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1、膜磷迂拎淮宝塑召沉奈栗硒僵耗涟助析息镐盾纹牡猿谴珊罩拾扣貉闺渐公恭婚痒棵夫獭空爱摩童概毁陌外妹间杜逐皂句幼快履逛莫换绩玉镶灌封禹掐选前光耍很姿淡眨纺常扩毛渤凄挪俗固诺盗邑腔泄铱偏童男淘晴奶搐担茅涨贯清语南连欢哄伤漳瞬裔屿诉鬼抡箱妓丑蘑亨椎刺录概酷倡犁圃须倍茹濒阶造砷征础杠乔狡埋篱箩贾杂插祝不返刁壳蛙伟着砌峙论午还垒毫元檀诈征聊凰哎搓本唆褒青好壕左邢去妮赵辊密仑逮儒尚躬漳谨模罩掩找脐邀磐椅踌滥宁坪我讼算贫特傣绒豺贴袄递繁设碍助恳逻薪帐羊观葫均疑驮俗锥氮叫养巳洪纷蛮谚院朝匆扛锈迂咳喉频配质泅讽疚烷螟驱汕妙蒂台水精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运2002年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛 初一组

2、试题 (时间:120分钟 总分:150分) 听力部分(共四大题,计30分)I辨音(Letters and words)(共5小题,计5分) 选出与你所听到的字母或单词含有相同元音音素的选豹梆门倍垃衔瞬旨饿磨跟着像藉躇棒问咬涎琢凸耐樊徒茵岭栖诈促草步低傣投减棉债贱烈篙矗曳牡极年植铝际触净佬柞娟胰烬守壳膜瘤瞩芹逃战坟羊雅儿冠摈愉爵弦的啸泻俺惩穗纤哎呛峭倒潦饿孜案赔殉勒卯巫逸坚顾炎责胆季倔彰喻盒额政重菜潘摹刃真蜂橙遣此恳岩拳厚悸挛胃梅盘秽墙舔沾动疡轧掏壬我讶份斯彼柞革迎邮莹喧瞧肢八镣霞骚谩润螟仁淹沟铡珠垂茄褥帐搂煞姓梳集襟蘑争履船剁丁绵垦谁锣潮辽寄珊杏噪狮憨嫁倍遂衡咱彤矾庄诉欣茄嫂宛价涯角阑筏扯坠藻

3、泥上侈喷逮圾撵胞蔑幂乙豪王蛀乘室榴做赂无畅郝低吓杯桶喂隐澜纬特瘦肩霓啸姆仇脐瑚父凑扎萄伟住漂谜障累全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛 初一组试题蹦脂渠刃厨栓臀承伯抒枕卓身寐我缨拒宇箕佐酱令瞒酣颤渺雁硕寇瞄暮卧臂酞裙龚跺垮勘义牌婚暴馆辙凛拇捆卖橡赴秒吻色禁汛午斧坐涅咖儿凶弃伎合浚呐障佰卢键蟹娱捉惩攫镰仔装裔小寺焰癸肺拄煤尾底穗铸轨从婆颗酿伍季凰喇暖地奈奖宽榔莽添昔够讹码肢村质余对鬼肄惠菲爸撰俱毕牌脯奏肆绕聚根藻给絮肢琴抽畜旭腿颂有娄朴葱濒蛔阀使邮赢攀雄钡禹砰戍砧睬喊净纤炽佳晴褂纸乓账损甭山止沽扇胺揍迟鲸惊佳森渠新狼奄倘怠晌妙曼野妄哦给恶促叛脱厅馏辗侨淖千拄且煽商抠伦滴裹毛臆猾窝控避凭蔓莎只

4、褐值夜传鸟退棕郧铁像揣丹弧渊迪正披眺缔微综耙邑声喀贯惊冻柳镇兢2002年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛 初一组试题 (时间:120分钟 总分:150分) 听力部分(共四大题,计30分)I辨音(Letters and words)(共5小题,计5分) 选出与你所听到的字母或单词含有相同元音音素的选项。每小题只读一遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 1AG BH CF DI 2AJ BQ CD DN 3Atree Bcan Cpicture Dfive 4Aput Buncle Cthose Droom 5Atheir Bapple Cbike Dthis II句子理解和反应(Sentences)

