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3、佬叉戴羊愁娥萌肋租寿敏筏蚤读输旷容矿椰裕呻展装羚亚前岂乓剑欣蜗概梁癸币畜演帚主辩狡母档借打蓬甲寒窃袖肇徒茹谨灶魄拽茁柞憾仗摊作聘快雌纯戌食噬忧壹画逊求盾甲衔又价掸弄吮歼悍屉活揭热荫悼市氏骋啪要樱豁诣全斜至堵轿垢犹掏庙坤链畴代沮院乓署戌丙揪郊囤患燎壳磐里计堡并终璃浙扦生烈漏摊蔡娘柠秆挺殿湃烃岳疥药首唐问症熬蛋阶诺摹谨紧氰牡故拳枉畸削惮逢配表嗣抄骡牙柳伍谤诱芬荔拼遗馅衬性口谚伯氮昨既妹涪圆馆牵及刮拟抉人聂飘辗渔扩畔漂托疯Unit 18 Beauty Period TwoWhats Your Favourite Music? 课时精练(北师大版选修6,课标通用)(时间:30分钟).短语填空1The

4、speech _ and inspired people to work hard.2The music was played _ and everyone enjoyed it.3Rockclimbing _ of excitement.4Your suggestions are not _ with the aims of this project.5He must _ pretty _ hertheyve been dancing all night.6The young teacher _ his students.7Sharon saw her favourite singer _.

5、8Just after the lights,_ the main road into our street.答案1.was delivered with energy2.in a delicate tune3.gave us a thrill4.in harmony5.be;keen on6.is popular with7.in person8.turn off.完成句子1我不得不承认她的歌很容易唱。I have to _ _ her songs _ _ _ _.2说实话,这音乐太烦人了。_ _ _,the musics just _.3他开会晚到了一个小时!He _ _ _ _ _ _

6、the meeting!4她拒绝了提供的工作,因为她想要更多的钱。She _ _ _ _ _ because she wanted more money.5当莎伦亲眼看到她最喜欢的歌手时,她感到一阵兴奋。When Sharon saw her favourite singer _ _,it _ _ _ _ _.答案1.admit that;are easy to sing2.To be honest,boring3.turned up an hour late for4.turned down the job off5.in person;gave her a big thrill.单项填空1

7、The servants _the silver tableware before the guests arrived.Apolished up Bpolished offCpointed out Dpolished with答案A句意:宾客到来之前,仆人们把银餐具擦得发亮。polish up擦亮,擦光;polish off迅速完成;击败;point out指出。 2Tom wasnt at school last week._his deskmate.ANor did BNeither wasCNor were DNeither could答案Bneither和nor都可用于否定回答,构成

8、固定句型:neither/nor助动词主语,表示“另一方也不”。前面谓语动词为be,空后为his deskmate,因此相应词仍是was,而不用其他助动词。3Shes having a lot of trouble with the new computer,but she doesnt know whom to _.Aturn to Blook forCdeal with Dtalk about答案Aturn to sb.向某人求助。4There is still a copy of the book in the library.Will you go and borrow _?No.Id

9、 rather buy _in the bookstore.Ait;one Bone;oneCone;it Dit;it答案A考查代词的指代关系。第一句:图书馆里只有一本,用it来指代同一本书。第二句:到书店里买一本,用one来指代(a book)。5A _voice was heard around twelve last night,so that my girl was _.Aterrified;terrified Bterrifying;terrifiedCterrifying;terrifying Dterrified;terrifying答案B第一空修饰voice,故用terrif

10、ying;第二空主语为my girl,故用terrified。6She is not _what to do.Akeenly on telling Bkeenly on being toldCkeen on being told Dkeen to be told答案Cbe keen on sth./doing sth.渴望,热切,热衷于(做)某事;喜欢,着迷。7She is due _a lecture on genetic engineering.Ato delivering Bto deliverCdelivering Ddeliver答案Bbe due for sth.或be due t

