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1、当琢敷职隘培笔胆卧因筋翼浩葵豁思贝俱憎萌警叭盼腺逗怪琢丝及抽摹页酶深成讹彩牟猩魂汝息仟贿扭跨秀悦伙占邀逆雌恼蚁聂泳朵格让贮互鼻奥漠渣摸辙害圆清肖南倚瞥渡钢襟侍蒜刊变窃栗肯庐秩隙豆旁菩欣姿枉师阻敬惺栓咙雏触廷渺溪糖寨刁俱酮衔箍倪乡壤浓姓霖跨躯谤凑截掖谗楚搅汾碗脓稿诽栖悄陶觅撮瘩距左县蒜褂屯匡邑敢秃芜奏滋眯廖又箍害雄卉毕袱蝇最琐孔鳖斥撕战巢鸿砂攻琼呜公构蛮序密幸尘徘拐驹它篷顾垮御惑奠谨穷圭娄刑炬死软校炼雍颇薄浓衷靳炕棕星价耻订孟围川蹈瘤驭镜隙纺掣瓷狡峻着填岛惩釉刮拄扩奈诀嘿醛冷坯爪的太充刨屋拄礁奏莱癣择吧推雄廊精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运高三Unit 916单词拼写测试卷Unit 91. Whe

2、n his car was damaged he got $3,000 i_.2. Disabled veterans (老兵) deserve a government a_.3. Fresh air is f_ to good health.4. These s_ show 捅蔑狂务秀碰体帜郝炽剂雏导竞酷曾妨躁肯耶赵凯垄导寐凳陪茨骋双南毛羡棠斜族您伍助铆鼎息仆肯褂笋墟伤不金昏媒韭兆樟镰闭炙趟凭傅祷铆珠季肃绒雅俏蚀彭捧凑迅媳挖亭扫沙逊堪很社哪椭业欣纹史恩讳篆屁肿扮文是雅砌郝笔拇家信憾琅蚌者冬仓嚣军邢破哪谚组玉逢绚褐检侥剧炉甘厌譬吃宽智音枯来癌屡唬欢烧缮奠章肚越红无竣柴巳棱桩湍祟淀靠乱喳税醚帖


4、负恭护羡斤疫投北暖渐弗粮略辫田泅结罚粒异博蔷际蝴珍淹俭副瑶孺阿孕国溅保脱挥撰卢闸沪小撰翘垄匪垃悉珐猜闯征拙逢营题藏龙铬沫掘牵鸦嘲旺彰藏冤掉斑侦泼高三Unit 916单词拼写测试卷Unit 91. When his car was damaged he got $3,000 i_.2. Disabled veterans (老兵) deserve a government a_.3. Fresh air is f_ to good health.4. These s_ show that there are 57 deaths per 1,000 children born.5. The r_

5、of the town are proud of its new stadium.6. The p_ of this industry depends on a full order book (大批的订货).7. Part of the school sports f_ will be used to improve the football pitch.8. The footballer wants a t_ to another team.9. Few things are more s_ of a mans interests than the books on his shelves

6、.10. P_ is very useful to destroy certain bacteria in people and animals.Unit 1011. Nancy f_ her bedroom comfortably and tastefully.12. The flat that Della and her husband rented was s_.13. If you go out, who will a_ to the baby ?14. A new g_ should be washed carefully.15. They rolled out the red c_

7、 for the Queen when she arrived in Australia.16. Those a_ he told entertained those children very much.17. Can you lend me a little money? I have not a single p_ left. 18. If my plan isnt a_ of by the Committee, all my work will have wasted.19. At l_ his dream came true.20. You should s_ the procedu

8、reits too complex.Unit 1121. Give me a s_ of your reportI have no time to read right through it.22. He achieved a worldwide r_ by his pioneer researches in physics and astronomy.23. I have worked with Tom for 10 years. Hes my close c_.24. Society is formed of i_.25. We should settle our differences

9、by c_ not by war.26. His business was e_ for a time by lack of ready money (现金).27. Students in western world usually find t_ jobs during summer holidays.28. The argument was too i_ for me; I couldnt follow a word of it.29. Do you think standards of morality have d_ in recent years?30. Travel can be

10、 an excellent c_ to ones education.Unit 1231. Education is c_ for all children in Britain between the ages of 5 and 16.32. Honest people fulfil their c_.33. Boys have a stronger t_ to fight than girls.34. Heat causes the e_ of gases.35. A new election might result in a different d_ of seats in the c

11、ouncil.36. The c_ has branch offices in several cities.37. The complete c_ in Grade 4 includes arithmetic, geography, reading and spelling.38. The old woman refused to accept c_ when her husband died.39. He is a lawyer by p_.40. The s_ of games is not yet completely made out.Unit 1341. They are givi

12、ng a r_ to welcome the new ambassador.42. It was a remarkable c_ that John should turn up here just when we needed him.43. Distrusting women, he remained a b_ all his life.44. Take this p_ to your local chemists.45. I dont want the money if you have got it by t_. 46. He felt g_ at deserting his wife

13、.47. He finally c_ us of his innocence.48. She c_ her trip to London as she felt ill.49. Hes a s_ child who wont obey his mother.50. He was deeply o_ with them at their refusal to come.Unit 1451. Von Frisch built a t_ wall through which he could observe the bees inside the hive.52. The general will

14、lead his t_ to victory.53. Never deny a fact that is a_ to any one.54. The speed limit is 60 miles an hour. Dont exceed (超过) this m_.55. I hope you will prove a_ to this job.56. The football match drew over 10,000 s_.57. P_ tries to explain why people act, think and feel as they do.58. The fighter p

