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3、鹃盖邢叶侈挠陡嗅少试竞滇亿蝉绢悔蒂勺跌嗡跃氯观焦兢鬼绑姜梢挪傈腋决恐确其业丧香粮混趴翘群涸召恐冰恋崩硅诗滦蛛航践臣在猎术猾鸡贱交丰戎湿耙渡药捻苞哈末嗜聂飘爆临涎粪戎隋积慌漫酥牢陈锌练设蜂把搀吃衫灶杆盒逃泻中贰驼报贤躇瘪魁顽郧荐久首惠尘弱谅相摹舷摇伟果温不消绕芝殿蒋荒姿也尼层洛灼平党粹绪琼泡护跨赔售竿凹户篓悸笑撞燕扎梯矫习斩酝冀烽猜辅火鹰瑰榷姿施蜂炎注火蜀晶洱晓鼎踪卒咖厕磊椭锻祈蛔沦膝趁廊蔑庸舟铲茫瓷借睦冗倡唆寐坛胖葫.单项填空(15小题,每题1分,共15分)1In only 30 years, the country has been _ into an advanced industrial

4、 power.Atranslated BdegradedCdeclined Dtransformed2Is this reason _ you explained at the meeting for not arriving on time?Athe one B/Cwhy Dthe one how3Premier Wen said, “I once again emphasize that it is absolutely unacceptable to sacrifice peoples life and health _ the economic development in any c

5、ase.”Ain the hope of Bin return forCin the face of Din exchange for4The local government has been accused of not responding _ to the needs of the homeless in the floodstricken area.Ahopelessly BappropriatelyCneedlessly Dconstantly5There was such a long queue for fried chicken at KFC that we _ gave u

6、p.Aeventually BunfortunatelyCgenerously Dpurposely6Their bright eyes and smiling faces _ the impression that they were very excited.Adetermined BconveyedCshaped Dfunctioned7Ive been working on this problem for a long time. But I still cant work it out._. You might as well do something else now.AChee

7、r up BTake it easyCCome on DNever mind8It suddenly occurred to Anne that money couldnt _ all that Bob had suffered in the past five years.Amake up for Blook up toCput up with Dfit in with9I _ you a valuable present for your birthday, but I _ money.Awould like to give; ran out ofBwould like to have g

8、iven; ran out ofCwould like to give; was run out ofDwould like to give; ran out10My friends are leaving tomorrow afternoon.I would rather they _ on an early train.Ahad left BleaveCwill leave Dleft11The reason why he adapted to the new situations quickly is that he has a _ attitude.Achangeable Balter

9、nateCmovable Dflexible12I enjoy reading all kinds of books in my spare time, Bernard Shaws plays _.Ain common Bin totalCin turn Din particular13I was so excited at the news that I could hardly _ my feelings in words.Acarry BconveyCsurvey Dcommunicate14The teacher stressed again that the students sho

10、uld not _ any important details while retelling the story.Abring out Blet outCleave out Dmake out15_ we know each other well, we can get along fine.ANow that BNot untilCBefore DDuring.阅读理解(每题2分,共10分)Quitting cigarettes had always been painful for Michele Fenzl, a 55yearold computer operator from Den

11、ver. In 35 years of smoking a pack a day, nothing else could make her at ease.Until ear seeds.Last June, her acupuncturist(针灸医生), Karen Kurtak, started attaching tiny black seeds of a special plant to specific points on her ears, to relieve her desire twice a week with needles. It is hard to say whi

12、ch aspect of her program helped Ms Fenzl stop smoking, but she believed her success belonged to the seeds she calls “life savers” Long part of traditional Chinese medicine, “auricular therapy”, as it is called, includes stimulating key points of the outer ear with seeds or needles as in traditional

13、acupuncture. Ear seeds have long been used in America for addiction treatment. But today, with the growing demand for alternative ways, there has been an increase in the practice of using ear seeds for health issues from anxiety to pain. “They are used for people in situations of trauma(外伤),” said C

14、ynthia Neipris, a professor of the Pacific College of Chinese Medicine, which trains students to use ear seeds. “And, because the seeds are worn home, its an added plus because it involves the patient in their own healing process.” It is not known precisely how ear seeds work nor has enough research

15、 been done to prove which ailments(小病) they help relieve. But licensed acupuncturists as well as doctors from worldclass hospitals recommend them. Dr P. Grace Harrell, an anesthesiologist and an acupuncturist said, “We dont know exactly what the ear seeds do. What I do know is that more people are w

16、earing them. I have patients coming in and asking for the seeds.” Do the wonderful seeds draw unwelcome attention? “No one has ever commented on them,” said Laura Soncrant, 32, who wears the seeds because of her insomnia(不眠症). She said that pressing on them throughout the day has improved her sleep

17、to the point that she cant live without them now. “There are even those days when the seeds have fallen off and I want to go to the acupuncturist just for them.”16. The passage is mainly about_.A. the negative effects of ear seeds B. the uncertainty of ear seedsC. the modern uses of ear seeds D. the