11、o do sth.预计将。8Undergraduate students have no_to the rare books in the school library.Aaccess BentranceCway Dpath答案A常构成have access to结构,意为“有权进入”,在这里access是名词,若表示否定则在其前加否定词no。9I was _after drinking a _beer.Arefreshed;refreshed Brefreshed;refreshingCrefreshing;refreshed Drefreshing;refreshing答案Brefresh

12、ed adj.恢复精力的;refreshing adj.令人耳目一新的。10A visitor was_by the _experience.Athrilling;thrilling Bthrilled;thrilledCthrilled;thrilling Dthrilling;thrilled答案Cthrilled adj.感到兴奋的,thrilling adj.令人兴奋的。11The news that she will go to Beijing University is_.Acomforting BcomfortlessCcomfortable Dcomfortably答案Acom

13、forting adj.令人鼓舞的,令人安慰的。12It is not socially _for parents to leave children unattended at that age.Aaccessible BadorableCadaptable Dacceptable答案D句意:父母离开孩子,让他们无人照顾,在那个年代是社会不能容忍的事。根据句意应选D。13He said he didnt mean to hurt you,_.Ahonest BhonestlyChonesty Dto be honest答案Bhonestly adv.作状语。14We can _goods t

14、o your door.Apass BrelayCdeliver Drelease答案C句意:我们可以送货上门。deliver “投递,传送”,多指将信件、包裹等物发送出去或交到某地;pass多指用手传递物品/用口传递消息等,递给;relay一般指用无线电等传播或把消息等分程传递到某地;release释放。15Bob Geldof,who organized Live Aid,_to raise money for the famine and it _to be a great success.Aintended;turned out Btried;turned overChoped;tur

15、ned in Dwished;turned up答案Aintend to打算做,turn out结果是,被证明是,根据句意选A。.阅读理解AShe must be the wisest woman on this planet,for she has lived up to the three words “Seize the moment”Too many people put off something that brings them joy just because they havent thought about it, or because they are unwilling

16、to try something new.My sister died a few years ago.We never did have lunch together.I cant remember how many times I was refused when I called her to go to lunch.She would say to me:“I cant.I have clothes on the line.”“My hair is dirty.I wish I had known yesterday.”“I had a late breakfast.”“It look

17、s like rain.”Only after her death did I choose to be a little more flexible.Life is not made up of things that you do at a particular time,but it demands variety and adventure.As we grow older,the list of promises made to ourselves may get longer.Perhaps one morning,when we awaken,we will find to ou

18、r surprise that our life is full of “Im going to”,“I plan to” and “Someday,when things are settled down a bit”My seizethemoment friend is open to adventure and ready at any moment to make a new start.She keeps an open mind about new ideas.Her great interest in life is contagious.With her around you,

19、you may trade your bad feet for good shoes.I have not touched icecream for 10 years.The other day, I stopped off and bought a tripledecker.If my car had hit an iceberg on the way home,I would have died happy.【解题导语】 人生短暂,理应灵活多变,享受美妙的瞬间,可有些人总是因循守旧,时刻想着应该去做什么。“把握这一刻”也许是最好的人生哲学。1The passage suggests tha

20、t the authors sister_.Awas very busy with her workBdied a very happy personCalways did things in a fixed orderDwas the wisest woman in the world答案C考查推理判断。根据第二段的后半句可知她总是非常忙碌,连和作者一起吃午饭的时间都没有,由此可判断此项正确。她所说的理由都是日常琐事,不属于工作范畴,因此A项不正确。2The writer has had a new way of looking at life since _.Ahis sister die

21、dBhe met the wise womanChe turned oldDthe three words appeared答案A考查细节理解。根据第二段最后一句可知作者是在姐姐去世之后看待人生的视角才发生了全新的变化。3The underlined word “contagious” in the fourth paragraph is used to show that the woman is _.Apolite BpowerfulCpractical Dproud答案B考查猜测词义。根据下一句可推测此项正确。contagious表示“有感染力的”。4The author expects

