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1、2022年湖南省邵阳市高坪新生治禄中学高二英语月考试题含解析一、 选择题1. - Mike, have you heard that our company will offer one of the workers a chance to go to Paris? - Yeah. If only I _ there.A. had gone B. will go C. could go D. could have gone参考答案:C2. Everybody thought the battle would be . And they were right. A. losing B. miss

2、ing C. lost D. missed参考答案:C略25. My wife _ Japanese while she was working in Tokyo ten years ago. Now she still speaks the language well.A. turned up B. brought up C. picked up D. made up参考答案:C略4. If he takes on this work, he will have no choice but an even greater challenge.A. meetsB. meetingC. meet

3、D. to meet参考答案:D5. Charles Babbage is generally considered _ the first computer. A. having invented B. inventing C. to have invented D. to invent参考答案:C略6. If you live in the capital, renting a room out during some big events could _ a lot of money. A. bring back B. bring about C. bring up D. bring i

4、n 参考答案:D7. His mother looked very tired,for she _ the house herself all day.A. had cleaned B. has been cleaning C. had been cleaning D. has cleaned参考答案:C8. She faces the _of disobeying her father or losing the man she loves. A. danger B. challenge C. dilemma D. assignment参考答案:C9. When he was trying

5、to break into the bank, the thief was caught _.A .in a spot B. on the spot C. from the spot D. in the spot参考答案:B10. _is no possibility_she can finish the task in two hours. AThere; that BIt; that CThere; whether DIt; whether参考答案:11. Like birds, ancient sailors could find their way_the sun and the st

6、ars.A. usedB. having usedCuseD. using参考答案:D12. When I talked to him just now in the hall, he to me that he had seen you. Aapologized Bcomplained Cmentioned Dreferred参考答案:C略13. It _ be Jim standing there. He has gone away for the weekend.A. may notB. mustntC.cantD. neednt参考答案:C略14. _in a poor family

7、made Tom very diligent when he was still young.A. Brought upB. Bring up C. Being brought upD. Having brought up参考答案:C15. The difficulty we had _ to the local life has now been removed. A. adaptation B. to adaptC. adaptedD. adapting参考答案:D16. After graduation,he became a doctor, his father had expecte

8、d .A.that was what B.which was what C.who was what D. which was参考答案:B 句意:毕业后,他成为了一个医生,这是他爸爸期望的。这里用which引导非限制性定语从句,指代前面的句子,was后面是表语从句,表语从句中缺少宾语,用what连接,所以选B。【考点】定语从句和名词性从句【试题延伸】定语从句的考查主要就是考查关系词的辨析,关系代词that, which, whose, whom, as, who在句中做主语,宾语,表语或者定语;where, why, when在句中做状语。要分析句子成分,看缺少什么成分,就选用相应的关系词。连

9、接表语从句的连接词有:that, what, who, when, where, which, why, whether, how, whoever,whomever,whichever ,whatever等。还有如because, as if, as though等。解答这类题目,关键在于分析清楚句子结构。通过判断引导词在从句中所作的成分及意义,来选择正确的引导词。【举一反三】The reason _ he gave for being late was _ he forgot to set the alarm clock.A. which; because B. why; because

10、C. which; that D. that; becauseC考查定语从句和表语从句:第一空是定语从句,先行词是the reason,定语从句中gave缺少宾语,用that或which引导定语从句,第二空是表语从句:表示的原因是要用句型:(one)reason(for.)is that.句意:她迟到的原因是她忘记设定闹钟了。选C。17. She was so _ in her job that she didnt hear anybody knocking at the door.A. attracted B. absorbed C. drawn D. concentrated参考答案:b略

11、18. The message is very important, so it is supposedas soon as possible.A. to be sent B. to send C. being sent D. sending参考答案:A二、 短文改错19. 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同学写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写

12、出修改后的词。注意1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分In Wednesday morning,when I was walking dowm the Main Street,I heard from two shots.I thought that they were from the bank,so I ran towards it.I saw that a man which was short and fat is running out.More importantly,he had a bag and a gun in his hands.A

13、fter I could do anything,he disappeared behind bus.That afternoon I went to the movies.I almost couldnt help scream when I saw the thief there again! I called the police secret. The police arrived in less than five minute and arrested the thief just when he was buying a chocolate bar from a candy ma

14、chine.What an unusually day!参考答案:20. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文.消你修改你同琪写的以下作文,文中共有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的间下划一横线.并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处.多者(从第11处起)不计分。 One day, my father and I were on the way home. While stuck at t

15、raffic. I noticed that a woman was crying in her car. She struggled to catch her breathe. I didnt mean to stare ather. because I knew it was impolitely. As she drove ahead of me, I could still see him crying for quite a few minute. When we drove up beside her, I managed to get her attention by wave

16、a little toy pig what was left by my younger brother that day. I gestured to her with my fingers, showing her my biggest smile at same time. She was wiped her tears,nodded. smiled,and gave me a thumb up! At that moment, the road was cleared and she drive off.参考答案:三、 阅读理解21. Director James Cameron we

17、nt to new depths for his film-making on Sunday by setting the world record for the deepest ocean dive by a single person.This type of extreme research is nothing new to the director. Cameron, 57, is most famous for directing Titanic (1997) and Avantar (2009). During the several years of research for

18、 Titanic, he famously traveled to the bottom of the ocean to visit the sunken ship. He also visited the deep sea as research for his fictional 1989 film. The Abyss, which is about a submarine that comes across an alien species. Most people know me as a film-maker, Cameron said. But the idea of explo