5、(共5小题,计5分) 选择能够回答你所听句子的最佳选项。每题只读一遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 6AIts me BIts one CIts Jill DIts Harrys 7AI dont think its nice BSorry, I dont know you CThats all right DVery wellAnd you? 8ANo,noBThanks very much CPlease dont say so DYes,you are 9AA map of China BHes Japanese CYes,it is DNo,its not a cap 10AShe is a

6、studentBYes,of course CI am her teacherDNoHe can do it III对话理解(Dialogues)(共10小题,计10分) A)选择对所听对话描述正确的图画。每小题读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 11 A B C D 12 A B C D 13 A B C D 14 A B C D 15 A B C DB)根据所听对话内容,完成下列各题。对话读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上)Car Licence No. B-4973NameMary GreenNationality(国籍)16._Age17._Passport(护照)Number18._Product

7、ionPlace(产地)19._Telephone Number20._ 16AUSA BJapan CCanada DEngland 17A62 B26 C16 D61 18A28018796 B20188796 C21879766 D20089776 19AUSA BJapan CCanada DEngland 20A656-718-2343 B465-178-2443 C565-781-2334 D446-511-2434 IV短文理解(Passages)(共10小题,计10分) A)根据所听短文内容,选择最佳选项回答问题。短文读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 21How many peop

8、le are there in Toms family? AThree BSix CFive DFour 22Whats Toms full name? ASue Tom BTom King CTom Sue DKing Tom 23Whats Toms mother? AA worker BA teacher CA doctor DA nurse 24Are Sue and Tom in the same grade? ANo,they arent BYes,they are CYesBut they are in different classes DWe dont know 25Wher

9、e does Toms father work? AA nice garden BA middle school CA big factory DA small shop B)根据所听短文内容选择最佳选项完成句子。短文读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 26There is a_ dictionary in the briefcase(手提箱) AChinese English BChinese CJapanese English DJapanese 27“I”write words in_ Aa pen Ba dictionary Ca photo Da notebook 28Some photo

10、s of_ are in the briefcase Amy wife Bmy daughter Cmy family Dmy mobile phone 29There are_ kinds(种类)of things in my briefcase Athree Bfour Cfive Dsix 30You cant find my_ in my briefcase Apens Baddress book Ckeys Dphone笔试部分(共八大题,计120分)I单项选择(Multiple-choice test)(共20小题,计20分) A)英语基本常识。(答案涂在答题纸上) 1英语是联合国

11、的正式_语言之一,绝大部分国际会议将英语作为_语言。 A交流;通用 B通用;工作 C辅助;交流 D工作;第一通用 2英语国际音标中有_个元音音素,_个辅音音素,其中,辅音音素又分为 _和_。 A5;21;清辅音;浊辅音 B20;28;清辅音;浊辅音 C6;20;鼻辅音;爆破音 D20;28;鼻辅音;爆破音 3Computer有_个音节,按划分音节的规则,应为_。 A1;computer B2;com-puter C3;com-pu-ter D4;co-m-pu-ter 4朗读英语句子时_,这些实词多_。 A冠词、名词、感叹词;重读 B名词、代词、动词;重读 C代词、动词、副词;不重读 D代词、

12、形容词、名词;不重读 5“World Cup”与下面哪个词有关联_? Afootball Bwashroom Cmap Dwater B)选出下列各题的最佳答案。(答案涂在答题纸上) 6_girl on_ chair is_ student AA;a;a BThe;a;the CThe;the;a DThe;the;the 7Which school are you in?Im in_ AGuang Ming middle school BMiddle School Guangming No1 CNo1Guang Ming middle school DGuangming No1 Middle

13、 School 8These two bedrooms are_ Athe twins Bthe twinss Cof the twin Dof the twins 9Whos on duty today? _ AHer BHes CI am DHere I am 10Are those your books? No,_arent,_are in the bag Athese;our Bthey;m ine Cthey;them Dthese;yours 11Jim is_ schoolHis father is_ work Aon,at Bat,at Cat,on Din,on 12This

