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2、年华东师范大学805翻译(A)考研真题及详解1998年华东师范大学翻译考研真题及详解.Translate into Chinese the following extract from“The Rose,”written by Logan Pearsall Smith in 1918.The old lady had always been proud of the great rose-tree in her garden,and was fond of telling how it had grown from a cutting she had broughtyears before f

3、rom Italy,when she was first married.She and her husband hadbeen travelling back in their carriage from Rome(it was before the time ofrailways)and on a bad piece of road south of Siena they had broken down,and had been forced to pass the night in a little house by the road-side.Theaccommodation was

4、wretched of course;she had spent a sleepless night,andrising early had stood,wrapped up,at her window,with the cool air blowingon her face,to watch the dawn.She could still,after all these years,remember the blue mountains with the bright moon above them,and how afar-off town on one of the peaks had

5、 gradually grown whiter and whiter,tillthe moon faded,the mountains were touched with the pink of the rising sun,and suddenly the town was lit as by an illumination,one window afteranother catching and reflecting the suns beam,till at last the whole little citytwinkled and sparkled up in the sky lik

6、e a nest of stars.That morning,finding they would have to wait while their carriage wasbeing repaired,they had driven in a local conveyance up to the city on themountain,where they had been told they would find better quarters;and therethey had stayed two or three days.The Cafe of the simple inn whe

7、re they stayed was the meeting place ofthe notabilities of the little city;and among them they noticed a beautiful,slim,talkative old man,with bright black eyes and snow-white hairtall andstraight and still with the figure of a youth,although the waiter told them withpride that the Conte was molto v

8、ecchiowould in fact be eighty in thefollowing year.He was the last of his family,the waiter addedthey hadonce been great and rich peoplebut he had no descendants;in fact thewaiter mentioned with complacency,as if it were a story on which thelocality prided itself,that the Conte had been unfortunate

9、in love,and hadnever married.The old gentleman,however,seemed cheerful enough;and it was plainthat he took an interest in the strangers,and wished to make theiracquaintance.This was soon effected by the friendly waiter;and after a littletalk the old man invited them to visit his villa and garden whi

10、ch were justoutside the walls of the town.So the next afternoon,when the sun began todescend,and they saw in glimpses through door-ways and windows,blueshadows beginning to spread over the brown mountains,they went to paytheir visit.It was not much of a place,a small,modernized,stucco villa,witha ho

11、t pebbly garden,and in it a stone basin with torpid gold-fish,and a statueof Diana and her hounds against the wall.But what gave a glory to it was agigantic rose-tree which clambered over the house,almost smothering thewindows,and filling the air with the perfume of its sweetness.Yes,it was afine ro

12、se,the Conte said proudly when they praised it,and he would tell theSignora about it.And as they sat there,drinking the wine he offered them,healluded with the cheerful indifference of old age to his love-affair,as thoughhe took for granted that they had heard of it already.Notes:1.Siena:name of an

13、Italian town2.Conte:(Italian)Earl3.molto vecchio:(Italian)very old4.Signora:(Italian)madam【参考译文】老太太总以自家花园里那棵高大的玫瑰树为荣。她非常喜欢告诉别人,数年前她初次结婚时从罗马带回来的枝条,是如何长成如今这般高大的。那时,她与丈夫乘马车从罗马旅行归来(那时还没有火车),途经锡耶那南部的崎岖路段时,马车坏了,他们被迫就宿于路边的小屋里。住宿条件当然非常差;她一夜未能安眠,一早便起身穿好衣服,立于窗前,感受着扑面而来的席席凉风,等待着黎明的到来。事隔多年,她仍然记得那情景。明月高悬在青山群峦之上,



16、树,”在他们的赞美声中老先生自豪地说,而且他很乐意为这位女士讲述玫瑰树的故事。当他们坐在那儿,喝着老人提供的葡萄酒时,老伯爵忘却了自己已届高龄,向大家娓娓道起自己当年的爱情故事,就好像他理所当然地认为他们早已经听说过似的。摘自洛根皮尔索尔史密斯玫瑰树.Translate into English the following quotations from a speechdelivered by Chinese President Jiang Zemin at Harvard University onNovember 1,1997.哈佛建校三百六十年来,培养出许多杰出的政治家、科学家、文学家

17、和企业家,曾出过六位美国总统,三十多位诺贝尔奖获得者。先有哈佛,后有美利坚合众国,这说明了哈佛在美国历史上的地位。哈佛是最早接受中国留学生的美国大学之一。中国教育界、科学界、文化界一直同哈佛大学保持着学术交流。哈佛为增进中美两国人民的相互了解作出了有益的贡献。我们的先人历来把独立自主视为立国之本,中国作为人类文明发祥地之一,在几千年的历史进程中,文化传统始终没有中断。近代中国虽屡遭列强欺凌,国势衰败。但经过全民族的百年抗争,又以巨人的姿态重新站立起来。这充分说明,中国人独立自主的民族精神具有坚不可摧的力量。【参考译文】Since the foundation of Harvard 360 ye

