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1、Working in GroupsUnit 9 Communication第1页学习目标1.To talk about individual work and group work.2.To learn about expressions about giving suggestions.3.To learn about how to help others in a group work.4.To realize the necessity of communication in a group work.第2页Warming upIndividual work PK work in gro

2、upsWrite down the word that has“th”in it,Such as think,that,mouth.Who has the more words,work by yourself or work in groups?vs第3页 Warming upDo you like group work?What can you do to help your group work well together?第4页Fast-reading1.The group is working slowly.Yi Han wants to solve the problem.What

3、 does she do?Tell the teacher.Talk to Li Tian.Read the lesson and tick the correct answers.第5页Reading 2.Li Tian has some difficulties.What are they?He doesnt want to be in the group.He doesnt want to do something stupid.3.Knowing Yi Han decides to help him,what will Li Tian do?He will try hard to do

4、 his part.He think its not fair to do his part.第6页Retelling 1.Who is the leader of the group?2.What are her problems?3.Did Yi Han tell Ms.Liu about these problems?4.What did she decide to do?5.What can you learn from Yi Han?Retell the text.The questions below may help you.第7页Language points1.confide

5、nt&confidenceconfident 形容词,“自信、有信心”,be confident of 表示“对有信心”。confidence不可数名词,“信心”;短语have confidence in 表示“对有信心”。第8页Language points2.She is not looking forward to working with her group because a boy named Li Tian is always absent from the group meetings.look forward to意为“期待、希望”,后加名词、代词、动名词。named Li

6、Tian 是过去分词短语作定语,修饰前面名词boy。be absent from 意为“缺席”。第9页Language points3.Yi Han considers telling Ms.Liu about these problems.伊涵考虑把这些问题告诉刘女士.consider doing sth.意为“考虑做某事”,动词consider 后动词要用动名词形式,也可加宾语从句。第10页Practice1.Dont miss“Gardening with Mary”on Saturday afternoons.Mary Green will share her rose growing

7、 _ with you.2.Cathy _ school because she had a bad headache.secretswas absent fromFill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words or phrases in the box.so far trouble be absent from secret look forward to第11页Practice3.I wrote a letter to Rose.Im _ her reply.4.How is your second-hand laptop?_,

8、so good.5.He always gets himself into _ by doing things carelessly.look forwarding toSo fartrouble第12页DiscussionHave you ever had any problems while working in a group?How did you solve them?Does communication play an important role?Discuss it in your group.第13页Group workShow your group to us and le

9、t us know you well!1.Whats the name of your group?2.Who is the leader of your group?3.Who is good at making a speech?4.Who is quick-minded?5.What are the problems of your group?6.What are your group dreams?第14页Exercise 用括号中所给词语适当形式填空。1.Who is the _(lead)of this group?2.Danny,why are you _(absence)again?3.You must have _(confident)in yourself from now on.4.How about _(share)your room with me?5.Does she _(real)her mistakes?leaderabsentconfidencesharingrealize第15页Homework1.Draw a poster of your group.2.Writing:My group.第16页Thank You第17页

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