19、ring the ocean has always been the stronger drive in my life.Cameron and his team had been preparing for the trip for seven years. On Sunday, Cameron took more than two and a half hours to make the dangerous 6.8-mile journey down to the Trench, an area with near-freezing temperatures, no sunlight, a

20、nd heavy water pressure. Cameron traveled in a 24-foot-long mini-submarine he helped design, equipped with lights and 3D cameras for filming the adventure. It also had a mechanical arm for collecting samples of soil and deep-sea creatures. Humans had not visited the Mariana Trench since two divers f

21、irst reached the deep-sea spot in 1960. The divers Don Walsh and Swiss oceanographer Jacques Piccard spent 20 minutes there but could hardly see anything. They took no pictures.In his well-equipped submarine, Cameron was able to spend three hours in the Trench, exploring and filming. He plans to use

22、 his recordings in a 3D film production for movie theaters and for a National Geographic TV special. “I see this as the beginning,” Cameron said. “Its not a one-time deal. This is just the beginning of opening up this new frontier.”34. We learn from the passage that James Cameron_A. wont dive again

23、in the futureB. is known as a film-maker to most peopleC. is the only one who has ever been to the deep oceanD. is famous for having reached the deepest ocean with his friends35. Which of the following is TRUE about the film The Abyss?A. It takes place underwater.B. It was Camerons first fictional f

24、ilmC. Cameron spent seven years researching for itD. Cameron dived to the bottom of the Trench for it36. It can be inferred from the passage that_.A. Cameron is very interested in high-techB. Cameron plans to use his recordings in the deep sea in all his filmsC. Cameron will continue his exploration

25、 of the deep oceanD. Cameron wants to make a lot of money from his exploration37. Whats the best title for the passage?A. The Great Movies of James CameronB. James Camerons AutobiographyC. Hardship Under WaterD. A Directors Deep Dive参考答案:34. B 35. A 36. C 37. D这是一篇人物传记类阅读。文章主要讲了上周日,英国导演詹姆斯卡梅隆为他的电影深海

26、探险创造了单人深海潜水的世界纪录。【34题详解】细节理解题。答案定位在第二段Most people know me as a film-maker, Cameron said. 可知,大多数人都知道詹姆斯卡梅隆是电影制片人,故选B。【35题详解】推理判断题。答案定位在第二段The Abyss, which is about a submarine that comes across an alien species.(深渊讲的是一艘潜水艇遇到了一个外星物种。)由此推断出电影深渊发生在水下,故选A。【36题详解】推理判断题。答案定位在最后一段 “I see this as the beginni

27、ng,” Cameron said. “Its not a one-time deal. This is just the beginning of opening up this new frontier.”( “我认为这是一个开始,”卡梅伦说。“这不是一次性的交易。这只是开辟这一新领域的开始。”)由此推断出,卡梅隆将继续他的深海探险,故选C。【37题详解】主旨大意题。第一段Director James Cameron went to new depths for his film-making on Sunday by setting the world record for the de

28、epest ocean dive by a single person.(上周日,英国导演詹姆斯卡梅隆为他的电影深海探险创造了单人深海潜水的世界纪录。)是全文的主题句,结合全文内容,可知这篇文章主要讲了一位导演的深潜,故选D。22. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Mini Book Excerpts(节选)Biography When Salinger learned that a car park was to be built on the land, the middle-aged writer was shocked and quickly bo

29、ught the neighboring area to protect it The townspeople never forgot the rescue and came to help their most famous neighbor. J. D. Salinger:A Life by Kenneth Slawenski(Random House,$27)Mystery(疑案小说) “Youre a smart boy. Bennys death was no accident, and youre the only one who saw it happen. Do you th

30、ink the murderer should get away with it ? ” The boy was staring stubbornly (固执地;倔强地) at his lap again. A thought suddenly occurred to Annika, “Did you You recognized the man in the car, didnt you?” The boy hesitated, twisting his fingers, “Maybe,” he said quietly. Red Wolf by Liza Marklund(Atria Bo

31、oks, $25. 99)Short Stories She wants to say to him what she has learned, none of it in class: Some women are born stupid, and some women are too smart for their own good. Some women are born to give , and some women only know how to take. Some women learn who they want to be from their mothers, some

32、 who they dont want to be. Some mothers suffer so their daughters wont. Some mothers love so their daughters wont. You Are Free by Danzy Senna(Riverhead Books,$15)Humor Do your kids like to have fun? Come to Fun Times! Do you like to watch your kids having fun? Bring them to Fun Times! Fun Times!s “

33、amusement cycling” is the most fun you can have, legally, in the United States right now. Why spend thousands of dollars flying to Disney World when you can spend less than half of that within a days drive of most cities? Happy: And Other Bad Thoughts by Larry Doyle(Ecco,$14. 99)60. If the readers w

34、ant to know about the life of Salinger , they should buy the book published by . A. Ecco B. Random House C. Riverhead Books D. Atria Books61. The book Happy : And Other Bad Thoughts is intended for . A. young children B. Disney World workers C. middle school teachers D. parents with young children62

35、. Which book describes women with characters of their own?A. You Are Free B. J. D. Salinger: A LifeC. Happy: And Other Bad Thoughts D. Red Wolf 63. After finishing the book Red Wolf, the readers would learn that . A. the murderer got away with the crimeB. Benny died of an accidentC. the boy helped arrest the murdererD. Annika carried out the crime参考答案:BDAC

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