18、ars ago,it has brought up manyexcellent politicians,scientists,litterateurs,entrepreneurs,including 6 USpresidents,and more than 30 winners of Nobel Prize.The fact that Harvardwas founded before the United States of America testifies to the position ofHarvard in the United States in the American his

19、toryHarvard is the earliest university of America to accept Chinese studentabroad,thus Chinese education,science,literature area have been learningcommunication with Harvard.Harvard has made useful contribution to theenhanced mutual understanding between the Chinese and American peoples.Our ancestor

20、s always regarded the spirit of maintaining independence asthe foundation of a nation.As one of the cradles of human civilization,Chinahas all along maintained its cultural tradition without letup in its history ofseveral thousand years.In modern times,the frequent bullying andhumiliation by imperia

21、list powers once weakened China.However,after ahundred years struggle of the entire Chinese nation,China has stood upagain as a giant.This fully testifies to the indestructible strength of thisindependent national spirit of the Chinese people.摘自前国家主席江泽民1997年于美国哈佛大学的演讲1999年华东师范大学英语翻译考研真题及详解.Translate

22、 the following passage into Chinese.The selection is theopening part of“Dr Arnold”,an essay in English writer Lytton Stracheysclassic Eminent Victorians(1918).Some notes have been provided blow thepassage in your aid.The public schools of those days were still virgin forests,untouched bythe hand of

23、reform.Keate was still reigning at Eton;and we possess,in therecords of his pupils,a picture of the public school education of the earlynineteenth century,in its most characteristic state.It was a system of anarchytempered by despotism.Hundreds of boys,herded together in miscellaneousboarding-houses

24、,or in that grim“Long chamber”at whose name in afteryears aged statesmen and warriors would turn pale,livid,badgered and over-awed by the furious incursions of an irascible little old man carrying a bundleof birch-twigs,a life in which licensed barbarism was mingled with the dailyand hourly study of

25、 the niceties of Ovidian verse.It was a life of freedom andterror,of prosody and rebellion,of interminable floggings and appallingpractical jokes.Keate ruled,unaidedfor the under-masters were few and ofno accountby sheer force of character.But there were times when even thatindomitable will was over

26、whelmed by the flood of lawlessness.EverySunday afternoon he attempted to read sermons to the whole schoolassembled;and every Sunday afternoon the whole school assembled shoutedhim down.From two sides,this system of education was beginning to be assailedby the awakening public opinion of the upper m

27、iddle classes.On the onehand,there was a desire for a more liberal curriculum;on the other,there wasa desire for a higher moral tone.The growing utilitarianism of the age viewedwith impatience a course of instruction which excluded every branch ofknowledge except classical philology;while its growin

28、g respectability wasshocked by such a spectacle of disorder and brutality as was afforded by theEton of Keate.“The Public Schools,”said the Rev.Mr.Bowdler,“are thevery seats and nurseries of vice.”Dr.Arnold agreed.He was convinced of the necessity,for reform.But itwas only natural that to one of his

29、 temperament and education it should havebeen the moral rather than the intellectual side of the question whichimpressed itself upon his mind.Doubtless it was important to teach boyssomething more than the bleak rigidities of the ancient tongues;but howmuch more important to instill into them the el

30、ements of character and theprinciples of conduct!His great object,throughout his career at Rugby,was,as he repeatedly said,to“make the school a place of really Christianeducation.”To introduce“a religious principle into education,”was his“mostearnest wish,”he wrote to a friend when he first became h

31、eadmaster;“but todo this would be to succeed beyond all my hopes;it would be a happiness sogreat,that,I think,the world would yield me nothing comparable to it.”Andhe was constantly impressing these sentiments upon his pupils.“What I haveoften said before,”he told them,“I repeat now:what we must loo

32、k for hereis,first,religious and moral principle;secondly,gentlemanly conduct;thirdly,intellectual ability.”Notes:1.Dr Arnold:Thomas Arnold,headmaster of Rugby School,one of thefour best-known public schools in England in the 19th century,the otherthree being Eton,Winchester,and Harrow2.Keate:John K

33、eate,headmaster of Eton College3.Ovidian verse:poems written by ancient Roman poet Ovid(43 BC17/18 AD)4.prosody:the study of patterns of sounds and beats in poetry【参考译文】那时的公立学校仍然是原始森林,没有受到改革的影响,基特仍然统治着伊顿公学。我们在他的学生的记录中,找到了19世纪早期公立学校教育的一张照片,19世纪的公学是最典型的,即专制统治下的无政府状态。数百个男孩他们成群居住在各种寄宿宿舍,或冷酷无情的“长屋”,多年之后那



