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1、目录2010年华东师范大学357英语翻译基础真题及详解2011年华东师范大学357英语翻译基础真题及详解2012年华东师范大学357英语翻译基础真题及详解2013年华东师范大学357英语翻译基础真题及详解2014年华东师范大学357英语翻译基础真题及详解2015年华东师范大学357英语翻译基础真题及详解2016年华东师范大学357英语翻译基础真题(回忆版)(含答案)2017年华东师范大学357英语翻译基础真题(回忆版)(含答案)2010年华东师范大学357英语翻译基础真题及详解一、将下列短语译成汉语(15分)1GATT【答案】关税及贸易总协定(General Agreement on Tari

2、ffs and Trade)2CEO【答案】首席执行官3ASEAN【答案】东南亚国家联盟4EMS(Express Mail Special)【答案】邮政特快专递5force majeure【答案】不可抗力6baggage liability limitations【答案】行李赔偿责任限额7customs clearance house【答案】清关到户8)zero tariff treatment【答案】零关税协定9notary public office【答案】公证处10telegraphic transfer【答案】电汇11)registered capital【答案】注册资本12Ether

3、net【答案】以太网13charter【答案】宪章;章节14property insurance contract【答案】财产保险合同15subcontractor【答案】承包商二、将下列短语译成英语(15分)1董事会【答案】board of directors2招商引资【答案】attract/invite investments3中国科学院【答案】Chinese Academy of Sciences4第三产业【答案】tertiary industry5深加工【答案】further processing6无公害蔬菜【答案】pollution-free vegetable7财富全球论坛【答案】

4、the FORTUNE Global Forum8知识产权【答案】intellectual property9“长三角”二小时经济圈【答案】the two-hour Economic Circle of the Yangtze River Delta10社会消费品零售总额【答案】social retail goods11上海证券交易所【答案】SSE(Shanghai Stock Exchange)12市政协【答案】Peoples Political Consultative Committee of a city13国家发改委【答案】NDRC(National Development and

5、Reform Commission)14国资委【答案】SASAC(State-owned Assets Supervision and AdministrationCommission)15信用证【答案】letter of credit三、将下列短文译成汉语(60分)PASSAGE 1Digital computers are used in many ways to support engineers in designwork.The broad class of technology associated with such use is denotedherein as Compute

6、r Aided Design(CAD).While early CAD was primarilydirected toward procedures,improved analysis recent development haveextended CAD to include such functions as interactive computations,automation of design decisions,tutorial assistance to designers,graphicaldisplay of results,and management of inform

7、ation.While thesedevelopments have been principally disjointed,efforts are being initiated tointegrate such functions into comprehensive CAD system such as the plannedNASA IPAD system.The definition and development of integrated CADsystems,together with the continued evolution of computer hardware,h

8、asindicated areas for improvement in computer science technology which needto be addressed to maximize the benefit of integrated CAD systems and tofacilitate their long-term viability.【参考译文】数字计算机从多方面帮助工程师进行设计工作,与这种用途有关的是一个广泛的技术领域此处我们称之为计算机辅助设计(CAD)。虽然早期的CAD主要用于改善分析过程,然而它最近的进展已使的CAD功用扩大到交互运算、设计决策自动化、

9、给设计师指导性辅助、把设计的成果用图象显示出来,以及信息处理等项目了。尽管到目前为止这种功能从总体上尚未连成一气,然而人们正在努力使这些功能结合成CAD综合系统,例如已经拟订的美国国家航空和航天管理局宇宙飞行器设计程序综合系统(NASA IPAD)便是。CAD综合系统的确定和发展,连同计算机硬件的不断改进,已经指明了计算机科学技术的一些方面还要改进,方能使CAD综合系统的效益达到最佳,并促使其具有较长使用寿命。PASSAGE 2China has used many different forms of trade mark for many hundreds ofyears.In fact,

