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1、吉林省长春市第一0四中学2021年高三英语月考试题含解析一、 选择题1. Of all the books on the desk, _ is useful for our study. A.nothing B.no one C. none D.nobody参考答案:C略2. _ we are advocating teaching reform, why not try a new _ to teaching English? A. Even if; wayB. Now that; approachC. Now that; method D. Even if; means参考答案:B3. T

2、he principle that all teachers, regardless of subject, should basic standards of competence in maths and English is already accepted by GCSE requirements.A. attainB. adoreC. adoptD. assess参考答案:A4. The _ shoes were covered with mud, so I asked them to take them off before they got into _ car.A. girls

3、; Toms B. girls; Toms C. girls; Toms D. girls; Toms 参考答案:C 解析:本题考查名词所有格形式。根据题干后半部分的them可知对应复数girls。此题较易5. When I was seeing the article, I was very . A. boring, disappointed B. bored, disappointing C. boring, disappointing D. bored, disappointed参考答案:A33. Knowing office ruleswhether _ or notis critic

4、al, especially for young job seekers. A. written B. writing C. being written D. having been written参考答案:A略7. - I will clean the living room if you clean the bedroom.-OK. _ . A . Its a bargain B. Its a deal C. Its a pleasure D. Its up to you .参考答案:B略8. Fans still _ Michael Jordan though he doesnt fig

5、ht for the Chicago Bulls any more. A. look down on B. look up C. look up to D. look on as 参考答案:C9. The teacher suggested that each student _ a plan for the vocation. A. make B. makes C. would make D. made 参考答案:A10. Are these rooms available? Sorry, sir. Its the holiday, so the rooms _.A. are reserve

6、d B. have reserved C. reserved D. are reserving参考答案:A11. We _ up by an alarm clock every morning, so we are never late for class. A. wake B. are woken C. were woken D. woke参考答案:B12. When asked _ they needed most, the kids said they wanted to feel important and loved. A. what B. why C. whom D. which

7、参考答案:A .解析:本题考查的是疑问代词在间接引语中的使用。 what代指后面的feel important and loved.why,问的是原因,whom是问人,which虽然也可以表示一件事情,如果这道题改为:“When ask _ they needed most, feeling important or being loved? 就可以选D.但是后面没有给出选项,所以也不能选D.13. Its natural to meet with difficulties in life, but dont let them get _;Aunder control Bin the way

8、Cout of order Dto the full参考答案:B14. I think the Internet is playing an important role in our daily life. Dont you think so?Yes. _.A. Great minds think alike B. Early birds catch wormsC. Facts speak louder than words D. No pains, no gains参考答案:A15. I never dreamed of there _ such a quiet place in the

9、noisy city. A. was B. had been C. being D. to be参考答案:C16. Youll find this map of great _ in helping you to get around in London.A. valueB. effectC. concernD. vision参考答案:A【详解】考查名词词义辨析,句意:你将会发现这份地图在助你环游伦敦上的巨大价值。A. value价值,重要性;B. effect影响,效果,作用;C. concern关心,忧虑;D. vision视力,美景,想象力。综合句意,这份地图对于指明旅行方向是有帮助的,

10、对游客而言有“价值”/是很重要的,故选A。【点睛】词义辨析的考查,可以很深入,因此单词学习不应浮于表面。本题容易误选B,因为仅凭中文释义,而认为地图在帮助环游伦敦上有“作用”/有“效果”,似乎也说得通。但假如我们查询effect对应的英文释义:1)The effect of one thing on another is the change that the first thing causes in the second thing. 2)The effects in a film are the specially created sounds and scenery. 我们就能发现词义

11、辨析的重要性。实际上,effect在表示“作用,影响”方面,主要用于表达因果关系(cause and consequence),强调一个事物对另一个的影响,且贬义为多;而在effect表示“效果”方面,则以音响、舞台灯光、荧屏效果为主,在本题中显然均不适用。因此,吃透词义十分关键。17. After _college entrance examination, I will pay a visit to Greek, _European country.A. a, an B. the, an C. the, a D. a,a参考答案:D18. Do you think you can get

12、there on time?Yes, the car doesnt break down.A.if only B.even if C.in case D.so long as参考答案:B.二、 短文改错19. 短文改错(共l0小题:每小题l 5分满分l5分) 此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在答题卡该行右边横线上面一个勾();如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正: 此行多一个词:在答题卡短文上把多余的词用斜线()划掉,在答题卡该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。 此行缺一个词:在答题卡短文的缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在答题卡该行右边横线上写出

13、该加的词。 此行错一个词:在答题卡短文错的词下划一横线,并在答题卡该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。注意:原行没有错的不要改。 Time seemed limited for us Senior Three students. 76. Therefore,more and more student are studying from early 77. morning till lately afternoon,even during the tenminute 78. breakIn my opinion,take a break between classes is 79. not neces

14、sary. Otherwise,we will feel fired both physically 80. and mentallyDuring the break,we should do something 81. to get rid of tirednessWhat they need is to have a real rest 82. instead for getting more tired. My break is always pleasing. 83. Sometimes I take some simple exerciseSometimes I have free

15、84. Chat with my classmates or take a walk outsideWhile the 85. next class begins, I feel fresh again参考答案:76.seemed seems 77. student students 78. lately late 79. take taking 80. 删除 not 81. 82. they we 83. for of 84. have 后free前加a 85. While When略20. 短文改错 (共有10处错误,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同学写的

16、以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出 该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。One day, my mother gave me some money to buy a bag of salt, but on my way to home, the bag broke. The salt ran out onto the ground and loo