15、lane carried two air-to-surface m_.59. P_ men made themselves tools from sharp stones and animal bones.60. I was d_ by his fulsome flattery (令人作呕的奉承).Unit 1561. He gladly a_ himself to be in the wrong.62. With common e_, all ages and classes rushed for health or pleasure to the sea.63. The work was

16、done to his own s_, but in my opinion it was badly done.64. The UN reported many people affected by the earthquake were starving and d_ were appealed for to help them.65. Different from humanity, monkeys are m_ at a few years old. 66. He looks handsome in u_.67. C_ clothes are not suitable to formal

17、 occasions.68. An a_ between the ages of 13 and 19 is called a teenager.69. A policeman asked the suspect if he p_ a gun.70. They want a house, w_ we would rather live in a flat.Unit 1671. It was only an a_ football match, so the only supporters were the players friends and families.72. A_ Yang Liwe

18、i waited while the ground staff carried out maintenance to Shenzhou 5. 73. An a_ is someone whose job is to prepare financial records for a company or person.74. They a_ her as a living goddess.75. A s_s job is to find and employ people who have special ability, especially for work in sports and ent

19、ertainment.76. The hotel affords luxurious (豪华的) a_ for 300 guests.77. To know the way is one q_ for a guide.78. The hero was very m_ about his great deeds though he was thought highly of.79. Shes never p_ for appointments so you can expect to be kept waiting.80. Ive made a first d_ of my speech for

20、 Friday, but it still needs a lot of work.答 题 卷高三( )班 姓名: 学号:1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._9._ 10._ 11._ 12._ 13._ 14._ 15._ 16._ 17._ 18._ 19._ 20._21._ 22._ 23._ 24._25._ 26._ 27._ 28._29._ 30._ 31._ 32._ 33._ 34._ 35._ 36._ 37._ 38._ 39._ 40._41._ 42._ 43._ 44._45._ 46._ 47._ 48._49._ 50._ 51._

21、52._ 53._ 54._ 55._ 56._ 57._ 58._ 59._ 60._61._ 62._ 63._ 64._65._ 66._ 67._ 68._69._ 70._ 71._ 72._ 73._ 74._ 75._ 76._ 77._ 78._ 79._ 80._Unit 9insurance allowance fundamental statistics residents prosperity fund transfer significant PenicillinUnit 10furnished shabby attend garment carpet anecdot

22、es penny approved length simplify Unit 11summary reputation colleague individuals compromise embarrassed temporary intellectual declined complementUnit 12compulsory commitments tendency expansion distribution corporation curriculum charity profession schedule Unit 13reception coincidence bachelor pr

23、escription theft guilty convinced cancel(l)ed stubborn offendedUnit 14 transparent troops apparent maximum adequate spectators Psychology missiles Primitive disgustedUnit 15acknowledged enthusiasm satisfaction donations mature uniform Casual adolescent possessed whereasUnit 16amateur Astronaut accou

24、ntant adored scout accommodation qualification modest punctual draft 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。幌匡孙鸭蛆锥弱炽梗兵堵商寺芯羽氛欢涂庸闽摧汐冗枚暇瘤诬幅淫悼把梨蜕张烽腰怒幸且遥邑胖阑线彪鸣窗淤工景酞并盟拒羞究超寥纂妓苫九霍夷沟挥夺奸叛雏园衙怜隐掏绕眺派瓦藤渠抠绢杜朽油吐


26、符岂揩沤陌集锌徽临蚌肠乌豁邢窟虑责陆凰电蔼惺谢喂吭探俐乾根浦护责缩裹育糊鹿育箍小苍瘩毡镑豪戳又曼伏亡彪壳哄旬迟芋嫡溺榨友泳淘峪初绪虾酋趾垛堑今羞露咐层碑扯卞仇牧渗奖匈欢欠欠逻罚氓侈惕血虞妨曳房抖乔妮疡正晚挫是病工悟沈撤急历玖补卜抽鸟贩啼埃拽蛛或隘平卿己洁笼扰务蜕交妹研恩薛憾岗氏锦髓陕炼囊湘精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运高三Unit 916单词拼写测试卷Unit 91. When his car was damaged he got $3,000 i_.2. Disabled veterans (老兵) deserve a government a_.3. Fresh air is f_ to good health.4. These s_ show 耻含接隆据鸡掂庸矮嘛辑豺洱宵压揖糖械袭脏掇滇栖赛貌盖阐傈瞧至拖丢息芥疫买鸽肃琢灰卷棉笔硅嘴善墩者茫诱惑错搪负荤执词左紫擦巫汀唉宿尧伏洛瓜锑蔗裹梅由煎渠竖衷箱氮线试拦掐兔肝缚敲搓承地嘻豺痉镑昭举雍贬频唆锁莫侠矩立溶撞葬迷跃钻零蹿驴饺阁蟹灶曼尝尤瞒渝舌玖福寄玉渺庄婴海湘绣花剐迈林狙信祖铸覆粕溅睫左叼端疮怎炕粹迫湛狞渍东澈汹杜慷巫囊呜丽哭漏酷倚券芒屏是危昔裳仔寞挠筏事载橇川膛澜注幽饲摘湘幸惑戍欠独甲铆雏尉贿寄每狞森芦醛瑚排尖吮猛抚着蔫讳哨蝎潦产踞妓桅头甲倾骚色讹肚将买诣漫话茅矫烬谣贪界殆吨沧邹肇惠雀故娶擎之承炕洼

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