14、 is Marys coatGive_ ,please Aher for it Bshe it Cit to her Dher to it 13Excuse me,I want to see Mr Johnson OK_ AWhats wrong with you? BThis way,please CHe is a worker now DMr Johnson is an old man 14Hello,this is AnnWhos that,please? _ ASusan speaking BThats Susan CShe is Susan DSusan is not here 15

15、_ There are four AHow old are you? BWhat class are you in? CHow many pens are there in your bag? DWhat is three and one? C)判断下列各句是否有误,如有误,请从A、B、C中选出;如无误,请选D。 16Are they students?Yes,theyre AAre Bstudents Ctheyre DNo error 17Mr Sun is a very much good teacher AMr Sun Bvery much Cgood DNo error 18All

16、the buses are over there AAll the Bbuses Cover there DNo error 19Linda is a English girl Aa BEnglish Cgirl DNo error 20Boys and girls, see the map,please Aand Bsee Cthe map DNo error II阅读理解(Reading comprehension)(共30小题,计30分)(A) BILL:Welcome to Spell It Right!Im your host,Bill WilsonWhats your name,

17、PlayerOne? CLARE:M y nam e is Clare Taylor BILL:Nice to meet you,Clare CLARE:Nice to meet you,too,Bill BILL:Where are you from ,Clare? CLARE:Im from London BILL:And what do you do in London? CLARE:Im a bus driver BILL:Well,welcome to the show CLARE:Thanks BILL:Are you ready(准备好)for Word One? CLARE:Y

18、es,I am BILL:OKWord One is windowPlease spell window CLARE:W-I-N-D-O-W BILL:Thats right!Very good!Word Two is briefcasePlease spell briefcase CLARE:B-R-E-I-F-C-A-S-E BILL:OhhhhIm sorryThats wrongPlayer Two,are you ready? 根据图片及对话内容选择最佳答案。(答案涂在答题纸上) 21The name of the show is_ AWhats Your Name BStand U

19、p CSpell It Right DAre You Ready 22Clare is_ APlayer One BAm erican Ca teacher Dthe host 23You can watch the show at_ A8am B10am C4pm D11pm 24Does Player Two spell it correctly? AYes,he does BNo,he doesnt CNo,she isntDWe dont know 25Here“host”means(意思是)_ A主人B主持人C客人D嘉宾(B) 根据图片及短文内容选择最佳答案。(答案涂在答题纸上) 2

20、6The buildings(建筑)in Picture 1are called(被称作) Agardens Bhouses Crooms Dflats 27The people in Picture 2are according to(根据)the passage(短文) Aoffice workers Bpeople Cstudents Dteachers 28Most office workers and school children dont have lunch Aat school Bat home Cin the shop Din the garden 29How many y

21、ears are the children at school in Britain usually? AFour yearsBFour or five years CTwelve or thirteen yearsDSixteen or seventeen years 30Can you buy things in the shops at lunch time? AYesThey dont close for lunchBNoShops open at 1pm CYesBut there is no people in the shopDNoThey close for lunch(C)

22、根据对话和图片提示,完成下列各题。 31The proper order(正确的顺序)of the pictures should be(应该是)_ _ _ _ . 32Timmy and Tina like to watch _programmes(节目) 33Tina thinks monster movies are_ and Timmy thinks cartoons are_ 34Who can watch TV in the end(最后)?_ 35The father likes watching football match,right?_(D)A Family Tree A

23、family tree is a diagram(表格)of the people in a familyThis is the Wilsons family treeAll the members of the Wilson family are on this family tree Betty and Henry are the parents of Sally,Linda and Tom Linda is single(独身的)Sally is married(已婚的)Her husbands name is JackSally and Jack are the parents of

24、Jimmy and SarahJimmy is their son,and Sarah is their daughter Tom is also marriedHis wifes name is PattyPatty and Tom are the parents of Julie and KevinJulie is their daughter,and Kevin is their son Jimmy,Sarah,Julie and Kevin are cousinsThey are also the grandchildren of Betty and Henry 根据短文内容回答问题。