36、;“但要做到这一点,就要超越我所有的希望,这将是一种幸福,我认为,这个世界将不会给我带来任何与之相媲美的东西。”他不断地给他的学生们留下这样的印象。“我以前常说的,”他说,“我现在再重复一遍:我们必须寻找的东西是,第一,宗教和道德原则;其次,绅士的行为;第三,智力的能力。”摘自贾尔斯李顿斯特雷奇阿诺德博士.Translate the following Chinese passage into English.A few notesare given below the passage for your reference.我是1934年开始搞英译杜诗的,当时我正在美国加州大学学习。1933年


38、美两民族的友谊;CE诺顿把神曲译成现代英语散文,尽管很忠实于原著的语言,但是不能代替哈佛大学诗人郎弗罗的译诗,因为后者作为诗人和学者使用两种语言的配合,使他的译作成为不朽的译著。这些考虑使我想到要把杜甫的诗译成英诗。我从加州大学图书馆借阅了所有各家的英译唐诗,以便得到前笔的帮助。结果使我失望。外国学者对八世纪中国语言的误解和歪曲是难免的,一个外国人要入门中国古代语言是太困难了。这项工作应该由中国人自己来完成。我利用上课和工作之余的晚上,选译杜诗。但是这时由于工作过渡劳累和紧张,我病倒了,进疗养院。这时我丢失了杜诗的译稿。注:1.杰姆斯罗塞尔罗威尔:James Russell Lowell(18

39、19l891),American poet2.汉尼维特斯维斯郎弗罗:Henry Wadsworth Longfellow(18071882),American poet3.但丁的神曲:Dantes Divine Comedy4.CE诺顿:Charles Eliot Norton(18271908),American writer5.疗养院:sanatorium【参考译文】I began to translate Du Fus poetry into English in 1934,when I wasstudying at the University of California in the

40、 United States.After I receivedmy masters degree in English language and literature in 1933,the financialaid of the government of Guangdong Province ceased.In order to study for adoctorate,I have to come to Chinatown to teach Chinese to overseasChineses children.At that time,China was suffering from

41、 Japanese aggression and peoplewere displaced.When a country is invaded by an enemy,it needs not only thenational consensus,but also the understanding and support of the worldpeople.I felt that I had the responsibility to use my English to serve themotherland and the people.When I came to the United

42、 States in 1931,I found that for mostAmericans,ancient China was like a book that had not been opened andmodern China was a mystery.I thought that after being recognized as aBritish national poet,Shakespeare had promoted mutual understandingbetween people in the new era and the old times through his

43、 work.When thedispute over slavery in the United States occurred,the poem of James RussellLowell caused the British peoples sympathy for the liberation of the slaves.Henry Wadsworth Longfellow translated Dantes Divine Comedy intoEnglish poetry and promoted the friendship between the two peoples of I

44、talyand the United States.Charles Eliot Norton translated Dantes DivineComedy into English prose,but did not take the place of Harvard poetLongfellows poetry translation,for the latter,as a poet and scholar,coordinated the two languages and made his translation become an immortalwork.These considera

45、tions made me think of translating Du Fus poems intoEnglish poetry.I borrowed all the English translation of Tang poems from theuniversity of California library to get help from my predecessors.But theresult was disappointing.It was unavoidable for foreign scholars tomisunderstand and distort the Ch

46、inese language in eighth century.It was toodifficult for a foreigner to understand the ancient Chinese language.The workshould be done by the Chinese themselves.I took advantage of the rest ofclass and work to select some poems of Du Fu to translate.But I fell ill andwent to the sanatorium because o

47、f the job transition and tension.At this timeI lost the draft translation of Du Fus poems.2000年华东师范大学翻译考研真题及详解.Translate the following two passages into Chinese.They areextracted from The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich:A History of NaziGermany written by William L.Shirer,a well-known American jour

48、nalist.(50%)(1)Now with the enemy at the gates,the Nazi leaders bestirred themselves.Boys between fifteen and eighteen and men between fifty and sixty werecalled to the colors.Universities and high schools,offices and factories,werecombed for recruits.In September and October 1944 a half-million men

49、 werefound for the Army.But no provision was made to replace them in thefactories and offices by women,and Albert Speer(艾伯特斯佩尔),theMinister for Armament and War Production,protested to Hitler that thedrafting of skilled workers was seriously affecting the output of arms.Not since Napoleonic times ha

50、d German soldiers been forced to defendthe sacred soil of the Fatherland.All the subsequent wars,Prussias andGermanys,had been fought onand had devastatedthe soil of otherpeoples.【参考译文】现在兵临城下,纳粹头目们才着了慌。15岁至18岁的男孩,50岁至60岁的成年男人都被征募入伍。大学、高等学校、办公室和工厂都在招募新兵。1944年9月和10月,有50万男性参军。但是,没有规定妇女在工厂和办公室里更换入伍的劳动力。

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