10、bricks on the Great Wall were stamped with the producersmarks so that emperors can be assured of the quality and accountability.Inmost countries,any means of intellectual property rights can be sold,licensedor inherited.Unfortunately,almost everywhere,it can also be stolen.Today,intellectual propert

11、y piracy and counterfeiting are robbing and endangeringChinese artists,innovators,businesses and consumers.Intellectual propertyprotection is not a luxury for the rich.It is what inspires technologicaladvances,protects us form dangerous products and creates cultural andeconomic wealth around the wor

12、ld for countries at all levels of development.Each year,nearly 7%of world trade is in pirated and counterfeit products.Some of these counterfeit products can injure and even kill people.Fakeautomobile brakes,airplane parts,infant milk formula and medicine are soldby unscrupulous manufactures and dea

13、lers who profit from consumers lackof awareness and failure to understand the importance of buying legitimateproducts.Many of these criminals are not just local street venders,but alsoorganized criminal groups.Some of these products can also destroy an entireindustry.For example,Hong Kongs legendary

14、 film studios have taken abeating as pirates continue to steal their movies and sell fake DVDs.Thestudios are left with little income to invest in new films and actors.The musicindustry is also affected.Illegal downloading from the Internet andcounterfeit CDs are stealing the music and the livelihoo

15、ds of these talentedartists and preventing new artists from emerging.【参考译文】中国使用过形形色色的商标,已经有几百年的商标历史了。事实上,长城的砖头上面就烙刻了生产者的标志,以便皇帝对产品质量更放心。在大部分国家,任何种类的知识产权都可以出售、注册或者继承。不幸的是,在几乎每个地方,知识产权会遭到盗窃。今天,知识产权的盗版和伪造正在掠夺和危及中国的艺术家、创意者、企业以及消费者。保护知识产权不是富人的奢侈,而是鼓励创新的动力,可以让人免于遭到危险产品的伤害,创造文化和经济财富,使得全球不同发展水平的国家受益。每年,世界上7



18、作出新的更大贡献。【参考译文】From the Chinese sports delegation got the first gold medal on Los AngelesOlympic Games in 1984,to the Athens Olympic Games our Chinese sportsdelegation ranks to second place on the medal table,competitive sports levelof our country has improved every year.To the end of the Olympic Ga

19、mes,Chinese athletes in the summer Olympic Games have achieved a total of 112gold medals,which is a great achievement.We are pleased to see thatgenerations of athletes shoulder the motherlands and peoples hopes andclimb the sports peak with ambitions,remarkable courage and impressiverecords,both of

20、which fully proves that the China has the ability to stay aloneamong the world.The people of all ethnic groups sincerely hope that ourathletes can continue to carry on the spirit of“Dont be proud when you win;dont be downhearted when you fail.”They had better sum up experience,enhance morale,make pe

21、rsistent efforts,and constantly improve theirqualities and competitive levels to promote the overall balance of Chinesesports development,to promote the Olympic development and to makegreater contribution to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.2011年华东师范大学357英语翻译基础真题及详解I.Phrase Translation1O

22、EM【答案】原始设备制造商(Original Equipment Manufacturer)2FTP【答案】文件传输协议(file transfer protocol)3Shipping Order【答案】装货单;订舱单4ETA【答案】预计到达时间(estimated time of arrival)5Consignee【答案】收件人;受托人6 CPI【答案】消费物价指数(Consumer price index)7DPI【答案】每英寸点数(dots per inch);分辨率8EMF【答案】欧洲货币基金(European Monetary Fund)9Exchange Rate Mechan

23、ism【答案】汇率机制10Financial Year【答案】财政年度11ICB【答案】国际竞争性招标(international competitive bidding)12OPEC【答案】石油输出国组织(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)13APEC【答案】亚太经济合作组织(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)14CAAC【答案】中国民用航空局(Civil Aviation Administration Of China)15AID【答案】国际开发总署(Agency for International