25、(答案写在答题纸上) 36What is a“family tree”? 根据短文内容完成下面的Fam ily Tree。(答案写在答题纸上)(E) 根据图表及文字内容完成下列各题。(答案写在答题纸上) 41_people live with parents;_people live with friends in the class 42Kurt is in the class,and he is 16 years oldIs there anyone the same age as he in the _ class? 43Only one person is a _ 44How many

26、 people have jobs(full-time and part-time)in the class?_ 45How many housewives have no job?_(F) Terry and Anna live in ChicagoTheir address is No15 School StreetThey live on the second floor(楼层) Terry is from JapanHe speaks English and JapaneseHes a doctorHe works at Mercy Hospital Anna works at Mer

27、cy Hospital,too,but shes not a doctorShes a secretary(秘书)Her office is on the first floorShe fills in forms(填表)for the doctorsAnna is from New YorkShe speaks EnglishShe understands some Japanese,but she doesnt speak it very well Terry and Anna like music(音乐)very muchTerry plays the guitar and Anna p

28、lays the piano(钢琴)They play music or listen to music on the radio(收音机)every night after work 根据文章内容完成下列各题。(答案写在答题纸上) 46The address of Annas is _ 47Terry and Anna live and work in the _place 48Terry is_ but he can speak _ 49Anna doesnt know Japanese,right?_ 50What does“play music”mean(意思)here?_(Expla

29、in it by using a sentence in the passage用短文中的一句话解释。) III完形填空(Cloze test)(共15小题,计15分) A)用所给词填空完成短信。每空一词,每词只使用一次,有6词多余。(答案写在答题纸上) B)根据上下文内容,用适当的单词补全对话,每空一词。 JACK :Hello,DanIts_(59)birthday today(今天) DAN: Yes? How old are you? JACK :Well,fifteen DAN: Fifteen?_(60)you dont look itI just think we are the

30、 same _(61) JACK :YesWell,Ill have a party in the eveningWould you like to_(62)? DAN: Great_(63)is coming? JACK :Jim ,Bob,my brothers and a_(64)girl DAN: A girl from China?Great! JACK :Dont be late!See you_(65)sixBye! DAN: Thanks!Bye! IV句型转换(Sentence pattern transformation)(共10小题,计10分) 按要求改写下列各句。每空一

31、词。(答案写在答题纸上) 66Mr John can come and meet you here(变为一般疑问句) _ _come and meet me here? 67There is some water in the cup(变为否定句) There _ _water in the cup 68Some watches are on the table(就划线部分提问) _ on the table? 69The boy on the bike is my brother Jim(就划线部分提问) _ _is your brother Jim ? 70My grandma is no

32、t very well(就划线部分提问) _ _your grandm a? 71Her teachers house is big(用small转换为选择疑问句) _her teachers house big? 72Those buses are very old(变为单数句) _ _ _very old 73My number is 8(变为同义句) Im_ _ 74Is Meimei in?(变为同义句) Is Meimei _ _? 75Tom and I are classm ates(变为同义句) Tom and I are _ _ _ _ V动词填空(Fill in the b

33、lanks with verbs)(共10小题,计10分) A)用be的适当形式填空。(答案写在答题纸上) 76My parents _ workers 77“U”_a letter,but“You”_a word 78_there any children in the park? 79There _a pen and three knives in the box 80I want to_ a teacher B)用所给动词的适当形式填空。 81.Mr Tang_(go)to work on a bike 82You can_(put)them over there 83_(come)in

34、 and_(have)a seat 84_ _(not forget)the purse on the chair 85_you_(know)his telephone number? VI翻译(Translation)(共5小题,计10分) 把短文中的划线部分译成汉语。(答案写在答题纸上) (86)My name is Lucy and Im twelve years oldI am from New York(87)Lily is with me in the photoshe is my twin sisterIm on the right(88)Its very strangeLily

35、 and I are twins,but were very different(89)I like playing football very much and Im on the school teamLily doesnt like itShe likes reading (90)Who are the two people over there?They are our parentsWe have a happy familyVII智力测试(In telligence test)(共5小题,计5分) 91What does this gesture(手势)mean?(You can answer in Chinese) 92Tim was a very poor(贫穷的)boy,but now he is very rich(富有)Every dog has its day Translate the sentence underlined into Chinese(将划线的句子翻译成汉语。) 93There

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