17、ked very dirty. A good idea sudden came to me. I decided to wash the salt and re-pack it in the bag. I smiled and thought what clever I was! I then rushed to wash it, but to my surprised, the salt disappeared. I was afraid of going home with any salt. In the end, when I came back home, that was dark

18、. My mother was angry, and when I told her that I did, she laughed. She explained me the reason. I laughed at my good idea when I listen to her explanation. 参考答案:改错: 1. 去掉to 2. sudden改为suddenly 3. what改为how 4. surprised 改为 surprise 5. with 改为without 6. that改为it 7. and 改为but 8. that改为what 9. explaine

19、d后加to 10. listen 改为listened三、 阅读理解21. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Many languages are quickly disappearingOf the estimated (大约估计的) 7, 000 languages spoken in the world today, linguists (语言学家) say, nearly half are in danger of extinction and likely to disappear this century. In fact

20、, one falls out of use about every two weeks.Some languages vanish in an instant at the death of the sole (唯一的) surviving speaker. Others are lost gradually in bilingual (双语的) cultures, as indigenous (当地的) tongues are edged out by the dominant (占主导地位的) language at school, in the marketplace and on t

21、elevision.New research, supported by the National Geographic Society and the Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages, has found the five regions where languages are disappearing most rapidly. They are northern Australia, central South America, North America s upper Pacific coastal zone, ea

22、stern Siberia, and Oklahoma and the southwestern United States. All have indigenous people speaking diverse languages, in falling numbers.K. David Harrison, an associate (副的) professor of linguistics at Swarthmore College, US, said that more than half the languages had no written form and were “vuln

23、erable (脆弱的) to loss and being forgotten.” Their loss leaves no dictionary, no text, or no record of the accumulated knowledge and history of a vanished culture.Harrison and other researchers started their rescue project last year. They have been trying to identify and record endangered l anguages.

24、They interviewed and made recordings of the few remaining speakers of a language and collected basic word lists. The individual projects, some lasting three to four years, involve hundreds of hours of recording speech, developing grammar and preparing children s readers in the obscure (逐渐没落的) langua

25、ge. The research has concentrated on preserving (保存) entire language families.“These are probably languages that cannot be brought back, but at least we made records of them,”said Gregory Anderson, director of the Living Tongues Institute, in Oregon, US.64. What may be the reasons why many languages

26、 are in danger of extinction EXCEPT _?A. They are gradually replaced by another dominant language. B. It s easier to lose the languages that are only passed down orally.C. Researchers do not do enough to help those endangered languages.D. Some languages die out together with the death of their last

27、few speakers.65. What does the underlined word“vanish”in Paragraph 2 mean?A. disappear B. spread C. finish D. survive66. What s NOT mentioned as efforts made by researchers to rescue the dying languages?A. To teach children to learn the endangered language. B. To clear up the entire language familie

28、s.C. To interview and make recordings of the remaining speakers.D. To collect and record their vocabulary and develop grammars.67. From the passage we can conclude that _. A. the researchers feel rather optimistic about the result of their rescue work B. the disappearance of an unrecorded language m

29、eans the loss of a culture C. the indigenous languages can survive as long as they have developed their written forms D. the government should take legal action to protect the indigenous languages 参考答案:64. C 细节理解题。根据 文章第二段和第四段可知A、B、D三项正确,故选C项。65. A 词义猜测题。本文讲的是一些语言的消失,本节讲了一些语言由于一些幸存的能讲这种语言的人的死亡而消失,at

30、 the death of the sole (唯一的) surviving speaker,故选A项。66. B 细节理解题。根据第四段可知A、C、D三项是正确的,关于B项文章是这样讲的:preserving the entire language families,不是clear up。67. B 推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句Their loss leaves no dictionary, no text, or no record of the accumulated knowledge and history of a vanished culture可推出B项。略22. Intro

31、ductory Chemistry was taught at Duke University for many years by professor Bonk. One year, two guys took the class and did pretty well on all the quizzes and mid-terms. They each had a solid A. These two friends were so confident in going into the final that the weekend before finals week, despite

32、the Chemistry final being on Monday, they decided to go to the University of Virginia to party with some friends.They had a great time there. However, with their hangovers(宿醉) and tiredness, they overslept all day Sunday and didnt make it back to Duke until early Monday morning. Rather than taking t

33、he final then, they found professor Bonk after the final and explained to him how they missed the final. They told him they went up to the University of Virginia for the weekend and had planned to come back in time to study, but they had a flat tire on the way back and didnt have a spare. So they we

34、re late getting back to campus.Bonk thought this over and agreed that they could take the final the following day. The two guys, happily and relieved, studied that night and went in the next day at the time that Bonk had told them. He placed them in separate rooms and handed each of them a test book

35、let. He told them to begin.They looked at the first problem which was something simple about solution(溶解). It was worth 5 points. “Cool,” they thought, “this is going to be an easy final”. They then turned the page. They were unprepared, however, for what they saw on it. The question contained only

36、two words: (95 points) Which tire?61. The two guys decided to go to the University of Virginia because A. they were afraid of the final B. there was a party there C. the final would be held there D. they thought they can pass the final easily62. When did they take the final at last?A. On Sunday B. O

37、n Monday C. On Tuesday D. On Saturday63. From the passage we know .A. the two guys came back to campus late on purposeB. Bonk wasnt strict with the two guysC. repairing the flat tire took the two guys a lot of timeD. Bonk didnt believe the two guys explanation64. After the final, they .A. may apolog

38、y to professor Bonk B. must have the same scoresC. wouldnt be confident in their Chemistry D. would feel happy and relieved65. From the passage we can get a lesson that .A. he who makes no mistakes makes nothing B. he is wise that is honestC. one never loses anything by politeness D. think twice before you do参考答案:DCDAB

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