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1、Chapter 18 Task-Based Language Teaching任务型教学法第1页BackgroundTask-Based Language Teaching(TBLT)refers to an approach based on the use of tasks as the core unit of planning and instruction in language teaching.It is presented as a logical development of CLT since it draws on several principles that form

2、ed part of the CLT movement from the 1980s.E.g.1.Activities that involve real communication are essential for language learning.2.Activities in which language is used for carrying out meaningful tasks promote learning.3.Language that is meaningful to the learner supports the learning process.第2页Back

3、groundTasks are proposed as useful vehicles for applying these principles.Early applications of this approach in Malaysian and Bangalore(班加罗尔,印度南部城市)Projects were short lived,but the role of tasks received further support from research of SLA,without much evidence of success in grammar-focused teach

4、ing activities.Engaging learners in task work provides a better context for the activation of learning processes than form-focused activities,and hence ultimately provides better opportunities for LL to take place.LL is believed to depend on immersing ss not merely in“comprehensible input”but in tas

5、ks that require them to negotiate meaning and engage in naturalistic and meaningful communication.第3页BackgroundBecause of its links to CLT methodology and support from SLA theorists,TBLT has gained considerable attention within applied linguistics,though there have been few large-scale practical app

6、lications of it and little documentation concerning its implications or effectiveness as a basis for syllabus design,materials development,and classroom teaching.第4页Key assumptions of task-based instructionThe focus is on process rather than product.Basic elements are purposeful activities and tasks

7、 that emphasize communication and meaning.Learners learn language by interacting communicatively and purposefully while engaged in the activities and tasks.Activities and tasks can be either:those that learners might need to achieve in real life;those that have a pedagogical purpose specific to the

8、classroom.Activities and tasks of a task-based syllabus are sequenced according to difficulty.The difficulty of a task depends on a range of factors including the previous experience of the learner,the complexity of the task,the language required to undertake the task,and the degree of support avail

9、able.第5页The notion of“task”The notion of“task”is as a central unit of planning and teaching.It is an activity or goal that is carried out using language,such as finding a solution to a puzzle,reading a map and giving directions,making a telephone call,writing a letter,or reading a set of instruction

10、s and assembling a toy:Tasks are activities which have meaning as their primary focus.Success in tasks I evaluated in terms of achievement of an outcome,and tasks generally bear some resemblance to real-life language use.So task-based instruction takes a fairly strong view of communicative language

11、teaching.The concept of task first appeared in the vocational training practices of the 1950s,focusing on training design concerns of the military regarding new technologies and specialties.第6页Task analysisAs in manual tasks,a similar process of task analysis is needed in curriculum approach,with th

12、e following concerns:Analysis of real-world task-use situationsThe translation of these into teaching tasks descriptionsThe detailed design of instructional tasksThe sequencing of instructional tasks in classroom training/teaching第7页Task analysisThe attention of task analysis and instructional desig

13、n have turned from solo job performance on manual tasks to team tasks,for which communication is required.There are 4 major categories of team performance function:Orientation functions(定位功效)Organizational functions(组织功效)Adaptation functions(适应功效)Motivational functions(动力功效)第8页Approach:Theory of lan

14、guageThough TBLT is primarily motivated by a theory of learning,several assumptions about the nature of language underlie approaches to TBLT:Language is primarily a means of making meaning:the central role of meaning in L use;meaning is primary the assessment of the task is in terms of outcome.Multi

15、ple models of language inform TBI,which draws on structural,functional,and interactional models of language.Lexical units are central in language use and language learning:vocabulary here includes the consideration of lexical phrases,sentence stems,prefabricated routines,and collocations.“Conversati

16、on”is the central focus of language and the keystone of language acquisition:the majority of tasks proposed within TBLT involve conversation that draw on the Ls available linguistic and communicative resources.第9页Approach:Theory of learningTBI shares the general assumptions about the nature of LL un

17、derlying CLT.Some of the principles play a central role in TBLT:Tasks provide both the input and output processing necessary for language acquisition:Krashen has long insisted that comprehensible input is the one necessary criterion for successful LA,and others argued that productive output is also

