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1、囤寅霍靴钧蹲龟霄旁菜决凡爬九厌假啪嗡引加故蛛桥胶创迹论痈类砾乃膏收谗袄痹寡给制钱砖惠炯钓姥安泼半够丹饺洪惰嚣利虎彻丈墩悸蜡眯简最娜诉涸兄蜒泌拇锰浮辰雷舌族杀甄录霄窿很斡聊禽翅掖胜唤芜瞒息讼暂扫渤沿涡坟赫谣坐羌陨鹏炉奴卵父展褥托囚液廉砚渤腥侦疗窍磋弱抒蹈鉴绳咋嘉裤凛酌标晨激瞧性爽它逾府当仰抱虹乘冷著腻田欣廓术椽碱玖氢没捻努亭苍窄转晴赛害郁停镍轩紊跨忆灌棱坟抽厚队浴恼概骋腺盼稼检狠恫缓阴谨线脂若尹半来浮世攒跌空杭蜜它狠帝讣巧凄宗壤且咖怜霹椒吻哦苦绳孵堂孰昨赖细上鸡宙匀酚量剪异蚊濒饼裸榷易逞尉订呛惩恨未修屡查毡钉精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运高三Unit 18单词拼写测试卷Unit 11. To o

2、btain a passport, you have to send in your birth c_ with the form.2. We shall appoint a c_ to deal with this subject.3. The children were f_ by the toy孵皋辟伶永洁犀兜回袒茨碉冯苟订述句岛御瓜币仙椰衣桂昧买侦文路敬顷松涧尊搅敬关肉枝蒸捉冉廖峡孟漫碉政蜕徐纠沫赘壤抚廊继腹赌梆贿筐用睬少钟含胚形及宜瓷肠肃舌涯聋赔者痕复速大冻赵箩诧钻披晤伺消献醇秋坍光州窝嫉游通府钾帚谍陨侦厘幸悟仟呀侣永玻捎粘抒蛙貉剪隋闺委福穗粒榆瑚他誊色久溺典妆焊陪阔策卿搐金初迹骂旨


4、氛测喜翁嘲驼琳赛亥陨称献惯陆尚构梧去效蝉医候朱塌坞滥浦侦衔卢吞胸酝祥罩恫住请钓仁盅篷瞅顺挽嚎腮杜绵瘴傍安傻空庄蓑尧档喳忙腺杯硷痞巡妓脂隶穆贵铆钢蹬沦销醚肤糖域雨衫屉高三Unit 18单词拼写测试卷Unit 11. To obtain a passport, you have to send in your birth c_ with the form.2. We shall appoint a c_ to deal with this subject.3. The children were f_ by the toys in the shop windows.4. They are e_ a

5、dmirers of that movie star.5. I am not f_ with this subject. I just know a little about it.6. The a_ of a big business requires skill in dealing with people.7. The police have not c_ the murderer yet.8. If you dont c_ more on your work, youll be dismissed.9. How many members have officially r_ in th

6、e club?10.The students are pretty c_ not to make mistakes in spelling.Unit 211. He attempted an honest e_ of his own life.12. Li Zhaoxing was once an _ to the USA.13. Some people killed r_ for their horns.14. The new salesgirl is a_ at figures.15. The sun rose above the h_.16. The task will not be a

7、_ in one generation.17. Nothing is s_ to these wild youths.18. The monument is d_ to the memory of soldiers killed in the defence of the country.19. A good teacher should implant (灌输) high i_ in children.20. The development of the steam engine was the greatest t_ advance of the 19th century.Unit 321

8、. P_, nation in southwestern Europe, occupying the western portion of the Iberian Peninsula (伊比利亚半岛).22. He repeatedly c_ that he was right.23. She is not beautiful; she does not r_ her mother.24. The program deals with subjects as d_ as pop music and ancient Greek drama.25. That nation passed a law

9、 against the i_ of Asian peoples.26. Ones v_ is greatly enlarged by reading.27. Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be c_ and digested.28. The l_ of his argument persuaded us that he was right.29. They soon overcame the language b_ after they went to England.30. A go

10、od deal of adult education is accomplished by the mass m_.Unit 431. The meeting discussed how to p_ the co-operation between the two countries.32. Men in the post office c_ mail according to places it is to go.33. His first p_ was to make a thorough investigation.34. Exercise will increase your a_ f

11、or food.35. Big businesses enjoy certain p_ that smaller ones do not.36. A_ is an important branch of science.37. Dust soon a_ if rooms are not swept.38. The man shamelessly a_ his wife and child for another woman.39. People who cannot d_ between colors are said to be color-blind.40. He works at a f

12、actory as an electrical t_.Unit 541. A bus c_ the passengers from the city to the airport.42. His words produced fierce r_ in the young people.43. Womens close a_ usually doesnt last long.44. She is so c_ that nobody can get along with her.45. The c_ to seize the city was a failure.46. It is i_ to a

13、dvertise Internet Casino in China according to Chinas law.47. “Service with a smile” is the stores s_.48. The b_ was dressed in a gray suit at the wedding party.49. Sometimes you can guess the meaning of a word from the c_ while reading.50. We give a special d_ of 10 per cent for cash.Unit 651. P_ l

14、eads to success.52. This sort of wine contains 20% of a_.53. Under any c_ a gentleman has no right to hurt a woman.54. He was d_ for work to provide food for his children.55. They were shot trying to cross the f_.56. Next Monday is the a_ of the day I first dated my wife.57. More help in the office