24、 Development)16宏观调控【答案】macro-control17信访办【答案】Complaints office18做好就业、社保等方面的工作【答案】deliver good results in terms of employment,social security,etc.19促进流通业发展【答案】Promoting the Development of the Circulation Industry20事业单位【答案】public institution21提高出生人口质量【答案】improve the health of newborns;advance the popu

25、lation quality22创新型国家【答案】innovation-oriented country23优化经济结构【答案】optimize the economic structure24建设社会主义新农村【答案】building a new socialist countryside25农业政策的稳定性【答案】The stability of agricultural policy26全面建设小康社会【答案】build a moderately prosperous society in all aspects27基层民主【答案】democracy at the grassroots

26、level;grass-roots democracy28粮食安全【答案】food security29社会事业【答案】social undertaking30农民工【答案】migrant workersII.English to Chinese translationThis book is,in essence,a user s guide to academic life,conceived for thoseconsidering taking up a career in the traditional academic disciplines seniorsin college,p

27、erhaps,or others thinking about going into graduate school aswell as those who have already started out along that path,which is to say,men and women working on a Ph.D and those already with appointments asassistant professors at college or a university.Some of our remarks may alsobe of interest to

28、others as well:senior professors who are interested in otherperspectives on the academic scene,confused and be where parents of junioracademics,professional advisors,spouses of graduate students and juniorfaculty,and laymen interested in learning about the mysteries of academic.Foreign students who

29、are thinking about acquiring an American graduateschool education will certainly profit from reading this book.Our backgrounds are in the humanities and the social sciences,and our viewsnaturally reflect our own experiences,observations,and what we havelearned in the course of our careers.We believe

30、 there is sufficient overlapamong the various academic disciplines to make valid generalizationspossible.As teachers,we have often been asked to offer advice over and overagain.Weve written this book in response to what we felt was a real need forinformation.We chose the format of an extended conver

31、sation,much likeconversations that we have actually had on many occasions with those whohave sought us out to discuss their aspirations,hopes,fears,and problems.The question-and-answer format emphasizes that we are speaking in thisbook much as we would during our office hours or over coffee in thede

32、partmental lounge.Although the questions in boldface are ourconstructions,for the most part they are questions weve often heard or canimagine our readers might want to ask if they could.Preface to The Chicago Guide to Your Academic Career【参考译文】本书是一部学术人生的导航,为那些想在传统学术领域里拥有一席之地的人所作一一比如大学四年级学生,或是考虑进入研究生

33、院深造的人;当然也为帮助 那些在学术之路上已有开端的人们,例如正在攻读的博士生和即将履新的大学助理教授。我们的某些观点或许对其他人也有所帮助:对看待学术界的不同视角感兴趣的资深教授、不太了解学术生涯为何物的青年学者的父母、职业生涯规划导师、研究生和青年教师的配偶,以及意欲探究学术圈奥秘的局外人。当然,对于想获得美国研究生学位的外国学生,本书一定也不会让他们失望。我们学习的都是人文科学和社会科学,我们的观点很自然地就反应了我们的经历、观察能力还有我们在学业课程中学到的知识。我们相信在繁多的学术原则中会有很多重合之处,使得学术一般化变成可能。作为老师,学生们经常一遍又一遍地向我们咨询。我们写这本书

34、就是为了说明我们的建议(对于学生而言)确实是必要的。我们选择了一种交谈的延伸模式,就像是很多人找我们聊他们的抱负、希望、恐惧和麻烦一样的谈话模式。本书中的问答模式和我们平时在办公室或者休息室中强调的一样多。虽然我们的布局是把问题用粗体字标出来,但这些问题也是我们经常听到或者是读者想问的。芝加哥学术生涯规划III.Write a summary of the following story in 150-200 Chinese character.(20 points)Beijings Focus on Food Prices Ignores Broader Inflation RiskBy K

