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1、Unit 1Unit 1第1页Welcome to the unitUnit 1 Getting along with others第2页Have you even seen this movie?If you saw it before,can you tell others what it is about?第3页 What a true friend should be like?Discussion第4页Almost everyone wants to make friends and develop friendships with others.Look at the follow

2、ing illustrations and read the proverb under each one.Speaking第5页Friends are t_ of time.It means that when s_ with a good friend,we feel happy and r_ and almost forget the e_ of time.hievestayingelaxedxistence第6页The best m_ is an old friend.It means that an old friend k_ you very well.He/She can hel

3、p point out your a_ and d_.irrornowsdvantagesisadvantages第7页If you can buy a persons friendship,it is not w_ having.It means that true friendship is p_.It is i_ for a person to buy it with money.It is b_ on t_,respect,l_,s_ feelings and so on.orthricelessmpossibleasedrustoyaltyhared第8页True friends h

4、ave hearts that b_ as one.It means true friends are willing to share their h_ and s_ with each other.eatappinessorrow第9页1.Do you have a best friend?Why do you think that he or she is your best friend?2.How do you get on with your friend(s)?How do you help each other when you have problems?Group-Disc

5、ussion第10页3.Does a friend always have to a person?What else can be your friend?Why?4.List some qualities of a person who does not make friends easily.第11页Story tellingTell a story what happened between you and your best friend.第12页WHAT IS FRIENDSHIP?I want to find the answer to the questionwhat is f

6、riendship?When it rains,I think friendship is a small u_.It can give me a piece of clear sky.When I am crying,I think friendship is a white h_.It can wipe my tears dry.Poem appreciation mbrellaankerchief第13页When I am sad,I think friendship is a w_ word.It can bring me happiness again.When I am in trouble,I think friendship is a s_ hand.It can help me escape my troubles.armtrong第14页When I sit in a quiet place,I think friendship is a very wonderful feeling.It can not be pulled and torn,because it is in everyones heart.It is there-from the b_ to the e_ of our lives.eginningnd第15页CC第16页

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