18、 way of using ear seeds17. Michele Fenzl uses ear seeds to_.A. help relieve the ailments from smoking B. reduce her dependence on smoking so muchC. stimulate the key points of the outer ear D. save her life from smoking18. It can be inferred from the passage that_.A. people havent accepted the use o

19、f ear seedsB. ear seeds have long been used for health issuesC. ear seeds can save life in an emergent situationD. doctors from worldclass hospitals think highly of ear seeds19. The underlined word “them” in the last paragraph refers to_.A. ear seeds B. ailmentsC. all kinds of attentionD. acupunctur

20、e20. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. People are worried about the use of ear seeds.B. Ear seeds can relieve peoples anxiety.C. Ear seeds are not useful for people with injuries.D. Those with ear seeds like to be noticed.BIve always known my kids use digital comm

21、unications gear (装置) a lot. But my cellphone bill last month really grabbed my attention. My son had come up to nearly 2,000 incoming text messages, and had sent nearly as many. Of course, he was out of school for the summer and communicating more with friends from a distance. Nevertheless, he found

22、 time to hold down a summer job and complete a college course in between all that typing with his thumb. I was even more surprised to learn that my son is normal. Teenagers with cellphones each send and receive 2,272 text messages a month on average, Nielsen Mobile says. Some experts regret that all

23、 that keyboard jabber is making our kids stupid, unable to read nonverbal cues such as facial expressions, gestures, posture and other silent signals of mood and attitude. Unlike phones, text messaging doesnt even allow transmission of tone of voice or pauses, says Mark Bauerlein author of a book ca

24、lled The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardizes (危害) Our Future. Beyond that, though, Im not sure I see as much harm as critics of this trend. Ive posted before on how I initially tried to control my kids texting. But over time, I have seen my son suffer no

25、 apparent ill effects, and he gains a big benefit, of easy, continuing contact with others. I dont think texting make kids stupid. It may make them annoying, when they try to text and talk to you at the same time. And it may make them distracted,_when buzzing text messages interrupt efforts to noodl

26、e out a math problem or finish reading for school. But I dont see texting harming teens ability to communicate. My son is as accustomed to nonverbal cues as any older members of our family. I have found him more engaged and easier to communicate with from a great distance, because he is constantly a

27、vailable via text message and responds with faithfulness and speed.21. What does the underlined word “distracted” in the fifth paragraph mean?A. Confused. B. Absentminded.C. Comfortable. D. Badtempered.22. What would be the best title for this passage?A. For Teens, Texting Instead of Talking B. For

28、Parents, Caring Much for Their KidsC. Advantages and Disadvantages of Texting D. The Effect of Communication23. What is Mark Bauerleins attitude towards texting?A. It is so convenient for teens to communicate with others.B. It is likely to cause trouble in understanding each other.C. It is convenien

29、t for teens to text and call at the same time.D. It will cause damage to the development of intelligence.24. The authors attitude towards texting is _.A. suspicious B. opposedC. supportive D. doubtful25. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?A. It is normal for a te

30、en to send or receive 60 text messages a day.B. Texting is a very popular way of communication among teens.C. Parents dont mind teens texting and talking at the same time.D. The writer limited his son to sending or receiving text messages at first.III. 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分) Ks5u阅读下面短文,并根据短文后的要求答题(请

31、注意问题后的字数要求)。 Ks5u1 Hello. Its one of the first words we learn as babies, yet its one of the last ones we think to use as adults. Thats unfortunate, because saying hello is more than just saying helloit is recognition of anothers worth. How might the world changehow might we changeif we mastered this

32、 word? To find out, I spent one month saying hello to every person I met. Heres what Ive learned. Ks5u2 It can boost (促进) productivity. In one of the few studies ever done on this subject, Allan Allday, an assistant professor of special education at Oklahoma State University, had middle school teach

33、ers greet their students individually each morning. This exchange of greetings raised the kids productivity. School went from impersonal to personal, and that resulted in more class participation and better grades. Ks5u3 Environments influence friendliness, One study found that people in the city we

34、re kiss likely to one hands with a stranger than those in the countryside. And researchers say, pleasure environments generally encourage more smiles and hellos than unpleasant ones. My experience was similarly. Whatever the reason, my urban hellos were answered far less often than my rural one. Sim

35、ilarly, people in vacation spots, like the Jersey Shore, were far friendlier than those hurrying work downtown. Ks5u4 Its a form of universal health insurance. Its impossible to say hello without smiling. And smiling has been shown to lower blood pressure, relieve stress and boost happiness. Apparen

36、tly, a smile creates a similar effect in the recipient (接受者)。 Ks5u5 So maybe we can make the world a better place by_. After a month of doing it. I feel lighter and more connected and I have a better sense of well-being. Ks5u26. What does the author say about the adults according to Paragraph 1? (wi

37、thin 8 words) Ks5u_ Ks5u27. Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one? Ks5uTeachers and students got friendlier so that the students became more active in learning and scored higher in tests. Ks5u_28. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 5 with proper words. (within 5 words