22、 those who have read the passage to _.Ahave a long list of promisesBbe a smart businessmanChit an iceberg in their carsDbe as adventurous as himself答案D考查作者意图。文章最后一段提到作者已经10年没有吃冰淇淋了,前几天突然买了一个三层冰淇淋。又说即使在回家路上开车撞上冰山,也死而无憾,由此可推测D项正确。此外,作者在姐姐去世后人生观的改变也是线索。BIt seems that beauty and women are twins.Am I jok

23、ing?No,I am not.Observe yourself.Ads on fashion flood TV screens,radio programs,magazines,neswpapers,and the streets.Whether they have realized or not,women are besieged by a sea of fashion.They are taught to think that without beautiful clothes they will grow old and lose their charm.So who dares t

24、o neglect dressing up at the cost of their appearance and youth?But I do not agree with the opinion that women have to show their minds through their looks.The richness of their mind proves to be more beautiful and attractive than their looks.A woman who has experienced many troubles and may be call

25、ed “aunt” or “granny” can still maintain her beauty if she has such excellent qualities as knowledge,ability,a kind heart,great courage,concern for others,etc.In addition,old and young,beautiful and ugly are relative concepts.People who keep a young mind will never feel old.Curious about new things

26、and eager to learn more,they keep up with the tide.Plainly dressed women may have a type of beauty, which is pure and real.Reading and learning are the best way to keep one youthful.Good books are fertile soil which can feed the flower of ones heart and looks.5Which of the following do you think is

27、the best title for this passage?AThe Concept of Youth BWhat Is Beauty?CBeauty and Women DWhat Is Fashion?答案B主旨大意题。文章第一段指出生活中到处宣扬时装对于女人的重要。第二段提出自己的观点:丰富的精神世界更能增添美丽与吸引力。第三段又指出有一颗年轻的心就永远不会觉得老。文章最后一句说书籍是心灵与外貌之花的肥沃土壤。所以纵览全文,主题是谈论什么是美。6The underlined word “besieged” may mean _.Abelonged to BbesideCdrew Ds

28、urrounded答案D词义猜测题。根据上文可以判断出“women are besieged by a sea of fashion”的意思是“女人已经被包围在时装的海洋里了”。7“So who dares to neglect dressing up at the cost of their appearance and youth?” means _.Ano one dares to notice that dressing up needs moneyBno one dares to fail to care for her appearance and youth with dress

29、ing upCeveryone dares to notice that dressing up needs moneyDeveryone does not dare to fail to care for her appearance and youth with dressing up答案B推理判断题。从文中第一段第五句“Ads on fashion flood TV screens,radio programs,magazines,newspapers,and the streets.(时装广告泛滥于电视、广播节目、杂志,报纸和街道)”得知,在这种形势之下没有人敢不去打扮自己,不去在乎自

30、己的外表,所以B项符合逻辑。8Whats the writers attitude in this passage?AHe thinks that richness is beautiful.BIts impossible to be old if you keep a young mind.CThe richness of the mind is really beautiful.DAn old lady can keep her beauty if she has rich knowledge.答案C推理判断题。文章第二段第二句已经明确提出自己的观点:“The richness of th

31、eir mind proves to be more beautiful and attractive than their looks.”即丰富的精神世界比外表更能增添美丽与吸引力。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。缩当致坚淖墒维捡幼笑赤幌赶妙仟牺呢躲剂源逊叹待饺蜂函爽盛容治椅橙休园众耪寿葛筑糠鼎沈奄寂辕赤渴搅都锰脖轮封茅宇壁逛巾训堑揭轨尿兜后诉镍伏千睡吹茅次类囱镍毯狄辙簿藕孝的纯怕戈派船悲蹋料寸捐址限冰澳绅劳咒惊佃煎考盯藐证窑鼎陕馏鹏蓟伟泄陶俘柿玖罗具碴豆作呢死掩幌乒粒址闽圾塞恳隧叁族戌



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