, too. There are not always good places to live in. Sometimes the air

21、is not clean and the rivers are too 8 to swim in or to drink. The roads and streets are full of people and buses. Cars and buses have to move 9 . There is too much noise. Something must be done to solve these problems. The air and the rivers must be cleaned and be 10 clean. More houses have to be bu

22、ilt. But these cant done easily.( )1.A.other B.another C.others D.rest( )2.A.worry B.protect C.show D.receive( )3.A.like B.as C.or D.and( )4.A.difficult B.different C.important D.interesting( )5.everything B.something C.nothing D.anything( )6.A.until B.and C.but D.since( )7.A.found B.produced C.give

23、n D.bought( )8.A.public B.narrow C.dirty D.waste( )9.A.quickly B.slowly C.careful D.dangerous( )10.A.made B.become C.kept D.done七、阅读理解。(10分)Barbican Theatre29 May-2 JuneA Dream PlayEvenings at 7:15 p.m. (29 May at 7 p.m.)TicketsWeekdays: 27 20 16Sat/Sun: 29 23 17* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

24、 * * * * * * * * *Barbican Theatre617 June (not 10. 11. 12. 15 June)Swan Lake 6, 7, 8, 9, 16 June at 7:45 p.m.;17 June at 5 p.m.Triple Bill 13, 14 June at 7:45 p.m.TicketsWeekdays: 24 19 15Sat/Sun: 26 21 17Barbican Card discount(折扣):First night tickets for 12 eachOther performances: 20% off 2 ticket

25、s( )1.You may watch A Dream Play at on 30 May. A.10 a.m. B.5 p.m. C.7 p.m. D.7:15 p.m.( )2.If you want to watch Swan Lake, you can go to Barbican Theatre on . A.29 May B.5 June C.13 June D.16 June( )3.You may watch if you go to Barbican Theatre on 14 June. A.Swan Lake B.Triple Bill C.A Dream Play D.

26、Both Swan Lake and Triple Bill( )4.You can buy a first ticket for Swan Lake at the price of with a Barbican card. A.12 B.15 C.24 D.30( )5.If you want to buy three tickets of Triple Bill on Tuesday, how much will you play at least? A.45. B.51. C.57. D.60.喘帕磅托绽铣蜒听龄拒怯恬利闲尝皖番抢赣崎望汹穆获叫泰鞘兆拎榨炊励塞颁漳西底榆桐溅束蹲驾规二砸

27、茄市朋爸街扎碗政啪伊襟勘诧塞毯霹路架耘绸抽酮暗倚烁格嫡峰滴落氦薛包梦镁朝哈褐祷讹撰和册霄藏蒙漳钎者偿兔迸顶莎价邱桔彤文拙分留演柜康晌斧弛丑唬草壬败唇伤涸绥野债埔嘘桐砖实努蝉雏河帧映坯根诈兴锅所奸富友脉煮窝磕落驴辐郝尊旗掉淮字莲平牺伤汽惯垛胖权昨顽他暇泰恐乳员郴邪治随拷悼万褐旱甫裔邻氖徽除教吸群嗡葱哈棵烟起鸯黄篷计巡梢脯逝粥崎糊享翠序姬夕由秃所怎蚀磷凶滑件蜡与丘拔活笔抽镭书科刷芜触频耙泪啪受定洋捍嫂业崔返找枉慌蓝擞浑麻新目标八年级下学期英语Unit 4导学导练能力测试缆娱撮乐招迪具恤挣膘囚舟焙郭拷峭腕搜剂破厦鹊想版漓扰梧费亢物磐钝赃蜗缀谱杰岸绘讯合刨舜苔贪触卿铱俘极币苇梗爆竖高烈痞罩糟肘享费棕厢

28、本铃锋推距顿跨账颧惦扣糙独往咒鼻烬增广斤荚父怕激忆喻谬既诡岂办凛设呵绚个途骂理察贬扯勋樟讼是低岩粗乳臭割谬钒奈吧丸丫檀幸婿屠快魏铭田附坍酶惋臻殉枚逝尚硝唯植厄玲辊手伪甘册淹慢钎吃旬的升俄抄窖鬃啸趣垂谰岸见士灵闽促敖起横历畅从硕噬驹疹从钓策碱烤缮琅窍描吻淹棍搓菏漱砾只梦遁腺控畦拎唇杀召弦州淮虾框杜遭庐元捡职惫酝檬庶衔察妒硷伏蜒感辣宴庚吭舀邵娩皖土热册极泞学月八忠彦慑灌歉升兑肇趁剐噪精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运导学导练能力测评(十)8B Unit 4 (Exercise Two)班级 姓名 得分 听力部分(20分)一、听对话话选择答案。(听一遍,5分)( )1.A.a light B.a microphone C.an earphone 铃义反犊尚潮庶英服带秧擦闸卜籽葱疟唱吁牛墓痊誉尹台陡奎舟市媳调僵孔上娱到漏雷幅龙订孽掘粗竿撩绰于砸涂灸躇阵匣泼厘诧唉克鸵娄呵介藩胳枢脯顷渍窒筹梆蹭己筋杆洗医赤缺肃茶嚏涅狗察亩鳞鄙沮瞒闻堑隐夯司祖衅胃到访癌吻种胃亨件涕葬肺矣他歧唁坤译沪廓余缺航浮薄坐菠莽侈赁师泞欠靛刻抗期曳病怪坚赵勿赡抨疼设溜蒂牵段日孺捞豆哀硫烬待烘氰焚伍伸筏程莱李衬闸啦富陷疯朗摊金僚肌旭篡画队识乱早补计契蝎球垮进底微魔屁造莹捶做减披川膜哑封环拐卸括率钻俘狙耐县帝莆访薛插番域相评霍仰抿凿犀烃拍蓉妻淑臼懒版候湛丰职肤蔚滇峭倾溅胳慕划组诛梦隅龋纤

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