38、) Ks5u29. List three effects of smiling on health according to the text. (within 8 words) Ks5u Ks5u30. Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 Chinese. Ks5u 答案与解析1.D在仅仅30年的时间里,这个国家已经成为一个发达的工业强国。transform“改变;转变”,常与介词into连用。translate“翻译”;degrade“降级;退化”;decline“下降”。2.Athis reason是主语,the one是表语

39、,you explained.是定语从句,本题中主句缺少表语成分,同时作表语的词the one又充当定语从句的先行词。3.D句意:温总理说:“我再强调一次,无论如何我们绝对不能牺牲人民的生命和健康来换取经济发展。”in exchange for“换取;作为的交换”,符合题意。in the hope of“怀着的希望”;in return for“作为回报”;in the face of“面对”。4.B句意:当地政府被指责没有对受洪灾地区无家可归人们的需求做出恰当的反应。appropriately“适当地,合适地”。hopelessly“绝望地”;needlessly“不必要地,无用地”;con

40、stantly“不断地,时常地”,均不符合题意。5.A句意:在肯德基排队买炸鸡的人太多了,我们最终放弃了。eventually“最后,最终”,符合题意。unfortunately“不幸地”;generously“慷慨地”;purposely“故意地”。6.B句意:他们明亮的眼睛和微笑的表情传达出了他们给别人的印象是他们很兴奋。convey“传达”。determine“决定”;shape“形成”;function“运行;起作用”。7.B句意:我已经花很长时间去处理这个问题了,但是我还是没能解决。放松一下,现在你也可以做点其他的事。take it easy“别紧张;放松”,符合题意。cheer u

41、p“振作点;高兴点”;come on“加油;快点”;never mind“不要紧;没关系”。8.A金钱“弥补”不了过去五年鲍勃所受的罪,make up for“弥补”,符合题意。9.B句意:我原本想要给你一份贵重的生日礼物的,但是我把钱花光了。would like to have done“过去想要做某事而实际未做”;run out of“用完;耗尽”,为及物动词短语,其主语通常是人。10.D句意:我的朋友明天下午走。我宁愿他们乘早班火车离开。would rather后接从句时,从句谓语要用虚拟语气,对现在或将来虚拟用过去时,对过去虚拟用过去完成时。11.Dflexible“灵活的,可变通的”

42、。能快速的适应新形势只能是态度灵活。changeable“可改变的”;alternate“交替的”;movable“活动的”。12.D句意:我业余时间喜欢各种各样的书,特别是萧伯纳的戏剧。in common“共同”;in total“总计”;in turn“依次”;in particular“尤其,特别”。故选D项。13.Bconvey ones feelings“表达感想”。14.C句意:老师再次强调说,学生们复述故事时不应该漏掉任何重要的细节。bring out“取出,出版”;let out“放出,发出”;leave out“省略,遗漏”;make out“辨别出”。15.A句意:既然我们

43、彼此很熟悉了,我们就能很好地相处。now that“既然”。16C文章前七段讲述了ear seeds的各种用途,如帮助戒烟和治疗外伤;最后两段讲述了人们对ear seeds的神奇效果的态度。由此可知,本文主要是关于ear seeds的现代化的用途。B项只是文章倒数第二段的大意,故排除。17B由第三段可知,她把一种植物的种子戴在耳朵上是为了减小对吸烟的渴望,也就是为了减少对烟的依赖性。A项说为了减轻吸烟带来的疼痛,文章并没有提到。C项是对耳朵针灸的原理,不是作用。D项文章没有提到,第四段的“life saver”,只是一种比喻说法,说明这种针灸的效果很好。18D由文章的大意和最后两段可知,虽然有

44、些针灸原理不清楚,但还是受到知名医生的推荐。由此可知,许多有名的医生对ear seeds的评价很高。19A本段的第一句就提到the wonderful seeds,由此可知此处them指的是ear seeds。20B根据第六段中的“there has been an increase in the practice of using ear seeds for health issues from anxiety to pain”可知,ear seeds能够缓解焦虑。【文章导读】手机短信的使用使人与人之间的沟通越来越方便。青少年大多使用手机发短信的形式来代替电话通话,有些学者认为用手机发短信会

45、使孩子变笨,但文中家长的看法却不一样。21B词义猜测题。文章倒数第二段最后一句指出,手机信息的响声会在他们试图去解数学题或读完阅读材料时打扰他们,所以手机信息的响声会令他们“分心”。22A主旨大意题。文章第一、二段主要讲述了作者的儿子用手机发短信的事,并就此展开议论,所以全篇文章主要讲述的是青少年通过收发短信与人沟通,所以正确答案为A项。23D观点态度题。文章第三段主要讲述了专家或权威人士对孩子使用手机发短信持反对态度,他们认为发短信会使小孩子变笨,其中Mark Bauerlein也认为如此,故正确答案为D项。24C观点态度题。依据文章倒数第二段第一句“我不认为发短信会使小孩变笨”和最后一段第一句“我没有发现短信会损害青少年的沟通能力”可知,作者对小孩使用手机发短信持赞同态度。25C细节理解题。由文章第五段第二句中的make them annoying可知,家长不喜欢孩子边发短信边和他们说话。26. Adults are not willing to say hello.27. School went from impersonal to personal, and that resulted in more class participatio

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