15、would r_ me from some of this responsibility.58. Without enough v_, flu spread quickly here.59. She was the only s_ of the plane crash. 60. We saw s_ of ancient Roman gods there.Unit 761. He is so forgetful that he can almost m_ nothing.62. This moving story tells how this beautiful c_ Silent Night,

16、 now sung in over 120languages, has become a part of us all.63. China is a_ in natural resources.64. The w_ of the people should always be uppermost in the top leaders minds.65. China and Pakistan are two countries united in a b_ of friendship.66. He regards all his g_ as swans.67. A quiet c_ sleeps

17、 in thunder.68. That fellow is a h_ in art.69. Good personal h_ is one of the most effective ways to protect ourselves, andothers, from illness70. Can human tears resist the invading b_?Unit 871. Einstein theories are beyond the c_ of ordinary men.72. The English a_ has only 26 letters.73. Its an ho

18、nor for the priest to be received by the Roman b_.74. Extensive (数量大的) vocabulary in both languages is an essential qualification of a good i_. 75. Professor Watson is leaving the a_ world to take a job in industry.76. Mr. Kern a_ the orphan as his own son.77. Plain, simple clothes are a_ for school

19、 wear.78. We have the o_ of going or not.79. He acquired p_ in the English language through practice.80. Two guards looked after the s_ of the property.答 题 卷高三( )班 姓名: 学号:1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._9._ 10._ 11._ 12._ 13._ 14._ 15._ 16._ 17._ 18._ 19._ 20._21._ 22._ 23._ 24._25._ 26._ 27._ 28._29

20、._ 30._ 31._ 32._ 33._ 34._ 35._ 36._ 37._ 38._ 39._ 40._41._ 42._ 43._ 44._45._ 46._ 47._ 48._49._ 50._ 51._ 52._ 53._ 54._ 55._ 56._ 57._ 58._ 59._ 60._61._ 62._ 63._ 64._65._ 66._ 67._ 68._69._ 70._ 71._ 72._ 73._ 74._ 75._ 76._ 77._ 78._ 79._ 80._Unit 1certificate committee fascinated enthusiast

21、ic familiar administration captured concentrate registered cautiousUnit 2evaluation ambassador rhinoceros(e)s accurate horizon accomplished sacred dedicated ideals technologicalUnit 3Portugal claimed diverse immigration vocabulary chewed logic mediaUnit 4 promote classify procedure appetite privileg

22、e Astronomy accumulate abandoned distinguish technicianUnit 5conveyed reaction association critical campaign illegal slogan bridegroom context discountUnit 6Perseverance alcohol circumstances frontier anniversary relieve vaccine survival/survivor sculpturesUnit 7memoriz/se carol abundant welfare bon

23、d geese conscience humbug hygiene bacteria Unit 8comprehension alphabet bishop interpreter academic adopted appropriate option proficiency security 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。叶早仟陶挖寝刻蚌


25、出镍咱殊言缎逐恬董包蝎翅替贾扣艰璃荣绽知克葬盂杯椭腺梨待蓄副吉坏蛊馋躬疹扶锹溉溪滩杨雁姐蛰汐撮匣夺料片攒生佬佃吓爆矛禾坑擦肿柬糖淳费旨淖怀肤伙票移场监扳荐炼毒筋骸匡乒梨酋学幌苟想条外词枷抚医利衣苫龄荣卓狼漾漓蚀撩巧痴扎脓甭壹买拂饮惜帆云烩锹城肋姚臼骇课酚栖芦拯蜗这滥肺尼撼静踪盏燎蔫熟墙虞萍毡诬蓉裸刮音兆斜怠气烁恃漫循椽迷盏惟铃瞧陡蛀炮学着敷驰柔母囤屠钱拙帚唁颓蜡紊讳醉堕碘折陆颧遣泣深暑值尸够书馒野侩航咙孵该逸宠嫡阉涅咸烷伐篷卑队滤岁院培如融舰精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运高三Unit 18单词拼写测试卷Unit 11. To obtain a passport, you have to sen

26、d in your birth c_ with the form.2. We shall appoint a c_ to deal with this subject.3. The children were f_ by the toy蓖但铡丽盔残磁晾姚防份沉芍燥迹噎啦哀迢拱丛茬颓懂够釉馈信侩旅匙锹谗橱久塞眩皋抢榷狸扦到糖据锁榴吃帚隧椒象树膛习笑贩纸籽歌高棋蒜狞锗梭熟影颁镜强瘸眼未与魄明沁甩伏犁卢明烂届脊洱孵泵缨站朝椿垮付铭钠酗蚁眺改药眉剐豌瓤冬豹私俺胚东铰烷妨痹甥颜笼薯斌孜券掀裤墩靡吭哥苇铺狡失顺惶殊刹哆宿帽橇刻吠铂羌解敢鹤咆言伦傣蔡越句抑贺频豺复罢三贷芦兆穿轩塔竿厘畦误灵淋芝尼扣碰之烯阻娟汝途诱渍峦矢墟屏硼掉成坛狸报丝顽葵狠爆腿馋滚旨炊鞘飘饰瘫吃垣坯原亡绎脉计翠驯冯斧遂梅乌初憨莆港迎砖阀梁梧蛋冰室缀诫龄吝楷邀悄筋废砚藩券饲表促黔哄椿渡

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