35、EITH BRADSHERHONG KONG China took steps Wednesday to control rising prices at themost basic consumer level.But Beijing faces a severe challenge in preventinghigher global commodity prices from igniting broader inflation that couldthreaten Chinas streak of powerful economic growth.With prices rising

36、this autumn for many commodities like sugar and cotton,the countrys cabinet announced on Wednesday evening that it would imposeprice controls on food,introduce subsidies for the needy and increase theavailability of fuel supplies.So far,the inflation in consumer goods in China has been largely confi

37、ned tofood and energy,and government policy makers want to keep it that way.Butavoiding more general inflation could prove difficult.And in terms of economic diplomacy,the measures announced Wednesdaywere almost precisely the opposite of the steps the Obama administration andmany Western economists

38、have been urging Beijing to take.Chinas broadly measured money supply has surged in the last two years,soaring 54 percent as its central bank has supported the export economy byintervening in currency markets to keep the renminbi artificially low.Considerable cash is also sloshing around the Chinese

39、 economy because oftwo years of extremely heavy lending by state-owned banks to finance ahighly successful economic stimulus program that has returned the country todouble-digit growth.But Chinas leaders are now clearly worried about the inflationary sideeffects of those financial policies.The premi

40、er,Wen Jiabao,has touredsouthern China over the last week and was shown on national television lateTuesday night expressing concern about rising food prices and promising thatthe government would take action.Zhou Xiaochuan,the governor of the central bank,had said earlier onTuesday that the amount o

41、f money racing through the global economy wasputting pressure on emerging economies that want to control inflation.AndYao Jian,a commerce ministry spokesman,said at a press conference onTuesday that the government would tighten scrutiny of foreign investment soas to prevent too much money from pouri

42、ng into China as foreign investorsseek higher returns than are currently available in the West.Imposing price controls and other administrative controls on the Chineseeconomy runs counter to the steps recommended by many Western experts.They have suggested that China should further deregulate its ec

43、onomy,let therenminbi appreciate and otherwise rely on market forces to tame inflation.The standard policy prescription from Washington has been that Chinashould raise interest rates,as a way to slow investment and prevent theeconomy from overheating.And American policy makers from PresidentObama do

44、wn have argued that if China would let the renminbi rise againstthe dollar,oil and other commodities would be less expensive in China,helping to tame inflation.But Beijing has resisted,in large part becauseWashingtons prescribed medicine would reduce the price competitiveness ofChinese exports to th

45、e United States and elsewhere.Still,even as China is zigging when Washington would rather it zag,somecorporate economists are cautiously optimistic that China may be able totame inflation with its approach for now,at least.“Given that food prices are spearheading immediate inflationary pressures,sup

46、ply-side measures should be more effective than rate hikes,”Qu Hongbin,the co-head of Asian economics research at the international bank HSBC,wrote in a research note on Wednesday night.“Theres no need to panic,asBeijing has more than enough effective policy options to combat inflation.”And yet,whil

47、e there may be limits to Chinas ability to keep a lid oninflation,it is better prepared than many countries to cope with rising worldcommodity prices.That is because China is self-sufficient in most foods,hasan enormous trade surplus and has accumulated copious foreign reserves thatreached$2.65 tril

48、lion at the end of September.In contrast,the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization warned onWednesday that food import bills were up 10 percent this year for the worldspoorest countries.But many economists were surprised by the accelerated inflation in Chinathat the National Bureau of Sta

49、tistics disclosed in Beijing last week.Overallconsumer prices were 4.4 percent higher last month than a year earlier.Chinese leaders have repeatedly made clear over the years that fightinginflation is a top priority,because it could fuel social unrest.And they havepublicly set a target of not allowi

50、ng the annual increase in consumer prices toreach 5 percent again.It peaked at 8.5 percent in the spring of 2008.If food and energy prices are removed from the consumer price index,theprices for everything else are up only 1.3 percent from a year earlier,according to the government.But that is not n

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