18、critical for adequate L2 development.Task activity and achievement are motivational:Tasks can improve learner motivation and promote learning.Learning difficulty can be negotiated and fine-tuned for particular pedagogical purpose:specific tasks can be designed to facilitate the use and learning of p

19、articular aspects of language.第10页Design:ObjectivesGoals in TBLT are ideally to be determined by the specific needs of particular learners.E.g.The English Language Syllabus in Schools Malaysian describes the broad goal of giving all Malaysian secondary school learnersThe ability to communicate accur

20、ately and effectively in the most common English language activities they may be involved in.第11页Design:The syllabusProponents of TBLT are concerned with the process dimensions of learning than with the specific content and skills that might be acquired through the use of their processes.So,TBLT syl

21、labus specifies the tasks that should be carried out by learners:Real-world tasks:design to practice or rehearse those tasks that are found to be important in a needs analysis and useful in the real world.Pedagogical tasks:a psycholinguistic basis in SLA theory and research but do not necessarily re

22、flect real-world tasks.In some programs,both types of tasks were used,but in other cases,representative real-world tasks are grouped according to themes.So,besides selecting tasks,a syllabus has to determine the ordering of tasks,considering task difficulty.第12页Design:Types of learning and teaching

23、activitiesTypes of L&T activities in TBLT are determined by types of tasks.There are many descriptions of basic task types of appropriate classroom activities:A task is“an activity which requires Ls to arrive at an outcome from given information through some process of thought,and which allows Ts to

24、 control and regulate that process”.A task is“a piece of work or an activity,usually with a specified objective,undertaken as a part of an educational course,at work,or used to elicit data for research”.Accordingly,task types are grouped:listing;ordering;comparing;problem solving;sharing personal ex

25、periences;and creative tasks.Or:jigsaw;information-gap;decision-making;and opinion exchange.Or some others.第13页Design:Learner rolesA number of roles for learners are assumed in current proposals for TBI.The primary roles are:Group participant:whole class and/or individual;in pairs or small groupsMon

26、itor:tasks and activities are designed for ss to notice how L is used in communication.Risk-taker and innovator:ss are to create and interpret messages by restating,paraphrasing,using paralinguistic signals,guessing from contextual clues,asking for clarification,and consulting with other ss etc.第14页

27、Design:Teacher rolesRoles for teachers in TBI include:Selector and sequencer of tasks:selecting,adapting,and/or creating the tasks and forming them into an instructional sequence.Preparing learners for tasks:learners should not to into new tasks“cold”and pre-task preparation or cuing is important.Co

28、nsciousness-raising:employing a variety of form-focusing techniques,including attention-focusing activities,text exploration,guided exposure to parallel tasks,and use of highlighted material to lead ss to notice critical features of the language they use and hear.第15页Design:The role of materialsPeda

29、gogic materials:Instructional materials depend on appropriate classroom tasks and are limited by the imagination of the task designer,who creates teacher resource books and textbook form for ss use.Realia:authentic tasks are supported by authentic materials as the following:NewspapersTelevisionInter

30、net第16页ProcedureThe way in which task activities are designed into an instructional bloc are shown in several examples:Pre-task activities:ss take part in preliminary activity introducing the topic,situation and“script”,then read a dialogue on a related topic.Task activity:ss perform a role play,wor

31、k in pairs to perform the task.Post-task activities:ss listen to recordings and compare the differences between第17页ConclusionTasks have long been used in LT techniques by Ts of many situations and the pedagogical values of employing tasks are still enjoyed for promoting communication and L use.TBLT,

32、however,offers a different rationale for the use of tasks as well as different criteria for the design and use of tasks.It is the dependence on tasks as the primary source of pedagogical input in teaching and the absence of a systematic grammatical or other type of syllabus that characterizes current versions of TBLT,and that distinguishes it from the use of tasks in other approaches as in CBLT.Many aspects of TBLT have yet to be justified,such as proposed schemes for t types,t sequencing,and evaluation of t performance.第18页

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