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上传人:快乐****生活 文档编号:3063341 上传时间:2024-06-14 格式:DOCX 页数:1 大小:62.48KB
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1、 六年级英语上册 The story of rain姓名 班级句子练习1.A: ? B:Miss Li cleans street. 2.A: ? B:Miss Chen sells things 3.A:Where does Sally come from? B: (美国) 4.A:Where does the rain come from? B: 5A:Where does the snow come from? B: . 6A:Where are you going,little water drop B: (天空) 7A: ? B:My father is a doctor. 8A:W

2、hat is she? B: (护士) 9A:What does your mother do? B: (工人) 10A: ? B:I like summer best. 11A:What can you see in the picture? B: (小溪) 12A:Can the vapour become the clouds? B: 13A: ? B:I go to the park 2:oo p.m. 14A:What is the cleaner doing? B: 15A:Where does the vapour come from? B: 16A:Where does the

3、 rain come from? B: 17A:Where does the cloud come from? B: 18A:can the water become vapour? B: 19Ahow many flowers are there? B: (十朵) 20A:Are there any trees near the road? B: (肯答) 21.A:What does the saleswoman often do? B: 22A: ? B:I am from China. 23.A: ? B:I come from Dong Guan. 24.A: ? B:I can s

4、ee two birds,a river and trees. 25A:How can the water in thestream become vapour B: 26A: ? B:I am watering the flowers. 27A: ? B:No,I can see a sprout. 28A: ? B:Its sunny and cool. 29.A: ? B:My uncle is tall and active. 30A: ? B:My uncle likes swimming. 31A: ? B:The boy is from Shilong. 32A:Does the vapour become the clouds? B: 33A: ? B: I am little Water Drop. 34A: ? B:I like drawing pictures. 35A:Are you going to visit grandparents? B:Yes, 36A: ? B:Yes, I go to school on foot.20 20

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